Aug 31, 2003

That IS interesting...

music: Taking Over Me ~ evanescence

I have just made a rather startling discovery.

Browsing through Gundam Seed screenshots one day, I stubled upon a rather interesting woman. With her cold eyes and short, silver hair, my first thought was "Yzak" but myself not having that ep yet *kicks kazaa* i couldn't know for sure. Here's a pic of her (excuse the fuzzy quality).

I showed it to Vero, who agreed she looked stunningly like Yzak. Finally, I tracked down the ep summary and discovered her name: Ezaria Juru, and huzzah, I do believe she's Yzak's mother. It works, cause he's a spitting image of her too. Vero's now in the process of sending me the ep.

Yay for random discoveries.
It's already two thirty? Jesus, go to sleep, Ryou...

Quote of the...uh...middle of the night: "Stop blowing holes in my ship!"
~~One of my fav Jack Sparrow quotes ^^~~

music: My Immortal ~ evanescence



I finally get to stay up really late and do anything I want cuz I'm all along in this cold dark basement..and..and..where's the dog? *looks around* Urg, she must be upstaires. Coward...

So yeah, I did end up staying over and babysitting, but it wasn't that bad since the girl from next door came over and we hung out and the boys didn't make that much of a fuss, 'cept for Sam, who wanted to... uh... stack the chairs on top of a each other or something like that. He pretty much had a meltdown when I told him he couldn't. He finally fell asleep on the cofee table and hour later.

Oooh, ooh, forgot to mention, before that we DID end up going to Pirates of the Carribean. "Welcome to the Carribean, love! ^^"

I drew a little (a chibi of Rei and Kaworu, watching the End of Eva has gotten me back into it a little, and Kaworu's one of my fav charas, he just HAD to be chibified ^^), then was on with Vero for a while, then drew some more and came down here, though I'm still sort of pissed off cause I'm missing an earring and my GBA, obviously one my bro's fault.

I'm currently in the midst of hunting down some jap GS fanart. It's strange that everytime I get bored of the offical pics and screenshots from the series I go for the fanart. I first discovered the world of jap fanart looking for yu-gi-oh pics, and did so for Gundam Wing, Gundam Seed, and a few others (ion remeber, they're all saved in my favorites at home..)

Drew another piccie of Yzak.... I think it's safe to say he's my new favorite XD. But he's so totally Dilandau with the scar it's just scary. Him and Niko, too. Nikoru is just CUTE. Asuran too... They make all the "bad guys" cute. What is up with that? Drives me insane cause I always end up falling for the antagonist, then get weird looks from everyone else who don't share my obssession. *shoves Yzak in closet* too much eye-candy is not healthy for me...

If you'll excuse me I'll go back to surfing. Hope I don't fall asleep on the keybaord.

Arg crap I forgot to pack my pjs, I gotta sleep in my clothes. T_T

Aug 30, 2003

My pets: Two puppies, two kitties, oh, and two brothers.

Quote of the Day: "What happened to the cat, dear?"
~~To which I spit out a hairball and answer "ionno..."~~

music: Tourniquet ~ evanescence

I'm currently at my fathers house, and HUZZAH its empty of humans besides myself, if I'm to be considered a human. My father is mowing the lawn and my brothers are off...somwhere. The dog (or one of them, my favorite, a black lab named Jasmine) is sitting next to me, the other dog Freebie, I have no clue where she is, and the cat, Bell, has also disappeared.

Because the computer in my room in the basement (yes, I sleep in the basment -.-) is a piece of crap, I use the one of the main floor alot now. It's nothing compared to the big kick-ass one at home, but it serves my purposes. I was on it till midnight last night, the cat (whose a kitten, mind you, to months) sleeping on top of it. I then brought her down and she slept on the pillow after failing to get comfortable on my gameboy.

Oh wait, here they are. -.-

Ugh, my father just made a proposition to me: he wants me to babysit tonight. I only brought clothes for one night, and I'm not sure I want to spend my last days of freedom here, but we'll see.

Now i have to wait for Vero to get on, she owes me a scene from her fanfic but couldnt get it to me last night cause of the comp she was on. *kicks comp* This is going to be a loong day.

Aug 29, 2003

New templates! I love templates! Drinks all around! XD

Quote of the Day: "I-tai! Itai!"
~~Yzak after Kira gave him that shrapnel wound, which later became the very sexy scar he bears now ^^~~
(btw, "itai" means "ouch")

music: Everybody's Fool ~ evanescance

Finally, a new template. It's my own creation, by the way, used one already provided by blogger and played around with the color and font. I like it. It's the same one I have at Ryou's Travel Blog (shameless self-promotional plug!)

Only three days of freedom left... ;_; Oh, the horror. Ah well, its' still good to be back and see everyone again, and I'm eager to see my schedual. I'll miss geo, but I'm looking forward to history. Home Ec I'm still not too sure about....And I'm eager to know who I have for english.

I have nothing more to say besides - whee! *throws confetti* yay for templates! ^^

Aug 28, 2003

Of course..

jack shiny
Duh. You are "But WHY's the rum gone?!"
You're not the smartest one in the bunch, but
you're sweetly appealing and you don't let
disappointment get to you. Everybody
identifies with you, because let's face it, why
IS the rum gone?

Which one of Captain Jack Sparrow's bizarre sayings from Pirates of the Caribbean are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

And let's face it, it IS the best line in the movie..

Your Captain Jack Sparrow
You're not always clear when you say something, but
you are trustworthy.

-x-What charater from Pirates of the Carribbean are you?(with pictures)-x-
brought to you by Quizilla



Aug 27, 2003

Imma gonna kick Kaiba's butt if he doesn't appreciate this...

Quote of the Day: "Bloody English."
~~I somehow became more Irish over the summer..O.o~~

music: My Last Breath ~ evanescence




Maybe they'll have a special edition with MORE SMEAGOL.

And more Pip and Merry too. My mom just wants Aragorn -.-

ANYWAY, a major development today: I got an e-mail from Kaiba-kun this morning, and it reminded me of the eps at the back of my mind I should be working on right now, sooo, I got to work on the eps! A month later....XD. Anyway, the new one is reeeeally long, but interesting. Once again, Dazzled is the site. We also have a new layout pic, and I always make it so the layout pics are...interesting ^^;; Some more on the Introduction/Characters as well, inclunding a spoiler on the "silver-haired stranger".

So there, Kaiba.


Aug 22, 2003

Wheee finally.

Quote of the Day: "Eat me kindly, Gundam."
~~Bloody engrish fansubs...~~

music: Emballa ~ varekai

Wheeee I'm blogging again.

Bout time.

Hmmm, I have several things to mention, first off, in what I did today:

Around midday, we went off to the Top Marks supply thingy, where they supply our uniforms (our off-green/beige SS uniforms XD). Ahem, anyway.... it's about time I got new pants since the ones I wore all of last year, the "guy pants" as we affectionatly called them (ladies pants but with pleats) were way too big for me. I didn't really mind, I mean I don't mind being tomboyish if it means I have to wear pants almost identical to the ones to the boys, at least they were somewhat comfortable, but I finally got the pleatless ones, which are at least a little sexier. There is a God. I also got a new blouse and a tie. Whoopee.

After that my mother went to a car dealership, myself tagging along, because, huzzah! she needs a new car. It's about time, too. Her current thing is a ten-year-old shitbox. She's thinking a Hundai probably. I want a Lambergini or Mercedes, dammit. ;_;

Alright, now back to the world of anime (finally):

My End of Eva finally finished downloading (it's only part one though) and so far, it's been..interesting. BUT I THINK THEY KILLED OFF ASUKA. WHY IN THE HELL DID THEY HAVE TO KILL OFF ASUKA? Ionno for sure, but I'm pretty confident having her EVA become an EVA shishkabob on spears pretty much did it...poor Asuka ;_;. And poor Shinj-chan too. AND POOR MISATO. WHY ARE THEY KILLING EVERYONE?!

It's massacre time on Heliopolis in Gundam Seed, but this is definetly up for becoming one of my fav animes. I mean, the graphics are amazing, they even use digital CG for alot of the ships and biggers scenes. Vero's protest is the explosions in space are pink XD. There seems to be alot of pink in that anime. Lacus and her little pink blasphemy...*shudders*

Yzakee-chan has climbed the rank of my favs. He and Nico-chan and Asuran(Athrun, whichever you prefer). Nico-chan reminds me of Quatre ^^. And Yzak is kinda like Dilandau but with straight hair XD. And the scar in a different place. But otherwise, very similar. Only Yzak doesn't pilot a pink Melef.

Dilandau: It's RED.

And his DragonSlayer's are baby blue...O.o

Aug 17, 2003

OMG, Jack Sparrow was in MY park!!! XD

music: Believe ~ gundam seed 3rd opening



Yesterday I obtained quite an interesting piece of information. My father lives in Baie D'Urfee, and down the street is my friend Tammy. Across the street from her house is a big park, no swings or anything, just an open space we always play soccer or hang out in.
Alright, so apparently Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) has been in Montreal for the past few weeks, right? Pretty damn cool. What I didn't know was that they were filming part of that movie IN OUR PARK, WALKING ON OUR GRASS. I pretty much had a heart attack.

But I didn't get to see him ;_;

Anyway, last night baby sitting my bros wasn't so bad. I kept chasing the kitten, Bell, around the house then bringing her back to the comp chair with me. She declared mortal combat on my whilst I was playing Minesweeper with Vero and she destroyed my hands with her teeth. XD

Oh, whoops, Vero's on. Didn't even notice XD

sayonara tomodachies

*skips off*

Aug 16, 2003

Sand. Lots and lots and lots of SAND.

Quote of the Day: "ROAR!"
~~Why do you think we called it Nazgul 5 of Minas Morgul? *points to evil winged beast flying overhead*~~

music: Super Drive ~ gravi opening theme (yaaaaaay thank god for headphones ^^)

They don't have enough of Tohma in the opening theme.

I protest.

Yeah, sand. Went to the beach with my father, bros, and friends. Read and chased my bros into the water. I'm now in the basement of his house in my room with the crappiest, slowest computer in the world, freezing my ass off. Which isn't so bad, considering it's like 30 degrees.

On the way to the beach (Cape St Jaques) we passed through this place>.< I forget. ANYWAY, this "place" was filled with the kind of houses you get your hands on when you win the 6 49. Like, the guesthouses where bigger than the one I live in, which is pretty big. One of the gardens looked like a golf course. O.o

Otherwise, I have nothing much to say. XD I'm bored and Vero isn't on (I secretly downloaded MSN, hopefully I'll be long gone by the time anybody realizes). I'll probably read and draw till supper, then my dad and his wife are going to a movie or whatever, so I'm stuck keeping an ear out for my sleeping bros. How exciting. At least there's a comp upstaires I can blog on. And it even has msn ^^


Okay, that ---> ;_; is like the understatement of the century.

Oooh, I have an idea. I can write. Vero and I have been going back and forth, sending each other our GW fanfics over msn, so when she comes on I'll get her to sen me mine so I can continue it. ^^

I truly AM a genius.

Aug 15, 2003


This had me in tears after I was done. Mad libs. The big bold words are the ones I filled out. And then they stuck them together. Duo is and Oz soldier by accident ^^;;


Once upon a time there has a young OZ OFFICER named DUO. He was VERY SLEEPING in the SQUISHY forest when he met CUTE QUATRE, a run-away GUNDAM PILOT from the CUDDLY Queen LAUREN.

DUO could see that CUTE QUATRE was hungry so he reached into his TUPPERWARE and give him his POOFY CAULIFLOWER. CUTE QUATRE was thankful for DUO's CAULIFLOWER, so he told DUO a very PISSED story about Queen LAUREN's daughter VERO. How her mother, the CUDDLY Queen LAUREN, kept her locked away in a PYRAMID protected by a gigantic KITTY, because VERO was so SOFT.

DUO WALKED. He vowed to CUTE QUATRE the GUNDAM PILOT that he would save the SOFT VERO. He would ROLL OVER the KITTY, and take VERO far away from her eveil mother, the CUDDLY Queen LAUREN, and SING her.

Then, all of the sudden, there was a POKEABLE THUNDERSTORM and CUTE QUATRE the GUNDAM PILOT began to laugh. With a puff of smoke he turned into the gigantic KITTY from his story. CUDDLY Queen LAUREN RAN out from behind a COOKIE and struck DUO dead. In the far off PYRAMID you could hear a POOF.


Make your own Fairy Tale at

Is that not worthy of a fall-off-chair-bang-head-on-keyboard?
Your perfect match would be Athrun Zala!!
Athrun Zala.. yeah XD Your man now!

Which Gundam Seed guy is your best match?
brought to you by Quizilla

I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself. Yes I can be a hothead... XD.


He's got that pink thing again!

Wheeee, new anime! ^^

music: Fight For Your Honor ~ karate kid

Vero has introduced me to a new anime from the Mobile Suit Gundam collection, Gundam Seed. I've only seen the first episode, and I've got to say it looks pretty interesting. The graphics are a bit better(ok, WAY better) then GW, but we'll have to see about character development and plotline. I've already established Athrun Zala as my fav (he's CYOOTE) and did some quizzes on it aswell.

You're Kira!

Gundam Seed Character Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

O.o Kira's pretty cool, overall.

Athrun Zala, aget 16. A bit hypocrite but he always do his best
YOU ARE..... : Athrun Zala ! Being serious all the
time isn't good you know ? Although you're a
little bit hypocrite you always tried your best

Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED Character Personality Test !
brought to you by Quizilla

Yaaaaay Athrun and that weird little pink thing!! XD

Aug 13, 2003


Quote of the Day: "Stay here, and, I know it sounds hard but, please - don't do anything... stupid."
~~Okay, Jack. If you say so.~~

music: Nittle Grasper ~ gravitation (dont ask me, it's their theme song or something ^^;;)

Going to Vero's later on today. Yaaaaay. Finally. Oooh, I just remebered, last time she left her jacket here, so I have to bring it back. XD. We might go swimming later, we don't know yet.

Blogging because I have nothing to do. I'm also downloading the End of Evangelion, cuz I never saw it >.< But it's still a really good series. Evangelion was the first manga I ever read, and the only one in english, mind you.

Um...oh yeah. In other news, I'm almost finished my sketchbook, with one page left, but I still don't know what to draw for this last page. I don't wanna end up ripping it out. The sketchbook itself went from 50 pages to 25. -.- That's how picky I am with some of my stuff.

Let's see...what else... ah yes. Ms Pippin's Anime had it's first birthday this summer. I set it up june 2002 and it's been running strong. We have a new gallery thanks to a friend of mine Linda from drama school, and I'm still keeping up the whole new layout once a month regiment, and putting up some of my Photoshop works, even thought it's taking up a lot of space. ^^

Ah, well.

Up the Republic!

Aug 11, 2003

Gomen-nasai! ^^

Quote of the Day: "I'm not evil - I'm just drawn that way."
~~Can you just IMAGINE Yami B saying that with a big grin on his face?^^~~

music: So Much Pain ~ ja rule

*yawns* Oh gods. Remember before I left Cape Cod I was all pissed bacause they'd torn up the sidewalks on my street? Well, we all prayed they weren't going to tear up everything else, and they didn't. But now, it's like an EARTHQUAKE out there, and they're re-paving the street now. At 7:00 AM they needed to get everyone to move their car, d'you know how they did that? They went up an down the street honking their sorry assess off to wake everyone up. I'm going to sue them...

Now I'm waiting for Vero to come on msn. I'm leaving for my Nonni's again later on, so my time is limited. I guess I'll write a bit, since I've been wanting to do that.

ARG. Work on the eps, I know, I KNOW. >.<

Aug 9, 2003

Up the Republic!

Quote of the Day: "Gentlemen! You will remember this as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow!"
~~But found him later and threw him in jail XD~~

music: Hinko ~ dralion

Arg. My Gravi and GW eps are taking a million years to download, and Vero's gone off for a moment, so I'm taking the time to blog.

I'm just about finished the Eagle has Landed. Okay, here's a clear-up: all you people who have read the Eagle has Landed but not the Eagle has Flown, well, what are you waiting for, you daft buggers, GO BUY IT!

It's the continuation of what happened in the first one, except toss around a few facts here and there. So for all you who think Kurt Steiner is dead, NUH-UH - he lives on, I tell you! And good, too, cause I like the guy. Devlin's back in the game too. I actually ended up reading the Eagle has Flown before the Eagle has Landed, so I got to poke fun at all these lies. ^^. In the movie, too, they kill off Kurt Steiner. I got really pissed after that XD. But now I see it's straight out of the book. Well, anyway, go buy it, it's a great book; go on, hurry up before I sick Devlin on you!

Aug 7, 2003

BEHOLD! I have returned.

Malik: Much to all our chagrin...*gets whacked* ouch, d'arvit...

Quote of the Day: "I'm LUGGAGE. Whaddyou mean I need a passport?!"
~~ XD Suichi... ~~

music: A La Lune ~ la nouba


I'm back.

I got lucky. My Nonni went over to my Zia's to do a little work on the garden, so they dropped me of here. And I've got the house to meself, my mom's working. Eeeexcellent.

Two days ago, much to my own chagrin, I was dragged off to the library. I hate the library. It's fine for research and that crap, but not for pleasure reading. Ionno if it's the type of books, or how old they are, or the fact they never have the one I want, I just don't get along with libraries very well.

Anyway, I did get a little lucky this time. I came across the first book of Everworld, another K.A. Applegate series, which I had tried reading, but had been to young at the time to appreciate it fully when it first came out. I also got a novel by Terry Brooks, a popular fantasy writer. Give it a shot.

I scored bigtime on the Jack Higgins front. Nothing with Dillon, unforutnalty, I think I've read all the ones with him in it, but I did get a Season in Hell, which looks interesting, as well as Night of the Fox, which I had read previously and really liked, though it had belonged to my english teacher, so I had to give it back. And, of course, my greatest triumph:

The Eagle has Landed.

I grabbed that thing off the shelf and hugged it as if it was the last book in the world. I've been looking for it for quite a while, but it's so old nobody carried it (you people are so CHEAP). The last place I expected it was at the library. However, it was there, and I've been devouring it like Vero's guinea pig devouring lettuce.

Which is quite a feat, if you ask me.

I've seen the movie, of course, and it helps with the whole picturing of the scenes. I still remember Devlin's comment as the Germans came parachuting in:
"Dear God, flying pigs."

Aug 6, 2003

Nonesense ^^

Quote of the Day: "If you keep going round and round and round and round like that you're going to get stupid!"
~~Right, Ryuchi...~~

music: Cat's Delicacy ~ meruru! from esca

I've totally fallen in looove with this song. It's really fun, and Meruru's voice is just adorable. I even learnt the words XD. Yes, they make no sense. No I don't mind. I know all of Cirque du Soleil's lyrics, and just about half of them are completely made up.

Teeheeeeeee *goes off dancing*

Speaking of Meruru, I watched an old ep of Esca yesterday. Partly because I felt like listening to japanes and all my Gundam Wing eps are english, besides Endless Waltz. It was ep... ten, I believe. With Migelu *drools*. It's a really cool fight scene bewteen he and Van towards the end. Even if he does get killed... ;_;

Aaaaaaaaaanyway, I'm being shipped off to my Nonni's today to sleep over, so I'll have disappeared for a little while. I regret to announce this is the end. I'm going now. I bid you all a very fond farewell.

*disappears in a puff of smoke, but comes out coughing a second later*

Yami B: Not quit how you planned that, huh?

Me: Wha- where did you come from?!

Yami B: Doesn't matter, I'll just be leaving now...


*goes off*

Malik: *appears out of nowhere, looking rather irritated* I've been told to inform you all Nazgul 5 is on hiatus for two days, and might not be updated regularly due to the host being dragged back and forth across the city. Thank Ra.

Me: *from far off* YOU'RE ASKIN' FOR IT, ISHTAR!

Aug 5, 2003

O.o That's VERY interesting....

Quote of the Day: "Shinigami khaado??"
~~I half expected to see Duo on Hitomi's Death tarot card...^.^~~

music: Organ Pub ~ escaflowne (hurray for my burnt CDs! ^^)

For some reason when I disintergrated, or...disfragemented..dis.., oh whatever. When I "fixed" my system, half my videos and stuff on Kazaa got chopped up or refused to play on anything other than DivX. Then, when I went looking for all my Esca music, it disappeared. >.< So now I'm re-downloading my faves, and I found an old burnt CD with a few of them on it, which I'm listening to right now.

I'm currently blogging in Kazaa. Isn't that weird? I never knew you could do that.... O.o Oooh, Shadow of Doubt just came on and I realized they musta destroyed my Folken music video that went with this song...>.< arg...Ah well. *shrugs*

I'm sooo bored. I want to draw but I don't have the motivation. I want to write but the plot holes have still not been filled. And Vero's not on Msn. Well, I should be grateful. If my schedual were still the same I wouldn't be here right nw, I'd be in the dentist's office. Which WILL happen, but next week. ^^ Yay.

I am in a GOOD mood.


When did that happen?

Aug 4, 2003

Quizzes (yes, AGAIN)

music: Resolution ~ varekai


I haven't done a quiz in a long time. So sue me.

No, I'm lying
No, I'm lying

Which of Yami's sayings are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

teehee. That's very much me. I'm the evil comic relief.

Oh, and I did like fifty FF quizzes, and lemme just say Sephiroth has become REALLY interesting..XD
No seriously.
Sexy dude.

Oh, and my inner villain is Hannible Lechter XD

"You enjoy torturing others using your intelligence. You play mind games with people that are dumber than you, and you love to make them feel inferior. You can make people terrified of themselves, and you do this all...just for a bit of fun."

He's soooo evil, but he's sooo cool.
You'll forgive my uncreativeness, I'm blogging for no reason at all...--.--

Quote of the Day: "Musn't ask us, not it's business!!!"
~~I went Smeagol halfway during the day and started singing the "Rock and pool is nice and cool" song. I drove my mother crazy ^^~~

music: Breaking the Habit ~ linkin park

I'm have decided to blog for the pure purpose of wanting to do something. That's right. I'm bored out of my skull. Vero and I haven't rpged cuz apparently she's not up to it. -.- It's driving me nuts. I want to write, too, but the plot holes are just so numerous.....


Once again, I must get back to the episodes... dammit, Yami B, stop reminding me...arg. FINE. I'll give it a shot...

*goes off muttering censored words*

Is that thunder?


Aug 3, 2003


Quote of the Day:My anti-drug is ranting! I know karate and you're all women!! *teehee*^^
~~That CRACKS me up... Wufei, if you haven't guessed.~~

music: Once Upon A Time ~ la nouba

Arg. I'm so not in the blogging mood, but considering Vero in ticking the hell out of me by being nonechalant on msn, she's putting ME in a bad mood, so I'm trying to shrug it off by blogging. Blogging is my anti-drug.

More updates in the world of art. Lesse.... after the ballroom one from last time with the purty costumes, we have.. uh...oh right. My conductor from mine and Vero's little RPG world/ story. She's my creation, and she's been leading the band throughout the scenes. I had originally fashioned her after myself, but simply changed the haircolor to a more flaming red than my own auburn. I kept the light grey/blue and pale skin, and, after re-reading it a few times, I found I had unintentionally made her look like Marimeia. >.< Yeah. I like Marimeia though. As squeaky as she is. She's cute ^^.

After that.... uh.. I was experimenting with clothes and stuck Vero in a pretty ballroom gown. It turned out okay. It's kind of simple, though. Her hair at least came out decent. After that we have what's probably my fav. See, the RPG world took a turn, and now, Duo's become my onee-chan, my big brother(in which case I can bug the hell out of him and he can't shoot me). That, accompanied with me being 8 years younger (yes, im no longer my sardonic, calculating self, but an innocent child) makes for a very cute scene. I have it sketched, so I wont water-c it. It's cute. I should scan it... I wonder if it fits in my scanner...O.o

After that we have the Shinigami female version, which came out a little messy but still cool. I'm very happy wit the way the hair and the scyth came out.

>.< Arg. I just remeber I haven't worked on my episodes in ages. I had almost finished one recently, but it toally escaped me after I left for Cape Cod. I know I should work on it... Dazzled needs some updates and Kaiba is impatient to get to the finals..*rolls eyes* figures, I'm on HIS schedual, mister doesn't-take-time-to-carefully-weave-plots. I killed my brain coming up with a reason for ancient!Bakura's presence. My reason, though simple, is highly amusing:
It's all Shaadi's fault!!

teehee ^^