Apr 30, 2003
Y'know I used to be such a nice girl....
Quote of the Day: "We hates it forever!"
~~I dunno if this is a real quote, but it sounds Smeagol-ish, and I was saying it all day, soo...~~
music: Right Now ~ sr-17 (it's my love hina music video!!*so happy*)
Yami Bakura: *ducks as computer flies overhead* WHAT?!?!?!
Me: Not you, you idiot. Kaiba. It's none of your business.
Yami Bakura: Well, if it's his fault computers are flying, then it's my business.
If I must....
Kaiba has DISAPPEARED. I was absent yesterday, but I still kept tabs on his blog in case he has any info for me, and he STILL hasn't updated. I didn't see him this morning becuz I had gym (I kicked ass in Lacross) and he's not in my gym class. I kept an eye out for him, since he playes on the other side with another class, but when I went over to their side to get some supplies for the game, I didn't spot him. It's possible I just missed him or something, and it's possible I didn't see him later on becuz he went to the Halo Road Race, a race on Mount Royal I regret not going to (i didnt go cuz no one would go wit me). Anyway, I'm still waiting for an answer.
Gym was boring. Music was pretty fun. We played the Can-can. REALLY FAST. Like, uber-fast. Like, holy shit I died. Yeah....um...after that we had french. It was boring.
At lunch, we didn't go to the parc because, according to some, they'll suspend you if you go now. I don't know if it's true, but we didn't care to find out. Instead, along with Smeag (who I'm still not talking to), Dia, Maguli, and I went to this little patch of..space...between LHA , the road, and Gardenview, my old elementary school. Maguli did various impression and dances of teachers. She did:
The Jamgotchian Disco Mix (Jamgotchian (or PJ) is her math teacher)
The Flores song (that's my math teacher)
Daignault song (the Cranker, that bitch my catholic teacher) which was THE BEST, and I tried to get her to write it down or something)
The Cordener song (that's her gym teacher)
And Paul, the gay dance teacher who cuts off his own shirtsleeves. Thank god I didn't take dance.
English was booring too. Jessica R., who I usally sit next to, was at the Halo Road Race, so I brought Vero over to sit next to me. We chatted and did stuff. It was pretty good.
Kaiba, gimme a shout out or something so I know your not dead. Becuz if you're dead, I'm inheriting Kaiba Corp as well as every single card you possess. So it would be within your best interest to signal your livelyness.
Yup. And they say I used to be such a nice girl...
OOoooooh, on another subject, from the song Rght Now, that I'm listening to, they have this really funny line where it goes:
"She taught me how to trust,
and to believe in us,
and she taught me how to cuss,
that bitch; it's over."
Apr 29, 2003
I like candy, I like sand, but most of all the trumpet man!!!
Quote of the Day:"Smeeeeagoool. Why does it cry, Smeagol? Cruel men hurts us!! Master...tricks us!!"
~~Middle-Earth, home of the clinically insane.~~
music: Do you know the Muffin Man?? (in my head, you eejits, in my head)
Okay, the trumpet man thing is MINE. I just signed on msn and found Maguli with that name. I had nicknamed Jonathan the Trumpet man a while back. The Muffin man, on the other hand, is copyright of....I forget who....but it's also Gardenview school's little joke. Last year we had this on going thing bout Zara and the Muffin Man. I think it dated all the way back to grade four.
Um....Oh yeah. I was going through some old stuff on our old computer, and I found this amazingly adorable picture of Ryou from when he was a kid. It was a screenshot from season one. It was titled "Bouboule qui roule", and I squeaked sooo loud when I read that. Bouboule qui roule is french for...something along the lines of "rolling fuzzball"...it's just so much cuter in french, though. I'll post the link to the pic sometime later if I can find it again.
I've ben watching this reeeally cute music video from Love Hina so I'm sorta hyper/happy. My headache is gone so I'm ready to kick some ass. *wink*
For some reason, I've never seen anything funnier than Kietaro being kicked by Su.
Scratch that, being kicked by a Suki/Shazi look-alike.
Quote of the Day:"Smeeeeagoool. Why does it cry, Smeagol? Cruel men hurts us!! Master...tricks us!!"
~~Middle-Earth, home of the clinically insane.~~
music: Do you know the Muffin Man?? (in my head, you eejits, in my head)
Okay, the trumpet man thing is MINE. I just signed on msn and found Maguli with that name. I had nicknamed Jonathan the Trumpet man a while back. The Muffin man, on the other hand, is copyright of....I forget who....but it's also Gardenview school's little joke. Last year we had this on going thing bout Zara and the Muffin Man. I think it dated all the way back to grade four.
Um....Oh yeah. I was going through some old stuff on our old computer, and I found this amazingly adorable picture of Ryou from when he was a kid. It was a screenshot from season one. It was titled "Bouboule qui roule", and I squeaked sooo loud when I read that. Bouboule qui roule is french for...something along the lines of "rolling fuzzball"...it's just so much cuter in french, though. I'll post the link to the pic sometime later if I can find it again.
I've ben watching this reeeally cute music video from Love Hina so I'm sorta hyper/happy. My headache is gone so I'm ready to kick some ass. *wink*
For some reason, I've never seen anything funnier than Kietaro being kicked by Su.
Scratch that, being kicked by a Suki/Shazi look-alike.
*is on fire*
wait, i shouldn't say that..... O_o
*looks reeeeally pissed off* I'm staying home today cuz I had to get my braces fixed and now they hurt like hell, and last time I failed a math exam because they were giving me a headach. Guess what? I've got another math exam today.
Anyway, I'm missing it, so I'll be able to re-take it sometime this week or next. Lately, I've been trying to fix my template because I have this GREAT idea for a layout and all, and it was working, but then those little numbers before the posts kept popping up and I got annoyed and IT KEPT SCREWING ME UP!!!! GODDAMMIT!!!!!!!
*throws computer out window and goes back to sketching Washu and Mihoshi*
*is on fire*
wait, i shouldn't say that..... O_o
*looks reeeeally pissed off* I'm staying home today cuz I had to get my braces fixed and now they hurt like hell, and last time I failed a math exam because they were giving me a headach. Guess what? I've got another math exam today.
Anyway, I'm missing it, so I'll be able to re-take it sometime this week or next. Lately, I've been trying to fix my template because I have this GREAT idea for a layout and all, and it was working, but then those little numbers before the posts kept popping up and I got annoyed and IT KEPT SCREWING ME UP!!!! GODDAMMIT!!!!!!!
*throws computer out window and goes back to sketching Washu and Mihoshi*
Apr 28, 2003
I came, I saw, I kicked some ass
Quote of the Day: "Give them to uss, rrraaww, and...wrrriggling!!!!!
~~Fish! He's talking bout fish! You and your dirty, dirty minds, preciouss...~~
music: It Just Won't Do ~ tim deluxe (from the dance mix, you know?)
my mind is buggin out
when i think your it
see me run
(ahaha, funny line ^^;)
I'm starting to enjoy day 4. Art was okay, but I had Kaiba on my "to-die" list because he didn't say hi to me when we came in. *whacks Kaiba* I feel so un-loved.
Ahahahahaha - no.
*clears throat* Aaaanywaay, math was pretty good. I gots myself a CARAMILK BAR!! AHAHAHA! And Kaiba didn't get any as revenge from that time he didn't give me a Caramilk egg *sticks tongue out*. I also went to the board to draw a triangle, which means I'm getting another chocolate next class.
English was boring. That's all I can say. At lunch time I went to the parc with Maguli, Dia, and Vero, and I convinced Vero to let her loooong hair loose, cuz she always wears it in a braid, and it was so perty!!!!!! We hung upsidedown from the mokey bars (my blouse went up... *goes a deep shade of red* I hope to god the boys weren't looking this way)... I let my hair loose aswell, and it's not that long, but it's THICK, man. Like Ryou-length, maybe a bit shorter, brownish, but just as puffy, even MORE puffy, and it was blowing all over the place. ^__^
We were s'post to go down to see a dance thing during geo, but we didn't; we took notes most of the class, and I drew in my agenda. On one page I have an anime-style Leggo the Eggo, trying to shoot me with an arrow (this is taken from some old ones I did for the Agenda Doodles comic strip featuring Leggo), and on another page I have a colored Washu-chan. She's a bit tall......I think our favortie resident evil/mad scientist/genius is a bit shorter....
Anyway, my blog is in need of some template refurbishing, cuz it got screwed up. I was thinking Quistis from ff8, since I like her, but now I'm leaning maybe towards Ryou. I have some good lyrics from a song that could go with a..perhaps, somber Ryou layout. Just an idea.
See me run, lickety split!!
Quote of the Day: "Give them to uss, rrraaww, and...wrrriggling!!!!!
~~Fish! He's talking bout fish! You and your dirty, dirty minds, preciouss...~~
music: It Just Won't Do ~ tim deluxe (from the dance mix, you know?)
my mind is buggin out
when i think your it
see me run
(ahaha, funny line ^^;)
I'm starting to enjoy day 4. Art was okay, but I had Kaiba on my "to-die" list because he didn't say hi to me when we came in. *whacks Kaiba* I feel so un-loved.
Ahahahahaha - no.
*clears throat* Aaaanywaay, math was pretty good. I gots myself a CARAMILK BAR!! AHAHAHA! And Kaiba didn't get any as revenge from that time he didn't give me a Caramilk egg *sticks tongue out*. I also went to the board to draw a triangle, which means I'm getting another chocolate next class.
English was boring. That's all I can say. At lunch time I went to the parc with Maguli, Dia, and Vero, and I convinced Vero to let her loooong hair loose, cuz she always wears it in a braid, and it was so perty!!!!!! We hung upsidedown from the mokey bars (my blouse went up... *goes a deep shade of red* I hope to god the boys weren't looking this way)... I let my hair loose aswell, and it's not that long, but it's THICK, man. Like Ryou-length, maybe a bit shorter, brownish, but just as puffy, even MORE puffy, and it was blowing all over the place. ^__^
We were s'post to go down to see a dance thing during geo, but we didn't; we took notes most of the class, and I drew in my agenda. On one page I have an anime-style Leggo the Eggo, trying to shoot me with an arrow (this is taken from some old ones I did for the Agenda Doodles comic strip featuring Leggo), and on another page I have a colored Washu-chan. She's a bit tall......I think our favortie resident evil/mad scientist/genius is a bit shorter....
Anyway, my blog is in need of some template refurbishing, cuz it got screwed up. I was thinking Quistis from ff8, since I like her, but now I'm leaning maybe towards Ryou. I have some good lyrics from a song that could go with a..perhaps, somber Ryou layout. Just an idea.
See me run, lickety split!!
Apr 27, 2003
Quote of the Day: "You know what they awoke in the darkness of Khazad-dum..."
~~how bout "the pants of Khazad-dum"?(c)moi! Srauman has dirty, dirty lines..~~
music: The Wreckoning ~ boomkat
WoO. I'm long overdue for a post. Then again, so is Kaiba...*cracks knuckles* I'll go over later to check what's happening on his end of thing..though I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't put anything new up...lazy bum.
Went shopping with relatives yesterday (yeah, shoes again), but I did score in the manga department. I had gone to Coles ealier but they only had Chobit's volume 3, so no luck there. I DID find myself a french bookstore, though (my mangas are all in french). I looked for Tenchi Muyo, but they didn't have volume 3, and they didn't have volume 1 of Inuyasha, either, so I went with Love Hina, which I've been wanting to get for a while now. Here are my current Manga stats:
Manga's I've read(or am reading the series):
Yu-Gi-Oh ~ (fav characters: Ryou(duh), his Yami, Malik & his Yami, Kaiba, Mokuba, Ryuuji)
CardCaptor Sakura ~ (fav characters: Eriol, Ruby, Spinel)
Neon Genesis Evangelion ~ (my only english one/ fav characters: Rei, Misato, Asuka)
Tenchi Muyo ~ (fav characters: Washu, Sasami)
Love Hina ~ (fav characters: Kitsune (she reminds me of me sometimes, Su (Shazy meets Suki^_^)
Manga's I wanna read:
Magic Knight Rayearth
Slayers (yes they have a comic version)
Ah My Godess (it's on the "maybe" list)
I might be forgetting some but that's it for now ^_^
Quote of the Day: "You know what they awoke in the darkness of Khazad-dum..."
~~how bout "the pants of Khazad-dum"?(c)moi! Srauman has dirty, dirty lines..~~
music: The Wreckoning ~ boomkat
WoO. I'm long overdue for a post. Then again, so is Kaiba...*cracks knuckles* I'll go over later to check what's happening on his end of thing..though I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't put anything new up...lazy bum.
Went shopping with relatives yesterday (yeah, shoes again), but I did score in the manga department. I had gone to Coles ealier but they only had Chobit's volume 3, so no luck there. I DID find myself a french bookstore, though (my mangas are all in french). I looked for Tenchi Muyo, but they didn't have volume 3, and they didn't have volume 1 of Inuyasha, either, so I went with Love Hina, which I've been wanting to get for a while now. Here are my current Manga stats:
Manga's I've read(or am reading the series):
Yu-Gi-Oh ~ (fav characters: Ryou(duh), his Yami, Malik & his Yami, Kaiba, Mokuba, Ryuuji)
CardCaptor Sakura ~ (fav characters: Eriol, Ruby, Spinel)
Neon Genesis Evangelion ~ (my only english one/ fav characters: Rei, Misato, Asuka)
Tenchi Muyo ~ (fav characters: Washu, Sasami)
Love Hina ~ (fav characters: Kitsune (she reminds me of me sometimes, Su (Shazy meets Suki^_^)
Manga's I wanna read:
Magic Knight Rayearth
Slayers (yes they have a comic version)
Ah My Godess (it's on the "maybe" list)
I might be forgetting some but that's it for now ^_^
Apr 26, 2003
Happy B-day SHAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote of the Day: "They are calling for it. They are calling for the preciousssssssss!!!!!!"
music: Figure.09 ~ linkin park
OOOOkay, I know this entry is long overdue, but I came home at lunchtime yesterday cuz I was feeling kind of crappy. And then this whole incident happened with Alibaba made me feel even shittier, so they let me go.
French yesterday was kind of boring, since Zim and Jonathan were gone for the Greek holiday. How come they get 2 days of on OUR holidays and we don't get THEIR holidays off?! Not fair, I tell you.
I went up to the blackboard in math to draw a mediatrice for everyone out there who was stupid and didn't know how to do it. For those of you who don't know what a mediatrice is, have you considered trying to finish high school math? For those of you who haven't, it's just a perpendicluar line with perty little circle things at the corner. I kept screwing up because I KNOW we had to put the point thingie up there at one point, but I didn't know when! I mean, the point thingie is important, right? RIGHT? Well, I'm getting a chocolate anyway, so yay. Oh, and none for you, Kaiba, because you didn't let me have a piece of your caramel egg last week. *sticks tongue out*.
Darren came up to draw the "hauteur" of a triangle. (Hauteur is just lines inside a triangle). But then you gotta place your equerre in uber-ridiculous positions which make no logical sense. Then again, math has nothing to do with logic, soooo...but can you believe there's actually a chapter in my old mathbook from last year that was called "Logic?".
Anyway, Darren is one of those guys who wouldn't care if his pants fell down in the middle of class, in front of everyone. He weares them like, past the buttcrack, and as he was reaching up, the whole class got an excellent view of his neon-red boxers. Mme Flores was trying not to laugh.
We sang happy b-day to Shazy-wazy in english class. Last year, we went on a field trip to Ottowa on her birthday, and when we went to the restaurant to eat, she ditched me and my friends for another table, so we came up with this grand scheme, and got the WHOLE restaurant singing happy birthday to her. Luca even videotaped it. It was hilarious.
Maguli presented my computer project for me (Maguli, I OWE you, I coulda never done it myself) some I am forever in her debt. Luca will have my head on a silver platter on monday, because he so wanted me to present, and I told him to bug off, so he's gonna be so pissed when I come back. ^_^;;
Quote of the Day: "They are calling for it. They are calling for the preciousssssssss!!!!!!"
music: Figure.09 ~ linkin park
OOOOkay, I know this entry is long overdue, but I came home at lunchtime yesterday cuz I was feeling kind of crappy. And then this whole incident happened with Alibaba made me feel even shittier, so they let me go.
French yesterday was kind of boring, since Zim and Jonathan were gone for the Greek holiday. How come they get 2 days of on OUR holidays and we don't get THEIR holidays off?! Not fair, I tell you.
I went up to the blackboard in math to draw a mediatrice for everyone out there who was stupid and didn't know how to do it. For those of you who don't know what a mediatrice is, have you considered trying to finish high school math? For those of you who haven't, it's just a perpendicluar line with perty little circle things at the corner. I kept screwing up because I KNOW we had to put the point thingie up there at one point, but I didn't know when! I mean, the point thingie is important, right? RIGHT? Well, I'm getting a chocolate anyway, so yay. Oh, and none for you, Kaiba, because you didn't let me have a piece of your caramel egg last week. *sticks tongue out*.
Darren came up to draw the "hauteur" of a triangle. (Hauteur is just lines inside a triangle). But then you gotta place your equerre in uber-ridiculous positions which make no logical sense. Then again, math has nothing to do with logic, soooo...but can you believe there's actually a chapter in my old mathbook from last year that was called "Logic?".
Anyway, Darren is one of those guys who wouldn't care if his pants fell down in the middle of class, in front of everyone. He weares them like, past the buttcrack, and as he was reaching up, the whole class got an excellent view of his neon-red boxers. Mme Flores was trying not to laugh.
We sang happy b-day to Shazy-wazy in english class. Last year, we went on a field trip to Ottowa on her birthday, and when we went to the restaurant to eat, she ditched me and my friends for another table, so we came up with this grand scheme, and got the WHOLE restaurant singing happy birthday to her. Luca even videotaped it. It was hilarious.
Maguli presented my computer project for me (Maguli, I OWE you, I coulda never done it myself) some I am forever in her debt. Luca will have my head on a silver platter on monday, because he so wanted me to present, and I told him to bug off, so he's gonna be so pissed when I come back. ^_^;;
Apr 24, 2003
Cio tre palle....*snerfle* (i apologize for my inapropriate language to all who speak Italian.)
Quote of the Day: "One of the Halfings carries something of great value. Bring them to me alive, and...unspoilt."
~~Doesn't Saruman have like the dirtiest quotes?~~
music: Till I Collapse ~ eminem
Um, yes....regarding the title of this post....has anyone here seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding? Well, anyway, the greeks have got this non-greek guy at their house, and they're like "Yo, try this phrase". And they told him it meant "Come in the house to eat" or sumthing, and he said it out loud, and it meant "I have three balls." Well, anyway, Maguli and I were talking about it, and I said I wanted to try it on someone but in Italian. I turn around and the first person I see is...Kaiba. And I got him to do it ^_____^. I don't think he'll ever trust me again. Poor Kaiba *comforts him*. But really, it was hilarous.
In french, I fnianlly sat in front of Zim and Jonathan with Wess. Zim asked me if I like Alibaba and I told him I had a LONG TIME AGO. And Jonathan's like "What?! You like the Lord of Fruit?!" And I'm like WTF? So Zim started saying all this stuff like "Fruit: 2$" and then "Lord of Fruit..." and Jonathan goes "Priceless!!" SO here's how it goes:
Fruit: 1$
Fruit basket: 4$
Lord of Fruit: Priceless.
*snorts* It's funny to some degree if you here them say it. Oh, speaking of Jonathan, Maguli is madly in love with him, so I snatched her agenda and wrote "This Agenda is property of Maguli Batzios, wife of Jonathan Batzios the trumpet man." She skinned me alive for that. We call Jonathan the trumpet man cuz it's what he plays in band.
I know Luca's gonna murder me if I'm not in info class tomorrow, but I'm seriosuly thinking bout faking sick last period so I don't have to present. My three superstar selection are Smeagol, Sauron's eyeball, and the Nazgul. As you can see, nobody will have a clue what I'm talking about.
I'm off to write some of my novel now. I know I have a billion projects and I'm long overdue to work on them, but I have to do a little research on engines and power sources and stuff. I need a fuel source to power my spaceship thingie, and I'm debating whether to use something real or invent my own contraption.
Sooooo....sayonara tomodachies.
Quote of the Day: "One of the Halfings carries something of great value. Bring them to me alive, and...unspoilt."
~~Doesn't Saruman have like the dirtiest quotes?~~
music: Till I Collapse ~ eminem
Um, yes....regarding the title of this post....has anyone here seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding? Well, anyway, the greeks have got this non-greek guy at their house, and they're like "Yo, try this phrase". And they told him it meant "Come in the house to eat" or sumthing, and he said it out loud, and it meant "I have three balls." Well, anyway, Maguli and I were talking about it, and I said I wanted to try it on someone but in Italian. I turn around and the first person I see is...Kaiba. And I got him to do it ^_____^. I don't think he'll ever trust me again. Poor Kaiba *comforts him*. But really, it was hilarous.
In french, I fnianlly sat in front of Zim and Jonathan with Wess. Zim asked me if I like Alibaba and I told him I had a LONG TIME AGO. And Jonathan's like "What?! You like the Lord of Fruit?!" And I'm like WTF? So Zim started saying all this stuff like "Fruit: 2$" and then "Lord of Fruit..." and Jonathan goes "Priceless!!" SO here's how it goes:
Fruit: 1$
Fruit basket: 4$
Lord of Fruit: Priceless.
*snorts* It's funny to some degree if you here them say it. Oh, speaking of Jonathan, Maguli is madly in love with him, so I snatched her agenda and wrote "This Agenda is property of Maguli Batzios, wife of Jonathan Batzios the trumpet man." She skinned me alive for that. We call Jonathan the trumpet man cuz it's what he plays in band.
I know Luca's gonna murder me if I'm not in info class tomorrow, but I'm seriosuly thinking bout faking sick last period so I don't have to present. My three superstar selection are Smeagol, Sauron's eyeball, and the Nazgul. As you can see, nobody will have a clue what I'm talking about.
I'm off to write some of my novel now. I know I have a billion projects and I'm long overdue to work on them, but I have to do a little research on engines and power sources and stuff. I need a fuel source to power my spaceship thingie, and I'm debating whether to use something real or invent my own contraption.
Sooooo....sayonara tomodachies.
Apr 23, 2003
thief!! die, thief, die!!!!
music: Yami B's ranting and raving (a.k.a "Ouija Board hatu!!")
I was just surfing around the Kyokou Geemu forums when I came across this person, this BBL person, who...OMG, they STOLE MY CATCH PHRASE!!! You all remember Hail Caesar, right? And I kept spelling Caesar worng? *snerfles*. Well, anyway, either this person stole my wunderful and so original catch phrase, or it's just some reeeeally messed-up coincidence. But in any case, Hail Caesar is copyright (c) to MOI!!
*breathes deeply*
Yami B: *in background* O.O;; Ooooookay.....
music: Yami B's ranting and raving (a.k.a "Ouija Board hatu!!")
I was just surfing around the Kyokou Geemu forums when I came across this person, this BBL person, who...OMG, they STOLE MY CATCH PHRASE!!! You all remember Hail Caesar, right? And I kept spelling Caesar worng? *snerfles*. Well, anyway, either this person stole my wunderful and so original catch phrase, or it's just some reeeeally messed-up coincidence. But in any case, Hail Caesar is copyright (c) to MOI!!
*breathes deeply*
Yami B: *in background* O.O;; Ooooookay.....
Wo0t!! 92%!! All hail ME!!
Quote of the Day: "You...!! Shall not...!!! PASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~Gandy the Street Sign~~
music: Cleaning out my Closet ~ eminem
A booring/decent day on all fronts. I might have already mentioned that I hate day 1. In gym I brought my shorts (did I mention I hate shorts?) because my teacher won't let me wear my sweatpants, and then found out it was pointless cuz we was watching a movie. Apparently the roof is leaking in the gym. Makes ya wonder how long the school itself is gonna last...it's 41 years old. And it's had three names. St-Laurent High, Winston Churchill, and LHA. My grandfather actually helped build it. Kewl, eh?
Anyway, math was boring, and so was catholic. Actually, we played broken telephone in catholic again. Vero started, with the phrase "My favorite season is summer" and it came back to me as "My favorite thing is sars." That's nice, eh? And I had to say it in front of the whole class.
Music kicked ASS. I had to play Rondo Alla Turca solo. It's a freaking HARD song. Like everything is a "croche" (which means you have to play it twice as face) and no note is the same, so I'm yanking the staff on my trombone back and forth while trying to go from high pitch to low pitch. BUT I GOT A 92!! *cheers*And we played La Bamba with Mr Dufy on base.
I'll ran about Battle City later. I'm tired and my fingers hurt. Oh, and Kaiba, PLEASE update your blog, it could get boring around here without you to entertain me.
*wink* ~__^
Quote of the Day: "You...!! Shall not...!!! PASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~Gandy the Street Sign~~
music: Cleaning out my Closet ~ eminem
A booring/decent day on all fronts. I might have already mentioned that I hate day 1. In gym I brought my shorts (did I mention I hate shorts?) because my teacher won't let me wear my sweatpants, and then found out it was pointless cuz we was watching a movie. Apparently the roof is leaking in the gym. Makes ya wonder how long the school itself is gonna last...it's 41 years old. And it's had three names. St-Laurent High, Winston Churchill, and LHA. My grandfather actually helped build it. Kewl, eh?
Anyway, math was boring, and so was catholic. Actually, we played broken telephone in catholic again. Vero started, with the phrase "My favorite season is summer" and it came back to me as "My favorite thing is sars." That's nice, eh? And I had to say it in front of the whole class.
Music kicked ASS. I had to play Rondo Alla Turca solo. It's a freaking HARD song. Like everything is a "croche" (which means you have to play it twice as face) and no note is the same, so I'm yanking the staff on my trombone back and forth while trying to go from high pitch to low pitch. BUT I GOT A 92!! *cheers*And we played La Bamba with Mr Dufy on base.
I'll ran about Battle City later. I'm tired and my fingers hurt. Oh, and Kaiba, PLEASE update your blog, it could get boring around here without you to entertain me.
*wink* ~__^
Soooooooo. Tiiiiiiired.
~No quote this morning, I'm tired.~
music: Caravan Dance
Don't ask my why I'm blogging so early. I have nothing better to do. Well, I wanted to blog what I'de done the other night at theatre classes, so here it goes:
Well, first of all, our director Wayne wasn't there. It was his wife, Fabianne, whose the coreographer. So we pretty much danced all night. That waas good, since I don't know act 2 exactly by heart. Plus, Mike acccidently took my script last time and he still didn't give it back. *whacks Mike*.
Dancing was fun. We learned the Caravan Dance, which wasn't bad. The Angels have a solo *shivers*. But it only lasts like two seconds so that's okay. Almost everybody had a solo. We got to learn the other solos too, just for fun, and I got to dance with Alex *cheers* NOT Alex/Alibaba from school, this is another Alex. A WAY nicer Alex.
Then we did the finishing touches on the famous Ma-nah Ma-nah song, with the pelvic thrust there (dirty, dirty song, I say). When we were done, Anthony (or Anthy-poos, as he's better known) starting throwing around this soft ball he'd brought, and it came my way, and I grabbed and he was like ALL over me. In a very compromising position. Sarah had to slap his ass to get him off me. We're a strange, strange class. And we're all high most of the time, which makes us even scarier.
I did some musings on Battle City earlier, but I'll bore myself later. Actually, it's very informative if you wanna know what's in store for Battle City, but don't wannt a spoiler. I'm not gonna say who wins the whole thing, cuz I don't know (but most of my money's going on Yami Yugi, duh) but anyways, I'll be back on that subject later.
~No quote this morning, I'm tired.~
music: Caravan Dance
Don't ask my why I'm blogging so early. I have nothing better to do. Well, I wanted to blog what I'de done the other night at theatre classes, so here it goes:
Well, first of all, our director Wayne wasn't there. It was his wife, Fabianne, whose the coreographer. So we pretty much danced all night. That waas good, since I don't know act 2 exactly by heart. Plus, Mike acccidently took my script last time and he still didn't give it back. *whacks Mike*.
Dancing was fun. We learned the Caravan Dance, which wasn't bad. The Angels have a solo *shivers*. But it only lasts like two seconds so that's okay. Almost everybody had a solo. We got to learn the other solos too, just for fun, and I got to dance with Alex *cheers* NOT Alex/Alibaba from school, this is another Alex. A WAY nicer Alex.
Then we did the finishing touches on the famous Ma-nah Ma-nah song, with the pelvic thrust there (dirty, dirty song, I say). When we were done, Anthony (or Anthy-poos, as he's better known) starting throwing around this soft ball he'd brought, and it came my way, and I grabbed and he was like ALL over me. In a very compromising position. Sarah had to slap his ass to get him off me. We're a strange, strange class. And we're all high most of the time, which makes us even scarier.
I did some musings on Battle City earlier, but I'll bore myself later. Actually, it's very informative if you wanna know what's in store for Battle City, but don't wannt a spoiler. I'm not gonna say who wins the whole thing, cuz I don't know (but most of my money's going on Yami Yugi, duh) but anyways, I'll be back on that subject later.
Apr 22, 2003
The biggest and longest dragon...*rolls over cackling madly*
Quote of the Day: "TO WAR!!!!
~~*runs far, far away from Saruman and his army of rabid Uruk-hai*~~
music: Points of Authority ~ linkin park
I'll make this as brief as possible since I have lots to do. I got acting class tonight (blearg, but at least we only have one more till dress rehearsals) and I really wanna tear off thses stupid stockings, I'm wearing a skirt. I hate skirts *burns skirt*.
Um...anyway, today was an overall snooze, I suppose. English was so-so. Geo was okay, but I was soooo out of it. Azzy was mentally unstable (isn't she always?) and her pen was groing hair. I talked to Kaiba a bit, then told him the (highly innapropriate) joke, "The Biggest and Longest Dragon". Reeeeally long story. Maybe I'll tell you peeps later.
Science was pretty cool. We got to experiment with hydrogene and oxygene and nitrogene and...stuff, and got to make little things go BOOM! Thrilling. Oh, and when I wasn't paying attention, Wess drew a heart and A.G. on one of my hands (A.G. stands for Alexandre Ghandour, which is Alibaba's full name). Then in french she drew another one on my other hand. Then she tried pulling Aliabab over to show him. *faints at the sheer stupidity of it all*. Funny, but I think my love life was more successful when I was younger. Wanna know what my first official "date" was? In grade two, J-P came over and we watched Jurassic Park together and ate icecream *hides under a counter, giggling*. It was sooo cute.
After I "broke up" with J-P, this guy name Jeremy Azuley was after me from 2nd to 4th grade. He sent me the cutest love letter, too. I guess we went out for a while. Ah, and how can I forget Jakia, who failed and who's coming to LHA next year? Bastard was a rapist, I tell you. In grade five it was Luca I was after. This created a rather ironic love triangle, with me after Luca, and Luca's best friend, Martin Keskin, madly in love with me. Rather awkward, too, since Luca was after the slut of the school, Andreea Morzanjew.
Aaaaaaanyway, now that were done with my love life, Kaiba's still after Adrianna *snorts* Yes Kaiba, now the whole net knows. Sorry. But don't worry, you're the only one who I gave this address to. Oh, and we think Nico likes Wessy.
Okay now I REALLY gotta go. More later.
Apr 21, 2003
DDM stuff
music: Start the Commotion ~ wise guys
Yay! I just watched two episodes form the DDM quartet. Dub version, on tv. I wanted to download the whole thing, sub versions, on Kazaa, but I'm still looking. Oh well. These were pretty decent, even for dubs. But to be honest, no offence against the animators and people who write the screen play, but Mr. Takahashi's storyline in the mangas was WAY better. Especially because Yami B was there throughout more than half the time ^__^ Also, the whole thing with the puzzle breaking and the fire was kewl, but then they went and used those themes for the duel with Bandit Keith/Malik. Oh well.
I'm sooooo bored so I'm compiling a list of reasons why I like Ryuuji Otogi (a.k.a Otogi the Relentless, Dice Dude, and Duke Devlin for you dub-speaking people.)
- His uber-kewl tricks with the dice and cards and everything from the manga there. It was a cruel trick but a good one that he used on Jou.
-His earring!! The dice from one ear, it's just...KEWL.
-His hair, you idiots.
-And the way he twirls it.
-And his bandanna.
-Don't forget his perty green eyes.
-And his love for Shizuka-chan
-And just about everything else about him.
^____^ So that's my random tidbit of the day. Off to screw with my template some more.
Sayonara Tomodachies
music: Start the Commotion ~ wise guys
Yay! I just watched two episodes form the DDM quartet. Dub version, on tv. I wanted to download the whole thing, sub versions, on Kazaa, but I'm still looking. Oh well. These were pretty decent, even for dubs. But to be honest, no offence against the animators and people who write the screen play, but Mr. Takahashi's storyline in the mangas was WAY better. Especially because Yami B was there throughout more than half the time ^__^ Also, the whole thing with the puzzle breaking and the fire was kewl, but then they went and used those themes for the duel with Bandit Keith/Malik. Oh well.
I'm sooooo bored so I'm compiling a list of reasons why I like Ryuuji Otogi (a.k.a Otogi the Relentless, Dice Dude, and Duke Devlin for you dub-speaking people.)
- His uber-kewl tricks with the dice and cards and everything from the manga there. It was a cruel trick but a good one that he used on Jou.
-His earring!! The dice from one ear, it's just...KEWL.
-His hair, you idiots.
-And the way he twirls it.
-And his bandanna.
-Don't forget his perty green eyes.
-And his love for Shizuka-chan
-And just about everything else about him.
^____^ So that's my random tidbit of the day. Off to screw with my template some more.
Sayonara Tomodachies
Oh thank GOD
music: Treebeard ~ howard shore, Lord of the Rings, Two Towers soundtrack
OOOOH THANK GOD I'm finally done my english compo. I had another but....*sob* I can't bring myself to do it, not after all those painstaking hours of catholic homework and trying to de-code HTML. I need a break. But I will post one thing now. It's a poem my english teacher had given us a while ago. The theme was "I don't understand.." Mine is..interesting. The poeople mentioned are all friends from my enriched English class.
I don’t understand…
Why Shazy is so annoying
Why Kyle never shuts up
Why Jessica is so in love
But most of all…
Why my spell check doesn’t work
Why fractions are so illogical
Why “gh” makes an “f” sound.
What I understand most is…
Why people going insane
Why school only lasts so many hours
Why Mrs Ewing wants to murder certain people.
*snorts* expect different versions, people.
Okay, well, colors are everywhere and it's kind of disorganized right now, but I'm gonna get ANOTHER new template with less cells and tabel (look at all the COLORS, mommy!) so it'll be easier to LOOK at. I wanted Chii to be my theme. Chii will stay my theme for a month or so till I get bored of her. I'm exhausted now, so I'm going to go see if I can finish my english compo before settling down to fix some more things and maybe watch duel monsters.
b>O.O Freak, I didn't even know I could come up with a combo like that....
Quote of the Day: "It is not the eastern shore that worries me. A shadow under threat has been growing in my mind. Something draws near."
~~Know what else draws near? MY B-DAY!~~
music: Missundaztood ~ pink
So, once again, what's a blog with fanfic, right? Well then, without further ado, here's another part of the Cole's tourney, feat Me vs Malik. And yes, that combo at the end is copyright (c) moi. Thankies.
“I wonder what I’ve gotten myself into,” Ryou muttered. Judging by Malik’s total confidence, he was either an egotistical idiot or just really, really good. But it was that way with all arrogant duellists. You didn’t know until you duelled them.
“Wait,” he said suddenly, startling Ryou out of her thoughts.
“What?” she asked impatiently.
He didn’t answer. He simply stared at his duel disk. Ryou did not have much patience, but she did have quite a temper, and what little of that patience she had was quickly draining away. “Well? Are you going to stare stupidly at your duel disk all day or are we going to duel?”
Malik held up his disk. That’s when Ryou noticed the crackling sound and the sparks flying out of his Game compartment. He quickly grabbed his chip, trying not to get electrocuted, and the sparks immediately died down.
“Something’s wrong with my system,” he said, almost to himself. He then looked up at Ryou with a frustrated expression. “We’ll have to use regular decks.”
This was not good news. Ryou was still in the process of modifying her Duel deck. Though she did have that new starter she got the other day….
“Fine then,” Ryou said, ejecting her Game chip and replacing it with her new deck. She was familiar with the majority of the cards, but combos would have to come on spur-of-the-moment, since she hadn’t prepared any strategies.
LP readout flashed once again. “DUEL!”
Ryou drew and examined her first hand:
Gryphon Wing
Relinquished 0/0
Hane-Hane 450/500
Uraby 1500/800
Armed Ninja 300/300
Not bad. Gryphon Wing was useless, though, unless her opponent happened to have a Harpies Feather Duster. Drawing Relinquished was excellent luck, because then all she had to draw the ritual, or use the Sonic Bird’s effect to get it.
“I’ll go first,” Malik said, not giving Ryou a chance to protest. He drew.
“I’ll place one card face down, and a monster, in defense mode.”
The face down cards appeared, holographic images, on the field before him. He smiled tauntingly at Ryou and waited for her to make her move.
She drew. Giant Soldier of Stone, 1300/2000. She placed it in defense mode, then preformed one of her signature moves by placing Gryphon Wing facedown. Despite the fact it might be useless, Ryou’s strategize revolved also around intimidation. If you can’t boast real force, bluff. Not all duellists were scared of facedown cards, but the majority were chicken enough not to attack or at least screw up their own strategies for fear of the facedown threat.
Malik drew, looking smug. “I’ll play Whiptail Crow, in attack mode, and attack your facedown monster.”
Malik’s monster attacked, only to be repelled by a wall of stone. His lifepoints dropped aswell, down to 7650. He didn’t look too disappointed, though. He simply shrugged.
Ryou drew. Castle Walls. It couldn’t hurt to keep up the defenses while he had the attack advantage. “I’ll place one card facedown.” Castle Walls shimmered, facedown in front of Ryou. “And I’ll play another monster in defense mode.” It was about time to get Hane-Hane on the field.
Once again, Malik said nothing, studying the cards. He finally drew, and Ryou could practically see the wheels turning in his head.
“I’ll sacrifice my defense monster to summon Firewing Pegasus, in attack mode.” His facedown defense card disappeared, replaced by a giant blue horse with wings of flame. “And I’ll attack your Stone Soldier.”
“Not bad – but not good enough. Reveal facedown card, Castle Walls!” The card lifted itself up, revealing the purple coloring of a trap. Stone Soldier’s defense augmented to 2500, repelling Firewing Pegasus’ attack, brining Malik’s lifepoints down to 7400. This time, a flicker of anger passed across his face. Ryou remembered it was still his turn.
“You can’t hide behind defenses forever,” he yelled. “Whiptail crow, attack her other monster!”
Hane-Hane materialized, and the battlefield seemed to freeze. Ryou had to activate its effect.
“Hane-Hane let’s me send one of your monsters to back to your hand. Any which one. So I think I’ll get rid of your Fire wing Pegasus.”
The horse disappeared off the field, and Malik brought it back to his hand, more frustrated than ever. “You can’t win the duel using only petty defenses! You’ll have to attack me!”
“At this rate, I should just let you destroy yourself,” Ryou muttered. If he kept attacking her high defense monsters, he wouldn’t need Ryou’s help to diminish his LP.
It was her turn. She drew Dream Clown, 1200/900. Well, even if this deck didn’t have that many strong 4 star monsters, at least the majority had effects. But she’d save it for later. Hoping Malik got the idea that she relied on effects, she placed Armed Ninja facedown, and ended.
Malik seemed to get the message. He regarded the card with suspicion, and drew.
“I’ll play Mechanical Chaser, in attack mode, and end.”
Ryou was thrilled. He hadn’t attacked. This meant she could activate her monster and clear her suspicions about his facedown card. She drew quickly: Muka Muka. She’d save it until she had a fair number of cards in her hand. Then she put her plan into action.
“I switch Armed Ninja to attack mode,” she called, “And I activate his effect. Let’s see your facedown card, shall we?” The card flipped itself upright, revealing it was a Magic card: Block Attack. He obviously hadn’t played it because she’d already put all her monsters in defense mode. It shimmered and disappeared.
Malik growled, a low and menacing sound. “I’ll wipe the floor with you so quickly, you won’t know what hit you,” he snarled. “I swear it.”
Ryou laughed. More empty threats. Apparently this guy wasn’t as good as they said he was. “Just draw and get on with it,” she told him.
“With pleasure,” he said, suddenly back to his blissfully confident self. What is up with this guy?! Ryou thought to herself. One minute he wants to murder me and the next he looks as if he’s got this whole duel in the bag.
“You’re about to witness one of my fanciest combos,” he told her. “First, I’ll activate Graceful Charity, allowing me to draw three cards and discard two. Ah, excellent, some monster cards. Next, I’ll play the Cheerful Coffin, which lets me discard three monster cards from my hand to the Graveyard. Now, I’ll summon Bazoo the Soul Eater, in attack mode.”
“Oh no,” Ryou moaned. That stupid card was haunting her. It all fit now: the drawing, the discarding, all to get at least a couple of cards into his graveyard, to allow Malik to activate Bazoo’s effect.
Malik smiled another haunting smile. “I see you’ve figured it out. By removing up to three cards from my Graveyard and eliminating them from play, I can boost Bazoo’s power by 900 points, bringing up his total attack to 2500. And that’s not all. I’ll also play this magic card.”
Ryou stared in awe as it materialized in front of her. “Stop Defense!”
“That’s right. It allows me to switch one of your monsters from defense to attack, and since your Armed Ninja is already in attack mode, I’ll use it on Stone Soldier. Now I can do some damage.”
Ryou watched in horror as Bazoo took out Stone Soldier and Mechanical Chaser destroyed Armed Ninja.
“Ah, and I hope you didn’t forget about my Whiptail Crow. Attack her Lifepoints!!”
The combined attacks brought Ryou’s LP down to a staggering 3900. She had to think of something right now. And fast, or she was out of the tournament for good….
Yami Bakura: YOU came up with that combo? Off the top of your head?
Me: Yeah. Not bad, huh?
Yami Bakura: Hmmmm.....ah, it's amateur stuff.
Me: >_<* WHAT?! *lunges for his throat*
Yami Bakura: O_O Time to run away...
Quote of the Day: "It is not the eastern shore that worries me. A shadow under threat has been growing in my mind. Something draws near."
~~Know what else draws near? MY B-DAY!~~
music: Missundaztood ~ pink
So, once again, what's a blog with fanfic, right? Well then, without further ado, here's another part of the Cole's tourney, feat Me vs Malik. And yes, that combo at the end is copyright (c) moi. Thankies.
“I wonder what I’ve gotten myself into,” Ryou muttered. Judging by Malik’s total confidence, he was either an egotistical idiot or just really, really good. But it was that way with all arrogant duellists. You didn’t know until you duelled them.
“Wait,” he said suddenly, startling Ryou out of her thoughts.
“What?” she asked impatiently.
He didn’t answer. He simply stared at his duel disk. Ryou did not have much patience, but she did have quite a temper, and what little of that patience she had was quickly draining away. “Well? Are you going to stare stupidly at your duel disk all day or are we going to duel?”
Malik held up his disk. That’s when Ryou noticed the crackling sound and the sparks flying out of his Game compartment. He quickly grabbed his chip, trying not to get electrocuted, and the sparks immediately died down.
“Something’s wrong with my system,” he said, almost to himself. He then looked up at Ryou with a frustrated expression. “We’ll have to use regular decks.”
This was not good news. Ryou was still in the process of modifying her Duel deck. Though she did have that new starter she got the other day….
“Fine then,” Ryou said, ejecting her Game chip and replacing it with her new deck. She was familiar with the majority of the cards, but combos would have to come on spur-of-the-moment, since she hadn’t prepared any strategies.
LP readout flashed once again. “DUEL!”
Ryou drew and examined her first hand:
Gryphon Wing
Relinquished 0/0
Hane-Hane 450/500
Uraby 1500/800
Armed Ninja 300/300
Not bad. Gryphon Wing was useless, though, unless her opponent happened to have a Harpies Feather Duster. Drawing Relinquished was excellent luck, because then all she had to draw the ritual, or use the Sonic Bird’s effect to get it.
“I’ll go first,” Malik said, not giving Ryou a chance to protest. He drew.
“I’ll place one card face down, and a monster, in defense mode.”
The face down cards appeared, holographic images, on the field before him. He smiled tauntingly at Ryou and waited for her to make her move.
She drew. Giant Soldier of Stone, 1300/2000. She placed it in defense mode, then preformed one of her signature moves by placing Gryphon Wing facedown. Despite the fact it might be useless, Ryou’s strategize revolved also around intimidation. If you can’t boast real force, bluff. Not all duellists were scared of facedown cards, but the majority were chicken enough not to attack or at least screw up their own strategies for fear of the facedown threat.
Malik drew, looking smug. “I’ll play Whiptail Crow, in attack mode, and attack your facedown monster.”
Malik’s monster attacked, only to be repelled by a wall of stone. His lifepoints dropped aswell, down to 7650. He didn’t look too disappointed, though. He simply shrugged.
Ryou drew. Castle Walls. It couldn’t hurt to keep up the defenses while he had the attack advantage. “I’ll place one card facedown.” Castle Walls shimmered, facedown in front of Ryou. “And I’ll play another monster in defense mode.” It was about time to get Hane-Hane on the field.
Once again, Malik said nothing, studying the cards. He finally drew, and Ryou could practically see the wheels turning in his head.
“I’ll sacrifice my defense monster to summon Firewing Pegasus, in attack mode.” His facedown defense card disappeared, replaced by a giant blue horse with wings of flame. “And I’ll attack your Stone Soldier.”
“Not bad – but not good enough. Reveal facedown card, Castle Walls!” The card lifted itself up, revealing the purple coloring of a trap. Stone Soldier’s defense augmented to 2500, repelling Firewing Pegasus’ attack, brining Malik’s lifepoints down to 7400. This time, a flicker of anger passed across his face. Ryou remembered it was still his turn.
“You can’t hide behind defenses forever,” he yelled. “Whiptail crow, attack her other monster!”
Hane-Hane materialized, and the battlefield seemed to freeze. Ryou had to activate its effect.
“Hane-Hane let’s me send one of your monsters to back to your hand. Any which one. So I think I’ll get rid of your Fire wing Pegasus.”
The horse disappeared off the field, and Malik brought it back to his hand, more frustrated than ever. “You can’t win the duel using only petty defenses! You’ll have to attack me!”
“At this rate, I should just let you destroy yourself,” Ryou muttered. If he kept attacking her high defense monsters, he wouldn’t need Ryou’s help to diminish his LP.
It was her turn. She drew Dream Clown, 1200/900. Well, even if this deck didn’t have that many strong 4 star monsters, at least the majority had effects. But she’d save it for later. Hoping Malik got the idea that she relied on effects, she placed Armed Ninja facedown, and ended.
Malik seemed to get the message. He regarded the card with suspicion, and drew.
“I’ll play Mechanical Chaser, in attack mode, and end.”
Ryou was thrilled. He hadn’t attacked. This meant she could activate her monster and clear her suspicions about his facedown card. She drew quickly: Muka Muka. She’d save it until she had a fair number of cards in her hand. Then she put her plan into action.
“I switch Armed Ninja to attack mode,” she called, “And I activate his effect. Let’s see your facedown card, shall we?” The card flipped itself upright, revealing it was a Magic card: Block Attack. He obviously hadn’t played it because she’d already put all her monsters in defense mode. It shimmered and disappeared.
Malik growled, a low and menacing sound. “I’ll wipe the floor with you so quickly, you won’t know what hit you,” he snarled. “I swear it.”
Ryou laughed. More empty threats. Apparently this guy wasn’t as good as they said he was. “Just draw and get on with it,” she told him.
“With pleasure,” he said, suddenly back to his blissfully confident self. What is up with this guy?! Ryou thought to herself. One minute he wants to murder me and the next he looks as if he’s got this whole duel in the bag.
“You’re about to witness one of my fanciest combos,” he told her. “First, I’ll activate Graceful Charity, allowing me to draw three cards and discard two. Ah, excellent, some monster cards. Next, I’ll play the Cheerful Coffin, which lets me discard three monster cards from my hand to the Graveyard. Now, I’ll summon Bazoo the Soul Eater, in attack mode.”
“Oh no,” Ryou moaned. That stupid card was haunting her. It all fit now: the drawing, the discarding, all to get at least a couple of cards into his graveyard, to allow Malik to activate Bazoo’s effect.
Malik smiled another haunting smile. “I see you’ve figured it out. By removing up to three cards from my Graveyard and eliminating them from play, I can boost Bazoo’s power by 900 points, bringing up his total attack to 2500. And that’s not all. I’ll also play this magic card.”
Ryou stared in awe as it materialized in front of her. “Stop Defense!”
“That’s right. It allows me to switch one of your monsters from defense to attack, and since your Armed Ninja is already in attack mode, I’ll use it on Stone Soldier. Now I can do some damage.”
Ryou watched in horror as Bazoo took out Stone Soldier and Mechanical Chaser destroyed Armed Ninja.
“Ah, and I hope you didn’t forget about my Whiptail Crow. Attack her Lifepoints!!”
The combined attacks brought Ryou’s LP down to a staggering 3900. She had to think of something right now. And fast, or she was out of the tournament for good….
Yami Bakura: YOU came up with that combo? Off the top of your head?
Me: Yeah. Not bad, huh?
Yami Bakura: Hmmmm.....ah, it's amateur stuff.
Me: >_<* WHAT?! *lunges for his throat*
Yami Bakura: O_O Time to run away...
Apr 20, 2003
This is my strange little free verse poem. I was bored, and I enjoy doing free verse, so I took the concept of "I learned..." and turned it into what I guess is acceptibly called "readable". I'm very angsty. And artsy-farsty. Beware of my strange mind. The theme is basically drawing/writing, which is what I spend all my energy on.
I learned efficiency
From playing with words,
Going as far
As anyone would dare
Until the picture in my mind
Became words
And the colours would melt
Helpless to my fingertips
Becoming nothing more
Than pixels on a computer screen.
I learned patience
From drawing one line
Over and over again
Re-phrasing one sentence
Till the words flowed
Or the colours fell together
As effortlessly as water
On stone.
I learned consistency
To always look for new things
New ideas
To turn every little thing into words
Into a story
Or a picture
Etched into my mind for a second
Before it disappeared forever.
I learned secrets
The very secrets of the mind itself
How to manipulate ones own fears
Into words
And colours
And colours into emotions
And words into pictures
Until it was all just the same thing
But seen differently
One mind to another
I learned to work on impulse
On emotion
On thought
That re-doing something was not a bad thing
But spur-of-the-moment was better
Fresh ideas
Colourful ideas
A jumble of thoughts
To sort them out so quickly
To be one step ahead
I learned honour
From fair play
From fair competition
From being cheated
And trying again
Not thinking I had enough
When I did
And it pulled me through
I learned humility
From the criticism of the jealous
From the curses
From the accusations
That I had too much imagination
My work was too different
Too exposing
Too revealing
I showed the truth
True emotions
And they couldn’t face that
I learned emotions
From colours
And words
And I learned colours
From emotions
How pictures told a story
How every colour
Had a name
A meaning
How every emotion
Had a colour
A picture
And I learned to create
All life
As one image
As one word
Wonder if it's good enough for FF.net...I haven't posted there for ages..they probably think I'm dead or sumthing...But hey, what's a blog without fanfic, eh? Speaking of fanfic, expect some follwing episode of the Coles Duel, coming up tomorrow when I finish my english/catholic homework *sweatdrops*.
I learned efficiency
From playing with words,
Going as far
As anyone would dare
Until the picture in my mind
Became words
And the colours would melt
Helpless to my fingertips
Becoming nothing more
Than pixels on a computer screen.
I learned patience
From drawing one line
Over and over again
Re-phrasing one sentence
Till the words flowed
Or the colours fell together
As effortlessly as water
On stone.
I learned consistency
To always look for new things
New ideas
To turn every little thing into words
Into a story
Or a picture
Etched into my mind for a second
Before it disappeared forever.
I learned secrets
The very secrets of the mind itself
How to manipulate ones own fears
Into words
And colours
And colours into emotions
And words into pictures
Until it was all just the same thing
But seen differently
One mind to another
I learned to work on impulse
On emotion
On thought
That re-doing something was not a bad thing
But spur-of-the-moment was better
Fresh ideas
Colourful ideas
A jumble of thoughts
To sort them out so quickly
To be one step ahead
I learned honour
From fair play
From fair competition
From being cheated
And trying again
Not thinking I had enough
When I did
And it pulled me through
I learned humility
From the criticism of the jealous
From the curses
From the accusations
That I had too much imagination
My work was too different
Too exposing
Too revealing
I showed the truth
True emotions
And they couldn’t face that
I learned emotions
From colours
And words
And I learned colours
From emotions
How pictures told a story
How every colour
Had a name
A meaning
How every emotion
Had a colour
A picture
And I learned to create
All life
As one image
As one word
Wonder if it's good enough for FF.net...I haven't posted there for ages..they probably think I'm dead or sumthing...But hey, what's a blog without fanfic, eh? Speaking of fanfic, expect some follwing episode of the Coles Duel, coming up tomorrow when I finish my english/catholic homework *sweatdrops*.
Hey!! The non-church-going High Priest went to church!!
music: Oh La La ~ wise guys
Happy Easter to all and hail Cesar.
Yes I'm still stuck on the Cesar joke, thank you very much.
Wow. Church wasn't that bad this morning. I thought we were going for the 9 o'clock mass, but it was too early. We went fo the 11, and I saw a lot of people I knew. I sat right in back of Michael Santillo and Mauro (both whom I know go to my church, Michael took confirmation classes with me). I also had a hunch Kaiba went to the same church, but I'm thinking "Even if he DOES come here, he might have come to the earlier mass or he might be on the other side of the church or..." and I turn around and he's sitting no more than three rows back. It took him a moment to spot me and we both shared the biggest grin in the world. It was actually quite funny.
I was disappointed I didn't see Andrew Ceccucci there. I miss him. Although if he was there he probably wouldve been with Michael and Mauro, so he probably didn't come in the first place.
Everything went smoothly (I'm still shocked Father Shultz isn't dead), but I think he took a swig more than usual from the Holy cup of wine. Just a random observation :)
Taking the communion went smoothly as well. Actually, taking the communion has always been nerve-wracking for me ever since that stupid sub-priest put the wafer in my hand and made me drop it on my way back to my seat. Quite humiliating. But whilst I was kneeling I was just waiting for Kaiba to come by, and as he did we shared another massive grin that was highly innapropriate at the moment, but what the heck, right?
Though he hardly spoke a word when I met up with him as we were walking out. I guess he didn't want to introduce his paranoid schizoprenic friend to his parents. Oh well. I waved to him when he was crossing the street though. It's a thing we have. We can spot each other from a mile away.
After that we went over to see my Nonni (grabndaprents) for a full Italian Easter lunch. All in all I got 220 $ (did I mention we're a VERY generous people?), plus the 20 I've been saving up, which should be enough to by me some booster packs. Very happyful on that subject.
Know what else I'm happyful bout? I GOT A PEGGY STARTER DECK!! *throws party* Which includes the infamous Jigen Bakudan (a.k.a. Miss Kay my geo teacher), as well as the adorable and ingenious Blue eyes Toon Dragon, and the one-eyed freak show Relinquished. Though I miss my man-eating inanimate objects and man-eating food.
Hamburger Warrior & Man-eating Treasure Chest: We love you too.
I'm off to fix my new template, which now includes a brief decription of myself towards the bottom corner. Yay.
Hail Cesar
music: Oh La La ~ wise guys
Happy Easter to all and hail Cesar.
Yes I'm still stuck on the Cesar joke, thank you very much.
Wow. Church wasn't that bad this morning. I thought we were going for the 9 o'clock mass, but it was too early. We went fo the 11, and I saw a lot of people I knew. I sat right in back of Michael Santillo and Mauro (both whom I know go to my church, Michael took confirmation classes with me). I also had a hunch Kaiba went to the same church, but I'm thinking "Even if he DOES come here, he might have come to the earlier mass or he might be on the other side of the church or..." and I turn around and he's sitting no more than three rows back. It took him a moment to spot me and we both shared the biggest grin in the world. It was actually quite funny.
I was disappointed I didn't see Andrew Ceccucci there. I miss him. Although if he was there he probably wouldve been with Michael and Mauro, so he probably didn't come in the first place.
Everything went smoothly (I'm still shocked Father Shultz isn't dead), but I think he took a swig more than usual from the Holy cup of wine. Just a random observation :)
Taking the communion went smoothly as well. Actually, taking the communion has always been nerve-wracking for me ever since that stupid sub-priest put the wafer in my hand and made me drop it on my way back to my seat. Quite humiliating. But whilst I was kneeling I was just waiting for Kaiba to come by, and as he did we shared another massive grin that was highly innapropriate at the moment, but what the heck, right?
Though he hardly spoke a word when I met up with him as we were walking out. I guess he didn't want to introduce his paranoid schizoprenic friend to his parents. Oh well. I waved to him when he was crossing the street though. It's a thing we have. We can spot each other from a mile away.
After that we went over to see my Nonni (grabndaprents) for a full Italian Easter lunch. All in all I got 220 $ (did I mention we're a VERY generous people?), plus the 20 I've been saving up, which should be enough to by me some booster packs. Very happyful on that subject.
Know what else I'm happyful bout? I GOT A PEGGY STARTER DECK!! *throws party* Which includes the infamous Jigen Bakudan (a.k.a. Miss Kay my geo teacher), as well as the adorable and ingenious Blue eyes Toon Dragon, and the one-eyed freak show Relinquished. Though I miss my man-eating inanimate objects and man-eating food.
Hamburger Warrior & Man-eating Treasure Chest: We love you too.
I'm off to fix my new template, which now includes a brief decription of myself towards the bottom corner. Yay.
Hail Cesar
Haven't I already told you not to interrupt me when I'm talking to myself?
Quote of the Day: You do not know pain, you do not know fear; you will taste MAN FLESH!!!
~~And all the gay orcs go "YAY!" (lets face it, Saruman has the best lines)~~
music: Don't Stay ~ linkin park
I'll make this quick cuz I gotta get ready to go to church(eater sunday. yes i'm catholic). Half catholic, actually. My mother's side is Italian, so we're Roman catholics (hail cesar! *kidding*) and we're Irish/Scottish/English on my father's side, but prods (protestants). Which makes it legitimate for me to switch to moral next year, because I'm sick and tired of our non-catholic teacher teaching us things that have nothing to do with catholosism. Plus we have too much homework.
Anyway, I'm gonna put up a weekly/monthly/whatever grid on the side where it has my description, "Blog of the 5th Ringwraith". It's just a thing some blog owners have to keep track of their interests and stuff. I'll be working on that today, and get a new template if it's necessary.
Hail Cesar.
(hey, it's not hail Hitler, right?)
Apr 19, 2003
God save all here
music: I have no music right now; I'm on my aunts all-business-like laptop, with it's mcroscopic screen and stupid mouse thing. Beware of typos.
Today was okay. I thought I'd end up staying home, but my aunt and mom dragged me out to shop for shoes. I DETESE shoe shopping. I'll shop for jeans or a top if it's REALLY necessary, which it usually isn't, and the only thing I'll shop for with excitement is books, cards, music or games. Speaking of cards, we didn't go by Palait des Cartes today, so no Peggy starter deck yet. I'm gonna stick to Palait des Cartes for lot of my cards since they have resonable prices and don't carge taxes (and I know the owner).
Anyway, we wnt to Little Italy first (because hey, let's face it, we Italians make the best shoes). We also had some icecream because, yeah, we make the best icecream too. Afterwards it was to my lair, Chapters (insert evil cackle here). I looked for any sign of my beloved mangas, but it seemed they were out of Chobits. I DID see volume 1 of Inyasha, as well as Love Hina which I've been thinking about reading, but instead got Jack Higgin's new book, Midnight Runner. I've been waiting since last August for it to come out in paperback. I also got Dan Falk's Universe on a T-Shirt, the Quest for the Theory on Everything. It's very scientific, so I'll bring it to school on Tuesday and impress all my mindless friends.
So for Nazgul 5 of Minas Morgul, this is Ryou Bakura, and we'll see you next time for a really big post. Sayonara tomodachies.
Quizzy quiz quiz
WOot. My fav passtime, doing quizzes. I find there haven't been enough lately on my blog (it's just my mindless ramblings and some hints of fanfic, but hey, whats a blog without rant and fanfiction, eh?)
Anyway, I decided to do it on Chobits, the next manga I plan to read, My original results, actually, were Sumomo (she's soooo cute and tiny!) and she sorta did sound like me, but I really like Yuzuki alot, so I put her up *cough* Tomoyo look-alike *cough*. CLAMP has just gotta stop re-using character designs....
Yuzuki-You are very loyal and do what is expected
of you, and sometmes more then wanted from you.
Even when someone tells you not to do something
for them that might be dangerous or could harm
you, you go one and do it, expected to deal
with any consequiences given to you. You're
certianly a great friend to have around! ^.^
Who are you in the Chobits world?
brought to you by Quizilla
Big motha f*ckin' Remo....
Quote of the Day: "Find the Halflings!!!!! ARRRRRG!! FIND THE HALFLINGS!!
~~Okay, Lurtz, no need to get your knickers in a twist~~
music: Remo ~ ja rule (well, that's a skit that's like 15 seconds, so I'm really listening to Six Feet Underground.)
*snorts* You people wanna hear the first 10 seconds of the Big Remo skit? Caution: cussing to an extreme *sweatdrops*
"I'm rich, I'm rich, I'm filthy f*ckin' rich!! Motha f*cka, thank yooooou, motha f*cka no thank meeee. Big motha f*ckin Remo, I did it!!"
I can't believe I actually get away with listening to this...
Aaaaaaanywaaaay......oh, I gotsa bone to pick with Kaiba-kun. *cracks knuckels* God bless him for puttin my link up there, but there's one too many "http://". So you get redirected to http://http://nazgul5.blogspot.com
yes, well.....
In other news, I think I might be able to get my Peggy deck. And I haven't been paying much attention to what day we are or anything, but there's exactly 23 1/2 days till my b-day. Eternal Duellists Soul, here I come....
So, I'll try and get my first part of my duel with Malik up today, if I'm in the mood. And Kaiba, if your not exaggerating the talent of your brother as a duellist, and you're enetering him in the real tourney, then....um....*snorts* I'd love to see your face when he wins.
I'm gonna leave now before I get hit by more flying, vengeful computers.
Apr 18, 2003
Thoughts of an Irishman: Pigs will fly before the Germans win the war.
music: the profound silence of...oh wait a sec, there's my dad groaning.
WOot. All hail holy holidays; I'm off school. Please excuse me if there are an unusual number of spelling mistakes, but I'm currently using my father's uncooperative keyboard (and compouter which has the smallest screen in the history of the world).
Oh God, help, my dad just turned on my brother's singing Elmo toy....
Anyway, I just spent a rather decent afternoon over at my father's place watching one of the alltime best war movie, The Eagle has Landed. I'm not a big war person, but anything, book or movie, by Jack Higgins, will infinetly please me. And I couldn't pass up the opportunity of seeing one of our favorite IRA hitmans in action, Liam Devlin. Although, God save us, Himmler looks like my grade 2 teacher.
*snorts* They used to call Himmler "Uncle Heini".....*rolls over laughing*
Aaaaaanywaay.....ah, referring to the title of this post - that's what Devlin informed his "boss of the moment", Radl, when they suggested abducting Winston Curchill. Pigs will fly....and then no more than fifteen minutes later, we find Devlin on the beach, watching Germans from Colonel Kurt Steiner's Parachute Regiment parachute in. "Dear God. Flying pigs."
And then those bastards tried to kill off Kurt Steiner at the end. He LIVES, I tell you!!!
music: the profound silence of...oh wait a sec, there's my dad groaning.
WOot. All hail holy holidays; I'm off school. Please excuse me if there are an unusual number of spelling mistakes, but I'm currently using my father's uncooperative keyboard (and compouter which has the smallest screen in the history of the world).
Oh God, help, my dad just turned on my brother's singing Elmo toy....
Anyway, I just spent a rather decent afternoon over at my father's place watching one of the alltime best war movie, The Eagle has Landed. I'm not a big war person, but anything, book or movie, by Jack Higgins, will infinetly please me. And I couldn't pass up the opportunity of seeing one of our favorite IRA hitmans in action, Liam Devlin. Although, God save us, Himmler looks like my grade 2 teacher.
*snorts* They used to call Himmler "Uncle Heini".....*rolls over laughing*
Aaaaaanywaay.....ah, referring to the title of this post - that's what Devlin informed his "boss of the moment", Radl, when they suggested abducting Winston Curchill. Pigs will fly....and then no more than fifteen minutes later, we find Devlin on the beach, watching Germans from Colonel Kurt Steiner's Parachute Regiment parachute in. "Dear God. Flying pigs."
And then those bastards tried to kill off Kurt Steiner at the end. He LIVES, I tell you!!!
Here's part two of my duel, and a little more. I'll try and have the next part of this up by tomorrow. The beginning of this post is...um...two posts before (just scroll down)> ^________^
“Dunames Dark Witch, attack her Lifepoints!!”
The problem with Game traps is that you can’t activate them when you want to. If they’re not activated on the turn you play them, their destroyed. And you can’t choose which monster to apply their effects to. Ryou would have very well let Dunames attack her LP, just to get rid of the more powerful Harpy, but the card activated itself. Dunames was gone, and the remaining trio of birds took another chunk out of her lifepoints.
Ryou glanced at her LP count. 2200. If she didn’t come up with something now…not even winning one duel was kind of pathetic, wasn’t it?
There was nothing in Ryou’s hand that could help her. Cyber Shield, but she had no monsters. Dark-Piercing Light. She didn’t need it. Isis’ monster were clear enough to her. And Kazejin. Because of it’s sacrifice requirements, there was no summoning it. It was all up to the draw.
“C’mon, Heart of the Cards,” she muttered. “I you really do exist, help me out a little here. I’ll never hear the end of it from Kaiba if I go home on my first duel…”
She closed her eyes and drew.
Bringing the card up to her face, Ryou pried open an eyed. She stood, shocked for a moment, then a smirk spread slowly across her features. Her Yami wondered if she knew just how much she resembled the spirit at the moment, with the almost evil grin.
“Sorry to ruin your moment of glory, Isis,” Ryou said slowly, “But I’m afraid this duel is far from over.” She almost giggled at how much she sounded like Yami Yugi, the great and arrogant pharaoh.
“Dark Hole!!”
Ryou almost felt like laughing as she watched the six individual Harpies disappear in swirl of dark light. So, the tables had been turned once again.
Then again…Ryou almost fell over when she realized Isis could still draw a monster and maybe not completely destroy her, but at least do some damage. If Ryou didn’t get a decent monster within the next turn, then the entire Dark Hole thing will have been pretty over-dramatized.
Isis looked fairly calm, for someone who had just lost three powerful monsters, as she drew her card.
“Invader of the Throne, in attack mode.”
The card materialized. Ryou sighed with relief. Her LP were open, but at least her opponent’s monster wasn’t THAT powerful.
Ryou took a step back as the holographic image launched its attack, bringing Ryou’s LP to 850. Isis ended, and Ryou drew.
She’d never put her willpower into anything so strongly before. This was her Game deck she was duelling with here, her unbeatable deck. And she wasn’t the same amateur whom Kaiba had creamed so many times before.
“Angler Illusions, in attack mode,” Ryou announced. “And I’ll attack your Invader of the Throne.”
Angler Illusion’s 2000 attack points overwhelmed Invader of the Throne. The Egyptian’s LP descended dangerously close to zero, leaving her hanging by a mere 650.
Isis seemed as if she knew her fate, but wasn’t about to make it easy. She placed another monster in defense mode.
Ryou drew Jirai Gumo. This could be it… she thought excitedly. Oooh, Kiba’s never gonna hear the end of this…
“It’s over, Isis,” she called to her opponent. “A good duel; you almost had me there for a sec.”
Isis didn’t seem to take it too difficultly. That was good; Ryou was used to being threatened and cursed after a victory. There were few duellists out there who took defeat in a civilized way.
Setting her newly-drawn Jirai Gumo in attack mode, and used it to take out Isis’ defense monster (Nekogal). Isis recoiled as the final blow was struck and Angler Illusions finished her LP.
It wasn’t like Ryou to rub defeat into other people’s faces (except Kaiba; it was always fun teasing him), but she couldn’t help but be thrilled. She was actually advancing in this tournament, though she knew she still had a long way to go.
The holographic images gradually disappeared and Isis made her way over to Ryou. She held out two small game chips to her opponent, one with the symbol of the Cosmo Queen and other with the Ritual card. With these, Ryou would be able to add the cards to her Game Deck.
“That’s one rare card and 200 duel points for me,” Ryou said happily. “Thanks, Isis. Only 900 more to go.”
Isis smiled. They shook hands, and parted.
Having won her first duel, Ryou was filled with confidence and excitement. But the duel had made her realize that this wasn’t going to be easy. These duellists weren’t amateurs.
Lost in her own thoughts, Ryou was paying no attention to where she was going, and before she knew it she’d walked right into someone, nearly knocking both of them over.
“Watch it –!”
Ryou looked up only to see Kaiba staring straight at her with a poisonous look. It took him a minute to realize it was Ryou.
“Oh, hey Ryou.”
Ryou smiled. Just the person she wanted to see. “Guess what?”
Kaiba raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“I won my first duel!!”
He looked somewhat impressed. “Not bad. So did I. Hey, have you by any chance seen Yugi around?”
It took Ryou a moment to process this. “Oh, you mean Collins?”
Ryou shook her head. “It’s a big-ass mall, Kaiba, with a lot of duellists. But I’ll stick around the area just in case you find him. I’ve always wanted to see you two fight a fair duel. Let’s see if he’s as bad as you claim he is.”
Kaiba looked a tad insulted. “Don’t worry, I’ll beat him.”
Ryou rolled her eyes. “I wouldn’t be surprised.”
They wished each other good luck and headed down opposite ways. Ryou made a mental note of which direction Kaiba went in, just in case she got bored and felt the need to see him cream another helpless victim.
“Which one of you commoners can I embarrass next?!”
Ryou looked up to see where the voice was coming from. A little ways away, a crowd seemed to be hovering around a duel. But it looked as if it had just finished; Ryou could spot no monster in the air, and it looked as if the holographic imagers had been shut down.
She pushed her way through the crowd, eager to see what was going on, and stopped as she neared the open space. On one side, a duellist was on his knees, cards on the floor. His opponent, platinum blonde hair, mulatto skin and abundance of gold jewellery, stood facing the crowd.
“What have we got here?” Ryou murmured. “Another Ishtar, it seems.”
He called to the hoard of people, challenging anyone to come forward and face him. Ryou moved as close as she could get, and their eyes met.
“You must be an Ishtar,” she said, looking him up and down for the fourth time.
His eyes narrowed. “How would you know?”
Ryou struck a smug pose. “I just finished duelling your sister,” she told him, and judging by the expression on his face, she’d hit the nail in the head. So, this loud-mouthed duellist really was Malik Ishtar. “I don’t suppose you’re any better than her…”
Obviously, the guy did not share the same sweet temper as his sister. He growled and motioned for her to move opposite of him. They were going to duel.
“Game decks!!” Malik called loudly. Obviously, a lot of participants liked the fact that they got to use their decks from DDS or EDS against real people. That didn’t bother Ryou. But she reminded herself not to get rusty when it came to the real duel decks.
They inserted their chips, and the LP readout came to life.
“I hope you’ve got at least one rare card,” Ryou said, purposefully trying to provoke him. “Because I’m betting two rare cards, as well as 200 duel points.”
Malik smiled. “Fine with me. I’ll bet my newly won Sengenji and Metalzoa.”
“And I’ll bet Gate Guardian and Cosmo Queen.”
“Not bad. They’ll make fine collection to my deck.”
“You wish.”
Yami Bakura: *rolls eyes* It's sooooo dramatic.....
Here's part two of my duel, and a little more. I'll try and have the next part of this up by tomorrow. The beginning of this post is...um...two posts before (just scroll down)> ^________^
“Dunames Dark Witch, attack her Lifepoints!!”
The problem with Game traps is that you can’t activate them when you want to. If they’re not activated on the turn you play them, their destroyed. And you can’t choose which monster to apply their effects to. Ryou would have very well let Dunames attack her LP, just to get rid of the more powerful Harpy, but the card activated itself. Dunames was gone, and the remaining trio of birds took another chunk out of her lifepoints.
Ryou glanced at her LP count. 2200. If she didn’t come up with something now…not even winning one duel was kind of pathetic, wasn’t it?
There was nothing in Ryou’s hand that could help her. Cyber Shield, but she had no monsters. Dark-Piercing Light. She didn’t need it. Isis’ monster were clear enough to her. And Kazejin. Because of it’s sacrifice requirements, there was no summoning it. It was all up to the draw.
“C’mon, Heart of the Cards,” she muttered. “I you really do exist, help me out a little here. I’ll never hear the end of it from Kaiba if I go home on my first duel…”
She closed her eyes and drew.
Bringing the card up to her face, Ryou pried open an eyed. She stood, shocked for a moment, then a smirk spread slowly across her features. Her Yami wondered if she knew just how much she resembled the spirit at the moment, with the almost evil grin.
“Sorry to ruin your moment of glory, Isis,” Ryou said slowly, “But I’m afraid this duel is far from over.” She almost giggled at how much she sounded like Yami Yugi, the great and arrogant pharaoh.
“Dark Hole!!”
Ryou almost felt like laughing as she watched the six individual Harpies disappear in swirl of dark light. So, the tables had been turned once again.
Then again…Ryou almost fell over when she realized Isis could still draw a monster and maybe not completely destroy her, but at least do some damage. If Ryou didn’t get a decent monster within the next turn, then the entire Dark Hole thing will have been pretty over-dramatized.
Isis looked fairly calm, for someone who had just lost three powerful monsters, as she drew her card.
“Invader of the Throne, in attack mode.”
The card materialized. Ryou sighed with relief. Her LP were open, but at least her opponent’s monster wasn’t THAT powerful.
Ryou took a step back as the holographic image launched its attack, bringing Ryou’s LP to 850. Isis ended, and Ryou drew.
She’d never put her willpower into anything so strongly before. This was her Game deck she was duelling with here, her unbeatable deck. And she wasn’t the same amateur whom Kaiba had creamed so many times before.
“Angler Illusions, in attack mode,” Ryou announced. “And I’ll attack your Invader of the Throne.”
Angler Illusion’s 2000 attack points overwhelmed Invader of the Throne. The Egyptian’s LP descended dangerously close to zero, leaving her hanging by a mere 650.
Isis seemed as if she knew her fate, but wasn’t about to make it easy. She placed another monster in defense mode.
Ryou drew Jirai Gumo. This could be it… she thought excitedly. Oooh, Kiba’s never gonna hear the end of this…
“It’s over, Isis,” she called to her opponent. “A good duel; you almost had me there for a sec.”
Isis didn’t seem to take it too difficultly. That was good; Ryou was used to being threatened and cursed after a victory. There were few duellists out there who took defeat in a civilized way.
Setting her newly-drawn Jirai Gumo in attack mode, and used it to take out Isis’ defense monster (Nekogal). Isis recoiled as the final blow was struck and Angler Illusions finished her LP.
It wasn’t like Ryou to rub defeat into other people’s faces (except Kaiba; it was always fun teasing him), but she couldn’t help but be thrilled. She was actually advancing in this tournament, though she knew she still had a long way to go.
The holographic images gradually disappeared and Isis made her way over to Ryou. She held out two small game chips to her opponent, one with the symbol of the Cosmo Queen and other with the Ritual card. With these, Ryou would be able to add the cards to her Game Deck.
“That’s one rare card and 200 duel points for me,” Ryou said happily. “Thanks, Isis. Only 900 more to go.”
Isis smiled. They shook hands, and parted.
Having won her first duel, Ryou was filled with confidence and excitement. But the duel had made her realize that this wasn’t going to be easy. These duellists weren’t amateurs.
Lost in her own thoughts, Ryou was paying no attention to where she was going, and before she knew it she’d walked right into someone, nearly knocking both of them over.
“Watch it –!”
Ryou looked up only to see Kaiba staring straight at her with a poisonous look. It took him a minute to realize it was Ryou.
“Oh, hey Ryou.”
Ryou smiled. Just the person she wanted to see. “Guess what?”
Kaiba raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“I won my first duel!!”
He looked somewhat impressed. “Not bad. So did I. Hey, have you by any chance seen Yugi around?”
It took Ryou a moment to process this. “Oh, you mean Collins?”
Ryou shook her head. “It’s a big-ass mall, Kaiba, with a lot of duellists. But I’ll stick around the area just in case you find him. I’ve always wanted to see you two fight a fair duel. Let’s see if he’s as bad as you claim he is.”
Kaiba looked a tad insulted. “Don’t worry, I’ll beat him.”
Ryou rolled her eyes. “I wouldn’t be surprised.”
They wished each other good luck and headed down opposite ways. Ryou made a mental note of which direction Kaiba went in, just in case she got bored and felt the need to see him cream another helpless victim.
“Which one of you commoners can I embarrass next?!”
Ryou looked up to see where the voice was coming from. A little ways away, a crowd seemed to be hovering around a duel. But it looked as if it had just finished; Ryou could spot no monster in the air, and it looked as if the holographic imagers had been shut down.
She pushed her way through the crowd, eager to see what was going on, and stopped as she neared the open space. On one side, a duellist was on his knees, cards on the floor. His opponent, platinum blonde hair, mulatto skin and abundance of gold jewellery, stood facing the crowd.
“What have we got here?” Ryou murmured. “Another Ishtar, it seems.”
He called to the hoard of people, challenging anyone to come forward and face him. Ryou moved as close as she could get, and their eyes met.
“You must be an Ishtar,” she said, looking him up and down for the fourth time.
His eyes narrowed. “How would you know?”
Ryou struck a smug pose. “I just finished duelling your sister,” she told him, and judging by the expression on his face, she’d hit the nail in the head. So, this loud-mouthed duellist really was Malik Ishtar. “I don’t suppose you’re any better than her…”
Obviously, the guy did not share the same sweet temper as his sister. He growled and motioned for her to move opposite of him. They were going to duel.
“Game decks!!” Malik called loudly. Obviously, a lot of participants liked the fact that they got to use their decks from DDS or EDS against real people. That didn’t bother Ryou. But she reminded herself not to get rusty when it came to the real duel decks.
They inserted their chips, and the LP readout came to life.
“I hope you’ve got at least one rare card,” Ryou said, purposefully trying to provoke him. “Because I’m betting two rare cards, as well as 200 duel points.”
Malik smiled. “Fine with me. I’ll bet my newly won Sengenji and Metalzoa.”
“And I’ll bet Gate Guardian and Cosmo Queen.”
“Not bad. They’ll make fine collection to my deck.”
“You wish.”
Yami Bakura: *rolls eyes* It's sooooo dramatic.....
Apr 17, 2003
AWESOME!! Hey, you peeps finally get to see a bit of what I love watching so much!! Remember the BMG clip I put up the other day? Well, here's one of my fav (very short) clips: Osiris attacks Yami Bakura, Japanese, no subtitles. I know it's reeeeally short (In the one I watch Anzu gets to say about three more words) but there you have it. Check it out here:
Osisris attack
It's Quick Time so give it a few mins to download. It's worthwhile, trust me. I love this clip.
AAAAAAAUUURG!!! Screwy bastards won't let me see the Ouija Board clip!! BURN, DAMMIT, BURN!! That's like the best clip. You get to here Yami B's japanese voice and everything. And get to here him shout "Ouija Board hatu!!!!" in his adorable voice, and get to hear Yami Yugi try to say the alphabet in english "D. E. A. T. H.....DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
They will all die if I can't get my hands on that clip...
Then break down the door, goddammit!
Am am sooooo pissed right now. Don't mess with me. I have no quote today (I'm not inspired) and no music, cuz my mom has the stupid TV on in the background.
I got locked out of my own stpuid house. Kind of pathetic, eh? The landlord wasn't home so I had to go beg for refuge at the nextdoor neighbor's house, while my mom took her freaking time to crawl from downtown all the way here.
My overall day was okay. English was a snore. In info we were presenting our projects, but I didn't ^__^ am so happy I shoved it in Luca's face. He was mad. Cuz he presented second. Haha.
Art was boring. Chapedelain will perish. Her and all her stupid reasons for giving me a 92%. At least Kaiba entertained me.
In math, we had another problem solving competition. We would've won, or at least come in second place, but Mme Flores decide just at that moment that if +4 did not have the + sign, it was meaningless. Well, at least I got some chocolates anyway. But Kaiba owes me an egg. Because he, Stefano (and Kaiba it's spelled "f" not "ph"), Mauro and Darren won. And you want to hear a classic Darren line? "I'm gonna f*ck those chocolates so hard...."
Kaiba got a Peggy starter deck. *chops Kaiba into little tiny pieces and throws him out the window*. As well as a LOB-E booster pack. But I'm getting Peggy AND two new boosters this week so....nyah.
Off to read what Kaiba has to say for himself.
Apr 16, 2003
Ryou's Duel: Part 1
Okay peeps, here's part one of my adventure at the Coles duel. Try to sorta picture it as an episode ^_^ And Ryou is, of course, me. You may spot some senes that are meanhwile going on during Kaiba's duel. Kaiba will surely recognize it. So have fun.
The mall was bustling with duellists as Ryou made her way through the crowds. The duel disk felt heavy on her arm, but she was bursting with anticipation to try it out. Kaiba-kun had told her these were the latest models, along with the built in holographic projectors and everything. She didn’t know how Coles alone had got their hands on so many.
Looking around, Ryou quickly realized that all the shoppers were gone. It was nothing but participants. She wondered whether anyone could obtain a duel disk or if they were only given out to the better duellists. True, she wasn’t the best, but they’d let her in. Maybe that said something.
She noticed that groups of people had begun to form in different areas. It seemed the duels were beginning. She noticed a particularly large crowd in the centre area near the Mc Donalds, and pushed her way through. But the crowd was thick, and no one was budging. She stretched up as tall as she could, trying to peer over the many heads, and finally caught a glimpse of the open space between the two duellists. She caught sight of what looked like a Darkfire Soldier on one side of the field. She couldn’t really tell what was going on at the other end, but thought she might be seeing a ritual card being played. As much as Ryou tried, she couldn’t see who it was. But before she was pushed aside, she did catch a glimpse of a head of chestnut brown hair, and a pair of glaring, determined eyes.
“Kaiba,” she muttered. She heard the spectators around her whispering among themselves about how the duel could go either way. She listened for the name of Kaiba’s opponent, but heard nothing.
Ryou debated with herself whether to stick around or not. “Nah,” she finally decided. “Kaiba’s pulled himself out of worse situations than this. Besides, he can take care of himself.”
She might have stuck around if she could’ve gotten a better view, but that didn’t seem likely to happen any time soon. So, she pushed her way rather ungracefully through the hoard of viewers, and began heading the opposite way.
It wasn’t long before she spotted a young woman looking towards her. She had dark mulatto skin, and shadowy blue eyes. Her short-sleeve beige dress brushed the floor, and Ryou noticed a duel disk on her arm.
The outfit was…interesting, but she was a duellist nonetheless, and Ryou was itching for an opponent. She raised her duel disk in a challenge. The woman nodded, her long black hair cascading down her shoulders.
The moved to face each other, a crowd already gathering. She heard the name Isis whispered several times.
“Isis Ishtar?” Ryou asked.
The Egyptian nodded.
“Ryou,” she told Isis shortly. “Duel Deck or Game Deck?”
“Game Deck,” her opponent told her.
That was the beauty of this tournament, in Ryou’s opinion. You could choose whether to play in the normal fashion with a regular
DM deck, or in game fashion, with the slightly modified effects and cards. Duels like those went pretty fast, and standoffs were not good. There was a 40 card maximum in Game Decks, and that could either save you or lose the duel for you.
Ryou, though, was happy it was the Game deck. She wanted to try out her newly rebuilt game.
“Fine with me,” she said, inserting a computer chip into the special duel disk receiver, allowing it to process her cards. “Now let’s get the stakes straight.”
Isis thought for a second. “If you win, my Cosmo Queen is yours.”
Ryou knew the card well. It had been used against her before. But she knew as well it would be useless unless….
“What good is such a card without being able to summon it? Put up the ritual as well.”
It wasn’t a demand, it was a challenge. She expected Isis to argue, and she had good reason to: there was no rule in the tourney that required you to put up a ritual card along with the monster. But to her surprise, Isis only nodded.
“Alright then,” Ryou said, a little shaken. Either Isis was a very submissive person, or she was such a good duellist she wasn’t even worried about losing her Cosmo Queen. Ryou prayed it wasn’t the latter.
With their game chips inserted, the duel disks came to life, and the lifepoint readout jumped to 8000 each. The cards, amazingly real, appeared in the card slot. They each held out their arms, the holographic image projectors flying out toward the crowds. The lights shimmered and the disks each reconfigured themselves automatically to a type of board, to place the cards. They were ready.
Ryou slipped five cards into her hand from the top of her deck and inspected them.
Gemini Elf 1900/900
Spawn Viper 2000/1400
Change of Heart
Water Girl 1250/1000
Kazejin 2400/2200
“Not bad, Ryou murmured. If she could get Kazejin on the field then she could surely do some damage. But for now, she’d play her second strongest monster. It wasn’t exactly fun to play a weaker monster because you thought, in the end, you probably would have to destroy it, but that was the penalty for an opponent with Change of Heart, and she knew there were always plenty in Game Decks.
“I’ll play Gemini Elf, in attack mode!”
The twins elves appeared, seemingly out of thin air, and stood ready.
Isis inspected her hand, then selected three cards. “I’ll play Dunames Dark Witch,” she said, placing the monster on the field. “And I’ll equip her with two Megamorphs.
Ryou cringed. That brought Dunames attack to 2800, obliterating her Gemini Elf, and bringing her lifepoints down to 7100. But all was far fromm lost…
“I’ll play the magic card Change of Heart!!” Ryou declared, claiming Dunames for herself. In Game rules, Change of Heart was a permanent magic card, which meant Dunames stayed with her till it was destroyed. “And I’ll summon Jirai Gumo. Attack her lifepoints directly!”
With no monsters on the field, Isis’ lifepoints plunged to 3000.
“This could be easier than I thought…” Ryou whispered.
Isis drew a card and looked at it closely. “Dark Hole,” she said calmly, placing the card.
“What?!” Ryou yelled, watching her Jirai Gumo and Dunames disappear. She waited for Isis to play a monster and attack her directly, but Isi mearly ended. It seemd she had no monsters to play….
Ryou drew Urabi, and played Spawn Viper in attack mode, sending Isis’ lifepoints down to 1000. One more attack and she was finished.
But it seemed either her Yami, or Kaiba, or both were beginning to rub off on her, and Ryou began to feel bored. This duel was too easy. She decided to give Isis and opening.
After watching Isis play a defense monster, she knew that she could destroy it and summon another monster to finish it, but decided, instead, to simply play another monster, attack her face down card, and leve it at that.
“I’ll summon Urabi,” she said. “And attack your face down monster with Spawn Viper.”
The holographic mix of a giant dragon skeleton and snake lunged, but stopped. The defense monster was Mystical Elf, repelling Spwan Vipers attack, leaving the two at a standoff. Ryou growled. “I end.”
Isis drew. “I’ll play Harpy Lady Sisters, in attack mode,” she said, as the three women/birds appeared. Ryou had forgotten; you didn’t need Harpy Lady and Elegant Egotist to summon the Harpies. “And I’ll power them up with Megamorph,” Isis added, bringing their power to 2450, destroying Spwan Viper.
Ryou was stuck, and she knew it. She quickly switched Urabi to defense mode, and played Water Girl, in defense aswell, at least to protect her life points. She ended.
“Harpy Ladies, attack her facedown card!”
Ryou watched with desperation as Water Girl was destroyed. But Isis wasn’t finished.
“I’ll play this magic card as well.”
Ryou looked up in shock as three gold swords plunged toward her, forming a short of cage. Swords of Revelaing Light, she though bitterly. I should have known.
She pulled a card from her deck. A trap, Invisible wire. That wasn’t going to help, it only destroyed monsters with attacks lower than 2000. So she kept up her defenses without playing a card.
“I’ll place a monster in defense mode…” Isis said, placing a card. “And attack Urabi.”
Ryou watched helplessly as her dinosaur was destroyed. But the face down card worried her. Maybe it had such a weak attack, or else why didn’t she use it to attack her lifepoints?
“C’mon, deck, show me some love….yes!” Ryou grinned. Samurai Blueleg. It only had 1900 attack power, but maybe it could take out her defense monster…
“Samurai Blueleg, in attack mode!” she called. “Attack her facedown monster!!”
The Samurai lunged, but suddenly stopped. Ryou saw Isis crack what she thought could be a smile. “Ah aha ah…Swords of Revealing Light, remember?” Ryou growled. She could only end.
Isis drew and removed her facedown card from the field, replacing it with her newly aquired card. “I’ll sacrifice my defence monster to summon another Harpy Lady!!” The combined assault from one destroying her Samurai and the other attacking her lifepoints caused Ryou’s LP to drop to 4150.
She drew. King Dead Arbian, 1400/1900. “I’ll place a card in defense mode,” she declared. “And one card face down.” With hope, the Invisible Wire would take out the second, weaker Harpy Ladies…
Isis drew and summoned Dunamed Dark Witch, in attack mode.
“Harpy Ladies, take out her facedown card!!” she ordered. The more powerful of the Sisters swooped down and shattered her only defense monster, leaving Ryou completely opened to an assault. Everyone gasped. After this, it was all over…
OOooh, the suspense! Can I pull myself out of this seemingly impossible situation?! Find out tomorrow!!
Yami Bakura: Drama queen...jeez...
Okay peeps, here's part one of my adventure at the Coles duel. Try to sorta picture it as an episode ^_^ And Ryou is, of course, me. You may spot some senes that are meanhwile going on during Kaiba's duel. Kaiba will surely recognize it. So have fun.
The mall was bustling with duellists as Ryou made her way through the crowds. The duel disk felt heavy on her arm, but she was bursting with anticipation to try it out. Kaiba-kun had told her these were the latest models, along with the built in holographic projectors and everything. She didn’t know how Coles alone had got their hands on so many.
Looking around, Ryou quickly realized that all the shoppers were gone. It was nothing but participants. She wondered whether anyone could obtain a duel disk or if they were only given out to the better duellists. True, she wasn’t the best, but they’d let her in. Maybe that said something.
She noticed that groups of people had begun to form in different areas. It seemed the duels were beginning. She noticed a particularly large crowd in the centre area near the Mc Donalds, and pushed her way through. But the crowd was thick, and no one was budging. She stretched up as tall as she could, trying to peer over the many heads, and finally caught a glimpse of the open space between the two duellists. She caught sight of what looked like a Darkfire Soldier on one side of the field. She couldn’t really tell what was going on at the other end, but thought she might be seeing a ritual card being played. As much as Ryou tried, she couldn’t see who it was. But before she was pushed aside, she did catch a glimpse of a head of chestnut brown hair, and a pair of glaring, determined eyes.
“Kaiba,” she muttered. She heard the spectators around her whispering among themselves about how the duel could go either way. She listened for the name of Kaiba’s opponent, but heard nothing.
Ryou debated with herself whether to stick around or not. “Nah,” she finally decided. “Kaiba’s pulled himself out of worse situations than this. Besides, he can take care of himself.”
She might have stuck around if she could’ve gotten a better view, but that didn’t seem likely to happen any time soon. So, she pushed her way rather ungracefully through the hoard of viewers, and began heading the opposite way.
It wasn’t long before she spotted a young woman looking towards her. She had dark mulatto skin, and shadowy blue eyes. Her short-sleeve beige dress brushed the floor, and Ryou noticed a duel disk on her arm.
The outfit was…interesting, but she was a duellist nonetheless, and Ryou was itching for an opponent. She raised her duel disk in a challenge. The woman nodded, her long black hair cascading down her shoulders.
The moved to face each other, a crowd already gathering. She heard the name Isis whispered several times.
“Isis Ishtar?” Ryou asked.
The Egyptian nodded.
“Ryou,” she told Isis shortly. “Duel Deck or Game Deck?”
“Game Deck,” her opponent told her.
That was the beauty of this tournament, in Ryou’s opinion. You could choose whether to play in the normal fashion with a regular
DM deck, or in game fashion, with the slightly modified effects and cards. Duels like those went pretty fast, and standoffs were not good. There was a 40 card maximum in Game Decks, and that could either save you or lose the duel for you.
Ryou, though, was happy it was the Game deck. She wanted to try out her newly rebuilt game.
“Fine with me,” she said, inserting a computer chip into the special duel disk receiver, allowing it to process her cards. “Now let’s get the stakes straight.”
Isis thought for a second. “If you win, my Cosmo Queen is yours.”
Ryou knew the card well. It had been used against her before. But she knew as well it would be useless unless….
“What good is such a card without being able to summon it? Put up the ritual as well.”
It wasn’t a demand, it was a challenge. She expected Isis to argue, and she had good reason to: there was no rule in the tourney that required you to put up a ritual card along with the monster. But to her surprise, Isis only nodded.
“Alright then,” Ryou said, a little shaken. Either Isis was a very submissive person, or she was such a good duellist she wasn’t even worried about losing her Cosmo Queen. Ryou prayed it wasn’t the latter.
With their game chips inserted, the duel disks came to life, and the lifepoint readout jumped to 8000 each. The cards, amazingly real, appeared in the card slot. They each held out their arms, the holographic image projectors flying out toward the crowds. The lights shimmered and the disks each reconfigured themselves automatically to a type of board, to place the cards. They were ready.
Ryou slipped five cards into her hand from the top of her deck and inspected them.
Gemini Elf 1900/900
Spawn Viper 2000/1400
Change of Heart
Water Girl 1250/1000
Kazejin 2400/2200
“Not bad, Ryou murmured. If she could get Kazejin on the field then she could surely do some damage. But for now, she’d play her second strongest monster. It wasn’t exactly fun to play a weaker monster because you thought, in the end, you probably would have to destroy it, but that was the penalty for an opponent with Change of Heart, and she knew there were always plenty in Game Decks.
“I’ll play Gemini Elf, in attack mode!”
The twins elves appeared, seemingly out of thin air, and stood ready.
Isis inspected her hand, then selected three cards. “I’ll play Dunames Dark Witch,” she said, placing the monster on the field. “And I’ll equip her with two Megamorphs.
Ryou cringed. That brought Dunames attack to 2800, obliterating her Gemini Elf, and bringing her lifepoints down to 7100. But all was far fromm lost…
“I’ll play the magic card Change of Heart!!” Ryou declared, claiming Dunames for herself. In Game rules, Change of Heart was a permanent magic card, which meant Dunames stayed with her till it was destroyed. “And I’ll summon Jirai Gumo. Attack her lifepoints directly!”
With no monsters on the field, Isis’ lifepoints plunged to 3000.
“This could be easier than I thought…” Ryou whispered.
Isis drew a card and looked at it closely. “Dark Hole,” she said calmly, placing the card.
“What?!” Ryou yelled, watching her Jirai Gumo and Dunames disappear. She waited for Isis to play a monster and attack her directly, but Isi mearly ended. It seemd she had no monsters to play….
Ryou drew Urabi, and played Spawn Viper in attack mode, sending Isis’ lifepoints down to 1000. One more attack and she was finished.
But it seemed either her Yami, or Kaiba, or both were beginning to rub off on her, and Ryou began to feel bored. This duel was too easy. She decided to give Isis and opening.
After watching Isis play a defense monster, she knew that she could destroy it and summon another monster to finish it, but decided, instead, to simply play another monster, attack her face down card, and leve it at that.
“I’ll summon Urabi,” she said. “And attack your face down monster with Spawn Viper.”
The holographic mix of a giant dragon skeleton and snake lunged, but stopped. The defense monster was Mystical Elf, repelling Spwan Vipers attack, leaving the two at a standoff. Ryou growled. “I end.”
Isis drew. “I’ll play Harpy Lady Sisters, in attack mode,” she said, as the three women/birds appeared. Ryou had forgotten; you didn’t need Harpy Lady and Elegant Egotist to summon the Harpies. “And I’ll power them up with Megamorph,” Isis added, bringing their power to 2450, destroying Spwan Viper.
Ryou was stuck, and she knew it. She quickly switched Urabi to defense mode, and played Water Girl, in defense aswell, at least to protect her life points. She ended.
“Harpy Ladies, attack her facedown card!”
Ryou watched with desperation as Water Girl was destroyed. But Isis wasn’t finished.
“I’ll play this magic card as well.”
Ryou looked up in shock as three gold swords plunged toward her, forming a short of cage. Swords of Revelaing Light, she though bitterly. I should have known.
She pulled a card from her deck. A trap, Invisible wire. That wasn’t going to help, it only destroyed monsters with attacks lower than 2000. So she kept up her defenses without playing a card.
“I’ll place a monster in defense mode…” Isis said, placing a card. “And attack Urabi.”
Ryou watched helplessly as her dinosaur was destroyed. But the face down card worried her. Maybe it had such a weak attack, or else why didn’t she use it to attack her lifepoints?
“C’mon, deck, show me some love….yes!” Ryou grinned. Samurai Blueleg. It only had 1900 attack power, but maybe it could take out her defense monster…
“Samurai Blueleg, in attack mode!” she called. “Attack her facedown monster!!”
The Samurai lunged, but suddenly stopped. Ryou saw Isis crack what she thought could be a smile. “Ah aha ah…Swords of Revealing Light, remember?” Ryou growled. She could only end.
Isis drew and removed her facedown card from the field, replacing it with her newly aquired card. “I’ll sacrifice my defence monster to summon another Harpy Lady!!” The combined assault from one destroying her Samurai and the other attacking her lifepoints caused Ryou’s LP to drop to 4150.
She drew. King Dead Arbian, 1400/1900. “I’ll place a card in defense mode,” she declared. “And one card face down.” With hope, the Invisible Wire would take out the second, weaker Harpy Ladies…
Isis drew and summoned Dunamed Dark Witch, in attack mode.
“Harpy Ladies, take out her facedown card!!” she ordered. The more powerful of the Sisters swooped down and shattered her only defense monster, leaving Ryou completely opened to an assault. Everyone gasped. After this, it was all over…
OOooh, the suspense! Can I pull myself out of this seemingly impossible situation?! Find out tomorrow!!
Yami Bakura: Drama queen...jeez...
Um, okay Kaiba...I read what you put in about your tourney rules...well, I'm sorta starting to get the point thing, but the way I'm writing my part in the story, it's as if I'm already participating, you know? Like, I sorta skipped the whole signup thing. Like when you started your duel with Mercenary it was as if the tourney had already begun and all? Well, I'm taking it from there. I'm already in the middle of my first duel, but I haven't completed it yet, so tomorrow you can give me all the updates on how the sorting of points is going to work when I finish.
Oh, and I'm dragging Mokuba down to the tourney at Place Vertu (the real one) next week so we can cheer you on ^_____^
*grinds teeth* stupid....braces.....
Quote of the Day: "Ash nagz zimbagdul,"
~~Oooookay...a talking ring...interesting...~~
music: So Much Pain ~ ja rule
Today was soooo boooring, I might have DIED. We had this 2 and a half hour test thing in the morning about what we think of our school and everything, and it's really stupid cuz half of it is looking at patterns and judging what shape or whatever to put. Either stupidity or the creator's part or an act of revenge. My brain was fried by the end of it. Oh , and if I hear, "Strongly Agree", "Agree", "Somewhat Agree", Somewhat Disagree", "Disagree", or "Strongly Disagree", someone will suffer.....
Yami Bakura: *raises eyebrow*
Anyway, I missed geo and science, and in french I mostly just talked to Zimmy and Jonathan. In math I think I just MIGHT have passed the mini-test. Yay. AND we had no homework. But I still have to finish that stupid english compo....
I won't even get INTO my Ra-damned report card....all I'm saying is Mme Provancher and Mme Chapdelaine will not be walking into art class tomorrow...in fact, their not going anywhere anytime soon, thanks to our (well-paid) hitman, Yami Bakura.
Yami Bakura: *bows*
I'm also inserting myself into Kaiba's little Coles tourney for fun. I'm in the middle of the first duel, so keep an eye out for it. The first part should be out by later tonight.
Apr 15, 2003
Someone tell me exactly WHY Gate Guardian has to have a Ra forsaken Ritual card in DDS? Honestly...
music: Running ~ no doubt
Hmm...I'm trying futily to win all three Gate Guardian pieces AND Gate Guardian itself on my DDS game. I've played about 30 games against this Nitemare dude (Summoned Skull with a hat!! Oh, the horror!!). He's got the same kind of cards the Paradox bros had, and relies on the same powerful monster: Gate Guardian. Anyway, so far I've only won Suijin and Kazejin, as well as the ritual card needed to summon it, but the game decided it would be real funny if it could make me duel over and over and over and over again and give me nothing but useless cards for 10 duels straight. And this guy is NOT easy to beat, let me tell you that. You get a bad first hand, or let him start summoning more than 1 monster, then your screwed for the whole game.
He relies a lot on Brain Cobtrol, Change of Heary and Raigeki (as well as Swords of Freaking Light) and I believe he has three of each in his deck. One time he used all three Swords in a row on me. I've only got 1 Change of Heart, 1 Swords of R.L., one Dark Hole, and not even a Raigeki. And you wonder how I can pull a win out of a hat. But I'm working on boosting up my power.
Note to Kaiba:'m joining your blog tourney. For fun. I'll just go around showing off my wunderful new skills. But you gotta specify the whole point thingy a bit clearer...I'm sorta confused on that. On, and the Kaiba Blog Tourney is copyright (c) Seto Kaiba of thesaint252.blogspot.com.
Off to acting classes *ick* So get back to me, okay Seto?
OMG, if you people have never seen this, you all desperatly need LIVES.
I have just found one of the greatest Duel Monster clips in history. (you'll have to let the page load when you click on the clip, thogh. its quick ime so wait a few mins before you play it)
Guess who?
That's right, it's the first appearance of our beloved BM Girl. Isn't she just LOVABLE?! I call her Kaiba-kun's girlfirend...we have an alleigance of she lets me tease Kaiba-kun and I let her use my lipgloss. It's not a bad deal.
But she is sooooo cute in this clip. And then yo've got Yami in the background trying to say "Black Magicien Girl!" with his japanese accent.
I have just found one of the greatest Duel Monster clips in history. (you'll have to let the page load when you click on the clip, thogh. its quick ime so wait a few mins before you play it)
Guess who?
That's right, it's the first appearance of our beloved BM Girl. Isn't she just LOVABLE?! I call her Kaiba-kun's girlfirend...we have an alleigance of she lets me tease Kaiba-kun and I let her use my lipgloss. It's not a bad deal.
But she is sooooo cute in this clip. And then yo've got Yami in the background trying to say "Black Magicien Girl!" with his japanese accent.
Do I LOOK like a grammar Bechrelle to anyone?! ANYONE?!
Here's a quote of Kaiba's blog:
"Note to Ryou: Do you have an idea what a positive attribute is that starts with the letter "N" and is in french. I need to and can't find one."
Despite how honored I always am to be mentioned in his blog, just because I went to a totally french school and had a crazy quebecois teacher doesn't mean I paid attention. So no, Kaiba, sorry bout that, but I don't know. And I'm really pissed at french class in general right now cuz I got an 80. BURN IN HELL.
Yami Bakura: -_-;; Jesus, woman, I understand your pain, but do you have to set the french dictionary on fire?
Me: Ferme la, tabarnac.
Yami Bakura: *sweatdrop* Well, at least she knows how to swear in the language....
Here's a quote of Kaiba's blog:
"Note to Ryou: Do you have an idea what a positive attribute is that starts with the letter "N" and is in french. I need to and can't find one."
Despite how honored I always am to be mentioned in his blog, just because I went to a totally french school and had a crazy quebecois teacher doesn't mean I paid attention. So no, Kaiba, sorry bout that, but I don't know. And I'm really pissed at french class in general right now cuz I got an 80. BURN IN HELL.
Yami Bakura: -_-;; Jesus, woman, I understand your pain, but do you have to set the french dictionary on fire?
Me: Ferme la, tabarnac.
Yami Bakura: *sweatdrop* Well, at least she knows how to swear in the language....
Thunder and lighting, very very frighting me!!!!
Quote of the Day: "Dead? No, you cannot kill them...."
~~^_^ Hehehe, looks like us ringwraiths are ivincible PHEAR US!~~
music: Bohemian Rhapsody ~ queen (hence the "thunder bolts and lighting!' above. also, i though it fit in quite ironically since last night there was a major thunder storm.)
NOTICE: I have my FIRST forum up!! If you're a Yu-Gi-Oh or duel monsters fan, or just like to chat about anime or whatever, PLEASE come join!! Click !HERE!
What a booooring day, for day 6. The only fun thing was countless laughter with Jonathan Ba and Zimmy the Bug in french class. Oh, and it was Wessy's b-day!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY WESSTHICA!!
Phys ed = boring. We played La cross *yawns* Already played it before. I miss Louis...he was the best goalie in the world *tear tear sob sob*. Um...ah, music= the best new song in the world. It's a mexican song called La Bamba. It totally kicked ass. I'm going to go download it on Kazaa.
French, was, of course, Zimmy and Jonathan stuff (endless discussions about Zelda), and english was kind of boring, too. What's weird is on the way home I got stopped by two people: At one point when I was nearing the little path we use to get onto the Cote Vertu street, I heard "Andreea". I turned around, just to see if it was one of my friends, and realized the call was being addressed to me. It took me a minute to realized I knew one of the girls that was looking at me. It was none other than Amanda Fulop from elementary. She smiled and waved. Despite the fact that I can't stand her, I forced a smile and continued on my way.
She was with a kid though, and the kid didn't hesitate to follow me (still calling me "Andreea") and asked me if I knew a bunch of people. A lot of the names I'd never heard before, but I recognized Stefano. I thought maybe she was mistaking me for another of my firends named Andrea (though we look nothing a like besides the glasses) or even Andreea Morzanjew from elementary, although Amanda shouldv'e known she doesn't come to LHA.
I was also stopped by whom I thought was probably an eigth grader, though he could well have been a senior. I heard "yo," and of course I didn't think it was directed towards me, but turned anyway. So he WAS talking tome. He asked me if I new Bianca. I said yes. Alot know OF her, but I know her personally from family ties. He asked me if I knew where she was, and I truthfully told him no.
Whoo, I'm tired. I have acting classes tonigh (-_-) but we only have 2 more weeks of regular classes till dress reheasals begin!! wOot!!
Quote of the Day: "Dead? No, you cannot kill them...."
~~^_^ Hehehe, looks like us ringwraiths are ivincible PHEAR US!~~
music: Bohemian Rhapsody ~ queen (hence the "thunder bolts and lighting!' above. also, i though it fit in quite ironically since last night there was a major thunder storm.)
NOTICE: I have my FIRST forum up!! If you're a Yu-Gi-Oh or duel monsters fan, or just like to chat about anime or whatever, PLEASE come join!! Click !HERE!
What a booooring day, for day 6. The only fun thing was countless laughter with Jonathan Ba and Zimmy the Bug in french class. Oh, and it was Wessy's b-day!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY WESSTHICA!!
Phys ed = boring. We played La cross *yawns* Already played it before. I miss Louis...he was the best goalie in the world *tear tear sob sob*. Um...ah, music= the best new song in the world. It's a mexican song called La Bamba. It totally kicked ass. I'm going to go download it on Kazaa.
French, was, of course, Zimmy and Jonathan stuff (endless discussions about Zelda), and english was kind of boring, too. What's weird is on the way home I got stopped by two people: At one point when I was nearing the little path we use to get onto the Cote Vertu street, I heard "Andreea". I turned around, just to see if it was one of my friends, and realized the call was being addressed to me. It took me a minute to realized I knew one of the girls that was looking at me. It was none other than Amanda Fulop from elementary. She smiled and waved. Despite the fact that I can't stand her, I forced a smile and continued on my way.
She was with a kid though, and the kid didn't hesitate to follow me (still calling me "Andreea") and asked me if I knew a bunch of people. A lot of the names I'd never heard before, but I recognized Stefano. I thought maybe she was mistaking me for another of my firends named Andrea (though we look nothing a like besides the glasses) or even Andreea Morzanjew from elementary, although Amanda shouldv'e known she doesn't come to LHA.
I was also stopped by whom I thought was probably an eigth grader, though he could well have been a senior. I heard "yo," and of course I didn't think it was directed towards me, but turned anyway. So he WAS talking tome. He asked me if I new Bianca. I said yes. Alot know OF her, but I know her personally from family ties. He asked me if I knew where she was, and I truthfully told him no.
Whoo, I'm tired. I have acting classes tonigh (-_-) but we only have 2 more weeks of regular classes till dress reheasals begin!! wOot!!
Apr 14, 2003
I forsee the end!
music: ACK!! For Ra's sake, TURN OFF THE TV!! Im trying to listen to Linkin Park here...
Ehehehe.....I just finished watching part 1 of the duel between Jounouch-kun and Espa Roba. I dunno what it is 'bout Espa, but I like him. He's weird and scary. And he's cool. My ABSOLUTE fav line (from the dub) is:
Espa: Rumour has it that without Yugi to help you, you couldn't duel your way out of a paper bag!!
Jou: We'll see about that!
Espa: Prepare to taste the power of my psychic dueling deck, you amateur!!!
Jou: Bring it on, psycho boy!!
Espa: It's psychic!!
And, of course, the exchanges between Jou and Ryuuzaki...."He's psychic, not psycho, and he'll eat you alive!!" Hehehe...."Alright, that's enough out of the peanut gallery..." And don't forget when Jou tries to play a level 5 monster...
Espa: Ah ah!! You'll have to think of a different move!
Jou: Huh? Why? And how'd you know? Did you see it in the stars?
Espa: No, dork, its the in the rulebook.
*cackles madly*
And I'm signing up for that tourney Kaiba told me about!! I know Matthew from Coles as well (he's seen me buy the mangas a few times) and I wanna duel! I rebuilt my deck recently.
I'm now off to do my english composition, due tomorrow.
music: ACK!! For Ra's sake, TURN OFF THE TV!! Im trying to listen to Linkin Park here...
Ehehehe.....I just finished watching part 1 of the duel between Jounouch-kun and Espa Roba. I dunno what it is 'bout Espa, but I like him. He's weird and scary. And he's cool. My ABSOLUTE fav line (from the dub) is:
Espa: Rumour has it that without Yugi to help you, you couldn't duel your way out of a paper bag!!
Jou: We'll see about that!
Espa: Prepare to taste the power of my psychic dueling deck, you amateur!!!
Jou: Bring it on, psycho boy!!
Espa: It's psychic!!
And, of course, the exchanges between Jou and Ryuuzaki...."He's psychic, not psycho, and he'll eat you alive!!" Hehehe...."Alright, that's enough out of the peanut gallery..." And don't forget when Jou tries to play a level 5 monster...
Espa: Ah ah!! You'll have to think of a different move!
Jou: Huh? Why? And how'd you know? Did you see it in the stars?
Espa: No, dork, its the in the rulebook.
*cackles madly*
And I'm signing up for that tourney Kaiba told me about!! I know Matthew from Coles as well (he's seen me buy the mangas a few times) and I wanna duel! I rebuilt my deck recently.
I'm now off to do my english composition, due tomorrow.
*wutthef*ck?!* I will never look at Osiris the same way...
Okay..okay, update of the day and whatever? Save it for later *giggles* you people have GOT to see this...holy shit....
Open a music program or whatever (Windows Media player, preferably, or anything that plays video as well as music: Quick Time, Real Player, etc...) and click : Osiris' greeting If you're on Interent explorer and you don't have a music player open, Explorer will ask you if you want it to play the clip. Say no, because it won't show you the video if you click yes.
And check this one out too: Blue-eyes Hi!
Well, actually Internet Explorer MIGHT play the video, but it's only two seconds, so you gotta watch it twice or so to really catch the humor. ^_^
Okay..okay, update of the day and whatever? Save it for later *giggles* you people have GOT to see this...holy shit....
Open a music program or whatever (Windows Media player, preferably, or anything that plays video as well as music: Quick Time, Real Player, etc...) and click : Osiris' greeting If you're on Interent explorer and you don't have a music player open, Explorer will ask you if you want it to play the clip. Say no, because it won't show you the video if you click yes.
And check this one out too: Blue-eyes Hi!
Well, actually Internet Explorer MIGHT play the video, but it's only two seconds, so you gotta watch it twice or so to really catch the humor. ^_^
Apr 13, 2003
Did anyone know Ryoko could make a giant fish appear out of thin air and cook it instantly? Cuz I didn't know that.....
Quote of the Day: "There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides the will of evil."
~~Touching, Gandalf. But possibly not true.~~
music: Hit the Floor ~ linkin park
Yaaaaaaay for a fun day. Okay, so first the update of the day, and then YES kaiba, I will get back to you on those questions you asked in your blog, okay?
I went out downtown with my uncle today, cuz I haven't seen him in a while. We went for lunch and then to bookstores and HMV. At HMV I got Linkin Park's new CD Meteora (YAY!) which I'm listening to right now. I searched Chapters and Indigo for Chobits and Inuyasha. I found no trace of Chobits, whihc is weird, because little, meaningless Coles carries Chobits, and yet the massive, billion-dollar chaines don't. I found Inuyahsa, but only the later volumes.
What I did end up getting is my frist volume of Tenchi Muyo! I'm very very happy. I've never seen the anime (never bothered to buy the sub version) but I have seen some snippets from the comic, and I know the storyline, and I love drawing Ryoko and Washu chan. (WASHU-CHAN IS THE BEST!!) Here are some of the piccies I've done for Tenchi Muyo:
This was one of my first really good ones of Ryoko. She's cute, eh? For a demon, lol.
Ryoko & co. Here's Ryoko and...ack....I forget who's on her back..bad memory, eh? I'll remeber when I start the manga. Anyway, I modifed her outfit here, because the original was a bit too...revealing...
I was playing with chibi styles and my new markers, lol. Here's Sasami, Ryoko and Washu. And cabbit.
What happens when I stick a not-too-happy-looking Washu and a dazed in la-la land Ryoko in cabbit world? Chaos and madness, besides humor, in other words....
Oh no! Someone's stolen Washu's hair spray!!! Lol, no, just kidding, it was the first thing that came to mind when I finished this. But she is pretty mad. Someone flew off with her levitating pillow!!! ^_^
Erm.....right....Oh, and I've been motivated to start some doujinshi concept art. Duel Monsters-based. Chibi style, most probably. Starring me and Kaiba, lol ^_^(maybe, i dunno).
Okay, back to Kaib-kun: (and yes Kaiba i'm you're age(or at least youre age before your b-day)) but im not giving my age away right now... you people probably already have an educated guess. To change the subject.....
*clear throat*, and Kaiba, did you honestly have to insert that "keep your pants on" comment? yeesh....
Anyway....on the subject of how to insert music. Actually, blogs don't have that. LJs do, but I don't have an LJ. All I do is write "music", put it in bold, then write who I'm listening to and the artist next to it. Pretty simple.
Okay, unless you wanna pay for your blog, you can't directly insert pictures. Here's what you do: on your address bar, highlight the address of the page you're on, and copy. Next, in your blog, lets say you're doing a pic of Kaiba, type "Kaiba". Then, highlight "Kaiba" and press control + shift + a on your keyboard. A box will pop up. Paste your address there, and click OK. A complicated code should appear on your blog. Leave it, bacause after you click "post and publish" it will become a link. It works the same for websites. The only time I get pics is when I do a quiz, cuz it's already HTML formatted. If this is too complicated for you, Kaiba, I'll show you at school or something, okay? But otherwise it's pretty basic. I mean, you're the computer techi here, right? ^___^
Apr 12, 2003
Quizzes, preciousss, yess, lotss of quizzesss........

You are Dark Magician Girl. You may be a girl but
you have a really good effect. With enough
Magician Of Black Chaos and Dark Magician you
can become the ultimate magician! plus your the
assistant of Dark Magician
Yu-Gi-OH: What monster are you in Daniel's deck??
brought to you by Quizilla
I honeslty thought for a moment this was my Daniel they were talking about (Kaiba-kun) but then I realized: Despite the fact that Kaiba would like it very much if the Black Magicien girl went out with him, he doesn't have her in his deck. Oh well ^___^ (but I recently got her Toon version!! In japanese, though.)
Now I'm going to duck cuz I know Kaib's gonna throw something at me for saying that....
Yami Bakura: IN COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: *ducks*
*computer flies over head*
See what I mean?

You are Yami Bakura; Ryou's evil side. You randomly
take over your other half to cause mass chaos.
You want all the Millennium Items so you can
rule the world. In your past life you defiled
the tombs of others so you could have their
treasures. Evil little thing you are.
Which Yu-Gi-Oh! Egyptian Boy Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Yami Bakura: I thought you didn't like it when I posted my quiz results on your page?
Me: No, you idiot, these are MY results.
*Malik pops out of nowhere*
Malik: *shakes head sadly* See, ladies and gentlemen? No matter how innocent be a hikari, they all go Yami eventually....
Me: Or yeah you're one to talk...all we're missing is the affro........
Malik: Hey, when I'm in the operating room waiting for my lobotomy, THEN you can compare me to Yami Malik.
You are Dark Magician Girl. You may be a girl but
you have a really good effect. With enough
Magician Of Black Chaos and Dark Magician you
can become the ultimate magician! plus your the
assistant of Dark Magician
Yu-Gi-OH: What monster are you in Daniel's deck??
brought to you by Quizilla
I honeslty thought for a moment this was my Daniel they were talking about (Kaiba-kun) but then I realized: Despite the fact that Kaiba would like it very much if the Black Magicien girl went out with him, he doesn't have her in his deck. Oh well ^___^ (but I recently got her Toon version!! In japanese, though.)
Now I'm going to duck cuz I know Kaib's gonna throw something at me for saying that....
Yami Bakura: IN COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: *ducks*
*computer flies over head*
See what I mean?
You are Yami Bakura; Ryou's evil side. You randomly
take over your other half to cause mass chaos.
You want all the Millennium Items so you can
rule the world. In your past life you defiled
the tombs of others so you could have their
treasures. Evil little thing you are.
Which Yu-Gi-Oh! Egyptian Boy Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Yami Bakura: I thought you didn't like it when I posted my quiz results on your page?
Me: No, you idiot, these are MY results.
*Malik pops out of nowhere*
Malik: *shakes head sadly* See, ladies and gentlemen? No matter how innocent be a hikari, they all go Yami eventually....
Me: Or yeah you're one to talk...all we're missing is the affro........
Malik: Hey, when I'm in the operating room waiting for my lobotomy, THEN you can compare me to Yami Malik.
Typical Kaiba-kun...
music: Ignition (remix) ~ r kelly
Wooo...long day. Went out to the Old Port for an ICE CREAM! Oh ya, ONLY for an ice cream *sweat drop*. It was soo warm today!! But very wind. My hair is like an affro now. Hey Yami Malik, you have competetion ^__^
Kaiba kun, I know the tourney wasn't this weekend, but NEXT weeked, for easter, I'm with my grandparents, and my father wants to know if I can come over to his house the weekend after that, and I need an excuse not to. So I had just been wondering if you could confirm it was after easter, so I could tell my mom, and then my dad, so I would be able to go. It's long and complicated. I'll shut up now.
And Kaiba, shut up you idiot, of course you're gonna win the damn tourney. You always win. ^_^;;
Yami Bakura: It gets annoying after a while, doesn't it? Having him win all the time.
Me: Yeah, but you get used to it.
Yami Bakura: Same here. Like withYami no Yugi, Mr. King of Games. You so want him to lose but after a while you give up cuz let's face it, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
Me: How very motivating, Yami B. But remember, without you to cause havoc in their lives and challenge Yami, we wouldn't have a show, now would we?
Yami B: Point taken.
So anyway, for now we'll amuse ourselves kicking the butts of the artificial intelligence of the characters from Dark Duel Stories. Oh, and a little thing on birthdays: Happy b-day to Kaiba-kun's mom, and my b-day coming up in exactly 1 month!! ~_^. Sayonara tomodachies!!
music: Ignition (remix) ~ r kelly
Wooo...long day. Went out to the Old Port for an ICE CREAM! Oh ya, ONLY for an ice cream *sweat drop*. It was soo warm today!! But very wind. My hair is like an affro now. Hey Yami Malik, you have competetion ^__^
Kaiba kun, I know the tourney wasn't this weekend, but NEXT weeked, for easter, I'm with my grandparents, and my father wants to know if I can come over to his house the weekend after that, and I need an excuse not to. So I had just been wondering if you could confirm it was after easter, so I could tell my mom, and then my dad, so I would be able to go. It's long and complicated. I'll shut up now.
And Kaiba, shut up you idiot, of course you're gonna win the damn tourney. You always win. ^_^;;
Yami Bakura: It gets annoying after a while, doesn't it? Having him win all the time.
Me: Yeah, but you get used to it.
Yami Bakura: Same here. Like withYami no Yugi, Mr. King of Games. You so want him to lose but after a while you give up cuz let's face it, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
Me: How very motivating, Yami B. But remember, without you to cause havoc in their lives and challenge Yami, we wouldn't have a show, now would we?
Yami B: Point taken.
So anyway, for now we'll amuse ourselves kicking the butts of the artificial intelligence of the characters from Dark Duel Stories. Oh, and a little thing on birthdays: Happy b-day to Kaiba-kun's mom, and my b-day coming up in exactly 1 month!! ~_^. Sayonara tomodachies!!
Here's a question: anyone here watch Inuyasha or read the manga?
Yami Bakura: Oh you can't be serious...not this again....
Shut up. Okay, it's recently come to my attention that Ryou Bakura's hair is somewhat...similar...to Inuyasha's. Just a quirky thing I guess. I just find it really cute. Click here to view an Inuyasha pic and see for yourself! I'm planning to start reading the manga, and while I was thinking bout it I remembered this. You wanna here something else?
Yami Bakura: Don't...
Yami B's got Inuyasha hair when he wakes up in the morning! *giggle*
Yami B: *rolls eyes*
Dice, dudes and duels
Quote of the Day: "You did not seriously think that a hobbit could contend with the will of Sauron?"
~~Apparently you couldn't, Saruman~~
music: I'm Still Here ~ john rzeznik
Ack, I woke up early for nothing. I was looking forward to a new episode, but ended up catching part 2 of Yami vs Rare Hunter for the 4th time. Oh well. Yami looks good in the ep.
Kaiba, if you're reading this: I NEED to know when the tourney is, becuz my mom wants to know if I'm going. So blog it or something, k? Like I have to know at least by the afternoon. If you can. Thanks.
I noticed something. I've been re-reading volume 16 of Duel Monsters, which is Yugi vs Ryuuji Otogi (dice dude!!). The Little Wizard that Yugi summons, there, that thing? Well, I decided to sketch it and as I was drawing, I remarked that he not only resembled a mini version of the Black Magicien, but sort of resembled Mahaado (Mahaado was the Black Magicien in a previous life; long story). It came out pretty cute. I now call him Mini Mahaado Magicien ^___^
So get back to me on the tourney, Kaiba-kun.
Apr 11, 2003
Weird cast nicknames.
This has been circulating for a while now, but I got the main idea from the Kyokou Geemu forums. Anyways, this is basically how it works: We come up with nicknames for the cast of Duel Monstes. Now, the first word is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of that character (example: Yami Yugi=leather). The next is a word the describes the character. You put "Mc" at the beginning of the second word. The last word is always pants. Here are some:
Sexy McTwitchy Pants
Hottie McIssues Pants
Yami Bakura:
Spazzy McPsycho Pants
BatHead McEgotistical Pants
I'm your God McCackly Pants
Ego McLizard Pants
Ego McDragon Pants
ScrewYou McLoner Pants
Stubborn Mcdoggie pants
Brooklyn McBlondie Pants (only applies for dub)
Pointy McTrench Pants
Starched McRigid Pants
Boobies McDrama Pants
Boobies McPantless Pants
Bandit Keith:
Asshole McCheater pants
Eyeball McFruity pants.
Loopy McFruity Pants. (click there for a new picture of Loopy Peggy with one of his greatest minions)
Ruffly McVelvet Pants
GoldEye McPervy Pants
Freaky McCryptic Pants.
Perty McGropable Pants
Fishy McMoistened Pants
Hooked McSwordfish Pants
Schizo McFluffy Pants
Cuty McCreampuff Pants
Psychic McPsycho Pants
Leather McBondage Pants
Hooker McINeedPants Pants
BugBrain McParasite Pants
Weevil McUnderpants (works, doesn’t it? ^_^)
DiceDude McTight Pants
Princess McFluffy Pants
Lil’Bro McCommissioner Pants
Yami Malik:
Chaos McNutbar Pants
Googles McLobotomy Pants
That's all for now ^___^
This has been circulating for a while now, but I got the main idea from the Kyokou Geemu forums. Anyways, this is basically how it works: We come up with nicknames for the cast of Duel Monstes. Now, the first word is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of that character (example: Yami Yugi=leather). The next is a word the describes the character. You put "Mc" at the beginning of the second word. The last word is always pants. Here are some:
Sexy McTwitchy Pants
Hottie McIssues Pants
Yami Bakura:
Spazzy McPsycho Pants
BatHead McEgotistical Pants
I'm your God McCackly Pants
Ego McLizard Pants
Ego McDragon Pants
ScrewYou McLoner Pants
Stubborn Mcdoggie pants
Brooklyn McBlondie Pants (only applies for dub)
Pointy McTrench Pants
Starched McRigid Pants
Boobies McDrama Pants
Boobies McPantless Pants
Bandit Keith:
Asshole McCheater pants
Eyeball McFruity pants.
Loopy McFruity Pants. (click there for a new picture of Loopy Peggy with one of his greatest minions)
Ruffly McVelvet Pants
GoldEye McPervy Pants
Freaky McCryptic Pants.
Perty McGropable Pants
Fishy McMoistened Pants
Hooked McSwordfish Pants
Schizo McFluffy Pants
Cuty McCreampuff Pants
Psychic McPsycho Pants
Leather McBondage Pants
Hooker McINeedPants Pants
BugBrain McParasite Pants
Weevil McUnderpants (works, doesn’t it? ^_^)
DiceDude McTight Pants
Princess McFluffy Pants
Lil’Bro McCommissioner Pants
Yami Malik:
Chaos McNutbar Pants
Googles McLobotomy Pants
That's all for now ^___^
hehehehehe..Gay pride Kuribohs......
Erm....some screencappies, kiddies. Yes, becuz I love you all and feel the constant need to present your favorite characters to you, but with my twisted sense of dark humour intertwined, giving you haunted mental images and nightmares for weeks.
Now that I've terrified you all, let's get on with it, shall we?
Ah, yes, from the Yami/Anzu date. Possibly one of the best Yami Yugi episodes. Besides the fact he looks super hot in that black leather of his, he pulls some pricless expressions. Here's one of my favorites.
Now, introducing the one and only GAY PRIDE KURIBOH!!!! (in color!!)
Yami Yugi: *trying not to sneeze* Get it OFF me, please...I'll never live if Kaiba sees this.....
I CANT FIND ANYMORE GAY PRIDE KURIBOHS!! Be back later when I catch them.
Erm....some screencappies, kiddies. Yes, becuz I love you all and feel the constant need to present your favorite characters to you, but with my twisted sense of dark humour intertwined, giving you haunted mental images and nightmares for weeks.
Now that I've terrified you all, let's get on with it, shall we?
Ah, yes, from the Yami/Anzu date. Possibly one of the best Yami Yugi episodes. Besides the fact he looks super hot in that black leather of his, he pulls some pricless expressions. Here's one of my favorites.
Now, introducing the one and only GAY PRIDE KURIBOH!!!! (in color!!)
Yami Yugi: *trying not to sneeze* Get it OFF me, please...I'll never live if Kaiba sees this.....
I CANT FIND ANYMORE GAY PRIDE KURIBOHS!! Be back later when I catch them.
What's an "anemometre" for crying out loud?
Quote of the Day: "Open war is upon you, whether you would risk it or not."
music: Jungle Boogie ~ instrumental version, preformed by the LHA senior jazz band
Pretty basic day. Art was not as exciting as usual. We had done our comic strips, and we were inking them. It's really annoying when the teachers come by, becuz either this pattern is not pattern-ish enough, and this one is too uneven, and there's no contrast, and can you GO AWAY AND LET ME WORK IN PEACE?!?!! Despite their petty beliefs, I do know what I'm doing. Even if my inking pen is of shitty quality (it's those stupid "Express" pens. I want a Sakura inking pen!! Like for manga artists and all!!). At one point, I was trying to shade in an area with a 0.1 pen, and the ink ran out, and I got so pissed off I lost my temper and threatened to send the pen to the Shadow Realm. I think I've scared off Kaiba for good. ^___^
I'm afraid I might not get 100% or at least 99% this term. Lat time I got 99. You just COULDN'T give me a 100, could you Mme Chapedelain?!! Well let me tell you, I'M SELF TAUGHT!! You went to college. I didn't. And according to many I can draw a helluva lot better than you. So, nyah *sticks tongue out*
Yami Bakura: You are childish beyond all understanding, do you know that?
Me: Ferme la.
Anyway, twas much the same for math. Boring. We're learning how to do charts. And pie charts. Do you know how HUNGRY I was in math? I could've eaten my pencil. Or, maybe not, but....
The only exciting thing today was going to see the LHA senior band preform in the Agora. They are soooo cool. I wanna be in the band when I get better at playing. The only thing is their taught by Mr. Toilette (Mr. Ouillette, for those of you who care), and I don't like him. Mr. Dufy's more fun.
Geo was boring too. I mostly talked to Kaiba-kun while Azzi laid her head on my desk, complaining that she was feeling sick. I think she's lost her mind. She looked fine two minutes later. She SCARES me. Oh, and I whacked Collins across the head with a hardcover geo text book. That felt comforting ^__^
Oh, and Juicy, Azzi and I also had an enlightening conversation about Juicy's boxers.
That's all.
Oh, and Kaiba-kun tried to sign me up for the Place Vertu tourney!! HEY!! I hope he was just kidding...though if he tells me when it's being held, I might just drop by to watch.
Apr 10, 2003
Oshinitseo tenkuriu!! Direct attack!!
video clip: Battle City semis, final blow. Yami Yugi orders Osiris to attack Yami Bakura. Hence the japanese warcall above. (and believe it or not, Direct Attack is said in english).
Another GBA duel!! This time, vs High Pries Seto. Now THIS should be interesting. High Pee Seto is the toughest from the Ancient Egypt arc. Lets see what he can do… but I DID beat him in a previous life, so…
Let’s Duel!!
My hand:
Gemini Elf 1900/900
Mechanical chaser 1850/800
Jirai Gumo 2200/100
Mammoth Graveyard 1200/800
Wall of Illusions 1000/1850
Seto goes first. He summons La Jinn in defense mode and powers him up with Megamorph (2300/1500) Just in case he plans to use Change of Heart, I’ll attack with Gemini Elf…oh shit I forgot: type difference. My Gemini elf is destroyed, leaving my LP open. Shit. Ack, he sacrificed to summon Gyakutenno Megami and attacked.
P. Seto: 8000
Ryou: 6200
Alright, I’ll use Jirai Gumo to take out Megami. It works, good. He’s down to 7600. I end.
RAIGEKI!! I HATE THAT CARD!! Ack, now he attacks my LP with Mystic Horseman.
P.Seto: 7600
Ryou: 4900
Okay, I’ll summon Mech Chaser and destroy his confounded horseman. I end. He places a monster in def. I summon Great White. His monster is La Jinn. I destroy it, and attack his LP with Mech Chaser.
P. Seto: 5200
Ryou: 4900
He summons Battle Ox and gets rid of my fish. Darn it. Oh well. I draw Toon Summoned Skull!! Yes!! I’l sacrifice my machine to summon it and take out Battle Ox. DIE, priest, DIE. He places a monster in def. Hmm, I’ll place Wall of Illusions in def, tempting him to attack. Then I’ll take out his face down monster with my Toon. Yami Bakura’s taught me well, eh? GOTCHA!! Their all so gullible, honestly, I know ALL their individual tricks. His newly-summoned Battle Ox attacked my Wall of Illusions. Idiot. He’s just damaging himself. I’ll play another monster in def mode, and attack with Toon Skull. Bye bye Battle Ox. Oh, and I’ll place a card face down.
P Seto: 3450
Ryou: 4800
Hehehe! He summons Grapple and tries to attack. I activate Widespread Ruin. Leaving his Lifepoints open for an all-out assault!! ATTACK!!
AND your cooked, Seto ^__^
video clip: Battle City semis, final blow. Yami Yugi orders Osiris to attack Yami Bakura. Hence the japanese warcall above. (and believe it or not, Direct Attack is said in english).
Another GBA duel!! This time, vs High Pries Seto. Now THIS should be interesting. High Pee Seto is the toughest from the Ancient Egypt arc. Lets see what he can do… but I DID beat him in a previous life, so…
Let’s Duel!!
My hand:
Gemini Elf 1900/900
Mechanical chaser 1850/800
Jirai Gumo 2200/100
Mammoth Graveyard 1200/800
Wall of Illusions 1000/1850
Seto goes first. He summons La Jinn in defense mode and powers him up with Megamorph (2300/1500) Just in case he plans to use Change of Heart, I’ll attack with Gemini Elf…oh shit I forgot: type difference. My Gemini elf is destroyed, leaving my LP open. Shit. Ack, he sacrificed to summon Gyakutenno Megami and attacked.
P. Seto: 8000
Ryou: 6200
Alright, I’ll use Jirai Gumo to take out Megami. It works, good. He’s down to 7600. I end.
RAIGEKI!! I HATE THAT CARD!! Ack, now he attacks my LP with Mystic Horseman.
P.Seto: 7600
Ryou: 4900
Okay, I’ll summon Mech Chaser and destroy his confounded horseman. I end. He places a monster in def. I summon Great White. His monster is La Jinn. I destroy it, and attack his LP with Mech Chaser.
P. Seto: 5200
Ryou: 4900
He summons Battle Ox and gets rid of my fish. Darn it. Oh well. I draw Toon Summoned Skull!! Yes!! I’l sacrifice my machine to summon it and take out Battle Ox. DIE, priest, DIE. He places a monster in def. Hmm, I’ll place Wall of Illusions in def, tempting him to attack. Then I’ll take out his face down monster with my Toon. Yami Bakura’s taught me well, eh? GOTCHA!! Their all so gullible, honestly, I know ALL their individual tricks. His newly-summoned Battle Ox attacked my Wall of Illusions. Idiot. He’s just damaging himself. I’ll play another monster in def mode, and attack with Toon Skull. Bye bye Battle Ox. Oh, and I’ll place a card face down.
P Seto: 3450
Ryou: 4800
Hehehe! He summons Grapple and tries to attack. I activate Widespread Ruin. Leaving his Lifepoints open for an all-out assault!! ATTACK!!
AND your cooked, Seto ^__^
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