Jun 30, 2003

Hmm... I was sure I was likely to be a serial killer...

Well, I don't have an LJ, but I blog nonetheless, so this is what "Ryou" means:

Magic Number13
TemperamentCool And Calm
SexualIf I Have To
Likely To WinThe Wrath Of My Peers
Me - In A WordStartling
Brought to you by MemeJack

It's very much me (even though temperment would've probably been better as "What you lookin' at?") and I don't particularly fancy that color. Dunno if I'll be a singer.. meh. was fun though. Multiple personality is just perfect, both for Smeeeagol and Ryou/Yami B. Oh, and here's Yami Bakura's results:

yami bakura
Magic Number14
JobLeader of the Free World
TemperamentIf I Lose It - Run
Likely To WinThe World Cup
Me - In A WordBeautiful
Brought to you by MemeJack

Is that not Yami Bakura at his finest?
Happy b-day Vero-chan

Quote of the Day: "Today is my onehundredandeleventh birthday!!"
~~13th, actually, vero..~~

music: The Forbidden Pool ~ ttt soundtrack

'Tis Vero's birthday. Yay. She's having a pool party on friday, and I'm going. We tried to get together otday, but it didn't work, so I guess we're settling for friday. I've wasted all my energy trying to write an episode (got pretty far though, finishing it tomorrow and posting it), but I did do an online test I would like to post, and I hope it works.

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Fifth Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Low
Level 2 (Lustful)Low
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Low
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Very Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Very High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Low
Level 7 (Violent)Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Moderate

Take the Dante Inferno Hell Test

Right..okay... Wrathful and Gloomy... that could apply ...dark, is more like it... violent, not really, just a bit of a temper... fradulent, not really... malicious.. yes, preciousss.. *evil glint in eye* (blame it on the yami) panderer i could not find in the dictionnary... and treacherous, once again, the yami.


Jun 29, 2003

Mommy! The fruit place is right there! Where are we?

music: Rap Game ~ d12 feat eminem, 50 cent, and some otha dudes

Pretty decent day. We went out around midday downtown with intentions to visit the Jazz Fest, but couldn't find parking, so settled for the Old Port. We walked around, got a Queue de Castor (haven't had one in AGES) and finished up some marauder sketches(I have one of Sirius where GOD HE LOOKS DAMN FINE). ^__^

We hung out, then met my aunt, and did end up going down to the festival area. Pretty cool. I wanted some FRIES (they have a good frie place) we couldn't. Ooooh well. Kay, now I'm losing my consentration....

Oh yeah, and we might go on vacation. Dominincan Republic area, maybe. Never been. Been to Cuba, purty like hell, but this would be fun. If it's too expensive, then somewhere like Boston. Hell, good enough for me. That city rocks.


Gonna go watch Law and Order now. I watch that sometimes, and depending on what version it is, I'll either be asleep or drawing halfway through. My fav is Special Victims unit, cuz the lead girl detective looks exactly like my aunt. Exactly. Criminal Intent keeps me alert halfway through or so, but that's it. Unless it's an interesting case. The original Law and Order, I'll probably be playin my GBA halfway through or when it begins. S'all very inerestin' though. *nods*


mischief managed!
You couldn't come close on mah worst day.

Quote of the Day: "You don't have any friends! Nobody likes YOU.
~~Smeagol's got the worst case of low self-esteem I've ever seen~~

music: U Wanna Be Me ~ nas

u just wanna be me
u cant
u faggot
u bitch
u coward
u clown
u just wanna be down

so u wanna be me
u bitch
u phoney
u croney
u wanna be me son
im the one and only

but u wanna be me
u suckers
u weak
u flunkies
u fake
u couldnt come close
on mah worse day

Yeeeah... I just got my hands on the 8 Mile soundtrack and I'm having a field day with it. I'm thrilled cuz it's got "Wanksta" by 50 cent, which is one of my fav songs from them. U Wanna Be Me is one of my fav songs too (it's rude as hell, though) as well as Battle, Rabbit Run, Adrenaline Rush, and Rap Game.

In the gaming world, I one the championship in EDS. Huzzah. That meant I got my hands on one of every single card available in the game, and that includes the Kami no Kaados. What is a source of constant frustration is the fact they won't let me use them. Not Ra, Osiris or Obelisk. I mean, now that I've got them, I wanna freakin' use them, right? C'mon people.

I have, however, made a thouroughly unbeatable deck. It's a beatdown deck; none of my monsters have an attack lower than 1800 except Man-Eater Bug and Cyber-Stein (which is used to summon my most poerful monster, BEUD).

um...warning...bad language (and pig latin) ahead:

this be my fav verse from Rap Game

That I won't go up in the Oval Office right now
And flip whatever ain't tied down upside down
I'm all for America, fuck the government
Tell that C. Delores Tucker slut to suck a dick
Motherfuck ducked, what the fuck? son of a bitch
Take away my gun, I'm gonna tuck some other shit
Can't tell me shit about the tricks of this trade
Switchblade, with a little switch to switch blades
And switch from a six to a sixteen inch blade
Shit's like a samurai sword or sensai
Shit just don't change to this day
I'm this way, still tell that utsl-ay itchb-ay
Ucks-ay my ikcd-ay, 'scuse my igp-ay atinl-ay
But uckf-ay you igp-ay

Jun 27, 2003

Mr Moony compliments you on your nerve to wear THAT in public!

Quote of the Day: "Concealed within his pants, the Lord of Mordor sees... all."
~~I'm SORRY, i couldn't HELP MYSELF ^___^~~


Finished! I've finished one of my Marauder fics. It's not the Lupin one (I've put it aside for now, major writers block) but I made another one. It's short, sweet, and to the point ^.^. The Marauders are in second year and it's the night before the Quidditch tryouts. James, Sirius, and Remus discuss James' chances at making the team. Will be up at ff.net with the three others I'm woking on when they are finished. Unfortuantly, Blogger is being evil and will not let me post it, saying it's "too big." God I miss the old Blogger. This is getting really irritating. Why didn't they only distribute it to the grand public when it was rid of glitches? I guess I'll post the thing later.

* * *

Jun 26, 2003

*pokes around* well, THIS is interesting....

New blogger is interesting but going to take a HELLUVA long time to get used to. The templates suck, but whatever, and the new editing area is like... *falls off chair* but it's still okay. At least a bit more decorative then its predecessor.

Here's yesterday's post, when Blogger was not working:


Oh, Ra, no, no, please - NOT THE EYBALL! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

music: Hedwig’s Theme ~ hp soundtrack

Just finished watching dub part 2 of YM vs YB. Not too bad. I have become a rather ferocious dub hater, but this one was tolerable, only because YB is the cutest thing ever.

YB: *comes limping in* Ow…oh, Ra, oh, it burns, it burns….

Me: If I didn’t no better, I’d think you were going to finish that off with an “it burns, it freezes, it bites - nassssty elves twisted it, take it off usss”.

YB: -___- Smeagol’s THAT way.

Me: Right. Why are you, spirit who constantly inflicts pain on self and whose been dead for a good zillion years, might I ask, in pain?

YB: Didn’t you see my Duel Disk when Ra was summoned from the graveyard? The think was on FIRE.. my arm was scorched…

Me: You didn’t HAVE much of an arm right then.

YB: *blinks* Oh..right… -.-

Well, I had initially done a review for the Japanese one, but it all went on visuals, considering there were no subs, so I’ll track it down and post it later. All I want to say is YB looks so kick ass COOL when he first summons Ra that I shriek every time I see it, and he looks even cooler when he sacrifices it, and licks his lips to summon Dark Necrophia. Yummy. *devilish grin*

Cutest moment of all would be when YB and Mariku start bickering, it's just plain adorable, YM is just staring. YB pulls some of the cutest expressions when he turns back to YM and goes "I'm AWARE of that," in a very poisonous tone.

YMalik and the eyballs will forever haunt me. The first time I saw that I fell off my computer chair, and dreamt about it that night, thinking disembodied, thouroughly pruny Yami Malik was leaning over my bedside, ready to stab me with the Mil Rod dagger, using his one still functioning hand. *shivers*. And considering the jap version is somewhat darker and creepier than the dub, you can imagine my twitching every time he did the face-expanding vein-popping stunt. I STILL don't what what that's about. Frankly, it's pointless, and just another reason why 11 year-olds or younger should probably not be watching this stuff.

The card which I had labelled "Power Reversal" in my episodes, I caught the english name today, but it escaped me, so I'll stick with Power Reversal till I figure it out. Also, I thought magic and traps were COMPLETELY useless aginst Ra? That's how I played it in the episodes. In the real one, watching it in jap, when I saw the magic/trap cards burning in the silhouette of the three Kamis, I pretty much thought that meant they was useless. Oh well.

I'm working on a Lupin fanfic right now (hey, it was bound to happen, no?). Just a one-shot deal a little bit about his past before Hogwarts and how he became a werewolf.

Oh, and I don't know why I'm mentioning it now, but some people thought I would've made a good movie!Hermione Granger because of my hair. My thick, light brown, fluffy, puffy, annoying hair. It has a tinge of red in it, though. It's like Lily Evans and Hermione Granger exchange hairstyling products.. *shudders*.

Mischief managed! (but must wait till Blogger is up and running to post this. excuse the probably frequent spelling mistakes; Word went haywire on me and I'm using Notepad. pathetic, i know).

Jun 25, 2003

Mr Padfoot would like to register his astonishment that an idiot like Daigneault ever became a Professor.
(thank you, Sirius, was wonderin' the same thing meself.)

Quote of the Day: "Excellent. It's Snivellus."
~~I have GOT to come up with a nickname like that for Daigneault.~~

music: The Face of Voldemort(is ugly) ~ HP soundtrack

Well, wasn't this a turnout. Picked up at 7:45 in the morning by the one and only Kaiba (though he didn't bring his blimp or helicopter) and we got stuck waiting outside the school for a whooping 45 minutes in the blistering heat. No less than torture.

I got my report. Yes I passed the grade. Thankfully. Didn't fail the overall year for any subjects, thought could've very well failed catholic, but hey, who the hell fails catholic? Everybody, when you've got a teacher like Daigneault.

Daigneault is Snape. Daigneault is that one teacher who makes an effort to see everyone she hates fail. Daigneault is that one teacher you hate, and who hates you equally as much, but there's nothing you can do about it considering they're superior. The only thing I've got on Daigneault is my language skill and overall intelligence. This woman couldn't find her way out of a paper bag with a map and compass. But enough about HER. Here are my wonderful marks:

*clears throat*

Math: 92. Highest so far. Am quite pleased with self. I got a 67 on the exam, but considering Dia got a 69 and she's the smartest person I know (besides Kaiba, who got 90-something) but frankly I don't care. I'm stuck with Jamgotchian next year for enriched. Numberland and Letterland. Oh well.

Geo: Karamitos, WOULD IT KILL YOU TO GIVE ME SOMETHING OVER 97?! HONESTLY. 97 for term, AGAIN, and 97 for exam. I was hoping something a little better for exam, but oh well. Better get the same in history.

Info: DANGNABBIT, BROCHU, didn't I say I would be sending an army if I got that same 90 rubbish? WHY'D HE BRING ME DOWN? I got good on all my tests. We HATES him preciouss, him and his quebecois way of speaking, yessss....

Frech: Meh. 81 again. Not like I care. Did get the highest exam mark though, with a 92. Goody goody gum drops. I have O'Hurley next year again. Wonderful, she's the easiest, most blind and deaf teacher in the school. Cheating? We could speak at normal voice level, she wouldn't hear a thing.

Music: 84. Went up 10 marks. Good. I'm not totally as bad as I thought. I suppose I owe Mr Dufy now, considering I got a decent mark after not even DOING my playing test at all. Hope I get him next year. I'd DIE if I got Mr Toilette (Ouillet, toilette, get it? ^___^)

Art: CHAPDELAINE!! PROVANCHER! Why is it BOTH art teachers must hate me? Why must I have the worst teacher for my favorite subject? Tanish thinks they're jealous. Dunno, that or they think they can pick on me. Either way, they've got it in for me, but I've escaped them this year since I'm not taking art any longer. Got a 92. Yuck.

Phys ed: 75. I got 80s for the first 3 terms, would've gotten higher this term because of my badminton skills, IF it wasn't for that very unjust event when I was halfway through my running test and she made me stop, then gave me this pathetic mark. Did she think I was going to do it again? I was already almost out of breath! She honestly couldn't have expected me to do better. Either way, it's not fair. I'm not good in endurance, I'm a sprinter.

Science: Science has a habit of going up and down, depending on Lemieux's mood.71, 98, 71, 83. Those are my marks throughout this year. Weird, huh? I should've gotten better, since I did pretty good on my atom test. Got 80 on the exam. Blearg. Once again, shoulda gotten better. I didn't memorise that bloody workbook for nothing.

Catholic: Snivellus strikes again. I failed catholic the last 2 terms, beause of the work. The work is PATHETIC. Daigneault isn't even catholic, and she hasn't a clue what she's talking about, so she just gives us work and expects us to do it like... like we have no other subjects whatsoever. I worked REALLY hard this term, so as not to fail, handed in my project which took me a night to do, my magnificent drawing (I can't believe I put that thing into Daigneault's care, there'll probably be coffee stains all over it).
Worked hard. Did everything. Filled my sentences with these wonderful words her quebecois mind could not understand (my mother is a socialworker and I have a knack for writing; how could I not produce good porblem-solving advice?) I even got a 20/20 on my project (probably cuz she couldn't understand my wording). And yo know what? She failed me. Got a 50.

English: A breeze, precioussss, a subject for the french, nothing more. 98. Feel special, especially after getting 100 on my poetry portfolio *smug look* If there's one subject I pound Jaspreet in, it's gotta be english. I can beat him into the topsoil at this subject with one hand tied behind my back.

I have successfully made the honor roll all 4 terms. Yay for moi.

Um.... school work managed! ^.^

Jun 24, 2003

Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs
Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief-Makers
are proud to present
the Marauders Map

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good (I'm ALWAYS up to no good..)

Quote of the Day: "Mr Moony presents his compliments to Professor Snape, and begs him to keep his abnormally large nose out of other peoples business."
~~Why, Remus, I didn't know you had it in you..~~

music: Stupid TV is still going...

*is still in denial since Sirius' death*

I have ben occupying my growing Remus needs *glomps life-sized plushie* by re-reading the Prisoner of Azkaban. Honestly, Lupin was their best Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher! Why'd he resign? *growls at Rowling*. Yes, I know it's not my story, but...

I suppose she had to make room for that unbearable Umbridge woman... though why couldn't they like, kicked Snape out or something and Remus could've taken his place... though that meant Harry wouldn't have been able to look into the Pensieve and see Snape's memories in the 5th book, which would never have allowed me that wonderful mental image of a fifteen year-old Remus Lupin, on Hogwarts grounds beneath a tree, peeking over his book to see his best friends Sirius and James torturing Snivellus.

*scowls at Snivellus*

I've also been doing some Marauder pictures... of course...I did a rather nice one of Remus; looks like he's in his twenties or something... I didn't exactly know what age I was going to make him, I wasn't aiming for young student, nor teacher, so I got caught somewhere in the middle. He's wearing a Gryffindor scarf though, which is a cute touch.

I also did sketch versions of young Sirius, James, and Remus (cutest thing EVER), scanned them, made a background in photoshop and put titles. I'm going to have to put these up somewhere so I can show 'em off.... *gazes proudly at photoshop work in a very Percy-like manner*

Report cards tomorrow... I'd rather not discuss.. *clears throat*. Well, all I'm saying is there'd better not be that low nineties rubbish I got in art and info last term, or there'll be a great mess of unhappy individuals there, including a werewolf, Hippogriff, one Thief King (who's considerably nastier than his present-day self), and some Alseide guymelefs.

The list could go on...

*gazes at list*

Wow, I incorporated literature and anime.. O.o .. ah, but I'm missing the Nazgul steeds, orcs and giant calamari.. shame on me...

Mischief managed!!

Jun 23, 2003

Bloody hell.

Quote of the Day: *sniff* no quote...

music: Joy in Small Places ~ david usher




*squeezes collection of Harry Potter plushies as hard as humanely possible*



*sniff* I'm warning you now... *sob* spoiler....haven't read the book, don't read any further if you want to be spared the shock of a tragice death....


*buries Sirius plushie in massive glomp*


It's true.... they killed Sirius.. he was one of my FAVORITE CHARACTERS..... you can't kill him.. he ..he.... noooooooooooooooo.


I LOVED the Marauders, the little group of Sirius and his buddies when they were in school. In order of faves, it's Remus Lupin(Moony) *huggles Lupin plushie*, Sirius Black (Padfoot), and James Potter (Prongs). Don't even ASK me about Wormtail ...*shudders*...

ROWLING, you better bloody bring him back to life or something, YOU HEAR?

He was SUCH a great character, how could they DO IT? NOOOO...

And, yes, I read the bleeding 766-page book in three days, now my english side is very much in an uproar.

They KILLED him...

*goes off to wallow in the depths of dispair*

Jun 22, 2003

Giant marshmallows? WHERE?!?!

Quote of the Day: "Evil is stirring in Mordor..."
~~And report cards are stirring at LHA...~~

music: Dr Evil Theme ~ they might be giants (austin powers soundtrack)

I haven't been blogging as often lately, for some reason. Those reasons consiste of the following:

~I'm reading alot now
~There isn't school, so nothing interesting much with friends happens
~Half my writing energy is spent exchanging e-mails with Kaiba (whereas earlier, this was our only way to communicate outside of school)
~And last but not least, I just haven't found much to talk about...

My Harry Potter book is pretty good so far. One of my fav parts is in Divination, Professor Trelawny gives them books to look up their dreams and whatever, and neither Ron nor Harry can come up with much, until Ron says he had a dream he was playing Quidditch, and asks Harry what he thinks that might mean, at which points Harry responds it probably means he'll be eaten by a giant marshmallow.

Yesterday I didn't get much of a chance to read, though, because I was dragged out by my mom and aunt (once again) to some festival on St-Laurent (not ville st-laurent) in the unbereable heat and enoumous crowds. This was torture for me, because anything worse than crowds of annoying people stepping on your feet is heat. I hate heat, I hate crowds, so you can understand my pain out there. I did pick up a long, pretty black and blue skirt with a dragon (which I am wearing right now) and a cute pink tank top with two lollipops on it, which reads below: "The lollipops that lick you back."

I'm probably going out again, but not into hoards of loud people, and hopefully into some shade and grass.

*goes off singing the evil song at the top of her lungs*
I actually do a pretty good job at this song... it would have been cool if we had used this song for the play...

Jun 21, 2003


Quote of the Day: "What's a Dementoid?"
~~A robot Dementor? ^__^;; ~~

music: Respect ~ pink

An interesting turnout to the evening last night. It was friday, so technically pizza night in this household, but we decided to go out. Paesano's, by Guzzo, was closed, so we went to Little Italy and had quite the dinner at Via Roma. (by the way, their tiramisu kicks ASS).
As I presume, many know that last night at midnight the fifth Harry Potter book came out. I am not a Harry Potter fanatic like some *points accusingly at several friends* but I still do really enjoy them and have read the books twice. Because we had nothing better to do, we went downtown to the Indigo to get a copy.

On the way down, by Peel street, we found a specimen on the sidewalk. Very likely a street person, he was laying facedown in the middle of the sidewalk, and we couldn't tell whether he was breathing or not. My mom, being the social worker that she is, bothere to call the police or someone, and by the time they came, the guy was conscious again and had gotten up. Kind of weird, but at least he wasn't dead.

Speaking of "specimens", and now those of a lower kind, as we were crossing the street, we got yelled at by a couple of guys in a jeep, maybe in their mid twenties. Nothing bad, just a "Bonsoir, les filles!". Yes, I know. O.o. I've gotten that before. I do look much older than I am from afar, and my mother must've looked younger (she was thrilled) and the drunkards decide to hit on us. *whacks them with 866-page hardcover Harry Potter book*

We got there early, and got sorted into houses *nods*. It's true. I chose Ravenclaw (Ravenclaw ROCKS, man) and lined up at our selective houses behind the banners. While waiting (for an HOUR, we were like, 5th in line) I went off to pick up a book to read, to make the time pass faster. I picked up Artemis Fowl, since it seemed there was nothing else interesting. I have been meaning to read that series, and it was quite interesting when I started it. I think I'll pick it up once I'm done Harry Potter (which should take me two weeks at the most).

I'm hungry now.

*jumps on Firebolt and goes off for breakfast*

Jun 20, 2003

Oh yeah.

music: The news is on in the background.. O.o

My past life was a Thief, like Yami Bakura!

What's your past life? Click here!
© Sora of MSS

All who agree Thief Bakura rocks, raise hand.

*all raise hands*

Yami Bakura: And meeeeeeeeeeeeeee?

Me: Eh...yeah. You're huggable. And all. But he's like...sexAY.

Yami Bakura: -__-;;

Me: But this guy is like, the evil of all kick-ass evil. And he's got attitude. AND HAVE YOU SEEN YAMI BAKURA AS A CHILD? THAT IS THE MOST ADORABLE THING EVER!

Yami Bakura: O.o

Me: Yes, you were innocent during youth in your past life.

Yami Bakura: Stop ruining my image, you baka.

*swipes at YB, who runs off*

You'll have to excuse me, I'm in the middle of making some fan buttons which I will put up at Dazzled, but I couldn't help but do this little quiz. Oh, and I've also been edging towards working on another episode..ahem...
A gotta whole mess of zip it with your name on it, mister!!

Quote of the Day: "Uh...ya."
~~translation: "Line, please..!"~~

music: Good Time ~ Pink (charlie's angels. hell YES)

we go where we like,
we got over time,
we get paid 2 rattle our chains

we go in the back,
paint our money black,
spend it on the enemy

sleeping in the church,
riding in the dirt,
put a banner over my grave

Make a body work,
make a begger hurt,
sell me sumthing big and untamed

now our time, a real good time
(doo doo doo doo doo doo..)

now our time,
a real good time

we know how 2 pray,
party everyday,
make our desillation unsafe

riding in a rut,
till the powers cut,
we dont even have a good name

sleeping in the church,
riding in the dirt,
put a banner over my grave

Make a body work,
make a begger hurt,
sell me sumthing big and untamed

now are time, real good time ......oh,
(doo doo doo doo doo doo doo)
now our time (I SAID NOW OUR TIME),
(doo doo doo doo doo doo)
real good time (ITS A REALLY GOOD TIME)
now are time, real good time .....

Feel good,
Real good, its the same old same

We've done it! After a year of practice, hour and a half classes every week, 2 three hour rehearsals and some dirty motivation, we put on Rolstin Towers Returns: the Search for Cha-Chi's Angels, which was basically a spoof on both Austin Powers and Charlie's Angels. I was one of the Angels, the"smart" one. It was a decent part, but I still hate my costume...

Lines were scattered here and there, but there were of course helpers in the dark corners, and Anthony (Dr Evil) the KING of impro, saved our butts. He's funny, but very dirty. We ARE a class of 16-14 year old, and there is much perversion there 'specially with the guys, Anthony being at the top of it all, so Wayne, our director, threatened that if it got out of hand, he'd shut off the power and claim technical difficulties. Thankfully it didn't come to that.

We sang, and it was kinda decent. We got a big round of applause afterwards, and everyone said we were really good. Anthony was supposed to sing "Bad to the Bone", and he promised he was going to learn the lyrics overnight, but blew it, then improvised and made the audience cackle like it was nobody's business. This guy is hilarious.

Marla was very cute too, as both "Mother" and "Yo Mama". When she was Mother she put on the German accent, and it was the thing during that scene that if you forgot your line you'd say "Ya...".

Linda, who did Madam Minister Exploration, did an excellent schizo (partly cuz she IS schizo). She did an excellent "i've gone craaaaazeeee" at the end, but one point which we all sorta flinched at was when she called Rolstin "Austin Towers". ^___^;;

Craig did the sexy voice thing again, but we didn't giggle, thankfully. When he does Professor Idget, mister science guy there, he puts on this really weird voice as if he's holding his noise, and it works. Then, we does Cha-Chi's voice, he does it deeper. We didn't know what to do at first for Cha-Chi's voice, so Craig was experiment with tones and accents, and all of a sudden he goes "Good morning, Angels," in this really deep, sexy voice and every single girl within listening distance freaked out. It was very funny.

After that was done, Maguli, Dia, and I, driven by my mother, went to Boccancion's for a bite, and Maguli and I knocked ourselves out singing Bohemian Rhapsody, which was the opening song. It was pretty fun. Then at home, I DIED of exhaustion. I'm not sure if I'm coming as an extra today for annother group's performance, but I'm definetly going to the Academy Award thing next week (yes, Academy Awards, were we give out little styrofoam Oscars).


Jun 18, 2003

Isolate the snot creature

Quote of the Day: "Cannot process 'snot creature'."
~~Well, no shit, Tate, the computer has better language skills than that.~~

music: Hello ~ evanescence

A day nicely ruined. I was quite eager this morning, since there was a chance of seeing Kaiba-kun before he went to pick up his little bro, but my hopes were soon drowned. My grandparents declared they were coming over to fix the airconditioning, and my mother deemed it appropriate I stay home, even though I hardly got to see them. So I spent most of my time touching up my latest picture in Photoshop and reading. Finished Remnants 12 and 13. Billy's back. Yay. He's my fav character.

Ah yes, snot creatures. That was about the only thing that made me smile today. Actually, it made me crack up. Amelia, Charlie, and Duncan's "evolved" forms all resembled giant green snots, so they became known as the "snot creatures". Very precise.

Well, I'm sorta depressed, tired, and feeling guilty right now, so I need something to focuse on. I'm going to either ead some more or work on my pics.


Jun 17, 2003


music: Hollywood ~ madonna

Overall successful day. Yup. *nods* Last you heard of moi I was at my mothers office. After that rather interesting experience, in which, mind you, I picked up three new Sakura inking pens, including a .5 which I hadn't had before, as well as a .1 and .3. After that we moved on to Indigo. I scored a rather successful haul of four books, which include two mangas, #1 of Chobits which I've been waiting to get for a while, #3 of Love Hina, and Remnants 12 and 13. Yes, I read that series, I am a big fan of K.A. Applegate, though to tell you the truth I have never read Everworld. But I have read every single Animorphs. I could pretty much recite the Ellimist chronicles off by heart. Oh, and a mild observation, Jobs=Jake, Mo=a braver Marco, and Violet=something like Cassie. But that's just a mindless observation.

After that my mother dragged me off for shoe shopping, which I honeslty can't stand; it seems every time were at a mall she needs new shoes, but I'm telling you, it's all a figment of her imagination. Then we went for a nice chinese dinner, which I thouroughly enjoyed. I'm hooked on Hunan dumplings now. They're like crack or sumthin'.

Whoa, I'm tired. Maybe I should go lie down...

Ooooh, and before I go, you know paperclip dude from Microsoft Word? He scares the SHIT out of me. Honestly, he's freakin evil, man.
You have to ask yourself what the world is coming to when they change a monastery into a school.

Quote of the Day: "SHINDEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!"
~~Miguelu telling Van to "DIE!" during their battle in ep 9~~

I have no music. AAAAAH.

The reason for my music deprivation is cuz I am currently at my mother's work. She's a teacher at Dawson College in the Social Work Department on the fourth floor. Now, if you've ever seen this college, which takes up a whole block down Sherbrook, with 8 floors, it actually looks like a church. News flash: It WAS a church, a monastery to be exact, until the teachers came and kicked out the nuns, turning the chapel into a library and expanding on the whole thing. The grounds are still beautiful though, but honestly, what were they THINKING?

After we're done here, we might go strolling down St Catherine or whatever, and I'm on the hunt for either vol 24 of Yu-Gi-Oh, 3 of Inuyasha, 3 of Tenchi Muyo, or 3 of Love Hina. O.o. Anyone see a pattern emerging there? I also wanna see what exatly the Escaflowne manga is about, since I heard it's diffrent from the anime. I'm also keeping a look out for some new booster packs for my deck, preferably Legacy of Darkness.

Now I have to decide whether I'm going to sketch (yes, I brought my giant sketchbook along) or surf the net.

*goes off into cyberspace*

Jun 16, 2003

Why dis, why dat?

Quote of the Day: "Be silent!!"
~~Yeah, you tell 'em, Gandy~~

music: Let Me Blow Ya Mind ~ eve ft. gwen stefani

Today was a pretty good day. So far, considering we're mid afternoon.
Kaiba sent me an email telling me there was track and field day at Holy Cross, the elementary school adjacent to our own that shares our caf and gym. I didn't know whether I could go or not, but later on, I decided to take my bike out and ride by, just for the heck of it.

By the time I'd gotten across the street, the little kids had gone inside again. After nealy wiping out on the boulevard, I circled the school twice, but there was no one. I was sort of disappointed, but kept going. I sorta got lost in the side streets, and that's kinda pathetic since I've lived in this neighborhood since I was two, but knew that if you kept going west you'd reach Alexis-Neohn, and you could get onto Cote Vertu from there, or you could just go north and get straight on Cote Vertu. It was simple from there.

I found my way to my old elementary school, not like I cared or anything. They were going in from recess, and I didn't see any teachers I knew, so I kept going. When I turned the corner I saw Mauro going up the stepts to his house, so I stopped to say hi. Then I circled back round the school again, nearly wiped out again thanks to some bushes in my way (bushes are the leading cause of me wiping out) and saw Mr Alexandre, one of our VP's having a smoke outside the school. O.o No comment there

I rode out towards the Villa Princess area, but got lost through the side-streets halfway there and had to backtrack. Then I came home. Quite an adventure. I was about to settle down when - you won't believe this - Kaiba-kun and Doug showed up. A pleasant surprise.They came up and we had a duel, then I went with them back to Holy Cross. We helped around a little, then went outside. I saw Adri as well, and we played cards, then moved to a more shaded area. They walked me home when we were done. It was pretty good. I hope we can do it again sometime.

Now I'm TIRED and my mother wants me to find a decent picture of myself for the Peggy brochure. Eug...this is going to take a while...

Jun 15, 2003

Word most said throughout the past year and a half: preciousssssssssss!!!!!

Quote of the Day: "It came to me, my own, my looove, my own, my...precioussssss..."
~~I'm gonna need therapy sooner or later...~~

music: Gollum's Song ~ emiliana torrini(yes, this song which i haven't heard in a million years)

I'm feeling Smeeeeeagol-ish today, preciouss. Dunno why. Just cuz. That was quite the intelligible phrase, nay? ^.^;;

Grad prix today in this city. WoOt. Not that I care, really. My grandparents and my aunt, being the most pureblooded italians in the family, are general nutcases for this event, but yeah, I go for Ferrari, 'specially Barrichello. Schumy, as my Nonni have so lovingly nicknamed him, is okay. I wear the Ferrari symbol on my Ganzo bracelet to make them happy.

Barrichello pretty much sucked today, coming in fifth. Schumy came in first, as usual. My aunt asked me if I cheered. Once. For the italian national anthem ^___^;;

I'm going to probably end up going to a movie tonight. Dunno which one yet. It's between Hollywood Homicide, the Italian Job, or the Matrix. I've seen the Matrix, and would not mind seeing it again, but the last scene, not to spoil it, but all you foreign people, don't bother. Let alone anybody that doesn't have an overall thourough command over the english language, cuz it is mInD-BoGgLiNg, yes preciousss. Truly.

If getting photshop and messing around to an amazing extent with all my pictures was not enough, I'm now using Studio 7 to create a music video. Just for fun. I'm using the song Shadow of Doubt from Escaflwone and Folken as my main theme, for he is very very kewl. For some reason, Van and Folken makes me think of Mokuba and Noa. Two different animes, I know, and Mokuba and Noa aren't technically brothers, but still. Well, as far as I know. Huh, blame that on watching the Noa series in raw jap without even engrish subtitles. But still, the hair, and the older one bein all eViL-ish....even though Folken is still the caring-angsty-older-brother which gives him pass to all my sympathie. But the Mokuba/Van=black hair, young, innocent and Noa/Folken=green hair/ older, eviller, it's just WeIrD.

But that's just me^_^

Jun 14, 2003


Quote of the Day: "LOST!! My precioussssss is looooooooooooooossssssst!!!!!!!!!"
~~Murky has conniption~~

music: Zaibach ~ esca (I SWEAR, this sounds EXACTLY like Jaws or something, its hilarious)

Tiiiiiiired. I have been occupying myself this morning exchanging e-mails with Kaiba-kun, playing Solitair(how pathetic is that?) watching some Yu-gi-oh jap eps, and doing pretty much nothing.

This afternoon I'm off to my Nonni's for a father's day celebration-type-thing. Then tomorrow I'm off to MY father's. Hopefully it will be livable. Once again, I plan to lock myself in the basement and unearth those old blueprints I have under my bed with plans of world domination.


I'm going to go mess with my Photoshop video-maker-thingy now. Cuz I can. Not very talkative today, am I? Just tired.


Jun 13, 2003


Quote of the Day: "Oh. SHIT."
~~Justin when he found out I was sitting next to him *evil grin*~~

music: Troule ~ coldplay

English exam was decent. Kaiba came round to pick me up at 11:45 and we snuck in early and played cards in the rec room along with one of his friends. I also got my sketchbooks back after weeks of being in denial. Well, at least Photoshop kept me occupied the last week...Speaking photoshop, I made these two really cute piccies of Celena and then one of Shesti-chan *huggles* he's so adorable.

So Kaiba, this is how you played it, eh? Been bugging you for two weeks or so, and you save it for the last day to ask me. Why? I don't know, I guess that'd be your choice, not mine. Do I know? Maaaybe. And yea, you were right to take that as a yes...will I tell you? I don't know myself. Maybe you'll get lucky.


Oh yeah, and you're now part of the "Officially Glomped Bishounen" club *pins Glomped pin on Kaiba*. There. Consider yourself offically glomped.

Jun 12, 2003

Craig and the SEXAY voice.

music: Bad Girls ~ donna summer

Bad girls
Talking about the sad girls
Sad girls
Talking About bad girls, yeah
See them out on the street at night, walkin'
Friend for all kinds of strangers
If the price is right
We want more, from these Hollywood types
And we want to get down
We ask ourselves
who we are
Like nobody else
we come from Bionic parts.

Bad girls
Talking about the sad girls
Sad girls
Talking bout bad bad girls, yeah

Friday night and the strip is hot
Sun's gone down, I'm about to drop
I'm droppin'
Doctor Bad, he makes it right
Cuz he wants to get down
Now we don't ask ourselves
who we are
Like everybody else,
We only wanna be a star

Bad girls, sad girls, you're such a dirty bad girl
Beep-Beep, uh huh
Bad girls, sad girls, you're such a dirty bad girl
Beep-Beep, uh huh

Heeee, dress rehearsals was so FUN!! I didn't know (actually, LINDA didn't tell me) we were supposed to be there from 5:00, and i came at 7:00, but whateva. Stuff went okay. Marla was Purple Prozac lady, thanks to her shirt. And Chris and Kelly and I actually PERFORMED. Seriously. We sang. Bad girls. It was sooo cool, but embarrasing ^___^

I guess that's it. It was so fun.


music: Memory of Fanelia ~ escaflowne

WhoO. I have a dress rehearsal tonight and I did not even REALIZE it stoopid, stoopid me. I really hope we get to see our costumes tonight. That would be soooo kewl. I bet you us Angels are gonna be all in leather ^___^. The play is a cross between Austin Powers and Carlie's Angels, and I'm one of the Angels. The one who has to say, "Oh my Gawd, I broke a nail. Can you believe that?!" And trust me, I am not that kind of girly girl. It sounds totally off coming from someone like me.

And for anyone who cares, my performance is on the 19th of June. Contact Pegasus Productioon for details and showtimes.

What a shameless, self-promotional plug. Jeez.

I was watching a dubbed ep of Escaflowne earlier, ep 6, to be exact, and there's this really funny exchange between Dilandau and his slayers. It was right after he got stabbed, and at the moment, he would be saying, "Chiku, chiku,..." in the jap. Here goes:

Dilandau: Why must it sting so much? Cheek, cheek, cheek, cheek, cheek...cheeek.

Gatti: *meekly* Lord Dilandau, maybe it would be better if you didn't touch the wound like that...

Dilandau: WHAT?!

Gatti: *thinking* I shoulda kept my mouth shut...

Dilandau: *strikes Gatti, then grabs him by the collar* So, you understand the pain I'm feeling, do you?!

Gatti: Forgive me..

Dilandau: *pushes him away* My face. He cut my beautiful face!

Shesta: Lord Dilandau...

Dilandau: *extreemely pissed off* WHAT NOW?!?!?!

(he has the BEST, most pissed off expression when he says "what now?!" its hilarious)


Did I mention Dilandau is extremely narcissistic? Like, he's REALLY good looking, and he's fully aware of this, so it's quite a blow to his ego when Van slashes open the side of his face from the base of his ear all the way down near his jaw. I actually think he looks cool like that ^_^

Gatti: *rubs cheek* Yeah, but that hurt.

Me: *hands Gatti an ice pack*

Gatti: *eyes watering* Thank you...

All DONE, yes preciouss...

Quote of the Day: "GONE!! Gone preciousss, GONE, Smeagol is FREEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!"

music: Mambo Italiano ~ wiseguy orchestra (i luuuuv this song)


Yami Bakura: Are you finished?

Me: Finished what?

Yami Bakura: Tearing up your math cheatsheet. I'm covered with pink paper.

Me: So? You look cute like that.

Yami Bakura: -__-

YaY. YAAAAAAAAAAY. Words cannot express my hapiness.

Actually, they can.



That's it. I'M FINISHED. Well, not technically, there's still english, but english can't be considered an exam. I mean, come on, ENGLISH. Pht.

Math was not as nightmarish as I imagined it. Seriously. I missed two and a half questions (yes, a half). I left at around 11:35, then waited around the office to give my geo textbook and twenty dollars to keep my instrument. I wouldn't be surprised if there are still people in the exam room. And it was our FRENCH ROOM, beleive it or not, the hottest room in the whole damn school, but surprisingly enough, it wasn't too hot today, and the windows were open.

Actually, all the exams were pretty basic. They weren't as bad as I'd thought they'de be, and I believe I survived. Yay.

But that measn next year I'm going to have to deal with Jamgotchian and Letterland and Numberland O.o


Jun 11, 2003

MaThEmAtIcS ArE CoNfUsInG. This is why I am taking a BREAK.

Quote of the Evening: "Why've you here?!"
~~Engrish has got to be the best language in the history of everything~~

music: Save Yourself ~ stabbing westward, amv feat. ranma 1/2, evangelion, escaflowne, and dbz.

Being bored to an utmost degree and having mathematical problems running in circles around my head is driving me stark raving mad, so I've decided to take a break and hang with one of my fav slayas, the sweetest and shortest of the bunch, Shesti-chan.

Shesta: *smiles meekly*

I also have some screenshot-ish things to show off from da esca movie. Not many people have seen the esca movie - hell, I got bored of it halfway through and watch the rest in individual parts. I DID, however, watch the OFFCIAL subtitled one, not the one which we have so lovingly named "Engrish", where the subtitles make just about no sense. Take the subtitled Yu-Gi-Oh eps I watch. I have very few that are even subbed, most are just jap, but all my subbed ones are in Engrish, which proves for quite a laugh but deterioration of my grammar skills. Here are some great engrish examples:

"Damn!! I will cut Malik into pieces someday!!" - That would be Jou. True, not EXACTLY enrgish, but still, it isn't the smartest sentence ever...

"All your base are belong to us." - This is probably the best Engrish line I know. It's from a really badly subbed video game. I'll go track down the whole clip one day. Their lack of sentence stucture is mind-boggling.

The following Engrish shots all have comments from the webmistress who hosts these images, and let em tell you, I was falling on the floor laughing when I first read these. You don't really need to know anything about escaflone to get these. They're just REALLY REALLY damn funny.

Florken, by Zaibach's Darth Vader look-alike.
This has got to be one of the funniest. Lord Florken...*huggles Folken* poor Folken-sama...

Etch-A-Sketch, by bloody/shirtless Van Fanel
*snorts* No comment...*falls over onto Shesta, giggling idiotically*

Disappear!! POOF!!, by Hitomi.
This one had me twisting in my chair, practically having a stroke. It's got to be one of the funniest. Mind you, I don't think Yukari is categorized as a FELLOW, seeing as she's female O.o

*belch*, by Merulu
Barm?! Don't you mean VAN, you eejits?

Dragon is armor need of oil, nay?, by Sora
I love this one. Sora is so cute. I never really liked the animation they used for the movie, but you gotta admit, she is rather lovable here. Good line, to.

Do I care? by caring-angsty-big-bro-Folken gone murdering-neon-haired-psycho
Movie!Folken SCARES me. Wunder what he dun care bout?

Eeeh...THAT needs rephrasing.. by Gaddes (i think)
Who knew Allen's men were so perverted?

Springfield, by Dryden off the sixties.
This one's hilarious.Besides the fact Dryden looks..hung over...

The BUMP, dangnabbit! by fangless Dilandau (where his FANGS, preciouss?)
This one's almost as good as all your base are belong to us ^_^

Folken-sama's commitment, by Folken-sama
This one is MY ABSOULUTE FAV. Makes ya wonder whether the people who subbed this ever finished their elementary education.... O.o

Prepare to be assimilatedby random person
Gaian #1: Prepare to be assimilated.
Gaian #2: Resistance is futile.
Shesta: O.o

Well, thats it. Hope you enjoyed that.

Shesti: *nods*

Yay ^___^
Proximitee de l'aire? And you people call yourselves geo teachers?

Quote of the Day: Eeee....no quote....no ideas....

music: Organ Pub ~ esca movie, Dryden's theme

This had to be the easiest test. Easier than science, even french. I didn't finish as early as I had th sceince one, but it was still REALLY easy. The first 45 were multiple choice, and the others just random questions. I actually spotted some mistakes, which includes:

- They ask you to indentify the letters on this volcano drawing, but they give you numbers instead of letters. O.o
- Instead of putting "Proximitee de la mer" they put "Proximitee de l'air". Eejits. T__T

Still, you try consentrating with the comedic and somewhat strange, bouncy tune of "Organ Pub" in your head while figuring out geographical coordenates. I tried to focus on another song, but all that came was Maguli's "Tiki Tiki Room" so I stuck with Organ Pub. ^__^;; And for anyone who doesn't know the tune to Organ Pub, I really recommend you download it, it's a fun song.

When we were done, Kaiba was going to settle down in the open area to have a game of DM (which is BANNED, mind you) with Anthony, but got busted by - this is hilarious - by the VP, who banned DM in the firt place. They're lucky she didn't rip the cards up on the spot.

I walked home with Kaiba, and at the last minute decided to invite him up. My mother, who doesn't usually let people she doesn't know inside our house, let him in, and we settled down in the living room and played a round of DM. I beat him the first time, believe it or not (I'm better than I used to be) but then he beat me using this stupid card that lets you inflict direct damage, and I couldn't kill it because it's effect let him return it to his hand. -_- dumb card.... but it was fun anyway.

I'm going to write down some more pointers on my cheatsheet for tomorrows math exam, which I am undoubtedly going to get a seventy-something in, but ah well. Maybe if I keep telling myself I'm going to pass....power of human will!! *giggles stupidly at esca reference*

Oh, and thanks to my aunt, I now own an illegimate Adobe Photoshop and ImageReader program. Like, YAY. I've been waiting a looong time for this. The only way I was able to CG my pics was using Corel PhotoPaint 10, and I worked with masks, so it was hard. Now I have to learn to work with layers and channels...the only reason my aunt had the program was cuz she works at a designing company, and I won't which one or they'll be sued or smtheing for distributed unregistered, illegal copies of Photshop, but anyway, her company is really good, and thats what the artists and designers use. You know the new, uber-cool Kyocera phones? My aunt had one before the rest of the world becuz he company designed them. Kewl, no?

Must go do MaThEmAtIcS. Arg.


Jun 10, 2003


Quote of the Day: "Chiku, chiku, chiku, chiku...."
~~"Chiku" is what Dilan-sama mutters when he touches his scarred cheek. The subtitle would be "prick, prick" like an itchy feeling, but if you look at it totally out of context, it looks like he's insulting Van ^_^~~

music: Sad, Strange Cello ~ esca, really good song to match the mood, especially in ep 24

Science test....I can't believe I wracked my brain so hard for something I finished in 35 minutes. Really. True, that I wouldn't have known half of what I did if I hadn't studied, but seriously. I was dying those last forty minutes. I did review it, but I stopped at about the twentieth question. It's just too tiresome to review, and half the time, you are right with the first guess. Ah well. Hope I got decent mark.

A lot of us finished at the same time, but I had to wait for Maguli-chan, so I stuck with Kaiba-kun. We played cards, the Maguli came, and they kicked us out of the school, so the three of us stuck together till Dia came out. Dia took like, and hour and a half, and we were dying of heat by the time she walked out, unaware she had made us wait in the unbearable heat. Then we began the short trip back to my house, Kaiba joining us, and on the little strip of grass between the two lanes on Cote Vertu, I grabbed Kaiba's stuff, and we were racing along the grass. Too bad I didn't have my running shoes...^____^

Kaiba even came with us all the way too my house, then he made it on his own back to his house. Maguli, Dia and I had niocchi for lunch, and then we studied for a while, before relaxing. At one point, we were just lounging around, and Maguli picked up my GBA and actually played a round on Eternal Duellist Soul.^__^ She played against Anzu, and won (but come on, NOBODY loses to Anzu), with my help, of course. I think she actually understood the concept ^__^. But don't expect it to happen again *snort*

Oh yeah.

And I finally explained to Kaiba what a "glomp" is.

*glomps Kaiba*

(This would be yesterday at 9:05 PM. internet works again now. yay ^_^)


Gyah....stupid, STUPID internet.

music: Charm ~ escaflowne, spooky song to the rythm of a ticking clock with whispers in the back. Comes on for Hitomi's visions.

ARG!! Every single electrical appliance in my house has been going haywire today!! The phone, the lights, the tv, and now my internet is busted!! The only reason I'm able to access this page is because I'm allowed to use the "Work Offline" setting or somehing. It's 9:05 PM, still monday, but this might not come till the internet is repaired, so for all those who missed me, I've got a valid reason.

*cast of anime characters duck as sparks fly out of keyboard*

*slayers suddenly come running in*

Gatti: Our melefs aren't working either.

Me: I thought they worked on energists, not electricity?

Gatti: *shrugs* Don't ask me.

*more sparks*

This is so ridiculous. Well, at least Maguli and Dia are coming over tomorrow so I won't be bored to death. Hopefully this will fix itself overnight and I'll be able to post in in the morning. Or maybe it'll just work now.

*the crumbling and crackling of a melef falling apart is heard in the background*

Shesta: Aww, darnit...

Repair itself....fat chance. *pout*


Jun 9, 2003

An hour of school...that's not bad....

Quote of the Day: "Do you know how the orcs first came into being?"

music: So Wrong ~ stabbing westward, tenchi muyo AMV

Alright, well, for the first exam, that was rather unexciting. Seriously. Boring as hell. The text was confusing but understandable enough to answer the somewhat ridiculous questions. It was overall okay. Better, at least than January's post immersion one. Instead of one six page story, they had three of about two or three pages each. The worst was "L'homme au cervelle d'or", the man with the golden brain. It's like, WTF? We all got lost halfway through the story.

I was going to go over to Maguli's to study with her and Dia, but I didn't see them after, so I didn't end up going. But if it works out, tomorrow they both might come over to my house to study for geo. Not that we need much studying for geo. I feel bad for Dia. Maguli and I both have Miss Kay so we got the very efficient sheets, and Dia got pretty much squat. Oh well.

Good luck to everyone else still in the midst of working.

Jun 8, 2003

Sure and I wish it was really like that with everyone.

Quote of the Day: "Are you trying to ruin my reputation?"
~~No, Dilandau; Shesta and Dallet were just doing their job...~~

music: Dragon Slayer's Theme ~ esca movie, 'slayers attack.

What a looong weekend. Let me rephrase that; short and hot. I did pretty much nothing yesterday, and the house has been on fire, considering we have no airconditioning. I woke up twice with a fever, but I don't think I'm ill or anything. Just a bit of a headache. Today I spent my time creating my own revision notes for science on chapters 1-8. I'll do 9-14 tomorrow, after french. The only good thing about exams is it's not really school, it's just two hours of writing a test, and none of them in January took me more than an hour and a half.

I spent the rest of my afternoon today exchanging e-mails with Kaiba-kun. He finally got to blogging and had written this interesting paragraph on...well, love, or attraction, I suppose. He said that if a friend of his liked him, he wouldn't want to like, hurt their feelings or anything. And his advice was even if the person says no, it's not like the end of the world. Well, you know what, good for you, Kaiba. Seriously. At least you've got a heart. I know way too many people that go all freaky on you once they find out someone likes them. It's like they can't talk to you anymore. I used to be on speaking terms with Alibaba. When he found out I liked him he couldn't walk past me without goggling at me like an idiot.

I guess some people are just like that. It makes them uncomfortable. Believe it or not I used to like Luca (in grade 5, a million years ago), but he was desperatly in love with this other girl. It actually made for an interesting love triangle, since Luca's friend was apparently in love with me. Didn't want to shatter the guy's dreams though, but it never happened. Now I'm not even sure if Luca knows or knew back then about me, but we're still really great friends now. I guess if your friendship is strong enough it will work out, no matter what the outcome.

Well, good luck in your love life, there, Kaiba. And you said you weren't ready to go out with anyone?

*drags in Darren and Jay*

Darren & Jay: LIES.

*points at Alexandra B. and Adri*

*then runs for her life*

Jun 7, 2003


Quote of the Day: "So I'm to understand that you let those bumpkin samurai damage two of my Alseides units?"
~~Bumpkin samurai..*snort* great choice of words, Dilandau...~~

music: Shadow of Doubt ~ escaflowne, instrumental

Hmmm....ah well, I have nothing better to do than blog. I've been going over my esca eps just to see some 'Slayer action again, for the fun of it. I should be studying for exams...at least get on with science, maybe, and math, since those are going to be the two hardest. There's really nothing for me to study from for french, and geo is just stuff my memory, which I have to dig up from the dark corners of my mind. English is...pointless, to keep it simple.

I'm now going to calculate my year average for math, just to see if I'm staying in enriched...I don't know if the exams affect this or not...they shouldn't... they didn't affect my second term mark, anyway, which was a bloody 79.

let's see...


then the average....


Humph. Looks like I'm stuck in enriched. By six marks. Ah well. For the better. I'd rather have to endure Jamgotichan for enriched than my rabid mother if I'm bumped down to regular....

Ah well. ^__^

That's all for now.

Jun 6, 2003

kimi o kimi o aishiteru...

Quote of the Day: "I ate Harry." (i think it's "i hate harry...")
~~At least, that's what Vero and I overheard Kaiba saying...O_o lol~~

music: Promises not Necessary ~ esca jap opening. cute song ^__^

nee, aishitara daremo ga
konna kodoku ni naru no?
nee, kurayami yori mo
fukai kurushimi
dakishimeteru no?

nani mo ka mo ga futari
kagayaku tame

kimi wo kimi wo aishiteru
kokoro de mitsumete iru
kimi wo kimi wo shinjiteru
samui yoru mo

namida de ima yobikakeru
yakusoku nado iranai
kimi ga kureta taisetsu na
tsuyosa dakara

So that's it. I can't believe it's over. Sure, there's exams still, but official school days...are over...one whole year of high school...pretty cool, nay? I've met some amazing people this year, all my new friends AND old ones, I love them all. And believe it or not, it wasn't as much of a hell as I'de thought it be ^__^.

We had french first periode, which pretty much turned into a free periode. I drew a colored sketch of Nariya and Eriya in my agenda. They look a little younger than normal, like, not Merle-ish young, but still really cute. Must finish coloring that...

Math was boring, I worked with Alisa and we did MORE math, but at least we got donuts from our ever-caring teacher. But..there is this horrible catch..next year..if i stay in enriched...i get...*dundunduuuun*....JAMGOTCHIAN!! Yes, the evil PJ that Maguli speaks so evilly about. He's s'posed to be a real ass. Arg...ah, well. I'm not alone. Yay.

English was our last official periode, considering we had a dance show at the end of the day. I sat with Vero, since Jess was dancing, and we watched a movie. I'm going to miss my teacher..she's so nice, but she doesn't teach our grade next year..*sob*

At lunch I hung with Vero and went up in the fish bowl to watch Kaiba-kun and friends play cards. Kaiba-kun got into ANOTHER fight *grabs Kaiba and restrains him with ropes to a chair*

The dance was really good. I talked to Luca during class, but we didn't end up sitting together. Suki, Celita and ...this other girl...did this really cute one, and some of them were really good. A round of applause to the senior "i'm-so-cool" gansta guys who performed, they were really good.

After school, Dia came over and showed me a bit of her dance. Not many of my friends got to performe, it was moslty the other guys. Ah well. Next time.

Oh, and...um....

Aishiteru Kaiba-kun

*runs off*

Jun 5, 2003

*hugs Kaiba*

Kaiba's coming tomorrow!! Yay!! ^___^ He asked me to bring my deck...I dunno...yeah, maybe...as long as they dun get confiscated *gest all tongue-twisted at complicated word*


Yes, the tongue shot, which has set the record for all Yami Malik freakiness, including the time when he all but disappeared, leaving an ugly, wrinkly EYEBALL. And I cracked up and pretty much fell off my chair when I read what was under this pic...

"Put that thing away."

*cracks up*

So here we go, kiddies. Warning: this may give you nightmares for a helluva long time...


^______^ eheeeeeee!
LIES. I will forever remember that. Nice going, Darren and Juicy.

music: Butterfly ~ esca music video, with about four shots of Dilandau-sama, but good ones, including the hilarious face he pulls when Allen kisses Hitomi.

Dilandau: Ick

Me: You're just jealous of Allen's luck with the ladies.

Dilandau: I've enough with you on my case

*shot of all the bishies I've ever loved huddled up in a corner*

Me: O_o.....Okay, well at least your not alone.

Yami Bakura: Hey, I've hardly been bugged for like, a week, and I like my new found peace, thank you very much.

Me: ........

*grins and glomps both YB and Dilan-sama*

Well, I did a test for Which Yugioh Girl Are You, and I got Mana from anicent egypte, or the Dark Magicien Girl in modern times. She is VERY much like me, just ask any of my friends. Oh, and I liked Isis too. "You scare Seto." And isn't that the truth.^__^ *pokes Kaiba-kun happily and then glomps him*

You're Mana!!
Cute, preppy, and powerful,

you're bright and mischevious as well.

You can be serious and helpful,

but even in a tight

spot you're having fun.

Go Girl
Which Yugioh Girl Are You? (Yu-Gi-Oh)
brought to you by Quizilla
Phear me. Or phear my hair.

video clip: Malik turns into Yami Malik ~ japanese, no subs, short clip

Behold, dub!Yami Malik's debut. So we don't know if Yami Malik has been somewhat pacified, but keep in mind, death-destruction-chaos-doom-darkness-evil-insanity-evil-madness-evil-murder-evil etc all mean Yami Malik. Dunno what the dubbers are going to do to our insane friend....

His voice has been somewhat twisted, but it IS rather deep in the original, so it's not to much of a change. I love his insane expression. I like his orgasmalik ones better. I have about four close-ups of him from that clip with the orgasmalik expression in my sketchbook. He's just really fun to draw, because he's like rage and darkness and the embodiment of evil on paper, and for me it's often easier to draw something twisted and mad than elegant and soft. But that's just me, right?

Ra no Yokushindyuu also made it's debut for the amercains. Go Ra ^__^ And Mini Yami Malik still rules above all.

*runs after Yami Malik, who is setting people on fire*
The worst way to miss someone is to be sittin beside them knowing you can't have them.

Quote of the Day: "She could do it, preciousss...."
~~Referring to Shelob the Icky, I presume~~

music: Sora's Folktale ~ a more mellow, instrumental version of "Sora", sung by Naria and Eryia in the movie

The title is a quote from my friend's screen name on msn. It's sad, but nice.

Today went by slowly at first, then quickly. French was boring, we did mostly nothing. I got my test back. 45/50. Not bad. It seems I'm staying in immersion ^__^.

English was boring, besides the fact got 100% on my poetry portfolio. Huh. Figures. I suck at poetry and I get a perfect mark, and I'm so much better at writing and I only get 98%. But don't get me wrong, I ain't complaining. Hell no.

In geo we got our term marks. As usual, Mr Perfect Jaspreet got 100. I was so pissed off when I heard my mark. 97%. Becuz of that STUPID project. I really thought I had it in the bag this term. I got more than perfect on both tests, 10/10 for notes, class behavior and participation. Kaiba-kun got 94%, which is still good. *pats Kaiba sympathetically on the back*

During, lunch, Alex and Tammy and this other guy came from Hertz. Actually, they had exams today, so they were pretty much off school. Alexadra wasn't as much of a bitch as she usually is, so I spared her my hate and talked to her briefly. Also, they seem to know Marla from Peggy Productions. I told them to say hi if they see her.

Maguli got sick during lunch so I took her place at the table with Kaiba and Stefi in science. I was hoping Collins wouldn't come back from the office, but he did, unfortunatly, and he started his evil little gag I've spoken about before. BUT, now, I have found myself a secret weapon:

*Dragon Slayers run in and pull down a giant red curtain, revealing an aggravated-looking Wess Hodhod*

Yup, apparently, whenever Wessy is around, he shuts up completely. Thank god. But too bad she couldn't around during the revision, cuz Collins wouldn't stop making these...these...*cringes* kissing motions toward me. It was so revolting. He was like, horny or something. It was worse than Darren. Seriously, worse than Darren. It was SO DISGUSTING. I mean, nobody can stand Collins making kissing motions towards them without getting sick, right? He is such an asshole. And he always accuses me falsely of these...ridiculous things. But....

*realizes the millions of people how could be reading my blog*

Nah, I won't get into that. Only Vero knows about that.

I also got my instrument, and OH MY GOD, I AM LIKE A CHILD ON CHRISTMAS MORNING. I mean, to some people this may mean nothing, but I've got some musician blood in me, thanks to my deceased Granfather, so boy, this is BIG. A new, BRAND NEW, Besson trombone. (please forgive me, on the previous post I worte "Benson" instead. Sorry^__^) Anyway, she's just...beautiful (yes, SHE, im weird). Shiny as hell, without the arrogant tinge of Yamaha, newly redesigned case, light, the staff moves like water, it's wonderful, my old staff was so hard to move; it has a staff cover as well, a really neat bell lock, and a furry, black interior for the case. The sounds come out clear and crisp and I LOVE it.

The only thing though, is my mouthpiece which looks totally run down compared to the rest of it ^__^

*hugs trombone*

Oh, and KAIBA-KUN, YOU MUST COME TO SCHOOL TOMORROW!! C'mon, pleeease? It's our last day before exams. I want to see ALL my friends one more time. And that includes you. Yes, you *points*. Or I will forever be distraught. *sniff*. I will be sent into the depths of dispair!! *sniggers* Oh, and here's my e-mail if you want it. I think you said you wanted it...It's the one I use most often. I use another one for blog business, but here's to you, Kaiba: lori_jay@hotmail.com

See ya round *wink*

Sayonara Tomodachies!!

Jun 4, 2003

Hai, Dilandau-sama!!
(translation: Yes, Lord Dilandau!)

music: Sora ~ escaflowne movie

Just surfing the net, looking up my fav Dragon Slayers. For those of you who don't know, the DragonSlayers are an elite squad of Gyumelef pilots of the Zaibach Empire, led by the one and only Dilandau Albatou and his cute pink Gyumelef.

Dilanday: It's red, you idiot. RED.

Me: Suuure.....

The Dragon Slayer army is rather large, though they were hand-picked by Dilan-sama himself. The main ones, or the ones we see the most are as follows (pics included)

Oh, and they're in no particular order. Seriously.

Of course, Dilan-sama gets the biggest and purtiest picture. Miguel gets second purtiest ^_^

'Slayers: *pout*

Miguel *drools*

Now, to place them in order of faves, and say abit about 'em...

Dilandau Albatou
Dilandau-sama, as we all know, is the slightly insane leader of the Dragon Slayers. I wouldn't say he works for Folken, more like with him, even though his rank seems to be somewhat lower. He treats Folken-san more like an equal than a commander, and the only one he'll bow to is Dornkirk. It seems Dilandau is an expert when it comes to Guymelef battles, but in swordsmanship, he let his hand slip, and the result was that long scar that runs down the side of his face after ep 5. He may be a bit hard on his 'Slayers, but he picked them with absolute care, making sure they could handle what he and their enemies dish out, and it really ticks him if anything happens to them.

Miguel Lavariel
Miguel is pretty much my second fav 'Slayer, after Dilan-sama. I first noticed him, unfortunatly, the ep of his....death...so I rewatched all the eps before that, just to catch a glimpse of him. He is VERY good looking, in my opinion, and seems to have quite a bit of common sense compared to the rest of Dilandau's bunch. I'm not saying their stupid or anything...

Slayers: *glare*

Migule, unfortunatly, made an early exit thanks to this Doppleganger called Zongi. This got me aggravated, but irratated Dilandau even more, who avenged Miguel by squeezing the Doppleganger to death in his mecha claw. HA.

It was a toss up between Gatti and Miguel for who was my second fav Slayer, but I still really like Gatti. Gatti seems to be like, the second in command of the Slayers. He also seems to push his luck with Dilan-sama, not in total control like some of the others. He also delivers reports and messages to him, and Dilan-sama seems to trust him in battles, like when he left the job up to the young Slayer when he departed early in the battle in ep 4. Even though Allen beat him into the topsoil. That's rough. Gatti, second in command to the great Dragon Slayers, beat into the earth by a blonde goody-two-shoes bishounen. Ouch.
Gatti also stands his ground better than the rest of the slayers. Shesta and Dallet were sent sprawling when Dilandau gave them a good slap in ep 3, but Gatti's been punched by him and is still standing. Go Gatti ^__^

Shesta is kind of like the cute, pokable Slayer of the bunch. He's got the cute little blonde hair and the big blue eyes and the all around kawaiiness; though he does get beaten around alot, be it by Van, Allen, or Dilandau himself. One of the reasons Shesti-chan is on the receiving side of everyone's fist is probably because he cares about Dilandau-sama. When Dilandau's mad, the Slayers tend to keep their mouths shut, but Shesta ( as well as Gatti) don't seem to care what happens to them, as long as they're commander's alright. He also puts himself into nasty situations in battle, seeking out the tougher opponents so as to keep the greater threat away from Dilan-sama. But, though he is the most bishouny of the main bunch, he's still and excellent fighter; you think Dilan would have chose him for the team otherwise?

Dallet-san is...interesting, to say the least. He has the cute bishy hairdo and pretty lilac eyes. He doesn't say much, but he's probably Dilandau's 3rd top 'Slayer. He, along with Shesta, got told off when their Guymelefs when they destroyed Fanelia, but they DID get into a little ramble with Escalfowne, and nobody, not even Dilly-sama, can come out of that without a scratch. Dallet-san is pretty cute, and when all the slayers are dead and Van goes after Dilandau, Dallet is the first one to appear and stop him.

A, Viole, the silent 'Salyer with the pretty hair. We seem him briefly in the first ranks of the Slayers as they get yelled at for screwing up the attack on Fanelia, but that's about the only clear time we get to see him. But he is easily distinguishable with his long, wavy brownish-purply hair.

Another elusive silent Slayer. We now of both him and Viole from brief shots, and their names mentioned once or twince by Dilandau. But, alas, we never hear his voice.

There you go!! The main Dragon Slayers of Zaibach's elite force. Sadly, just about everyone of them was knocked off, 'cept for Dilandau-sama...

Dilandau: Am special ^__^

Gah. We hates math, preciouss

Quote of the Day: "It RUINS them!!!"
~~Smeagol hates cooked things, preciouss...~~

music: Ask the Owl ~ escaflowne, ep 3, Van & Allen's Guymelef battle(great tune. so powerful...)

(I'm going through a temporary Esca phase, for those of you who haven't realized it.)

Kaiba-kun hasn't blogged for a week!! And I know he's still alive. I know this for a fact, for I stood over his shoulder today and watched him play cards (and get into a catfight with Chris). C'mon, Kaiba-kun!! It's the only way we'll be able to communicate during vacation.

Today was boring. The math test sucked. I did okay on the oral. I almost toally screwed up the chaines d'operation, cuz I had STUDIED for chaines d'operation, but half of it wasn't! It was ridiculous. Then I dozed off. So did just about half the class.

Catholic was boring. But it was our last class. I thought this day wuld never come...

In gym, after begging and pleading, a bunch of us got to bring badminton rackets out, and I plowed through the competition like they were dust.

Yami Bakura: That would be my ego speaking.

It's true though. Not even the great and mighty Lucas Vavougios could beat me. When coming down, I spotted Luca, glomped him, and nearly knocked him over in the proccess. He wasn't feeling good. He always gets moody towards the end of the day, so I tried to snap him out of it. Useless. *sigh*. But, once again, I was accused of being his girlfriend. *growls low and dangerous-like.*

At lunch I went up to the fishbowl and studied for my music test, as well as watched Kaiba-kun and Co. play cards.

Well, since I wasn't there for my playing test, I probably got a 0, but I think I might actually get good on my theory test. I only have two mistakes so far, and that's on one side of the page. Am very happy right now. Oh, and I'm paying a billion dollars to keep my instrument over the summer, and I was looking at the contract, and I noticed he marked "Benson" for brand, 63 for number, and worth 630$. I was going to tell him he'd made a mistake, mine was a Holton, number 15, worth 300$. But then I heard: Voila!! I'm getting a new one!! BRAND new!! And I'm glad it's not a Yamaha. I hate the Yamaha ones for some reason. Mine is the oldest one of the entire bunch, believe it or not, from 1969. It's old and the staff hardly moves, but it IS mine, and I've gotten attached to it. I'll miss it. Hope it falls into good hands.

Stayed after school for a while with Dia again. We didn't go to the park today, though. Oh well. And I wore a skirt. I haven't worn a skirt forever. And I hate wearing them with knee-highs for some reason. I prefer stockings, but I survived. It was okay. Some people though I looked cute ^__^

Jun 3, 2003

Collins Bediako - you're a dead man walking.
(I dunno exactly how to spell his last name..)

Quote of the Day: "I want your HEAD!!!"
~~Dilandau-sama expressing the same feelings I have about Collins~~

music: Losing Grip ~ avril lavigne

Are you aware of what you make me feel, baby
Right now I feel invisible to you,
like I'm not real
Didn't you feel me lock my arms around you?
Why'd you turn away?
Here's what I have to say.

I like this song, partly becuz of the tune, partly becuz it reflects my emotions toward the former Smeagol (for those of you who were wondering, her name is Laura-Chanel. "Smeagol" is dead).

The reason I'm blogging so late is because I went to the park again with Dia. We had a very interesting talk about bothe current state of our friendship. The thing is, I was starting to feel as if Dia was becoming more and more distant, and Maguli was coming closer, but Dia reversed the situation for me today when she told me she feels that Maguli is no longer with her. I told her maybe it's just being paranoid, but, for me, it all seems as if this all started with Laura-Chanel, when our friendship ended. Dia tells me Maguli thinks it seems I get angry more and more often, but I've always had a short (SHORT) temper, but not too much of an explosive one. I've never been violent or anything when losing my cool or whatever. And she says I changed, I became more "emotional" after we stopped being friends. Excuse me, but Maguli hardly KNEW me in the first place back then.

I don't know if Laura and I will ever become friends again. It sees like such a petty way to end what was a fairly strong friendship. It's been like, four months, but I never stop thinking about it. Already, when we made the transfer from elemenatry to high school, she had been..different. As time passed, she seemed more and more distant, and when I think about it, it seems stupid, like it was a ridiculous reason to pick a fight, but when I look again, maybe it was for the best, and I'm not sure if I want to be her friend again.

On a less depressing note, Collins is going to die. Now THAT'S a reason to celebrate. So is Stefi. Well, maybe not, but she was still mean. They keep insisting Kaiba and I are...going out or something. Now, let me clear something for you people.


Friends who share similar interests and make good conversation parters. *gives death glare to all who think differently*.

That's all. Must study for a math AND music test. Ick.

*sends Dilan-sama and his red Guymelef after all who support Collins*

Yami B: What about me? I haven't set anyone on fire for the whole weekend now.

Dilandau: Hey, I'M the pyromaniac around here, got it?!

Me: *throws away math book* There, guys. Have fun.

*explosions and flames...*

Jun 2, 2003

Ah ha, it's funny cuz it's true.

Quote of the Day: "We be niice to them, if they be niice to uss..."
~Suuure, Smeagol..~

music: Let's get this party strated ~ korn (yes, again. i had this song in my head the whole day, and i couldn't remeber the words for shit. that's very unlike me.)


Okay, so I'm an evil genius, but I'm still a genius!!

Best mark in any term exam(math): 93% fin-etape 3.
New best mark(math): 95% fin-etape 4


*giggles insanely*

Sooo happeeee........


But now for the day.

In english, we went downstairs for half the periode to clean out our lockers. My locker's pretty bad, but compared to some people, it's sparkling clean. I gave in my poetry porfolio, which I finished this morning, and afterwards noticed some speling mistakes which I fixed hurriedly and messily with my new Sakura inking pens. *huggles pens*.

In info, everybody was asking me questions. It got annyoing. Luca and I have this new thing where whenever he laughs or I laugh he goes "It's funny cuz it's true!". The way he says it makes me crack up. We aslo finished our spreadsheet project, so we're very relieved.

Art sucked. I got to bug Kaiba-kun (^__^) which was the only entertaining thing. Otherwise, Mme Chapedelaine gave us more shit. And I have THREE drawings to do TONIGHT. DAMN. As well as work on my french compo. I'm going to pass french ^__^

Math was boring besides that. Jaspreet beat me by ONE MEASLY MARK. Kaiba-kun got 99. Typical. *goes off to pout*

Will go watch more Escaflowne episode now. ^_^ Yay.