Jan 31, 2003

discover what candy you are @ stvlive.com

dammit. now im hungry.

discover your inner candy heart @ stvlive.com

ya, well, currently, valentines day SUCKS. so there.


You give your love and friendship unconditionaly. You enjoy long, thoughful conversations rich in philosophy and spirituality. You are very loyal and intuitive.

Find out your color at Stvlive.com!

im in a bad mood. leave me alone.
DIE, dammit

Ok, I'm gonna make this brief, and to the point.


He sucks. He rejects me, he makes a move on me, he doesnt talk to me, he rejects me a again. The heartless jerk. Luca was right when he yelled "You filthy jerk!!" after him when he went away. I swear I'm not speaking to him all week...or month...and right during VALENTINES DAY!! We're like a week away from the dance!! ARG!! JERK JERK JERK JERK!!

Jan 30, 2003


In place of a dark lord you shall have a QUEEN!! Not dark, but BEAUTIFUL, and TERRIBLE as the DAWN!!!! TREACHEROUS as the SEA!! STRONGER than the FOUNDATIONS of the EARTH!! all shall love me and despair!!!

~Psycho Granny Galads~

*pant, breath, gasp* I hate this!!! I hate boys, I hate life!! Stupid, stupid Alex!! He's sooo nice to me, then he stops talking to me, then he's a jerk, then he talks to me again, and NOW HE'S ALL QUIET AGAIN!!! I wanna ask him to the dance-thingy, so 9 (Wess) offered to help. She went up to him, and told him that if he didn't want to go as my date, he could at least dance with me, and it didn't have to be a slow dance. And he just SHRUGGED!! Or something like that. Isn't that LAME???? And I told Wess that if he's too uncomfortable talking to her, he can come straight to me!! :(
I haven't exactly got a straight answer but I do want a yes or no by the end of the week, or beggining of next. He said "Maybe" which is most likely going to be a no in terms of as my date, but maybe he'll dance with me.
Goody-goody gum drops!! *what?* I'm making a test on which character from the "Juicy's World" comic strips are you? It's gonna be soo cute!! (OMG I'm starting not to sound like a Nazgul..I'm going soft...all because of Alex...ARG!! I will conguer you!! I will own you!!
Anyway, here's another little test thingy I did on the net while I had a break off hunting for Halflings:
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz

ooooooooooooooooook then...........

Jan 29, 2003

What kind of band geek are you?

Speaking of band, I have band tomorrow. Crap. Where's my music.... ah yes!! The National Anthem of Mordor!!
It the Cold

There is a long story behind "It" the Cold, and I shall now bore you and tell you.

8, Alex, Ali Baba, or whatever you wanna call him, has been nicknamed "It" ever since a fellow wraith of mine got mad at him for not asking me out. "The Cold" is apparently a title 6 (Dia) came up with.
Anyway, I'm not really surprised he's the Cold. He has the most beautiful green eyes under that sexy dark hood of his, but they're so ... spooky!! Even for a Nazgul, dammit!! I still luv him though. And now that were sorta friends and I'm talking to him again.... it's wonderful to see all the coldness leave his eyes, and they become so CUTE!! *melts into a pile of mush* I may be an evil, moody Nazgul, but dammit, I'M STILL A HELPLESS ROMANTIC!!!!
Anyway, I'm thinking about asking him to the mushy, lovy-dovy dance thingy there...what's it called...oh yeah. Valentine's. So, I'm either gonna get Wess to do it for me, or send him a letter by MordorMail. Or just ask him for a dance or something.
Anyway, I'm off to do Common Speech homework (it's gonna take SO LONG!) and get my stuff together since tomorrow is Fencing lessons and "Physical Activity". Though I don't know why they call it physical activity since were just ghost-things in robes. Oh well.


Jan 28, 2003


Excuse me while I go back to being evil.


Boredom extrodinair

Just lounging around, waiting to go to "The Art of Evil Performance" class. Got bored and did some quizzes.
What swear word are you?

brought to you by Quizilla
Hmm. Asshole....not bad...but I rarely say that. I prefer Goddammit or just dammit. ^____^

What Type of Villain are You?

mutedfaith.com /

DUH I'm a villain. I don't need to know what KIND. I'm evil. That's all. AND I WANNA RULE THE NAZGUL, GODDAMMIT!!!

How will you destroy the world?

brought to you by Quizilla
bullshit!! I wanted the one where I'm gonna enslave the human race, dammit! Oh well, it's good enough I guess.

Who is your Middle Earth Man?

brought to you by Quizilla
MMMMM......yummy Halflings.......We luvs them preciouss....yes we do...almost as much as we loves 8....

Take the quiz at 43.timidity.org!
I'm no king, but I wanna be the Witch-Queen of Angmar! ^___^

What amusing cast moment from FotR: The Extended Edition DVD are you?

brought to you by Quizilla
I LOVE TIG!! IT'S INGENIOUS! IT'S THE GAME OF THE NEW MILLENIUM!!! It's the best in the whole wide world!! ^__^


Ugh. I so DON'T wanna do my homework. I can't figure out anything from Strategic War Calculations class so I'm gonna get it from Wess tomorrow. I can't find anything for Religious Studies of Evil either (but it don't really matter cuz I failed that subject anyway, with a wonderful 55%) and I seriously don't feel like doing that stupid assignment for Common Speech enriched.
I live in 50 feet of black fabric, goddammit!! I need a break!! (im very moody today)

Arg. Bad day.

Not the greatest day in history. I didn't get to see 8 at all, and Witch-Queen and 7 have come back from their stupid mission. No luck, though, so they got shit from Sauron, which I got great pleasure in watching. Heir of Isildur still causing mishap in West, though, which could give us problems.

Nazgul Academy is booooooring. SOOOOO much homework. I mean, we're Nazgul, goddammit!! I have things to do besides study! And I stil don't know how tall Mount Doom is ARG!!
A good thing is that tomorrow we have Black Speech of Mordor post immersion 2nd period, and that's when all the kiddies and Ringwraiths-in-training are coming to visit from Morgulview (the school I graduated from *proud look*) and Murky (3) will have a fun time torturing her fav little Ringwraith who she claims looks like a Halfling. No wonder she likes to torture him.

I'm Rose Gamgee!

Which of Sam Gamgee's kids are you?

Uh-huh. And WHEN, can I ask, did I become one of the fat hobbit's little brats? Oh well. It's something to do yourself if you're bored.

I'm off to calculate how long my sword is and how many orcs I can kill before it becomes to filthy to swing.


just checking my new template is working ^____^

I LUV U 8!!!!!


Ah, shite. I forgot to do my stupid Geo of Middle Earth homework. But how the hell are we supposed to know how tall Mount Doom is?! I just visit there, dammit. I don't freaking live there.
Got a status report from Witch-Queen. Heir of Isildur causing trouble in the West. Witch-Queen is taking 7 along to see if they can fly off with his she-elf and maybe lure him over. Hopefully, neither of them will come back. I don't much care for the Witch-Queen. Nor for 7 that much, but anyway. I've got my fingers crossed they navigate into a storm or are eaten by flying Wargs. Either would suite me. ^___^

I dun wanna go to school, im a nazgul, goddammit!!

See?! Even we evil ghosts wrapped in fifty feet of black fabric have to be educated. I mean, just because I'm not the Witch-Queen of Angmar doesn't mean I'm stupid... *grumble* Let's see what I have today .... "The Visual Art of War" fist period, then "Strategic Caculations for Nazguls" 2nd, then "Common Speech enriched" 3rd, and finally "The Geography of Middle-Earth". This day totally sucks. I don't have "Black Speech of Mordor, post immersion". That's like the best class. Cuz 8 is in it ^___^

Take the What Color Dragon Should You Ride? Quiz

Made By: myway and teza

Oi. Doesn't it suck that I'm stuck with massive black felled-beast that reeks of death? And he's so freaking loud I can't hear myself shriek. Oh well, I still wuv Squeaken *cuddles Squeaken. Squeaken squirms* Anyway, I'm off.

Jan 27, 2003


Took Squeaken out for a ride today (Squeaken is my winged fell-beast) and spotted some Halflings and some skulking creature by the Dead Marshes. Was too hungry to investigate so headed back to Barad-dur. Hope Sauron won't be mad. Maybe they'll fall in the swamp or something.

SCREECH. stupid wraiths....

Stupid fellow wraiths. always getting in my way. screech. maybe i should introduce them:

fellow nazgul:

Ringwraith 2: the funny one, a.k.a the one with it's head on fire, a.k.a Juicy (Jay) (we have names too, you know. not just numbers)

Ringwraith 3: short one, also known as the annoying one, a.k.a Murky.

Ringwraith 8: shy one with the very spooky eyes and haunting gaze, a.k.a. Ali Baba, a.k.a Alex, a.k.a. It.

Ringwraith 9: the sweet one, a.k.a. Wess

These are my chief Ringwraith friend. The rest are just...there. *huff*

Did I mention 8 is hot? Oh. My. God. I he ever. *blos kisses to 8*

8: *grimace*
me: *giggle*
A Ringwraith needs a life, my god. I'm such a loser I'm posting again 45 seconds later.

I'm a Dork, hear me roar.

Or in this case, I'm a Nazgul, hear me hiss.

I'm Ringwraith 5, hear me SCREECH.

I'll give you ten bucks and lordship over Minus Morgul for a week - if you can shut me up. ^____^

Damn you 9, those Orcs were mine. I reserved them for torture.
Nine: *sticks tongue out*
Me: *grumble*


Hi and wlecome to my blog. I am Nazgul (Ringwraith) #5 you can also call me Ciudi.
Some things you should know about me:

First name: Ringwraith (Ciudi)
Middle name: Nazgul
Last name: Five
Hobbies: Lounging in Mordor, riding, scaring the pee out of little halfings
Occupation: Servant of Sauron
Favorite movie: Lord of the Rings
Favorite character: Me (duh)

That's all I can think of.

Which Ringwraith are You?
By Lisa

Also known as the screechy one. Hence the SCREEEEECH.
