Lets see ... Man flesh, orc meat or sushi? Hmm, tough choice.
Quote of the Day: "I can avoid being seen if I wish; but to disappear entirely ... that is a rare gift."
~~Aragorn (all 40 year old women swoon when he throws off his hood ^__^)~~
I have a new site!! Yay!! My five hundredth site! Yay!! Lol, no, but I do have a lot of sites. Because I am bored, I will now list them (and so I don't forget them ^___^)
Shades of Gray : My fan site dedicated to Ryou, Malik and their Yamis. Still tiny, but growing!! Yup ^__^
The Bishies Show: The Bishies Show is my weird little thing where I host a game show and we feature all the Bishies from Duel Monsters. It's actually quite funny. Working on the third episode.
Ms Pippin's Anime: My first site ever, it has a lot of my art work, rants, pictures, games, stuff to check out, odds and ends, and SO MUCH MORE!! ^___^;;
Megapyro World:My online story/manga. Kinda in the dust right now ^__^ needs updating.
Magma TourA visual reference and guid to the peoples and creatures of Magma, based on the book Dia's Story.
The Turtle Home:Home of my various online mangas, featuring Misfits, Rated R for Retarded and Juicy's world.
Turtlez Comix:Because I couldn't fit ALL my comics at The Turtle Home, I stuck them here. This is the manga archive and gallery.
Whew. Okay. Now that THAT'S over, back to my day: booooooring. Besides the fact that Alibaba is going home with multiple bruises on his arm (YAY) He is such an ass though, I can't beleive I ever liked him!! Him and Ian .. good God, what a combination ... maybe we should the be the Ian and Alibaba groupies too so we can kill Ian ... but then again Wess will kill him anyway.
I didn't get a chance to duel today. Forgot my deck at home and no one exciting was in the Fishtank. Did play Urgh with Dia, though. Kicked her butt. Ate her queen *gulp. yum* Yay. I'm gonna have fun drawing chibis all week. MARCH BREAK!! YA!!! Mwahahahahaha.......off to work on me website and draw. Oh, plus I gotta finish the third episode of the Bishies Show.
Feb 28, 2003
Feb 27, 2003
Quote of the Day: "You look terrible."
~~Well, you don't look so good either, Legloas *sticks tong out*~~
A decent enough day today. I finally dueled Vero, although she couldn't find her Sanga or Dark Magicien. It was okay though. Daniel was busy dueling so he couldn't keep score, so we just dueled for fun. I got to use my beautious combo and summon both Blue-eyes and Dark Magicien (yay) but Daniel (using Vero's deck) wiped both of them out *snivel* My caaaaaaaaards!! Noooooo!! I also gave Wess her chibi pic. I had drawn one of her and Jou in chibi form and she was glomping him. She said she was gonna tack in it her chamber ^__^ yay. Lol, anyway, that was about as exciting as it got.
Off to look for more Baku-chan pictures.
Be back soon ^___^
Quote of the Day: "You look terrible."
~~Well, you don't look so good either, Legloas *sticks tong out*~~
A decent enough day today. I finally dueled Vero, although she couldn't find her Sanga or Dark Magicien. It was okay though. Daniel was busy dueling so he couldn't keep score, so we just dueled for fun. I got to use my beautious combo and summon both Blue-eyes and Dark Magicien (yay) but Daniel (using Vero's deck) wiped both of them out *snivel* My caaaaaaaaards!! Noooooo!! I also gave Wess her chibi pic. I had drawn one of her and Jou in chibi form and she was glomping him. She said she was gonna tack in it her chamber ^__^ yay. Lol, anyway, that was about as exciting as it got.
Off to look for more Baku-chan pictures.
Be back soon ^___^
Feb 26, 2003
Quote of the Evening: "A red sun rises. Blood has been spilt on this night."
~~Shakespearean Legolas~~
Pretty!! Go here!!!
I'm off to draw a chibi version of Kaiba!! *giggle*
Quote of the Evening: "A red sun rises. Blood has been spilt on this night."
~~Shakespearean Legolas~~
Pretty!! Go here!!!
I'm off to draw a chibi version of Kaiba!! *giggle*
Quote of the Day: "*singing* Rock and pool, is nice and cool, so nice for feeeeeet!! We only wish, to catch a fish, so juicy sweeeet!!!"
~~Gollum hits a high note on the walk of fame ^___^;;~~
I'm gonna make this quick. I'm kinda peeved cuz I didn't get a chance to duel Vero (cuz she forgot her deck at home) but I did get a rematch with Daniel. He beat my ass in record time (NOT FAIR, KAIBA!! You drew TWO blue eyes on your FIRST draw!!!) Yeah, I've nicknamed him Kaiba since he has 2 blue eyes and borrowed a third from his friend. Although with my Change of Heart strategy I could take them both out at the same time! ^__^
Anyway, tomorrow I'm dueling Vero if she brings her deck (YAY) and right now I'm watching the Japanese opening to the first season of the show. I fainted when I saw Ryou and Yami-Baku *swoon*
Quote of the Day: "*singing* Rock and pool, is nice and cool, so nice for feeeeeet!! We only wish, to catch a fish, so juicy sweeeet!!!"
~~Gollum hits a high note on the walk of fame ^___^;;~~
I'm gonna make this quick. I'm kinda peeved cuz I didn't get a chance to duel Vero (cuz she forgot her deck at home) but I did get a rematch with Daniel. He beat my ass in record time (NOT FAIR, KAIBA!! You drew TWO blue eyes on your FIRST draw!!!) Yeah, I've nicknamed him Kaiba since he has 2 blue eyes and borrowed a third from his friend. Although with my Change of Heart strategy I could take them both out at the same time! ^__^
Anyway, tomorrow I'm dueling Vero if she brings her deck (YAY) and right now I'm watching the Japanese opening to the first season of the show. I fainted when I saw Ryou and Yami-Baku *swoon*
Feb 25, 2003
Quote of the Day: "Theoden, son of Thengel!! Hearken me. Too long have you sat in the shadows."
~~Gandy the I-didn't-know-I-couldn't-use-bleach~~
Seto Kaiba lives to be sexy. That is all I have to say.
AND I'M FALLING FOR BAKU-CHAN!! Yes, even his evil side makes me swoon now. I thought it was at first just a liking, but weee looooves him, yes preciouss!!
Im dueling Vero tomorrow (YAY) but I might be in for one hell of an ass kicking if she brings her Sanga of Thunda card (ya, Sanga of Thunda with an accent ^__^ lol it's our joke) Anyway, suspect Daniel's gonna try and murder her for it. Must protect her!! *strikes valiant pose*
Off to draw Kaiba and impress the hell out of Daniel. Hope I don't screw up his hair.
Quote of the Day: "Theoden, son of Thengel!! Hearken me. Too long have you sat in the shadows."
~~Gandy the I-didn't-know-I-couldn't-use-bleach~~
Seto Kaiba lives to be sexy. That is all I have to say.
AND I'M FALLING FOR BAKU-CHAN!! Yes, even his evil side makes me swoon now. I thought it was at first just a liking, but weee looooves him, yes preciouss!!
Im dueling Vero tomorrow (YAY) but I might be in for one hell of an ass kicking if she brings her Sanga of Thunda card (ya, Sanga of Thunda with an accent ^__^ lol it's our joke) Anyway, suspect Daniel's gonna try and murder her for it. Must protect her!! *strikes valiant pose*
Off to draw Kaiba and impress the hell out of Daniel. Hope I don't screw up his hair.
Feb 24, 2003
i am 4eva in ur debt, jacob!!!
Quote of the Day: "Nooo, don't ask Smeagol, poor poor Smeagol!!!
~~A very pathetic sobbing schizo Smeag ^___^~~
OMG I am forever in Jacob’s debt and …. AND…THANK YOU JACOOOB!!!!!! Okay, let me start from the beginning.
And I would also like to wish everyone a happy International Groupie’s Week!
I was still peeved because I couldn’t find my sketchbook. I was so mad I could’ve ripped off the head of the next person I saw, but then again that would be too Yami Bakura-ish, and the next person I saw was Wess, so I spared her. We went up to Orkish, and I thought I was gonna DIE when I found Alibaba wasn’t there … I was sooo looking forward to beating his head in!! We waited fifteen minutes I hopes that he would come in, but it was only when we thought it was over that he walked in with the most RIDICULOUS haircut I’ve ever seen. I know we’re wraiths, but we still try to look good. But this cut did so totally NOT suit him.
We were successful at bugging the hell out of him, but becuz STOOPID Ian wasn’t there, I didn’t see him get his official 14 birthday beatings. And I so wanted him to come out of that class with a black eye!
What was weird was that when Wess wished him happy birthday, he grumbled “My birthday’s in March…” which was an obviously a lie, so I chirped up with a “Noooooo, it was yesterday.” He gave me such a look and I grinned back with pleasure at being able to annoy him, but then he smiled, and for a fleeting moment I was back where I was when I first fell in love. But I shut that out quickly. I couldn’t afford falling back in love with the likes of HIM. I needed some time off. At one point I got Justin’s attention and made a cutthroat motion and gestured towards Alex, but the eejit couldn’t understand the cutthroat motion, so I silently put my hands around my throat and pretend to strangle myself, all while pointing at Alex, and just at THAT very moment, he decided to look up. I froze in a rather awkward position and he said. “Uh no, I don’t think so.”
“Ehehehe ….”
I slunk down into my chair.
The best part of today was when Jacob brought me my sketchbook. He just pulled it out of his pocket and I nearly glomped the poor guy. I was freaking out and asking him where he found it. It turned out my poor preciousss sketchbook had spent the weekend in the caf.
What really got me mad was when I got in line at lunch, and in front of me were the wraiths we’ve nicknamed “the Graces”: Zara, Ria, and Trinity (Tryn). I saw Alex and Jason in front of me and cringed. Suddenly, Tryn looked from me to Alex and blurted out: “Isn’t that the guy you like?” I could have killed her there and then. Or just sick on the floor into a blob. Juicy turned around with a shocked look and was all “YOU like HIM?!?!” I backed myself off with the usual “A long time ago!!” And Alex was just trying to get AWAY, but no luck. By now I was seething with rage. See, the difference between me and Alex is that I’ll kick anyone’s ass who dare’s interfere wit my love life. Alex just stands there, shy.
“Oh, ya,” Juicy said. “A LONG time ago. How long?”
“A month .. or more,” I said, not exactly remembering when I started hating him (Valentine’s day, actually. A week^___^;;)
“Oh sure,” Jay said sarcastically. “That was SOOO long ago.”
Jay must suffer.
I left kind of satisfied because, well, Alex didn’t leave with a black eye, but at least he left with two bruises on his arm (thanks to Wess)
I now have 6 goddamn pages of homework. We are not math machines here, dammit!!
Quote of the Day: "Nooo, don't ask Smeagol, poor poor Smeagol!!!
~~A very pathetic sobbing schizo Smeag ^___^~~
OMG I am forever in Jacob’s debt and …. AND…THANK YOU JACOOOB!!!!!! Okay, let me start from the beginning.
And I would also like to wish everyone a happy International Groupie’s Week!
I was still peeved because I couldn’t find my sketchbook. I was so mad I could’ve ripped off the head of the next person I saw, but then again that would be too Yami Bakura-ish, and the next person I saw was Wess, so I spared her. We went up to Orkish, and I thought I was gonna DIE when I found Alibaba wasn’t there … I was sooo looking forward to beating his head in!! We waited fifteen minutes I hopes that he would come in, but it was only when we thought it was over that he walked in with the most RIDICULOUS haircut I’ve ever seen. I know we’re wraiths, but we still try to look good. But this cut did so totally NOT suit him.
We were successful at bugging the hell out of him, but becuz STOOPID Ian wasn’t there, I didn’t see him get his official 14 birthday beatings. And I so wanted him to come out of that class with a black eye!
What was weird was that when Wess wished him happy birthday, he grumbled “My birthday’s in March…” which was an obviously a lie, so I chirped up with a “Noooooo, it was yesterday.” He gave me such a look and I grinned back with pleasure at being able to annoy him, but then he smiled, and for a fleeting moment I was back where I was when I first fell in love. But I shut that out quickly. I couldn’t afford falling back in love with the likes of HIM. I needed some time off. At one point I got Justin’s attention and made a cutthroat motion and gestured towards Alex, but the eejit couldn’t understand the cutthroat motion, so I silently put my hands around my throat and pretend to strangle myself, all while pointing at Alex, and just at THAT very moment, he decided to look up. I froze in a rather awkward position and he said. “Uh no, I don’t think so.”
“Ehehehe ….”
I slunk down into my chair.
The best part of today was when Jacob brought me my sketchbook. He just pulled it out of his pocket and I nearly glomped the poor guy. I was freaking out and asking him where he found it. It turned out my poor preciousss sketchbook had spent the weekend in the caf.
What really got me mad was when I got in line at lunch, and in front of me were the wraiths we’ve nicknamed “the Graces”: Zara, Ria, and Trinity (Tryn). I saw Alex and Jason in front of me and cringed. Suddenly, Tryn looked from me to Alex and blurted out: “Isn’t that the guy you like?” I could have killed her there and then. Or just sick on the floor into a blob. Juicy turned around with a shocked look and was all “YOU like HIM?!?!” I backed myself off with the usual “A long time ago!!” And Alex was just trying to get AWAY, but no luck. By now I was seething with rage. See, the difference between me and Alex is that I’ll kick anyone’s ass who dare’s interfere wit my love life. Alex just stands there, shy.
“Oh, ya,” Juicy said. “A LONG time ago. How long?”
“A month .. or more,” I said, not exactly remembering when I started hating him (Valentine’s day, actually. A week^___^;;)
“Oh sure,” Jay said sarcastically. “That was SOOO long ago.”
Jay must suffer.
I left kind of satisfied because, well, Alex didn’t leave with a black eye, but at least he left with two bruises on his arm (thanks to Wess)
I now have 6 goddamn pages of homework. We are not math machines here, dammit!!
Feb 23, 2003
I'm Jounouchi, the cute dorky guy!
Which Yu-Gi-Oh boi are you? Find out!
Another test by that spelunking Mania Macabre.
YAY Joo!!! (Wess thinks thats such a cute name, "Jounouchi", or Jo) *giggle* ^____^
I'm Pegasus, the wine-drinking rich d00d!
Which Yu-Gi-Oh boi are you? Find out!
Another test by that spelunking Mania Macabre.
YAAAAAAAAY PEGGY, the wine drinking RICH DUDE!! ^___^
I'm Kaiba, the sexy h4x0r!
Which Yu-Gi-Oh boi are you? Find out!
Another test by that spelunking Mania Macabre.
yaaaaaaaaaaaay PRECIOUSS!!!! SOOOO sexy!! (aka the adeventures of trenchcoat man and his briefcase) *sweatdrop* not my idea......
I'm Mokuba... save me, big brother! ;_;
Which Yu-Gi-Oh boi are you? Find out!
Another test by that spelunking Mania Macabre.
YAAAAAAAY, preciouss!! *explodes* so KAWAII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies* *then glomps Mokuba* YAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*sing-song voice* I've been workin on my eeeepisodes.....
Quote of the Day: "Oh yes? Just a simple matter of finding our way through the Emyn Muil? An impassable labrynth of razor sharp rocks! And after that, it get even better!!! Festering, stinking marshland, as far as the eye can see ...."
~~Gimli "how come we can't just take a plane to Modor?"~~
HAPPY B-DAY ALIBABA!! Yes, it's his birthday today. I was so totaly looking forward to drawing an Alibaba Groupies pic in my sketchbook, depicting how we were gonna torture him, but it seems impossible, seeing as how I lost my sketchbook. I'm furious. If I never get it back ... who knows what I'm gonna do?? But why anyone would steal it is beyond me .... I just hope its safe in the lost and found or the caretakers office ... first thing I'm doing tomorrow is going to check to see if it's been found. I really hope so ... I won't be able to live through Orkish without it.
a very sad and depressed screech
Quote of the Day: "Oh yes? Just a simple matter of finding our way through the Emyn Muil? An impassable labrynth of razor sharp rocks! And after that, it get even better!!! Festering, stinking marshland, as far as the eye can see ...."
~~Gimli "how come we can't just take a plane to Modor?"~~
HAPPY B-DAY ALIBABA!! Yes, it's his birthday today. I was so totaly looking forward to drawing an Alibaba Groupies pic in my sketchbook, depicting how we were gonna torture him, but it seems impossible, seeing as how I lost my sketchbook. I'm furious. If I never get it back ... who knows what I'm gonna do?? But why anyone would steal it is beyond me .... I just hope its safe in the lost and found or the caretakers office ... first thing I'm doing tomorrow is going to check to see if it's been found. I really hope so ... I won't be able to live through Orkish without it.
a very sad and depressed screech
Feb 22, 2003
Bishounen Lovers
Quote of the Day: "You've been into Farmer Maggots crop!!!
~~Sam holding some illegal cabbages~~
Such a looooooooong boring weekend. Who knew there even was such a thing?? Nothing interesting on the Morgul front. Halflings suspected going North, or at least back around Morranon. Their idiots if they wanna stay near the Cirith Ungol. Become spider food, they will. Yes precious. Well, anyway, if you liked that Bishies episode there, the previous post, then you'll like this place: The Bishies Show It's got all the episode (second one is still going through some editing, but will be up soon). Anyway, have fun. Oh, and be forwarned, some of the new episodes will be featuring a fellow wraith of mine, # 9 Wess!!
Quote of the Day: "You've been into Farmer Maggots crop!!!
~~Sam holding some illegal cabbages~~
Such a looooooooong boring weekend. Who knew there even was such a thing?? Nothing interesting on the Morgul front. Halflings suspected going North, or at least back around Morranon. Their idiots if they wanna stay near the Cirith Ungol. Become spider food, they will. Yes precious. Well, anyway, if you liked that Bishies episode there, the previous post, then you'll like this place: The Bishies Show It's got all the episode (second one is still going through some editing, but will be up soon). Anyway, have fun. Oh, and be forwarned, some of the new episodes will be featuring a fellow wraith of mine, # 9 Wess!!
Feb 21, 2003
Glomping Groupies Inc
Quote of the Duel Monsters Episode: "You'll never free yourself, Keith!!"
~~Creepy but extremely hot Malik (my first Duel monsters quote!!!)~~
Bishounen Groupies Theme Song
Me: Hey, fellow Bishi-fans, and welcome to the Bishi Show, were it's all about the Bishi! (whether they like it or not!!) First, I'de like to introduce my wonderful (sane and currently on medication) co-host, Malik Ishtar!!!!
*shot of Malik standing there smugly in a rather tight-looking leather suit*
Me: And finally, please give a big round of applause for today's featured Bishi ... the hot, the sexy, the homicidal embodiment of hell, Yami Bakura!!!!!!
*shot of Yami Bakura tied to a chair in a similar-looking outfit to Malik, looking ready to kill*
Me: Come on, Baku-chan, cheer up! Why so down?
Yami-Baku: Perhaps it is the ridiculousness of this outfit you insist on making me wear.
Me: Tough luck, Ryou's got the sailor t-shirt, and I know very well you can't stand wearing his beige sweater.
Yami Baku: *grumble*
Me: *grin* Anyway, today we will be dealing with one of the biggest enemies of writers (and gameshow hosts) this century: *dun dun duh duh* the plot hole!!!
Yami Baku: And what in Ra's name is that??
Me: It's what we hang you over by your wrists when you misbehave.
Yami Baku: .............................
Me: But anyway, today we're going to take a closer look at the plot hole! Malik! If you please .... unveil the creature in question!!
*Malik pulls on a string. Panels begint to flip over on the floor and a gaping black hole is revealed*
Me: Now, to demonstrate some of it's ruthless evil powers. *takes rock and drops it*
Everyone: *waits for rock to hit bottom. It doesn't*
Yami Baku: So? I'll throw you in oblivion into the Shadow Realm.
Me: In your dreams, mister.
Yami Baku: Oh yes? *unties himself and walks over to the hole*
Me: ....................?
Yami Baku: *pulls out my flyer of Baku-in-leather pics and dangles it over the hole*
Me: How did you get those?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Yami-Baku: Oh, I had a little help from the inside *winks at Malik*
Me: MALIK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Malik: What? I just gave them to him in exchange for a stash of your Malik-in-leather pics.................oops.
Me: YOU FOUND THOSE TOO?!?!?!?!?!? *lunges at Malik*
Malik: EEEEP!! *runs offstage*
Me: *turns to Bakura* You wouldn't dare.
Yami Baku: Oh, but I would ....
Ryou: *comes running on stage and makes threatening motions to toss Yami Baku's collection of various swords and pain inflicting weapons into the hole*
Yami Baku: Where did YOU come from?!?!
Me: *eyes get all watery* My knight in shining armor! .... or leather, in this case.............
Ryou: Hey, don't take it personally cuz I'm outta here when I'm done. And you owe me big time. No more "picture shoots"!
Me: *grumble*
Yami Baku: DON'T!!!!!!!!! OR ELSE!!!!
Me: Or else what? *suddenly get's an evil look and remarkably resembles a very maniacle looking yami Malik* I control you all!! You're all mine!!!! I PAID FOR YOU!! ALL THE BISHIES ARE MINE!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! (except Pegasus, I haven't fully paid for him yet)
Ryou: *raises an eyebrow* Malik, have you been letting Yami Malik near her again?
Malik: *looking hunted* No...................
*Much chaos on set. When the smoke clears, Yami Baku and Ryou are tied up and Malik and I are brushing ourselves off*
Yami Baku: I DEMAND to be released THIS INSTANT!!
Me: Demand all you want, love, you're going nowhere.
Yami Baku: RELEASE me or feel my WRATH!!
Ryou: What are you going to do with us anyway?
Me: Hmm...well, I haven't actually thought of that yet... You see? This is the whole purpose of the plot hole. As long as its empty, I have no plot to base anything on. But until it's filled, we can use it as a trashcan.
Everyone: Trashcan?
Me: Ya! A wastebin for useless things!
*Ryou and Yami Baku eye each other evilly*
Me: Don't, guys.....
*Yami Baku frees himself first and goes to push Ryou into the abiss*
*pushes Ryou out of the way*
Yami Baku: Darn it!
Me: There. Debt paid, Ryou.
Ryou: Ok, ok, now untie me before he tries that again .......
*Helping untie Ryou when Malik comes up and whispers something in ear*
Me: Uhh......well folks, do to some errors at our sponsoring network, Kaiba Corp, it seems we're gonna have to end here ....... Kaiba dammit!! I know it's you!! You're my next victim, you hear?!?!?!?!?!?
Kaiba: *wherever he is* O_o;;;; uh-oh..........
Me: So tune in next week folks, for another episode of the Bishi Show, guest starring Seto Kaiba!!!!!!!!!
Yami Baku: Can I go now???
Me: Who said you were only staying for one episode??
Bishi Show Theme Song
Producer, Host, Executive Producer, Director:
Cidi Nazgul Five
Malik Ishtar
Guest Starring:
Yami Bakura/Ryou
Sponsored by:
Kaiba Corporation
Quote of the Duel Monsters Episode: "You'll never free yourself, Keith!!"
~~Creepy but extremely hot Malik (my first Duel monsters quote!!!)~~
Bishounen Groupies Theme Song
Me: Hey, fellow Bishi-fans, and welcome to the Bishi Show, were it's all about the Bishi! (whether they like it or not!!) First, I'de like to introduce my wonderful (sane and currently on medication) co-host, Malik Ishtar!!!!
*shot of Malik standing there smugly in a rather tight-looking leather suit*
Me: And finally, please give a big round of applause for today's featured Bishi ... the hot, the sexy, the homicidal embodiment of hell, Yami Bakura!!!!!!
*shot of Yami Bakura tied to a chair in a similar-looking outfit to Malik, looking ready to kill*
Me: Come on, Baku-chan, cheer up! Why so down?
Yami-Baku: Perhaps it is the ridiculousness of this outfit you insist on making me wear.
Me: Tough luck, Ryou's got the sailor t-shirt, and I know very well you can't stand wearing his beige sweater.
Yami Baku: *grumble*
Me: *grin* Anyway, today we will be dealing with one of the biggest enemies of writers (and gameshow hosts) this century: *dun dun duh duh* the plot hole!!!
Yami Baku: And what in Ra's name is that??
Me: It's what we hang you over by your wrists when you misbehave.
Yami Baku: .............................
Me: But anyway, today we're going to take a closer look at the plot hole! Malik! If you please .... unveil the creature in question!!
*Malik pulls on a string. Panels begint to flip over on the floor and a gaping black hole is revealed*
Me: Now, to demonstrate some of it's ruthless evil powers. *takes rock and drops it*
Everyone: *waits for rock to hit bottom. It doesn't*
Yami Baku: So? I'll throw you in oblivion into the Shadow Realm.
Me: In your dreams, mister.
Yami Baku: Oh yes? *unties himself and walks over to the hole*
Me: ....................?
Yami Baku: *pulls out my flyer of Baku-in-leather pics and dangles it over the hole*
Me: How did you get those?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Yami-Baku: Oh, I had a little help from the inside *winks at Malik*
Me: MALIK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Malik: What? I just gave them to him in exchange for a stash of your Malik-in-leather pics.................oops.
Me: YOU FOUND THOSE TOO?!?!?!?!?!? *lunges at Malik*
Malik: EEEEP!! *runs offstage*
Me: *turns to Bakura* You wouldn't dare.
Yami Baku: Oh, but I would ....
Ryou: *comes running on stage and makes threatening motions to toss Yami Baku's collection of various swords and pain inflicting weapons into the hole*
Yami Baku: Where did YOU come from?!?!
Me: *eyes get all watery* My knight in shining armor! .... or leather, in this case.............
Ryou: Hey, don't take it personally cuz I'm outta here when I'm done. And you owe me big time. No more "picture shoots"!
Me: *grumble*
Yami Baku: DON'T!!!!!!!!! OR ELSE!!!!
Me: Or else what? *suddenly get's an evil look and remarkably resembles a very maniacle looking yami Malik* I control you all!! You're all mine!!!! I PAID FOR YOU!! ALL THE BISHIES ARE MINE!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! (except Pegasus, I haven't fully paid for him yet)
Ryou: *raises an eyebrow* Malik, have you been letting Yami Malik near her again?
Malik: *looking hunted* No...................
*Much chaos on set. When the smoke clears, Yami Baku and Ryou are tied up and Malik and I are brushing ourselves off*
Yami Baku: I DEMAND to be released THIS INSTANT!!
Me: Demand all you want, love, you're going nowhere.
Yami Baku: RELEASE me or feel my WRATH!!
Ryou: What are you going to do with us anyway?
Me: Hmm...well, I haven't actually thought of that yet... You see? This is the whole purpose of the plot hole. As long as its empty, I have no plot to base anything on. But until it's filled, we can use it as a trashcan.
Everyone: Trashcan?
Me: Ya! A wastebin for useless things!
*Ryou and Yami Baku eye each other evilly*
Me: Don't, guys.....
*Yami Baku frees himself first and goes to push Ryou into the abiss*
*pushes Ryou out of the way*
Yami Baku: Darn it!
Me: There. Debt paid, Ryou.
Ryou: Ok, ok, now untie me before he tries that again .......
*Helping untie Ryou when Malik comes up and whispers something in ear*
Me: Uhh......well folks, do to some errors at our sponsoring network, Kaiba Corp, it seems we're gonna have to end here ....... Kaiba dammit!! I know it's you!! You're my next victim, you hear?!?!?!?!?!?
Kaiba: *wherever he is* O_o;;;; uh-oh..........
Me: So tune in next week folks, for another episode of the Bishi Show, guest starring Seto Kaiba!!!!!!!!!
Yami Baku: Can I go now???
Me: Who said you were only staying for one episode??
Bishi Show Theme Song
Producer, Host, Executive Producer, Director:
Cidi Nazgul Five
Malik Ishtar
Guest Starring:
Yami Bakura/Ryou
Sponsored by:
Kaiba Corporation
Feb 20, 2003
Yesss, prweciousssss, we could.....
Quote of the Morning: "....Yes, prrreciouss, she could. And then, we TAKES it...once they're dead...."
~~Smeagol, devoted servant of Shelob the Icky~~
Left this on the other night....forgot what I was gonna write about...Oh ya! We have early dismissal today!! YES!!! Ithink around 2:15 or something. Not bad but only like 45 mins or half and hour or so before we were s'posed to end, but it's better than nothing. Hope the Fishtanks open. If there's too many guys for comfort to duel, then I'll just kick Daniel's butt in Urgh.
Quote of the Morning: "....Yes, prrreciouss, she could. And then, we TAKES it...once they're dead...."
~~Smeagol, devoted servant of Shelob the Icky~~
Left this on the other night....forgot what I was gonna write about...Oh ya! We have early dismissal today!! YES!!! Ithink around 2:15 or something. Not bad but only like 45 mins or half and hour or so before we were s'posed to end, but it's better than nothing. Hope the Fishtanks open. If there's too many guys for comfort to duel, then I'll just kick Daniel's butt in Urgh.
Feb 19, 2003
Go Cidi, go Cidi, it's ya birthday, ....
Quote of the Day: "He...he....he's gone. He's gone precious, GONE!! We told him to go away, and away he goes!! Gone, gone, Smeagol is FREEEEE!!!! ^____^;;
~~One over-excited Smeagol~~
I am victorious!!! All bow before my awesome dueling skills!!!
(Yes, Pegasus, that includes you too!)
Pegasus: But I created this game!!
Me: I can still kick your ass at it.
Pegasus: It's MY game, I'M the best!
Me: If I do recall correctly, Yugi and Yami Yugi beat your ass pretty good.
Pegasus: ;_; *sob*
Me: And YES, that includes you too, Malik!! And you, Yami Baku-chan!!!
Y. Baku-chan: I refuse to bow to some amarteur child. And I will not tolerate being called Baku-chan ANY LONGER!!!!
Me: Tough luck **glomps baku-chan**
Y Baku-chan: Ack.....can't breath......get off of me you counfounded child!!
Me: ^___^
Malik: *from somewhere off in the corner* AH HA!
Y. Baku-chan: *sulkily* You shut up.
Me: Ya, cuz you're NEXT, Malik!!!
Malik: O_O
I'll make this brief cuz I gotta go tie up Baku-chan and Malik.
Baku chan: *frees himself from my grasp and begins to stalk off angrily*
See what I mean? Tsk tsk. Yami Bakura!! Temper, temper, jeez......Anyway, I went upstaires to the Fishtank at lunch, but I was stopped halfway there by Daniel, Douglas and Harry, who had also gone up to duel, but informed me that there was a thing going on currently in the Fishtank. We didn't know where we could duel, but finally we agreed to go down to the recroom in the basement and see maybe if there was any space. We got a place at a free pingpong table and began. I hated the fact that I, a GIRL, was dueling, attracted crowds. Crowds of BOYS. Do you know how embarassing that is? A lot asked me if it was MY deck. Like I was too ignorant to assembly MY OWN DECK. *huff*. Anyway, one guy did take my side (OMG i owe him 4ever) and it actually ended up being Daniel versus this kid (Jo I think was his name) dueling through my deck. We kicked Daniel's ass so damn BAD, i mean, 7, 800 or something to nill. The end was a direct attack on his Life points. *muah* yay.
I gotta go catch Yami Baku now.
Y. Baku: Will you stop calling me that?!?!?!?!?!?!
Y Baku: Darn it..........
Quote of the Day: "He...he....he's gone. He's gone precious, GONE!! We told him to go away, and away he goes!! Gone, gone, Smeagol is FREEEEE!!!! ^____^;;
~~One over-excited Smeagol~~
I am victorious!!! All bow before my awesome dueling skills!!!
(Yes, Pegasus, that includes you too!)
Pegasus: But I created this game!!
Me: I can still kick your ass at it.
Pegasus: It's MY game, I'M the best!
Me: If I do recall correctly, Yugi and Yami Yugi beat your ass pretty good.
Pegasus: ;_; *sob*
Me: And YES, that includes you too, Malik!! And you, Yami Baku-chan!!!
Y. Baku-chan: I refuse to bow to some amarteur child. And I will not tolerate being called Baku-chan ANY LONGER!!!!
Me: Tough luck **glomps baku-chan**
Y Baku-chan: Ack.....can't breath......get off of me you counfounded child!!
Me: ^___^
Malik: *from somewhere off in the corner* AH HA!
Y. Baku-chan: *sulkily* You shut up.
Me: Ya, cuz you're NEXT, Malik!!!
Malik: O_O
I'll make this brief cuz I gotta go tie up Baku-chan and Malik.
Baku chan: *frees himself from my grasp and begins to stalk off angrily*
See what I mean? Tsk tsk. Yami Bakura!! Temper, temper, jeez......Anyway, I went upstaires to the Fishtank at lunch, but I was stopped halfway there by Daniel, Douglas and Harry, who had also gone up to duel, but informed me that there was a thing going on currently in the Fishtank. We didn't know where we could duel, but finally we agreed to go down to the recroom in the basement and see maybe if there was any space. We got a place at a free pingpong table and began. I hated the fact that I, a GIRL, was dueling, attracted crowds. Crowds of BOYS. Do you know how embarassing that is? A lot asked me if it was MY deck. Like I was too ignorant to assembly MY OWN DECK. *huff*. Anyway, one guy did take my side (OMG i owe him 4ever) and it actually ended up being Daniel versus this kid (Jo I think was his name) dueling through my deck. We kicked Daniel's ass so damn BAD, i mean, 7, 800 or something to nill. The end was a direct attack on his Life points. *muah* yay.
I gotta go catch Yami Baku now.
Y. Baku: Will you stop calling me that?!?!?!?!?!?!
Y Baku: Darn it..........
Quote of the Morning: "ELENDIL!!"
~~Psycho Aragorn jumping onto orc spears at Amon-Hen~~

Which Psychotically Deranged Yugioh Guy Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Quote of the Morning: "ELENDIL!!"
~~Psycho Aragorn jumping onto orc spears at Amon-Hen~~
Which Psychotically Deranged Yugioh Guy Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Feb 18, 2003
Urk-mate!! (ahahahaha...)
Quote of the Day: "....Sauron's wroth will be terrible, his retribution, swift . The battle for Helm's Deep is over. The battle for Middle-Earth has only begun ...."
~~Gandy the Bleached (Omg no wait!! It's Winston Churchill in disguise!!)~~
I'm sorry I didn't know how to start my blog.
Lol, anyway, ya, I'm kind of pissed off because I didn't have my re-match with Daniel today!! Arg!! I went up to the fishtank and found him playing Urgh with some other wraith (for those of you who don't know, Urgh is kind of like the Orkish version of what mortals call "Chess") Anyway, I am a total Urgh champion (four years in the making!! *muah* lol) And I was like all over the game, going: "Ok, you move hear, and you move hear, and - OMG you IDIOT I can't believe you didn't SEE that!!" Anyway, both were beginners, and I told Daniel to get a move on or we weren't going to have anytime to have our duel but they just kept playing. I went from each one and gave them advise, snapping at anyone who thought their ideas were better (I'm extremely fierce, arrogant, and hard-headed when it comes to this sort of a brain-power strategy game) Anyway, I did make some mistakes, but thank God the guys were dumb enough not to notice till it was too late. Daniel finally Urk-mated his opponent after a LONG period of time that involved a horse, a rook, and two evil queens (I actually came up with a terribly simple strategy to destroy both queens, but no one listens to me!! ARG!!) Anyway, we then had Orkish (that's our new nickname for Black Speech class. Orkish is much simpler.) Anyway, ya, me and Wess had the time of our afterlives bugging the hell out of Alex. I mean, he was gonna crack. Wess kept staring at him intently until his deathly ghost-white transparent skin went magenta. I also drew an Alibaba groupie pic about it. Then we got Ian to kick him repeatedly and Justin to pinch him. God that feels soothing to my burning, vengeful soul ^__^;;
Anyway, I gotta go eat now or I'll starve.
Or will I?
I dunno....I'm feeling sort of off today. Oooooh........che chuisto chui? Nonna!! Volio uno dei chosi chui!!
Eheheh....ya...scolding my friend today in Black Sindarin....don't think she understood me.....hahahaha (its my first language…what mortals would call Italian (ascoli piceno style)
Me: Alright!! ALRIGHT STOP PUSHING, DAMMIT!! i KNOW where the asylum is!!! Jeez........
Quote of the Day: "....Sauron's wroth will be terrible, his retribution, swift . The battle for Helm's Deep is over. The battle for Middle-Earth has only begun ...."
~~Gandy the Bleached (Omg no wait!! It's Winston Churchill in disguise!!)~~
I'm sorry I didn't know how to start my blog.
Lol, anyway, ya, I'm kind of pissed off because I didn't have my re-match with Daniel today!! Arg!! I went up to the fishtank and found him playing Urgh with some other wraith (for those of you who don't know, Urgh is kind of like the Orkish version of what mortals call "Chess") Anyway, I am a total Urgh champion (four years in the making!! *muah* lol) And I was like all over the game, going: "Ok, you move hear, and you move hear, and - OMG you IDIOT I can't believe you didn't SEE that!!" Anyway, both were beginners, and I told Daniel to get a move on or we weren't going to have anytime to have our duel but they just kept playing. I went from each one and gave them advise, snapping at anyone who thought their ideas were better (I'm extremely fierce, arrogant, and hard-headed when it comes to this sort of a brain-power strategy game) Anyway, I did make some mistakes, but thank God the guys were dumb enough not to notice till it was too late. Daniel finally Urk-mated his opponent after a LONG period of time that involved a horse, a rook, and two evil queens (I actually came up with a terribly simple strategy to destroy both queens, but no one listens to me!! ARG!!) Anyway, we then had Orkish (that's our new nickname for Black Speech class. Orkish is much simpler.) Anyway, ya, me and Wess had the time of our afterlives bugging the hell out of Alex. I mean, he was gonna crack. Wess kept staring at him intently until his deathly ghost-white transparent skin went magenta. I also drew an Alibaba groupie pic about it. Then we got Ian to kick him repeatedly and Justin to pinch him. God that feels soothing to my burning, vengeful soul ^__^;;
Anyway, I gotta go eat now or I'll starve.
Or will I?
I dunno....I'm feeling sort of off today. Oooooh........che chuisto chui? Nonna!! Volio uno dei chosi chui!!
Eheheh....ya...scolding my friend today in Black Sindarin....don't think she understood me.....hahahaha (its my first language…what mortals would call Italian (ascoli piceno style)
Me: Alright!! ALRIGHT STOP PUSHING, DAMMIT!! i KNOW where the asylum is!!! Jeez........
Feb 17, 2003
Thank you Bakura!! Thank you for your wunderful Change of Heart!! We wuvs it precious, oh we dooo!! Yes!!!!!
Quote of the Day: Be silent!! I did not pass through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a witless worm!!!
~~Gandy the Grey and Extreemly Pissed-Off~~
I was right. Totally right.
I was in for a crushing defeat by Daniel.
But you know what? I'M NOT STOPPING THERE, DAMMIT!!
Ya, it was a pretty boring duel at first, and I was vey cautious when making the first few moves, cuz I didn't know how Daniel and his thugs dueled. But even though I felt sort of uneasy that I was the only girl in the group, I still was fiercly proud, and some of the guys were even like "Wow, she has good cards" and one guy even said "Daniel, I bet you your whole deck she'll kick your ass." I did do a few excellent moves that were well above my expertise, and some of the guys were shocked that a girl could duel so well. Ha.
We played with sacrifices, which initially meant that when trying to summon a level 5 or higher monster, you had to sacrifice a certain number of lower level monsters. Of course, I didn't normally play with this rule, and my deck wasn't prepared very well for it. But still, I fought on. My best move (all thanks to Yami-Baku and his fav Change of Heart!) was when I had nothing on the field, and useless things in my hand. I knew that if I kept laying down mid-level monsters, Daniel would just keep plowing through them and I would keep losing life-points. The it came, when he laid down TWO Blue-eyes White Dragons. I mean, come on Kaiba, jeez, I'm not Yugi here!! Anyway, I suddenly had a brilliant idea (it's ryou helping me from....wherever they are...lol) and I laid down my Change of Heart. I took control of one of Daniel's Blue-eyes. I then equipped it with a Sword of the Deep-Seated, and destroyed the other. Go me!! Actually, thinking bout it now, I should have just attacked, and I think that would have destroyed them both. Arg. Oh well. Too late. I also got ride of his powerful knight (2600 power points! wow!) with a Fissure. It's really stupid, cuz it's sooo powerful, and Fissure destroys the weakest monster on the field, but in this case, it WAS the weakest, since the other was the blue-eyes. I got rid of his second blue-eyes with my Wall of Illusions, another one of my fav cards, sending it back to his hand. We didn't offically finished, but he just declared wiping my life points away with one last attack. Anyway, I gotta fine-tune my deck in case we duel again.
Status report: Still love Baku-chan ^__^ *obssessed*
Quote of the Day: Be silent!! I did not pass through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a witless worm!!!
~~Gandy the Grey and Extreemly Pissed-Off~~
I was right. Totally right.
I was in for a crushing defeat by Daniel.
But you know what? I'M NOT STOPPING THERE, DAMMIT!!
Ya, it was a pretty boring duel at first, and I was vey cautious when making the first few moves, cuz I didn't know how Daniel and his thugs dueled. But even though I felt sort of uneasy that I was the only girl in the group, I still was fiercly proud, and some of the guys were even like "Wow, she has good cards" and one guy even said "Daniel, I bet you your whole deck she'll kick your ass." I did do a few excellent moves that were well above my expertise, and some of the guys were shocked that a girl could duel so well. Ha.
We played with sacrifices, which initially meant that when trying to summon a level 5 or higher monster, you had to sacrifice a certain number of lower level monsters. Of course, I didn't normally play with this rule, and my deck wasn't prepared very well for it. But still, I fought on. My best move (all thanks to Yami-Baku and his fav Change of Heart!) was when I had nothing on the field, and useless things in my hand. I knew that if I kept laying down mid-level monsters, Daniel would just keep plowing through them and I would keep losing life-points. The it came, when he laid down TWO Blue-eyes White Dragons. I mean, come on Kaiba, jeez, I'm not Yugi here!! Anyway, I suddenly had a brilliant idea (it's ryou helping me from....wherever they are...lol) and I laid down my Change of Heart. I took control of one of Daniel's Blue-eyes. I then equipped it with a Sword of the Deep-Seated, and destroyed the other. Go me!! Actually, thinking bout it now, I should have just attacked, and I think that would have destroyed them both. Arg. Oh well. Too late. I also got ride of his powerful knight (2600 power points! wow!) with a Fissure. It's really stupid, cuz it's sooo powerful, and Fissure destroys the weakest monster on the field, but in this case, it WAS the weakest, since the other was the blue-eyes. I got rid of his second blue-eyes with my Wall of Illusions, another one of my fav cards, sending it back to his hand. We didn't offically finished, but he just declared wiping my life points away with one last attack. Anyway, I gotta fine-tune my deck in case we duel again.
Status report: Still love Baku-chan ^__^ *obssessed*
Feb 15, 2003
*Kerps!!* (fave word from a comic book! copyright to yami baku-chan!!)
(and for those who don't know, a Yami is someone's alter ego (think Stinker/Slinker Gollum/Smeagol, schizophrenia stuff.))

Ryou's yami!
You are
Ryou's yami, a.k.a. Bakura (or Yami Bakura).
Back in Ancient Egypt you were a thief, a very
powerful one. You had strength enough to defeat
the pharaoh's priests and that's saying
something. You weren't very kind (obviously)
and had no respect for anyone. You defiled the
old pharaoh's tomb, you destuctive thing! I
would advise you not to make Yami mad, but hey,
whatever floats your boat. You are more than
just a little bit crazy. Also, you had a thing
about running all over Egypt with your shirt
open, which isn't really such a bad thing. You
had a really tough-looking scar on your cheek
then, too. Now that you exist only in spirit,
you occupy the Millennium Ring. You sure like
to put people through a lot of emotional pain
(saving the physical pain for yourself). Being
suicidal and self-destructive is what a lot of
people know you for. You cut yourself to show
your allegiance to Malik, and once you even
impaled your own hand on part of a game. You
are a demented thief and a stealer of souls.
Heh, cool!
Whose Yami Are You? (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Omg, I knew I was bad, but .... I didn't know I was THAT bad..............Hmm, the impaling of a hand......Yami Baku went seriously nuts at that point, I've read the comic. Ryou was fighting back (go Ryou!!) The allegiance to Malik....I thought those two hated each other...? Oh well, I haven't read that part of the series yet, but Malik is HOT!! loyalty to Malik 4EVER!! ALL BOW!!!! hehe *blush* Ha..running all over Egypt with your shirt open... *pulls cloak over shoulders* well, THIS female wraith isnt taking her cloak off anytime soon....except maybe for Malik and Ryou... *swoon*
(and for those who don't know, a Yami is someone's alter ego (think Stinker/Slinker Gollum/Smeagol, schizophrenia stuff.))
You are
Ryou's yami, a.k.a. Bakura (or Yami Bakura).
Back in Ancient Egypt you were a thief, a very
powerful one. You had strength enough to defeat
the pharaoh's priests and that's saying
something. You weren't very kind (obviously)
and had no respect for anyone. You defiled the
old pharaoh's tomb, you destuctive thing! I
would advise you not to make Yami mad, but hey,
whatever floats your boat. You are more than
just a little bit crazy. Also, you had a thing
about running all over Egypt with your shirt
open, which isn't really such a bad thing. You
had a really tough-looking scar on your cheek
then, too. Now that you exist only in spirit,
you occupy the Millennium Ring. You sure like
to put people through a lot of emotional pain
(saving the physical pain for yourself). Being
suicidal and self-destructive is what a lot of
people know you for. You cut yourself to show
your allegiance to Malik, and once you even
impaled your own hand on part of a game. You
are a demented thief and a stealer of souls.
Heh, cool!
Whose Yami Are You? (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Omg, I knew I was bad, but .... I didn't know I was THAT bad..............Hmm, the impaling of a hand......Yami Baku went seriously nuts at that point, I've read the comic. Ryou was fighting back (go Ryou!!) The allegiance to Malik....I thought those two hated each other...? Oh well, I haven't read that part of the series yet, but Malik is HOT!! loyalty to Malik 4EVER!! ALL BOW!!!! hehe *blush* Ha..running all over Egypt with your shirt open... *pulls cloak over shoulders* well, THIS female wraith isnt taking her cloak off anytime soon....except maybe for Malik and Ryou... *swoon*
You haven't won yet, penguins!!!!
Quote of the Day: "How? How can fire enduce stone??"
~~Idiotic Grima "Don't bring that goddamn candle close to my magic dirt or you'll blow us all to smithereens!!!" Wormtongue~~
HAHAHAHAHAWHAHA. It's what stupid Grima deserves. Saruman should kick him out. He's such a goon.
Anyway, it's been boring round Mordor, except Saruman's Uruk-flunkies got their dirty little behind's kicked at Helm's Deep by Heir of Isildur & Co. I am now wandering around doing pointless things. (what a shock!!)
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK...........now I'm scared......oh! oh! The best one is Yami-Bakura, who is an evil, homicidal, megalomaniac who wants to take over the world. I'm very surprised those weren't my results.
Quote of the Day: "How? How can fire enduce stone??"
~~Idiotic Grima "Don't bring that goddamn candle close to my magic dirt or you'll blow us all to smithereens!!!" Wormtongue~~
HAHAHAHAHAWHAHA. It's what stupid Grima deserves. Saruman should kick him out. He's such a goon.
Anyway, it's been boring round Mordor, except Saruman's Uruk-flunkies got their dirty little behind's kicked at Helm's Deep by Heir of Isildur & Co. I am now wandering around doing pointless things. (what a shock!!)
I am Maximillion Pegasus. I'm an eccentric with a wicked, brilliant mind, so you'd best stay out of my way. I will seek out every advantage for myself, and am not above cheating subtly to gain power. Few know of my true motives, and those who do wisely stay quiet. (Oh, and the quiz author has the hots for me. That's saying something.) Which Yu-Gi-Oh! character are you? Find out! |
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK...........now I'm scared......oh! oh! The best one is Yami-Bakura, who is an evil, homicidal, megalomaniac who wants to take over the world. I'm very surprised those weren't my results.
Feb 14, 2003
Happy Valentine's day!! (for those who celebrate it) And for those who don't.... Happy T.G.I.F!! (Thanks God It's Friday)
Quote of the Day: "I would have gone with you to the end .... into the very fires of Mooordooor."
~~~Aragorn, son of Arathorn, a.k.a. Elessar, Elfwing, Wingfoot, Strider, Longshanks, etc.~~
Hmm, for that ewwy-gooey yucky, muchy, icky-sticky stupid day of the year called Valentines, it actually wasn't such a bad day!
Good old 6 (Dia) brought me goodies and a card (YAY) and I got chocolates in Black Speech as well. Our exam wasn't bad either ^_^ but I didn't get to duel Daniel cuz the Fishtank was full of teachers. I'll duel him monday if it's free.
Afterschool lingering was quite the adventure. After going upstaires to get a drink, we realized that we were loocked in around the gym area. Dia was desperate cuz she lknew she would get in trouble. We decided to go outside and see if we could work our way around, but ME, being the genius that I am, saw the door across the staires and thought we could use it. I didn't know where it led though, so I decided just to stick my head in and see where it led. As soon as I heard the opening "click" Dia casually informed me that this was the barrier to the CirithStair school, the adjacent elementary school. And just as I was turning around, the alrm went off. Since when do they have alarms, for crying out loud?!?!?!?!?!? Gawd. Anyway, we got out of there as fast as we could, and we're just praying that there isn't going to be mention of that in Monday's bulletin.
Off to do pointless things.
Quote of the Day: "I would have gone with you to the end .... into the very fires of Mooordooor."
~~~Aragorn, son of Arathorn, a.k.a. Elessar, Elfwing, Wingfoot, Strider, Longshanks, etc.~~
Hmm, for that ewwy-gooey yucky, muchy, icky-sticky stupid day of the year called Valentines, it actually wasn't such a bad day!
Good old 6 (Dia) brought me goodies and a card (YAY) and I got chocolates in Black Speech as well. Our exam wasn't bad either ^_^ but I didn't get to duel Daniel cuz the Fishtank was full of teachers. I'll duel him monday if it's free.
Afterschool lingering was quite the adventure. After going upstaires to get a drink, we realized that we were loocked in around the gym area. Dia was desperate cuz she lknew she would get in trouble. We decided to go outside and see if we could work our way around, but ME, being the genius that I am, saw the door across the staires and thought we could use it. I didn't know where it led though, so I decided just to stick my head in and see where it led. As soon as I heard the opening "click" Dia casually informed me that this was the barrier to the CirithStair school, the adjacent elementary school. And just as I was turning around, the alrm went off. Since when do they have alarms, for crying out loud?!?!?!?!?!? Gawd. Anyway, we got out of there as fast as we could, and we're just praying that there isn't going to be mention of that in Monday's bulletin.
Off to do pointless things.
Feb 13, 2003
take the non-offensive quiz.
and go to mewing.net. laura = great.
*raises eyebrow*
okay im done here.
I've come to take you.
What character from a creepy anime are you?
A scary and haunting being...from some obscure anime.
Pointless things

The Greatest Evil...Crossdresser
Find out what Cartoon villan you are.
Ooooooook....that's weird. Well, I do really like Him. He is like, THE ultimate evil. And he's got a scary voice, too. Serious psychotic. My hero ^___^
The Greatest Evil...Crossdresser
Find out what Cartoon villan you are.
Ooooooook....that's weird. Well, I do really like Him. He is like, THE ultimate evil. And he's got a scary voice, too. Serious psychotic. My hero ^___^
Quote of the Day: "I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened."
~~Yummy-wummy Fwodo~~
I'm not going to makea long post cuz I'm not in the mood. I got into an argument with 3 (Smurg), and now we're not talking to each other. She's really turned out to be sort of a bitch this year. Don't know what happned to the sweet, shy little wraith girl I met in third grade.
A fellow wraith named Daniel has challenged me to a duel (no, not a duel with swords, but a duel with cards) and I've been assembling my deck all night. Despite my effort, I'm probably in for a crushing defeat, but oh well. I tried *tear*
Maybe I can find a pointless quiz before I go.
Oh ya, and I'm thinking about asking the Witch-Queen tonight about demoting or even firing Smurg from our ranks and promoting Zimmy to 3.
Quote of the Day: "I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened."
~~Yummy-wummy Fwodo~~
I'm not going to makea long post cuz I'm not in the mood. I got into an argument with 3 (Smurg), and now we're not talking to each other. She's really turned out to be sort of a bitch this year. Don't know what happned to the sweet, shy little wraith girl I met in third grade.
A fellow wraith named Daniel has challenged me to a duel (no, not a duel with swords, but a duel with cards) and I've been assembling my deck all night. Despite my effort, I'm probably in for a crushing defeat, but oh well. I tried *tear*
Maybe I can find a pointless quiz before I go.
Oh ya, and I'm thinking about asking the Witch-Queen tonight about demoting or even firing Smurg from our ranks and promoting Zimmy to 3.
Feb 11, 2003
Quote of the Day: ".....Curse them!! They stole it from us!! It's ours, it is, and weee WANTS IT!!!"
~~A very psycotic Smeag O_O;;~~
I have an idea!!!
(no, all you hopeful people out there, I'm NOT finally shutting up, so *muah* ^__^)
And it's not about the Morgul banner, either, still stuck on that.
OMG I had THE funniest Strategic Mathematical Calculations for Nazgul class EVER!!! A fellow wraith of mine named Jimmy (a.k.a Zimmy the bug) was called up to do a problem on the blackboard. Now let me tell you this: Zimy is short, ok, like REALLY short. So short that Smeag should be fired and Zimmy promoted to #3, the shortest. Ya. THAT short.
Anyway, it was a rotation problem, which involved tracing a line here, measuring THIS angle, drawing THAT cirle, blah blah blah.....anyway, Zimmy goes to the blackboard, and all of a sudden the class realizes he can't even REACH the problem!! He looks at the teacher and goes "Um....could you...could you lower it?" The whole class the fell off their chairs laughing, and Jimmy's like "Okay okay I'll stand on a chair!!" Ms Flores didn't think that was a great idea, so he just had to stand on his toes. He was so short that every time he up out the meter stick horizontally to trace a line, the end of it would fall! So Ms Flores had to hold up the other end. When it came to circles, Jimmy just gave her an exhasted look and said "Uh...maybe you should do the circles." Ms Flores agreed to that, and Jimmy finished with the measurin (AGAIN he dropped the meter stick and petracter) and finally he was done. We all gave Jimmy a big round of applause. He deserved it. Go Jimmy! ~__^
I'm off to read my none-educational (but very interesting) comic. Oh, and I'm gonna end up talking to Witch-Queen bout that promotion...hmm...now lets see....how should I do this...AH YES!! Witch-Queen....it seems you left your very Secret-Must-Not-Go-Public-Ever-EVER! Diary here!! Maybe I can help you with it's publicity...*stares at complicated plan* .......It'll do.
Oh ya, and my friends Martin and Ara have been christened Boromir and Aragorn. We were gonna name them Galadriel and Arwen on account of hair color, but I don't think they like the elf idea....
Quote of the Day: ".....Curse them!! They stole it from us!! It's ours, it is, and weee WANTS IT!!!"
~~A very psycotic Smeag O_O;;~~
I have an idea!!!
(no, all you hopeful people out there, I'm NOT finally shutting up, so *muah* ^__^)
And it's not about the Morgul banner, either, still stuck on that.
OMG I had THE funniest Strategic Mathematical Calculations for Nazgul class EVER!!! A fellow wraith of mine named Jimmy (a.k.a Zimmy the bug) was called up to do a problem on the blackboard. Now let me tell you this: Zimy is short, ok, like REALLY short. So short that Smeag should be fired and Zimmy promoted to #3, the shortest. Ya. THAT short.
Anyway, it was a rotation problem, which involved tracing a line here, measuring THIS angle, drawing THAT cirle, blah blah blah.....anyway, Zimmy goes to the blackboard, and all of a sudden the class realizes he can't even REACH the problem!! He looks at the teacher and goes "Um....could you...could you lower it?" The whole class the fell off their chairs laughing, and Jimmy's like "Okay okay I'll stand on a chair!!" Ms Flores didn't think that was a great idea, so he just had to stand on his toes. He was so short that every time he up out the meter stick horizontally to trace a line, the end of it would fall! So Ms Flores had to hold up the other end. When it came to circles, Jimmy just gave her an exhasted look and said "Uh...maybe you should do the circles." Ms Flores agreed to that, and Jimmy finished with the measurin (AGAIN he dropped the meter stick and petracter) and finally he was done. We all gave Jimmy a big round of applause. He deserved it. Go Jimmy! ~__^
I'm off to read my none-educational (but very interesting) comic. Oh, and I'm gonna end up talking to Witch-Queen bout that promotion...hmm...now lets see....how should I do this...AH YES!! Witch-Queen....it seems you left your very Secret-Must-Not-Go-Public-Ever-EVER! Diary here!! Maybe I can help you with it's publicity...*stares at complicated plan* .......It'll do.
Oh ya, and my friends Martin and Ara have been christened Boromir and Aragorn. We were gonna name them Galadriel and Arwen on account of hair color, but I don't think they like the elf idea....
Feb 10, 2003
Quote of the Afternoon: "You cannot hide .... I see you.... There is... no light... in the void. Only.........DEATH!"
~~The disembodied voice of Sauron's lidless eyeball~~
Okay, so I knew Alex was heartless; and even though we ARE the cold-blooded killing machine henchman of Sauron, I didn't know anyone was THAT cruel!! *tear tear, sob sob*
Okay, before I start, I finished the math in Black speech class....bla blah..the test wasn't THAT bad; 12/15, which is pretty good for someone who only studied THAT morning *sheepish grin* but anyway, back to that Goddamn wraith, ALI-BABA!!!
Wessy and Marriam decided to have a little chat with him in Common speech (different from black speech! kind of like french (black) and english (common) and I'm only in alibaba's Black) Anyway, Wess and Alex were going on about how Wess would only stop calling him Ali Baba when he stopped calling her Georgetta ^__^; and Wess started going on about how she couldn't beleive that he wouldn't give me a chance, and that I was the nicest wraith she's ever known, Marriam adding to the compliments. All of a sudden, Alex comes out with a "She's NOT nice, she's annoying and she's immature!!!" Wess came to my defense (god luv ya wess, ur da best!!) and told him I'm the nicest wraith and the most mature and he didn't even know me. And it's true!! He's knows nothing whatsoever about me!! I hate it when people make assumptions about others and they don't even know the person.
I'm tired. Good night.
Quote of the Afternoon: "You cannot hide .... I see you.... There is... no light... in the void. Only.........DEATH!"
~~The disembodied voice of Sauron's lidless eyeball~~
Okay, so I knew Alex was heartless; and even though we ARE the cold-blooded killing machine henchman of Sauron, I didn't know anyone was THAT cruel!! *tear tear, sob sob*
Okay, before I start, I finished the math in Black speech class....bla blah..the test wasn't THAT bad; 12/15, which is pretty good for someone who only studied THAT morning *sheepish grin* but anyway, back to that Goddamn wraith, ALI-BABA!!!
Wessy and Marriam decided to have a little chat with him in Common speech (different from black speech! kind of like french (black) and english (common) and I'm only in alibaba's Black) Anyway, Wess and Alex were going on about how Wess would only stop calling him Ali Baba when he stopped calling her Georgetta ^__^; and Wess started going on about how she couldn't beleive that he wouldn't give me a chance, and that I was the nicest wraith she's ever known, Marriam adding to the compliments. All of a sudden, Alex comes out with a "She's NOT nice, she's annoying and she's immature!!!" Wess came to my defense (god luv ya wess, ur da best!!) and told him I'm the nicest wraith and the most mature and he didn't even know me. And it's true!! He's knows nothing whatsoever about me!! I hate it when people make assumptions about others and they don't even know the person.
I'm tired. Good night.
It's goddamn 7:30, in th morning, and I gotta leave, doesn't anyone esle find this goddamn EARLY?!?!?!?!
Quote of the Day: "......It is over!! Embrace the power of the Ring, ... or embrace your own destruction!!"
~~Saruman of too Many goddamn Colors~~
Well, it's not THAT bad compared to when I woke up. 5:05. Got dressed, and went straight back to bed for and hour and a half. Go me ^___^
Gonna see if Wess and I can prepaere for our math test in french class. If she's not too distracted by Juicy, and I'm not too distracted by Alex or Zimmy (actually Zimmy counts for both of us ^_^) Anyway, I'm off in a bout 20 minutes and I have to get my stuff in order.
Quote of the Day: "......It is over!! Embrace the power of the Ring, ... or embrace your own destruction!!"
~~Saruman of too Many goddamn Colors~~
Well, it's not THAT bad compared to when I woke up. 5:05. Got dressed, and went straight back to bed for and hour and a half. Go me ^___^
Gonna see if Wess and I can prepaere for our math test in french class. If she's not too distracted by Juicy, and I'm not too distracted by Alex or Zimmy (actually Zimmy counts for both of us ^_^) Anyway, I'm off in a bout 20 minutes and I have to get my stuff in order.
Feb 9, 2003
Ah, to Mordor with it!!
Quote of the Day: "Why do you place these troubles on an already troubled mind? Can you not see? Your king is wearied by your ... malcontent.... Your warmongering...."
~~Griman "Eyebrowless" Wormtongue~~
As much as I've searched, and I spent a lot of my time searching, I can't find the Diary of the Witch-Queen for my life!!! Let alone anyone's diary. Although I do think I know where Sauron hides his ... but if I try anything, it's back to the Cracks of Doom with me, lol. Yup. Anyway, going sliding again at Caradhras today, with that lazy monster of mine Squeaken, who wants orcs on a silver platter for a week straight in return for carrying me up the mountain. Talk about cheap.
Still no luck on that banner.
Quote of the Day: "Why do you place these troubles on an already troubled mind? Can you not see? Your king is wearied by your ... malcontent.... Your warmongering...."
~~Griman "Eyebrowless" Wormtongue~~
As much as I've searched, and I spent a lot of my time searching, I can't find the Diary of the Witch-Queen for my life!!! Let alone anyone's diary. Although I do think I know where Sauron hides his ... but if I try anything, it's back to the Cracks of Doom with me, lol. Yup. Anyway, going sliding again at Caradhras today, with that lazy monster of mine Squeaken, who wants orcs on a silver platter for a week straight in return for carrying me up the mountain. Talk about cheap.
Still no luck on that banner.
Feb 8, 2003
I try to stay away from evil deeds but succumb to temptation every once in a while. I'm not quite on my way to hell but I certainly have some explaining to do.
Are you evil? find out at Hilowitz.com
Aww, nobody thinks im evil anymore!! only 23%! bummer.
I am goddamn evil, you eejits!
Quote of the .... um...hour: "The Ring cannot save Gondor. It has only the power to destroy ...."
Bah humbug. Was flitting through Witch-Queen's discarded magazines when came across a test: "How evil are you?" Turns out Witch-Queen is 100% evil. Sure. You may be Witch-Queen of Angmar, but I am the Vicar!! Release the peasants I tell you!! .....anyway, took the test, here are me results:

How evil are you?
Quote of the .... um...hour: "The Ring cannot save Gondor. It has only the power to destroy ...."
Bah humbug. Was flitting through Witch-Queen's discarded magazines when came across a test: "How evil are you?" Turns out Witch-Queen is 100% evil. Sure. You may be Witch-Queen of Angmar, but I am the Vicar!! Release the peasants I tell you!! .....anyway, took the test, here are me results:
How evil are you?
Go me
While aimlesly wandering around Minas Morgul looking for something to kill, I have stumbled upon the Very Secret Diary of Saruman the White. No clue what the hell it's doing in Mordor, considering he lives in Orthanc. Comes here for visits I guess. Wonder what Sauron thinks. Hear they met on Palantir.net. Where couples.....meet.....or something.
Here it is: (oh and by the way where is says "v." it means "very")
Am bored. No cable in Isengard. Nothing to do but write rude anonymous letters to Radagast the Brown and Manfred the Slightly Ecru.
Perhaps will have a look at the palantir.
Have met v. nice guy via palantir. He seems to really like me for me and not just because am most powerful wizard in Middle Earth. Wonder what he looks like.
Am becoming disenchanted with palantir guy. Refuses to send me photo, except of one v. large eyeball. Says he is shy but I rather suspect he is fat, or perhaps hairy. Have heard some v. bad stories about palantir relationships. Should probably cool it for a while.
Well, wouldn't you know, palantir guy turned out to be Dark Lord of Mordor. Just my luck. Could have been worse, I guess. Sauron not fat or hairy, just disembodied force of evil. Must go now, have to raise massive demon army to scourge the earth. Also, have manicure appointment. Is no easy task keeping nails pointy.
Typical. Gandalf just came waltzing by and he knows I hate drop-ins. Wanted to yap on and on all about the ring he gave his new boyfriend, terrible pervy hobbit-fancier old Gandalf is. Disgrace to the Order. Just wants to show off and remind me that he's got a hobbit, and I'm just dating an eyeball. Well, Saruman the White does not stand for this treatment. Showed him my Wizard Wrestling Federation moves. Have delivered smackdown. Go me.
Am tired of climbing up and down eight million stairs just to taunt Gandalf. Should have imprisoned him in easy-access dungeon where could taunt more effectively, and would not have to wait until after breakfast.
All right, who's been spitting gum down on the orcs? Honestly.
Was right in middle of really good taunt and Gandalf escaped. Ah well. Will save me daily stair climb.
Have been watching in palantir. Gandalf faffed off on extending camping trip with four hobbits, a v. buff elf, and rather fanciable human -- oh bother, that's Aragorn son of Arathorn. Once threw him out of Isengard for whinging about not being King yet. Then there's a shady-looking character and some kind of hairy newt. Or maybe it's a dwarf.
What a bunch of yobbos.
Have crossed orcs with goblin men in caverns below Isengard. V. tedious experience as orcs and goblin men most reluctant to breed, even with dinner and flowers. Next time will try something easier, such as breeding goblins and cheerleaders to create super-perky army that can travel by day and will not complain about pink uniforms.
Did not know when decided to make demon army for Sauron that would be so darn messy. Curse my decision to be Saruman the White. Should have decided to be Saruman the Muddy Brown, or Saruman the Faintly Greenish. White just shows all the slime.
If keep watching in palantir, perhaps will see Gandalf do pointy hat trick?
Gandalf did pointy hat trick! Ringbearer v. impressed. Aragorn obviously fancies trousers off the Ringbearer. Sam will kill him if he tries anything.
Hairy newt is most definitely dwarf. Caught him playing hide-the-helmet with one of the hobbits. Other human seems to be Boromir of Gondor. Am I only one who has long wanted to ride to Minas Tirith and tell Steward that "Gondor" sounds just like "gonad" and they should find less silly name? Perhaps it is just me.
Uruk-hai nearly ready to go. Watched Fellowship a bit today. Boromir convinced smallest hobbit to "Blow the Horn of Gondor." Have not laughed so hard since set Balrog up with Gandalf during Second Age and Gandalf stuck Balrog with restaurant bill. Palantir great. Better than cable.
Hmm. Maybe if I found this I can find Diary of Heir of Isildur?
While aimlesly wandering around Minas Morgul looking for something to kill, I have stumbled upon the Very Secret Diary of Saruman the White. No clue what the hell it's doing in Mordor, considering he lives in Orthanc. Comes here for visits I guess. Wonder what Sauron thinks. Hear they met on Palantir.net. Where couples.....meet.....or something.
Here it is: (oh and by the way where is says "v." it means "very")
Am bored. No cable in Isengard. Nothing to do but write rude anonymous letters to Radagast the Brown and Manfred the Slightly Ecru.
Perhaps will have a look at the palantir.
Have met v. nice guy via palantir. He seems to really like me for me and not just because am most powerful wizard in Middle Earth. Wonder what he looks like.
Am becoming disenchanted with palantir guy. Refuses to send me photo, except of one v. large eyeball. Says he is shy but I rather suspect he is fat, or perhaps hairy. Have heard some v. bad stories about palantir relationships. Should probably cool it for a while.
Well, wouldn't you know, palantir guy turned out to be Dark Lord of Mordor. Just my luck. Could have been worse, I guess. Sauron not fat or hairy, just disembodied force of evil. Must go now, have to raise massive demon army to scourge the earth. Also, have manicure appointment. Is no easy task keeping nails pointy.
Typical. Gandalf just came waltzing by and he knows I hate drop-ins. Wanted to yap on and on all about the ring he gave his new boyfriend, terrible pervy hobbit-fancier old Gandalf is. Disgrace to the Order. Just wants to show off and remind me that he's got a hobbit, and I'm just dating an eyeball. Well, Saruman the White does not stand for this treatment. Showed him my Wizard Wrestling Federation moves. Have delivered smackdown. Go me.
Am tired of climbing up and down eight million stairs just to taunt Gandalf. Should have imprisoned him in easy-access dungeon where could taunt more effectively, and would not have to wait until after breakfast.
All right, who's been spitting gum down on the orcs? Honestly.
Was right in middle of really good taunt and Gandalf escaped. Ah well. Will save me daily stair climb.
Have been watching in palantir. Gandalf faffed off on extending camping trip with four hobbits, a v. buff elf, and rather fanciable human -- oh bother, that's Aragorn son of Arathorn. Once threw him out of Isengard for whinging about not being King yet. Then there's a shady-looking character and some kind of hairy newt. Or maybe it's a dwarf.
What a bunch of yobbos.
Have crossed orcs with goblin men in caverns below Isengard. V. tedious experience as orcs and goblin men most reluctant to breed, even with dinner and flowers. Next time will try something easier, such as breeding goblins and cheerleaders to create super-perky army that can travel by day and will not complain about pink uniforms.
Did not know when decided to make demon army for Sauron that would be so darn messy. Curse my decision to be Saruman the White. Should have decided to be Saruman the Muddy Brown, or Saruman the Faintly Greenish. White just shows all the slime.
If keep watching in palantir, perhaps will see Gandalf do pointy hat trick?
Gandalf did pointy hat trick! Ringbearer v. impressed. Aragorn obviously fancies trousers off the Ringbearer. Sam will kill him if he tries anything.
Hairy newt is most definitely dwarf. Caught him playing hide-the-helmet with one of the hobbits. Other human seems to be Boromir of Gondor. Am I only one who has long wanted to ride to Minas Tirith and tell Steward that "Gondor" sounds just like "gonad" and they should find less silly name? Perhaps it is just me.
Uruk-hai nearly ready to go. Watched Fellowship a bit today. Boromir convinced smallest hobbit to "Blow the Horn of Gondor." Have not laughed so hard since set Balrog up with Gandalf during Second Age and Gandalf stuck Balrog with restaurant bill. Palantir great. Better than cable.
Hmm. Maybe if I found this I can find Diary of Heir of Isildur?
Find the halflings!! ARG!! FIND THE HALFLINGS!!
Quote of the Day: "Dze Black Gates .... of Moooordoor!!!"
Witch-Queen you SUCK!!!!! HA!! Chew on THAT!!!
Happy day, oOOOOO, such a HAPPY DAY!!
I think I am the happiest Nazgul in all of Mordor today; maybe the happiest Nazgul that EVER LIVED!(Well, technically I'm not alive but....aw, whatever!!)
So, ya, we did end up going through with the destruction of Osgiliath last night; Sauron instructed us to send only one wraith along with the Witch-Queen; but that selfish undead b*tch thought she could do the job on her own. Boy, did SHE screw it up!!
One of the halflings, the Ringbearer, from what we can gather, went all exorcist and presented, in gift wrapping, the One Ring to the Witch-Queen. She took her sweet time to get it, but not before halfling #2 dove in and saved his pal. So, Witch-Queen came home with a long face and a bleeding steed (my lovely Gondorian captain shot the beast right in the chest; i so totally owe him one) Anyway, we can't find the halflings anymore, the tracers we put on them got lost, so the only thing we know is the they're somewhere between the Ephel Duath and Morannor, but that's A LOT of ground to cover. So for now we're stuck while the Witch-Queen gets shit from Sauron.
No news on the banner, lately, can't think of anything, so I'm gonna get back to it now.
Quote of the Day: "Dze Black Gates .... of Moooordoor!!!"
Witch-Queen you SUCK!!!!! HA!! Chew on THAT!!!
Happy day, oOOOOO, such a HAPPY DAY!!
I think I am the happiest Nazgul in all of Mordor today; maybe the happiest Nazgul that EVER LIVED!(Well, technically I'm not alive but....aw, whatever!!)
So, ya, we did end up going through with the destruction of Osgiliath last night; Sauron instructed us to send only one wraith along with the Witch-Queen; but that selfish undead b*tch thought she could do the job on her own. Boy, did SHE screw it up!!
One of the halflings, the Ringbearer, from what we can gather, went all exorcist and presented, in gift wrapping, the One Ring to the Witch-Queen. She took her sweet time to get it, but not before halfling #2 dove in and saved his pal. So, Witch-Queen came home with a long face and a bleeding steed (my lovely Gondorian captain shot the beast right in the chest; i so totally owe him one) Anyway, we can't find the halflings anymore, the tracers we put on them got lost, so the only thing we know is the they're somewhere between the Ephel Duath and Morannor, but that's A LOT of ground to cover. So for now we're stuck while the Witch-Queen gets shit from Sauron.
No news on the banner, lately, can't think of anything, so I'm gonna get back to it now.
Feb 7, 2003
Excuse the pun, there, lol.
I have just found THE GREATEST SITE IN HISTORY!! And guess what? It's run by our very own Mordor webmasters!! And I didn't even know Mordor HAD a website!! And I live there!! Isn't that pretty pathetic??
Anyway, here it is:
MORDOR: The Land of Shadow
It is EXCELLENT, with a guided tour of Barad-dur, the Ephel Duath, Cirith Ungol, Morannor, and the Dead Marshes, with lots of flash videos, Mordor music themes, and sound clips directly from the movie. The best one is if you click Dark Minions, and go to the link of the Nazgul, turn your volume on when it comes up, because you'll be able to hear Saruman going "The hour is later than you think. Sauron's forces are already moving. The Nine have left Minas Morgul."
"The Nine!"
"They crossed the river Isen on Midsummer's eve... disguises as Riders in black."
"They've reached the Shire ..."
"They will find the Ring ... and kill the one who carries it."
It is the absolute BEST site EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe I haven't seen it before. And it's seriously scary when the eye pops out of nowhere and goes "YOU CANNOT HIDE............" Although I'm used to it, since I get it at home all the time, and the Witch-Queen likes going around saying that, pretending she's Sauron.
Excuse the pun, there, lol.
I have just found THE GREATEST SITE IN HISTORY!! And guess what? It's run by our very own Mordor webmasters!! And I didn't even know Mordor HAD a website!! And I live there!! Isn't that pretty pathetic??
Anyway, here it is:
MORDOR: The Land of Shadow
It is EXCELLENT, with a guided tour of Barad-dur, the Ephel Duath, Cirith Ungol, Morannor, and the Dead Marshes, with lots of flash videos, Mordor music themes, and sound clips directly from the movie. The best one is if you click Dark Minions, and go to the link of the Nazgul, turn your volume on when it comes up, because you'll be able to hear Saruman going "The hour is later than you think. Sauron's forces are already moving. The Nine have left Minas Morgul."
"The Nine!"
"They crossed the river Isen on Midsummer's eve... disguises as Riders in black."
"They've reached the Shire ..."
"They will find the Ring ... and kill the one who carries it."
It is the absolute BEST site EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe I haven't seen it before. And it's seriously scary when the eye pops out of nowhere and goes "YOU CANNOT HIDE............" Although I'm used to it, since I get it at home all the time, and the Witch-Queen likes going around saying that, pretending she's Sauron.
Osgiliath's Doom
Quote of the Day: "The last time I look, Theoden, not Aragorn, was King of Rohan."
~~King Theoden~~
Looks like today's doomsday for Osgiliath, it's a pity, really, that city was so nice, long ago. But now it's all in ruins. Still, I don't wanna completely destroy it........ Oh well, that's not exactly my call, though. Hmm. Oh, and I just noticed in my last post that I said yesterday was the destruction of Osgiliath...whoops...technicle error.....
The GCDC (Gorgoroth Commitee of Dark Creativity) is hosting a contest. We've decided that Minas Morgul needs new banner. The white moon on the black background is getting pretty boring...I mean, we all know it's the Tower of the Rising Moon....actually, that was it's banner even before it was Minas Morgul, back when it was Minas Ithil and still property of those damned Numenorians. And it was already 2,100 years old when it came under the Witch-Queen's power....talk about OLD and BORING. I'm going to try out a design, but I can't think of anything yet. When I'm done brainstorming and creating I'll post it here. For now, I'm off to waste the rest of my day and do some more useless quizzes.
Quote of the Day: "The last time I look, Theoden, not Aragorn, was King of Rohan."
~~King Theoden~~
Looks like today's doomsday for Osgiliath, it's a pity, really, that city was so nice, long ago. But now it's all in ruins. Still, I don't wanna completely destroy it........ Oh well, that's not exactly my call, though. Hmm. Oh, and I just noticed in my last post that I said yesterday was the destruction of Osgiliath...whoops...technicle error.....
The GCDC (Gorgoroth Commitee of Dark Creativity) is hosting a contest. We've decided that Minas Morgul needs new banner. The white moon on the black background is getting pretty boring...I mean, we all know it's the Tower of the Rising Moon....actually, that was it's banner even before it was Minas Morgul, back when it was Minas Ithil and still property of those damned Numenorians. And it was already 2,100 years old when it came under the Witch-Queen's power....talk about OLD and BORING. I'm going to try out a design, but I can't think of anything yet. When I'm done brainstorming and creating I'll post it here. For now, I'm off to waste the rest of my day and do some more useless quizzes.
Feb 6, 2003
I need a new job, lol
Quote of the Day: "Look! Osgiliath burns!! Mordor has come!!"
I seriously need to think about a new line of work. I mean, I get good promotions as a Ringwraith and all, and it pays pretty good, by I haven't had a thrill like sliding since the last time we went!! I need a life ...^___^
It was fun!! I hung with fellow wraith Amruta the whole day, but I sat with Debbie on the bus, since she was on bus 1(I wonder why we neede a bus when we could just ride there....? Well, it probably WOULD cause a massive stir in Middle-Earth if five hundred wraiths were seen flying or riding to Arnor, lol. Finally, for one day I get to forget that Sauron is planning to enslave and destroy all of Middle-Earth.........
I didn't see much of Ali baba, which is a good thing, I suppose. He was on bus 3 and I was on bus 2, but those where the last two buses to leave, so I kind of hovered around him for a while towards the end. But that was okay. Dia didn't come though!! ARG! She got sick at the last minute!! I mean, she's a wraith, goddamit, she ain't s'posed to get sick!! And we didn't get to pelt Ali baba with snowballs!!! AHHHH!!!!!!! Oh well. Raftin was fun. I felt like my ghost toes were gonna fall off, ^_^ Oh, and I had no idea Mount Rerir was adjacent to the mountain we went tubing on last year!! They're practically the same mountain!!
Okay, well I've worn myself out. Oh ya, and I'm on duty tonight. Sauron is sending a host or orcs to Osigiliath and one of us is going to follow....I think the destruction date has been moved to tonight... oh no, the Halflings are still there... Ah, screw the Halflings, I want that Gondorian captain!! Ha....ok I'll shut up now...
satisfied screeeeeech!!
Quote of the Day: "Look! Osgiliath burns!! Mordor has come!!"
I seriously need to think about a new line of work. I mean, I get good promotions as a Ringwraith and all, and it pays pretty good, by I haven't had a thrill like sliding since the last time we went!! I need a life ...^___^
It was fun!! I hung with fellow wraith Amruta the whole day, but I sat with Debbie on the bus, since she was on bus 1(I wonder why we neede a bus when we could just ride there....? Well, it probably WOULD cause a massive stir in Middle-Earth if five hundred wraiths were seen flying or riding to Arnor, lol. Finally, for one day I get to forget that Sauron is planning to enslave and destroy all of Middle-Earth.........
I didn't see much of Ali baba, which is a good thing, I suppose. He was on bus 3 and I was on bus 2, but those where the last two buses to leave, so I kind of hovered around him for a while towards the end. But that was okay. Dia didn't come though!! ARG! She got sick at the last minute!! I mean, she's a wraith, goddamit, she ain't s'posed to get sick!! And we didn't get to pelt Ali baba with snowballs!!! AHHHH!!!!!!! Oh well. Raftin was fun. I felt like my ghost toes were gonna fall off, ^_^ Oh, and I had no idea Mount Rerir was adjacent to the mountain we went tubing on last year!! They're practically the same mountain!!
Okay, well I've worn myself out. Oh ya, and I'm on duty tonight. Sauron is sending a host or orcs to Osigiliath and one of us is going to follow....I think the destruction date has been moved to tonight... oh no, the Halflings are still there... Ah, screw the Halflings, I want that Gondorian captain!! Ha....ok I'll shut up now...
satisfied screeeeeech!!
Feb 4, 2003
End of Ali baba
Quote of the Day: "....His gaze pierces clouds, shadow, earth, and flesh. You know of what I speak, Gandalf. A great Eye; lideless .... wreathed in flame ...."
God I can't stand that kid anymore!!
Ok, after the incident on msn on friday, I wasn't exactly looking forward to seeing 8, and I had a very negative glare on him all the time, and I even growled out louyd at one point when he was near, though he didn't notice. After, when I was hanging with my fellow wraith Luca, the two brushed shoulders when they were walking, and Luca gave him such a shove it actually looked for a moment as if the two were going to draw swords and there would be a duel, but I guess 8 either wasn't paying much attention or is used to people giving him the cold shoulder in return. Anyway, I made the mistake of telling him about the convo with Justin about slapping 8, and Luca nearly dragged me over to him and made me do it. Um....no, ^____^; not just yet, but I swore to myself if he did something like that agin i WOULD sum up the courage and do it. He really can be a heartless jerk and he proved himself to that in Black Speech class today. He got into this big fight with this wraith named Kyle and they were kicking each other and attacking each other and Alex nearly fell and landed on our table. He even grabbed Kyle's spiked boots and tossed it across the room. The funny part was that a one point earlier on Kyle had sat were 2 (Juicy) was supposed to be sitting, ane Juicy was like, "Ok Kyle," in a very nice voice, "You're gonna have o get outta my seat or I will be forced to do something like this to you - " and he proceeded to flip Kyle over, chair and books and everything. The class roared with laugher as Kyle got up uneasily. Juicy was all over him going "I'm sorry, sorry Kyle, guess I don't know my own strength." And I guess Juicy meant it teasily cuz he's an over all good wraith, right?
On a weirder note, apparently 3 (Smeag) was talking to a fellow wraith of Alex's, I think it was Zimmy the Bug or something, and he was telling her something about when Alex had come on msn and the messenge of something along the lines of "Why are you online?" had come, and Alex had responded "Becauseshe is online," and he was then forced to specify who she was, and it was of course me. As much as I tried, I couldn't get the date of this happening out of Smeag's hollow head, so I don't know whether this was before our little confrontation on Friday or not, so I'll have to ask her whether it was on msn or not.
Witch-Queen has finally got a due date for the destruction of Osgiliath. Supposedly we are to all ride in on Saturday. Don't know if I'm gonna come along... well, I might have to...but I'll sneak off if I can. I mean, I may be evil and moody and a wraith, but I really feel bad for the people of Osigiliath. They're not as arrogant as the Gondorians, and they didn't want to be between the two great powers of Middle-Earth in the first place. Oh well. And we're going SLIDING ON THURSDAY!! YAY!! OMG!! Wait...eww, Alex is coming...maybe there will be a duel!! Despite the fact that this is really bad and I shouldn't even be willing my fingers to type this, I WOULD like to see a duel between Ali Baba and Luca. *sniff* two wraiths fighting over this little wraith girl...*sniff*
What the heck was that.......? O__o;;
Oh ya, now I remember where we are going sliding!! Mount Rerir!! I mean, Caradhras was fun, but this'll be a blast!! Plus, there are ski lifts, so I don't have to drag myself up the whole goddamn mountain when Squeaken is too lazy to carry me.
Quote of the Day: "....His gaze pierces clouds, shadow, earth, and flesh. You know of what I speak, Gandalf. A great Eye; lideless .... wreathed in flame ...."
God I can't stand that kid anymore!!
Ok, after the incident on msn on friday, I wasn't exactly looking forward to seeing 8, and I had a very negative glare on him all the time, and I even growled out louyd at one point when he was near, though he didn't notice. After, when I was hanging with my fellow wraith Luca, the two brushed shoulders when they were walking, and Luca gave him such a shove it actually looked for a moment as if the two were going to draw swords and there would be a duel, but I guess 8 either wasn't paying much attention or is used to people giving him the cold shoulder in return. Anyway, I made the mistake of telling him about the convo with Justin about slapping 8, and Luca nearly dragged me over to him and made me do it. Um....no, ^____^; not just yet, but I swore to myself if he did something like that agin i WOULD sum up the courage and do it. He really can be a heartless jerk and he proved himself to that in Black Speech class today. He got into this big fight with this wraith named Kyle and they were kicking each other and attacking each other and Alex nearly fell and landed on our table. He even grabbed Kyle's spiked boots and tossed it across the room. The funny part was that a one point earlier on Kyle had sat were 2 (Juicy) was supposed to be sitting, ane Juicy was like, "Ok Kyle," in a very nice voice, "You're gonna have o get outta my seat or I will be forced to do something like this to you - " and he proceeded to flip Kyle over, chair and books and everything. The class roared with laugher as Kyle got up uneasily. Juicy was all over him going "I'm sorry, sorry Kyle, guess I don't know my own strength." And I guess Juicy meant it teasily cuz he's an over all good wraith, right?
On a weirder note, apparently 3 (Smeag) was talking to a fellow wraith of Alex's, I think it was Zimmy the Bug or something, and he was telling her something about when Alex had come on msn and the messenge of something along the lines of "Why are you online?" had come, and Alex had responded "Becauseshe is online," and he was then forced to specify who she was, and it was of course me. As much as I tried, I couldn't get the date of this happening out of Smeag's hollow head, so I don't know whether this was before our little confrontation on Friday or not, so I'll have to ask her whether it was on msn or not.
Witch-Queen has finally got a due date for the destruction of Osgiliath. Supposedly we are to all ride in on Saturday. Don't know if I'm gonna come along... well, I might have to...but I'll sneak off if I can. I mean, I may be evil and moody and a wraith, but I really feel bad for the people of Osigiliath. They're not as arrogant as the Gondorians, and they didn't want to be between the two great powers of Middle-Earth in the first place. Oh well. And we're going SLIDING ON THURSDAY!! YAY!! OMG!! Wait...eww, Alex is coming...maybe there will be a duel!! Despite the fact that this is really bad and I shouldn't even be willing my fingers to type this, I WOULD like to see a duel between Ali Baba and Luca. *sniff* two wraiths fighting over this little wraith girl...*sniff*
What the heck was that.......? O__o;;
Oh ya, now I remember where we are going sliding!! Mount Rerir!! I mean, Caradhras was fun, but this'll be a blast!! Plus, there are ski lifts, so I don't have to drag myself up the whole goddamn mountain when Squeaken is too lazy to carry me.
Feb 3, 2003
You're A School Girl!
You may not get the best grades, but you'll always
be found sporting your sleek school uniform.
You've got school spirit, and lots of it!
Pocket PCs and Pocky can be found in your
backpack, and you love cute stuffed animals
like teddy bears and bunnies!
What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Meh. Why am I not surprised? Petty human things...I should stop leaving the comfort of Minas Morgul, it's bad for my health. Damn you Witch-Queen, and your STUPD MISSIONS!! X___X
Your soul came from the Bowls of HELL! You're a
demon preying on the mortals of Earth. BACK TO
Where Did Your Soul Originate?
brought to you by Quizilla
Wow. Ooooook....well, Hell IS Mordor anyway, so it sort of works...When I did it I was orginally from the Night sky, but hey....I can live with this...I am a demon anyway. I actually wanted to be from the Dark Waters, but hey. :)
What Psych-Ward do you belong to?
God that's funny, lol. You know who else is bipolar? Gollum!! *rolling on the floor laughing*
Quote of the day: "What do YOU want?!"
~Gate-keeper at Bree~
Dunno again, guess I'm bored..no school today YAY!! Caradhras was a blast, I should go again ... though I'm not on any missions today .... Wicth-queen is planning an attack on Osgiliath...don't know why...personally I kind of like that city, although it has been a nuisance ever since it was reclaimed by the Gonodrian governemnt...damn politicians *growl* Anyway, Guess I'm gonna chill out in Minas Morgul, maybe take Squeaken out for a ride or something. Wanted to go hang with 7 but apparently she's busy with her "How to dance like Wraith" classes. For three hours straight *snort* I'de feel bad for her if it weren't so funny...*giggle* I'm also going a around the net doing random quizzes. How fun.
A good growl can be very liberating. Next time youfeel insane with anger, growl manically at the
next person you see. The look on their facewill cheer you up instantly...
What should your trademark phrase be?*!brought to you by Quizilla
Hmm...*grrroowwwwl!!* I like it. I can add it to my archive of *screech* and *dammit* Ha. Fun.
Dunno again, guess I'm bored..no school today YAY!! Caradhras was a blast, I should go again ... though I'm not on any missions today .... Wicth-queen is planning an attack on Osgiliath...don't know why...personally I kind of like that city, although it has been a nuisance ever since it was reclaimed by the Gonodrian governemnt...damn politicians *growl* Anyway, Guess I'm gonna chill out in Minas Morgul, maybe take Squeaken out for a ride or something. Wanted to go hang with 7 but apparently she's busy with her "How to dance like Wraith" classes. For three hours straight *snort* I'de feel bad for her if it weren't so funny...*giggle* I'm also going a around the net doing random quizzes. How fun.
A good growl can be very liberating. Next time youfeel insane with anger, growl manically at the
next person you see. The look on their facewill cheer you up instantly...
What should your trademark phrase be?*!brought to you by Quizilla
Hmm...*grrroowwwwl!!* I like it. I can add it to my archive of *screech* and *dammit* Ha. Fun.
Feb 2, 2003
Dark. Yup. It's why they call me Dracula. Lol. It actually works because I look myself in my room, lamps low, listening to dreary music. So there.

You are a dark writer. A fierce and loyal follower
of Poe and the other gothic authors, you LOVE
to instill a sense of revulsion and somewhat
fear in your readers. You love to poke their
brains with logic dealing with the darker side
of the human mind and character. Truly
surprising and a true individual, you'll do
ANYTHING to create a scene. :)
What's YOUR Writing Style?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are a dark writer. A fierce and loyal follower
of Poe and the other gothic authors, you LOVE
to instill a sense of revulsion and somewhat
fear in your readers. You love to poke their
brains with logic dealing with the darker side
of the human mind and character. Truly
surprising and a true individual, you'll do
ANYTHING to create a scene. :)
What's YOUR Writing Style?
brought to you by Quizilla
I've always been tempted to try this one......

very fucked.
what fucked version of hello kittie are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Ooooook then...but it's true, I do have an ankh like the one around her neck.
very fucked.
what fucked version of hello kittie are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Ooooook then...but it's true, I do have an ankh like the one around her neck.
A day off
Ok, it might not be a day off, but it's good enough. After relishing in the wonderful idea of giving it to Alex right in his face (in front of his friends, maybe) I am relaxed. We're on duty today, though. Flying up to the Redhorn pass and into Caradhras air for a patrol to make sure those Half-elven freaks aren't sending down any armies. Heir of Isildur STILL making trouble, but we haven't pinpointed his location exactly yet. I was mistaken about those Halflings and that disgusting skulking creature. They've made it to Ithilien and were picked up by that particularly good-looking Gondorian captain and his men. Don't know where they are now. But that's not my area anyway. I don't rule Minas Morgul. Witch-Queens problem, not mine. ^____^;
Anyway, hoping to grab a moment and slide down Caradhras with a fellow wraith at one point or another. Witch-Queen's not leading the search, so it won't be that strict and we can slack off when we want to. Good. Sliding is fun.
Quote of the Day:
"They will cheat you, hurt you...lie to you."
Ok, it might not be a day off, but it's good enough. After relishing in the wonderful idea of giving it to Alex right in his face (in front of his friends, maybe) I am relaxed. We're on duty today, though. Flying up to the Redhorn pass and into Caradhras air for a patrol to make sure those Half-elven freaks aren't sending down any armies. Heir of Isildur STILL making trouble, but we haven't pinpointed his location exactly yet. I was mistaken about those Halflings and that disgusting skulking creature. They've made it to Ithilien and were picked up by that particularly good-looking Gondorian captain and his men. Don't know where they are now. But that's not my area anyway. I don't rule Minas Morgul. Witch-Queens problem, not mine. ^____^;
Anyway, hoping to grab a moment and slide down Caradhras with a fellow wraith at one point or another. Witch-Queen's not leading the search, so it won't be that strict and we can slack off when we want to. Good. Sliding is fun.
Quote of the Day:
"They will cheat you, hurt you...lie to you."
Feb 1, 2003
Goddess of the Moon. Beauty, yet a sadness lurks
about you at times. But hey, pain is beauty,
What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla
Wunderful. Me wuvs the moon.
Yay!! Finally a test fit for me!! "Which evil anime badasss are you?"

You are Rin Kobayashi from "Please Save My Earth"!
You are CUTESY-POO evil.
ANIME QUIZ - Which Evil Anime Badass Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Dillandau from "Escaflowne"!
You are PSYCHOTIC evil.
ANIME QUIZ - Which Evil Anime Badass Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
YES!! I'm a raving psychotic and I like to play with fire. No wonder Juicy's head is always aflame
You are Rin Kobayashi from "Please Save My Earth"!
You are CUTESY-POO evil.
ANIME QUIZ - Which Evil Anime Badass Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are Dillandau from "Escaflowne"!
You are PSYCHOTIC evil.
ANIME QUIZ - Which Evil Anime Badass Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
YES!! I'm a raving psychotic and I like to play with fire. No wonder Juicy's head is always aflame
You're Yaten!
Which Bishoujo *anime girl* are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Haha...ya it's true no one understands me...she's cool though. Actually looks like one of us (Ringwraiths ...) duh.
You are Chii!
What Chobits Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
oooooook.....considering I've never watched Chobits but the characters are cute.....right..........
I'm okay now. I guess. But I'm still sort of pissed. Last night, a fellow wraith named Justin gave me some love advice, on Msn (Morgul/Sauron Network). Well, more like love critism. He told me Alex find me annoying. Great. Imagine how thrilled I was to hear that. Then Alex came on. I wanted to ignore him. I hate him. He's a jerk. He said no to me in such a heartless way. It's not even rejection, it's torture. I wanted to see if he'd answer. To my surprise, he did. I proceeded to tell him that Justin had told me that he found me annoying. He goes, "Well, yes, sometimes."
"I appreciate it." I answered.
Great. "Why do you want to know?" he asked. I told him it was cause "It matters me what other people thought, and Justin made it sound like you really hate me."
He didn't answer after that. Wess rode over on her felled beast Candee and we talked about it. She stared open-mouthed as I told her what he'd said. Then she reminded me that he's going snow-beast riding with us on thursday. Wonderful.
Anyway, I'm done.
Quote of the Day:
"Give up the halfling, she elf"
~~Witch-Queen of Angmar~~
I'm okay now. I guess. But I'm still sort of pissed. Last night, a fellow wraith named Justin gave me some love advice, on Msn (Morgul/Sauron Network). Well, more like love critism. He told me Alex find me annoying. Great. Imagine how thrilled I was to hear that. Then Alex came on. I wanted to ignore him. I hate him. He's a jerk. He said no to me in such a heartless way. It's not even rejection, it's torture. I wanted to see if he'd answer. To my surprise, he did. I proceeded to tell him that Justin had told me that he found me annoying. He goes, "Well, yes, sometimes."
"I appreciate it." I answered.
Great. "Why do you want to know?" he asked. I told him it was cause "It matters me what other people thought, and Justin made it sound like you really hate me."
He didn't answer after that. Wess rode over on her felled beast Candee and we talked about it. She stared open-mouthed as I told her what he'd said. Then she reminded me that he's going snow-beast riding with us on thursday. Wonderful.
Anyway, I'm done.
Quote of the Day:
"Give up the halfling, she elf"
~~Witch-Queen of Angmar~~
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