I'm a genius, remember?
Quote of the Day: "Give my regards to the Godess of Venus!"
~~Best Quatre line in Endless Waltz ^.^ I wonder if he's a taurus? I am, and Venus is taurus' planet O.o~~
music: Vocea ~ varikai
I GET IT....
I've finally figured out how to fix the stupid character problem at my travel blog (<--shameless self-promotional plug, precious). It seems the reason for all these stupid symbols where my apostrophes should be was because of my encoding. I changed it and the symbols disappeared. If you're still getting symbols at the site, try going to tools/encoding and just fiddling around with it. For those of you with other surfers, I think it's under settings/formatting or somethin like that.
Jul 30, 2003
Jul 29, 2003
This. Is. Driving. Me. CRACKERS.
Quote of the Day: "But... but WHY'S the rhum gone?!"
~~You tell me, Jack~~
music: Gitans ~ varikai
msn is drivign me off my rocker right now. My INTERNET is, too. This is sympatico we're talking about, here. High speed. And the thing's got on and off days! Depending on how it FEELS, it'll let me get on the net or not. *rolls eyes and grits teeth*. And now my msn has failed. I still have an old version, though. Like, REALLY old. Like, so old the sound is all different.
*sigh* In better news, Vero slept over last night. We went to see Tomb Raider. Pretty good. She left early thought, at noon, because she had to be fitted for a dress for skating. *shrugs*. I've designed plenty of dresses for her. I'll just get my nonna to make them. I'm sure she'd be happy to. It'd get her away from those damn soap operas too.
Speaking of dresses, the song I'm listening to is a great sort of... tango-ish/samba/waltz song all stuck together with a great beat, and we have this adorable mental image of myself, hair pulled back in a bun, in a black tux, conducting an orchestra, while Vero and Duo danced in a massive ballroom. It's all very romantic to her. I'm just content orchestrating, thankyouverymuch *goes back to her music*.
Going from designing ballroom gowns to the world of art, I have some new pieces. The last time I updates I believe my final one had been Motoko, aka Wufei's girlfriend. I now have several others. They consiste of:
A very adowable, thoughtful-looking Quatre with enormous blue eyes.
Some blue elf girl inspired by the style they used in the Esca movie (which, mind you, i hates) but mixed in with a little of GW style and my own throw-ins.
One of Vero in the LHA cardigan with her braid over her shoulder. My aunt remarked she looked like a Harry Potter character. If Hermione had braided hair and glasses, yes.
Some colorful, mean-lookin' seacreature we so lovingly named Nataku.
And my last one, which I simply left as a sketch. After being inspired by the utter adorableness of the ballroom scene, I did Duo, Vero, Quatre and myself all in outfits. Duo's in an old-style type thing in which he looks remarkably like Orli B in Pirates of the Carribean, along with the feathered hat and everything. And I let his cloak drop over one shoulder, a thing, which I only notcied later, is something Treize does alot. O.o
Vero is in an equally cute attire consisting of a long, flowing dress with long flowing sleeves. I'm currently in the midst of fixing her shoes.
I myself am in something similar, though my sleeves are shorter. I'm waltzing about with Quatre, who looks equally adooorable in his Sanct Kingdom outfit. (no, REALLY, we're talking melt-into-puddle-on-comp-chair-and-gurgle-contently)
Oh, and I finally downloading Endless Waltz in japanese. I squirm and sqeak everytime I hear Quatre's jap voice. I realized something too: why is it all the bishies I like have female jap voices? It's true. Ryou/Yami B, Dilandau, Quatre... *shrug* all the cuter. Duo's voice is equally as cute.
*yawn* that's it. be back when i'm up to it. sayonara tomodachies
Quote of the Day: "But... but WHY'S the rhum gone?!"
~~You tell me, Jack~~
music: Gitans ~ varikai
msn is drivign me off my rocker right now. My INTERNET is, too. This is sympatico we're talking about, here. High speed. And the thing's got on and off days! Depending on how it FEELS, it'll let me get on the net or not. *rolls eyes and grits teeth*. And now my msn has failed. I still have an old version, though. Like, REALLY old. Like, so old the sound is all different.
*sigh* In better news, Vero slept over last night. We went to see Tomb Raider. Pretty good. She left early thought, at noon, because she had to be fitted for a dress for skating. *shrugs*. I've designed plenty of dresses for her. I'll just get my nonna to make them. I'm sure she'd be happy to. It'd get her away from those damn soap operas too.
Speaking of dresses, the song I'm listening to is a great sort of... tango-ish/samba/waltz song all stuck together with a great beat, and we have this adorable mental image of myself, hair pulled back in a bun, in a black tux, conducting an orchestra, while Vero and Duo danced in a massive ballroom. It's all very romantic to her. I'm just content orchestrating, thankyouverymuch *goes back to her music*.
Going from designing ballroom gowns to the world of art, I have some new pieces. The last time I updates I believe my final one had been Motoko, aka Wufei's girlfriend. I now have several others. They consiste of:
A very adowable, thoughtful-looking Quatre with enormous blue eyes.
Some blue elf girl inspired by the style they used in the Esca movie (which, mind you, i hates) but mixed in with a little of GW style and my own throw-ins.
One of Vero in the LHA cardigan with her braid over her shoulder. My aunt remarked she looked like a Harry Potter character. If Hermione had braided hair and glasses, yes.
Some colorful, mean-lookin' seacreature we so lovingly named Nataku.
And my last one, which I simply left as a sketch. After being inspired by the utter adorableness of the ballroom scene, I did Duo, Vero, Quatre and myself all in outfits. Duo's in an old-style type thing in which he looks remarkably like Orli B in Pirates of the Carribean, along with the feathered hat and everything. And I let his cloak drop over one shoulder, a thing, which I only notcied later, is something Treize does alot. O.o
Vero is in an equally cute attire consisting of a long, flowing dress with long flowing sleeves. I'm currently in the midst of fixing her shoes.
I myself am in something similar, though my sleeves are shorter. I'm waltzing about with Quatre, who looks equally adooorable in his Sanct Kingdom outfit. (no, REALLY, we're talking melt-into-puddle-on-comp-chair-and-gurgle-contently)
Oh, and I finally downloading Endless Waltz in japanese. I squirm and sqeak everytime I hear Quatre's jap voice. I realized something too: why is it all the bishies I like have female jap voices? It's true. Ryou/Yami B, Dilandau, Quatre... *shrug* all the cuter. Duo's voice is equally as cute.
*yawn* that's it. be back when i'm up to it. sayonara tomodachies
Jul 24, 2003
music: Butterfly ~ smile (esca amv)
Ooooogles. I was bored, and vero was not on, so therefor I found myself surfing a GW site, trying to find out a little more about the Gundams of the series, after finally grasping all the political things they threw at you here and there. Just tell me who are the bad guys, dammit. *sweatdrop*
I think Oz is cool. Ok, so their uniforms are cool... Trowa made a sexy Oz officer. Seriously. He was very good-looking in his impressive outfit. Treize is cool too. He never really appealed to me at first, but I've come to respect him. Lady Une may be like.. O.o, but she's cool. Lucrezia Noin I think is the coolest, and she looks awesome in not only the Oz uniform, but in the Sanct Kingdom outfit as well. Zechs is rather ineresting too, though I have something against his hair. Ionno. He reminds me of Allen from Esca. *snorts*. It's true.
Anywho, I found these cute little adoptions from a site I stumbled upon. First off, here's our fav blonde pacifist bishie:
OOOGLES. He's so cute. ^-^
Here's our fav braided Shinigami:
Aaaw. So cute. So brave. *huggles Duo and Quatre*
music: Butterfly ~ smile (esca amv)
Ooooogles. I was bored, and vero was not on, so therefor I found myself surfing a GW site, trying to find out a little more about the Gundams of the series, after finally grasping all the political things they threw at you here and there. Just tell me who are the bad guys, dammit. *sweatdrop*
I think Oz is cool. Ok, so their uniforms are cool... Trowa made a sexy Oz officer. Seriously. He was very good-looking in his impressive outfit. Treize is cool too. He never really appealed to me at first, but I've come to respect him. Lady Une may be like.. O.o, but she's cool. Lucrezia Noin I think is the coolest, and she looks awesome in not only the Oz uniform, but in the Sanct Kingdom outfit as well. Zechs is rather ineresting too, though I have something against his hair. Ionno. He reminds me of Allen from Esca. *snorts*. It's true.
Anywho, I found these cute little adoptions from a site I stumbled upon. First off, here's our fav blonde pacifist bishie:
Hello. I'm Quatre Raberba Winner. Since Ryou was kind enough to adopt me, I have promised to always watch over her site and guard her from sorrow. Are you satisfied? Adopted at
OOOGLES. He's so cute. ^-^
Here's our fav braided Shinigami:
| Hey, Duo here. I was adopted by Ryou and even though I'm all grown up, the God of Death will still protect her site. So don't go making me angry... Adopted at
Aaaw. So cute. So brave. *huggles Duo and Quatre*
*ducks behind comp chair at incoming rotten fruit*
Quote of the Day: "Outer space has lost all reason. That's why I'm going to destroy everything."
~~Quatre needs a hug. And maybe some therapy....~~
music: Suite Chinoise ~ cirque du soleil
Yea. I know. No blogging. Well, I've listed my reasons. That and blogger is driving me insane with the new templates and stuff. Can't they be any more creative? Honestly...
Been hanging alot with Vero lately. We went to Pirates of the Carribean on tuesday. Kicked ass. Orly was cute and all, but Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow pretty much ruled. He swaggered around, pointing at everything, as if he was drunk (which is likely) and seemed to have an affinity for rhum. But really, excellent movie. I enjoyed imitating him and walking around pointing at my cat. She's now pretty scraed of me.
In the world of art, I still really suck (ahem) but am improving. My very first watercolor is still my best though, because of the focus and effort I put into it. I sorta screwed up one or two because I was doing them half consentrated while trying to talk to Vero on msn. So far I have my full one of Quatre, looking incredible cute, Duo, Quatre palying his violin (hard, but turned out nice) one of.. well.. ionno, fairy or whatever with long hair. Nice. One of Lucrezia Noin, my fav girl from GW, and, ah yes, my last one. ^_^
My last one is of Motoko from Love Hina. I was bored and decided to draw her, and as I was painting, I realized she was similar to Wufei in many ways. Chinese, traditional, warriors, antisocial, serious, same hair, eyes, etc, so I've nicknamed her Wufei's girlfriend. ^-^
Oh, speaking of Wufei, he's not my favorite character or something, but we like to make fun of him nonetheless. He's comical and strange in certain ways (Iknow, weird description) but still. We call him the angry potatoe peeler. Here's why: Cooking.
That would be Wufei supervising Trowa peel potatoes. Vero and I think that's the funniest thing in the world. Trowa's got such a look of consentration. We have this great mental image of he and Heavyarms, his gundam, sitting crosslegged on the grass with aprons, peeling potatoes under Wufei's close watch. ^-^
Ok, well, that's enough of my ranting for now.
sayonara tomodachies
Quote of the Day: "Outer space has lost all reason. That's why I'm going to destroy everything."
~~Quatre needs a hug. And maybe some therapy....~~
music: Suite Chinoise ~ cirque du soleil
Yea. I know. No blogging. Well, I've listed my reasons. That and blogger is driving me insane with the new templates and stuff. Can't they be any more creative? Honestly...
Been hanging alot with Vero lately. We went to Pirates of the Carribean on tuesday. Kicked ass. Orly was cute and all, but Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow pretty much ruled. He swaggered around, pointing at everything, as if he was drunk (which is likely) and seemed to have an affinity for rhum. But really, excellent movie. I enjoyed imitating him and walking around pointing at my cat. She's now pretty scraed of me.
In the world of art, I still really suck (ahem) but am improving. My very first watercolor is still my best though, because of the focus and effort I put into it. I sorta screwed up one or two because I was doing them half consentrated while trying to talk to Vero on msn. So far I have my full one of Quatre, looking incredible cute, Duo, Quatre palying his violin (hard, but turned out nice) one of.. well.. ionno, fairy or whatever with long hair. Nice. One of Lucrezia Noin, my fav girl from GW, and, ah yes, my last one. ^_^
My last one is of Motoko from Love Hina. I was bored and decided to draw her, and as I was painting, I realized she was similar to Wufei in many ways. Chinese, traditional, warriors, antisocial, serious, same hair, eyes, etc, so I've nicknamed her Wufei's girlfriend. ^-^
Oh, speaking of Wufei, he's not my favorite character or something, but we like to make fun of him nonetheless. He's comical and strange in certain ways (Iknow, weird description) but still. We call him the angry potatoe peeler. Here's why: Cooking.
That would be Wufei supervising Trowa peel potatoes. Vero and I think that's the funniest thing in the world. Trowa's got such a look of consentration. We have this great mental image of he and Heavyarms, his gundam, sitting crosslegged on the grass with aprons, peeling potatoes under Wufei's close watch. ^-^
Ok, well, that's enough of my ranting for now.
sayonara tomodachies
Jul 19, 2003
Neuva gadeez sensei...
Quote of the Day: "You want me to shoot you?"
~~Honestly, Duo...(where does a 15 year-old get a gun?!?!)~~
music: Moon Light ~ varekai
Yes, I know. I don't blog regularly anymore. Well, mostly because I'm lazy and I no longer have a very organized schedual. Like, during school, it would be get home, turn on comp, blog, surf net/do homework, watch horribly dubbed Yugioh, eat... you get the picture. Now my schedual's in shambles. Oh well. At least I've found something interesting to blog about.
Yesterday we went to ArtTec and Omer des Serres and I got myself a drawing pad fit for watercolors, some watercolor pencils, and an assortment of paintbrushes. I worked at my Nonna's house and did a rather nice one of Quatre and one of young Duo (with puppy-like eyes^.^). I'm also onto a new trilogy of books called the Wind of Fire or something like that, of which I've read the first book, the Wind Singer. So current books are the Wind Singer, and current anime is Gundam Wing. Current art fancy, of course, is watercolor of the GW boys.
Quote of the Day: "You want me to shoot you?"
~~Honestly, Duo...(where does a 15 year-old get a gun?!?!)~~
music: Moon Light ~ varekai
Yes, I know. I don't blog regularly anymore. Well, mostly because I'm lazy and I no longer have a very organized schedual. Like, during school, it would be get home, turn on comp, blog, surf net/do homework, watch horribly dubbed Yugioh, eat... you get the picture. Now my schedual's in shambles. Oh well. At least I've found something interesting to blog about.
Yesterday we went to ArtTec and Omer des Serres and I got myself a drawing pad fit for watercolors, some watercolor pencils, and an assortment of paintbrushes. I worked at my Nonna's house and did a rather nice one of Quatre and one of young Duo (with puppy-like eyes^.^). I'm also onto a new trilogy of books called the Wind of Fire or something like that, of which I've read the first book, the Wind Singer. So current books are the Wind Singer, and current anime is Gundam Wing. Current art fancy, of course, is watercolor of the GW boys.
Jul 16, 2003
This is getting frustrating. Not only do I have nothing to blog about (exciting, huh?) but they screw my templates. I was going to break down for a seond there cuz I thought they'd erased last night's entry. It's a good thing they didn't. I woulda sued 'em or something.
They screw my template on my travel blog AND THIS ONE? I'm so getting ticked off. I'm beginning to think and LJ would've probably been a better idea...
This is getting frustrating. Not only do I have nothing to blog about (exciting, huh?) but they screw my templates. I was going to break down for a seond there cuz I thought they'd erased last night's entry. It's a good thing they didn't. I woulda sued 'em or something.
They screw my template on my travel blog AND THIS ONE? I'm so getting ticked off. I'm beginning to think and LJ would've probably been a better idea...
Jul 15, 2003
The great, the good, and the sexy.
music: Incantation ~ cirque du soleil
Ok. I'm officially back as a resident blogger. And guess who else is back?
Didja miss me?
YB: I thought you were staying LONGER. Like, for the WHOLE summer, maybe.
Me: Why? You prefer Malik's pad?
YB: Never mind...
Malik: What's that supposed to mean?!
Anyway, I'm back and kicking butt. My travel blog is finally up. Excuse the weird colors, but at least ther better than just plain ugly white. By Ra, do the templates SUCK. No, I do NOT want my log barf green, thankyouverymuch. Neither do I want it orangy...brown. It's just NOT appealing. And the fonts are too big aswell. They tick me off. I bothered to edit some of the html and lower the size of the fonts sufficiently, so instead of being legible if you hung it by a plunger and threw it against the wall, its tiny and appealing. The address is http://opalkoboi.blogspot.com. Becuz Opal rocks. *nod nod*.
I went to a movie with Vero. Exciting. We were s'posed to go see Pirates of the Carribean (Leggo is back but unshaven *gasps in horror*). I am not a Leggo fan, mind you. I get much more pleasure out of torturing him. It gives me some such satisfaction... *sigh*. Johnny Depp is pretty cool, mind you. It's like Leggo and Aragorn. On a boat. With swords. Less pretty swords. Ahem... But it was sold out, so we saw Charlie's Angels instead. Pretty good. I still think we make better Angels though. ^.^
In Photoshop news (because hey, that's become an improtant factor in daily life) I made one of LEPrecon Captain Holly Short. Very cute. In her green uniform. Her ears got a little messed up though. Sorta uneven... hmm. Oh, I also saw the Sinbad movie yesterday. Cute. Eris rocks. I've already done a CG of her aswell.
Gotta continue convo with Vero now. We're pulling along Duo by his hair, since he's the only one with hair longer than Vero's ^__^
music: Incantation ~ cirque du soleil
Ok. I'm officially back as a resident blogger. And guess who else is back?
Didja miss me?
YB: I thought you were staying LONGER. Like, for the WHOLE summer, maybe.
Me: Why? You prefer Malik's pad?
YB: Never mind...
Malik: What's that supposed to mean?!
Anyway, I'm back and kicking butt. My travel blog is finally up. Excuse the weird colors, but at least ther better than just plain ugly white. By Ra, do the templates SUCK. No, I do NOT want my log barf green, thankyouverymuch. Neither do I want it orangy...brown. It's just NOT appealing. And the fonts are too big aswell. They tick me off. I bothered to edit some of the html and lower the size of the fonts sufficiently, so instead of being legible if you hung it by a plunger and threw it against the wall, its tiny and appealing. The address is http://opalkoboi.blogspot.com. Becuz Opal rocks. *nod nod*.
I went to a movie with Vero. Exciting. We were s'posed to go see Pirates of the Carribean (Leggo is back but unshaven *gasps in horror*). I am not a Leggo fan, mind you. I get much more pleasure out of torturing him. It gives me some such satisfaction... *sigh*. Johnny Depp is pretty cool, mind you. It's like Leggo and Aragorn. On a boat. With swords. Less pretty swords. Ahem... But it was sold out, so we saw Charlie's Angels instead. Pretty good. I still think we make better Angels though. ^.^
In Photoshop news (because hey, that's become an improtant factor in daily life) I made one of LEPrecon Captain Holly Short. Very cute. In her green uniform. Her ears got a little messed up though. Sorta uneven... hmm. Oh, I also saw the Sinbad movie yesterday. Cute. Eris rocks. I've already done a CG of her aswell.
Gotta continue convo with Vero now. We're pulling along Duo by his hair, since he's the only one with hair longer than Vero's ^__^
Jul 14, 2003
I hate it when this happens....
Blogger has gone haywire on me. God, I HATE the new Blogger. It's giving me all these stupid symbols where my apostrophes and quotation marks should be. It's annoying the hell out of me. I got my travel blog up and running only to have these symbols. I'll be posting the address once the symbols have fixed themselves.
Blogger has gone haywire on me. God, I HATE the new Blogger. It's giving me all these stupid symbols where my apostrophes and quotation marks should be. It's annoying the hell out of me. I got my travel blog up and running only to have these symbols. I'll be posting the address once the symbols have fixed themselves.
I'm off to see the dentist. Unfortunatly. With luck I might encounter someone I know. That's always fun.
My hair is straight right now. I look like Cher from the back. Oh, the horror.
Also, I'll finish typing up the travel blog this afternoon and put it up. I can't STAND the new templates. What I think I'm gonna do is copy this one and paste it after. Hope it works. The new temps are pathetic.
I also need a little time to settle in and get back into the Yugioh zone to begin typing up some more eps. Me vs ancient! Bakura, coming up next week at the latest.
I'm off to see the dentist. Unfortunatly. With luck I might encounter someone I know. That's always fun.
My hair is straight right now. I look like Cher from the back. Oh, the horror.
Also, I'll finish typing up the travel blog this afternoon and put it up. I can't STAND the new templates. What I think I'm gonna do is copy this one and paste it after. Hope it works. The new temps are pathetic.
I also need a little time to settle in and get back into the Yugioh zone to begin typing up some more eps. Me vs ancient! Bakura, coming up next week at the latest.
Jul 13, 2003
I'm baaaaaaaack.
Just wanted to let everyone know I got back safely. For those of you who care and do not wish a horrible death unto me.
Wrath of my peers.
Anyway, travel blog shall be up in a day or so, here's hoping my internet doesn't collapse on me as it did a few minutes ago.
Oooooh, by the way, my street is still intact. Half the sidewalk is not less than a disaster zone, though. ^__^;;
Just wanted to let everyone know I got back safely. For those of you who care and do not wish a horrible death unto me.
Wrath of my peers.
Anyway, travel blog shall be up in a day or so, here's hoping my internet doesn't collapse on me as it did a few minutes ago.
Oooooh, by the way, my street is still intact. Half the sidewalk is not less than a disaster zone, though. ^__^;;
Jul 11, 2003
Yeah, I know.
Hiatus ends July 8th.
Well, that's what I was TOLD.
Y'know what?
I'm still in Cape Cod.
That's right. I finally conviced the residents here to let me use the laptop to at least signal that I'm still alive. Turns out we're actually coming back Sunday. See how badly informed I am? The only reason I'm using this is because I conviced them I have sufficient experience in computers. That's not a lie, considering I use mine everyday. My typing is actually getting rusty since I haven't touched a keyboard in a week.
When I get back (and have time) I will be setting up a new blog, which is just going to have the diary I've been keeping during vacation. Instead of cramming it all into Nazgul 5, I'll just set something up nextdoor. It'll be easier that way.
It's so quiet here.
Where's Yami B?
Right, Malik's house...
Meh. I miss everybody.
Be back soooooooooooooooon!!! (I hope) ^___^
Yeah, I know.
Hiatus ends July 8th.
Well, that's what I was TOLD.
Y'know what?
I'm still in Cape Cod.
That's right. I finally conviced the residents here to let me use the laptop to at least signal that I'm still alive. Turns out we're actually coming back Sunday. See how badly informed I am? The only reason I'm using this is because I conviced them I have sufficient experience in computers. That's not a lie, considering I use mine everyday. My typing is actually getting rusty since I haven't touched a keyboard in a week.
When I get back (and have time) I will be setting up a new blog, which is just going to have the diary I've been keeping during vacation. Instead of cramming it all into Nazgul 5, I'll just set something up nextdoor. It'll be easier that way.
It's so quiet here.
Where's Yami B?
Right, Malik's house...
Meh. I miss everybody.
Be back soooooooooooooooon!!! (I hope) ^___^
Jul 4, 2003
I miss you.
Quote of the Day: "I miss the Shire. I spent all my childhood pretending I was off somewhere else..."
music: Warning Sign ~ coldplay
And the truth is,
I miss you
Yeah the truth is
that I miss you
Another good Coldplay song. Blame my aunt. She got me into them.
This will probably be the last time I'll be able to post until I come back. This afternoon I'm off to Vero's b-day party, even though the weather's still slightly miserable. Sunny and 31, my arse.
My bathing suit still fits (yay), and for this I am happy, because it is a very nice one. A one piece, of course. I can't stand two pieces because I find it's hard to... well, swim with them, I guess. Tanning? Nope. Don't tan. I'm the epitome of a creampuff. Bleach white, always will be. Must be the Irish side... ^.^
Besides, I'm a competitive swimmer, above all else. Been swimming since before I could stand up. I love the water. It's funny because nobody on my mom's side, the italians, know how to swim, or like swimming. I, like my father and grandfather, love swimming. I'm proud to say I'm probably the best of most of my friends, 'cept Emmanuel, who's an excellent competitive swimmer, AND diver. I can't dive for crackers, never have, never will.
Vero's having a pool party, as you may have dediced from all this swim talk. The weathers still kind bad, though.
Another thing I must note is the Commitee of Morons at the City of St Laurent. Well, I guess we're not exactly indepedant anymore, after the city merged, but still. These idiots decided our street needs repaving (which it doesn't, mind you, it's bleeding fine as it is). And now they're going to make it a mess like they did Saint-Aubin.
This means the following:
-no place to park
-no place to walk(or bike)
-no sidewalk
-oh yeah, no street, either.
I woke up to the sounds of a giant drill this morning, which has driven me off my rocker, but it's better now, since they've taken a break.
oh okay, they...no, dammit, they started again.
It's making the whole house shake, and I can't consentrate. They drilling holes in the sidewalk, and apparently, when they're done that, they'll level the entire thing, turn it upside down, then do the same with the street. They better be done by the time I get back to school. I don't wanna walk through that rubbbish every morning.
*sigh*. Well, at least we're going away, so I won't have to tolerate it for a few days. Once again, hiatus from tomorrow, July 5th, to Tuesday, July 8th.
Ah well. Sayonara, tomodachies!
Quote of the Day: "I miss the Shire. I spent all my childhood pretending I was off somewhere else..."
music: Warning Sign ~ coldplay
And the truth is,
I miss you
Yeah the truth is
that I miss you
Another good Coldplay song. Blame my aunt. She got me into them.
This will probably be the last time I'll be able to post until I come back. This afternoon I'm off to Vero's b-day party, even though the weather's still slightly miserable. Sunny and 31, my arse.
My bathing suit still fits (yay), and for this I am happy, because it is a very nice one. A one piece, of course. I can't stand two pieces because I find it's hard to... well, swim with them, I guess. Tanning? Nope. Don't tan. I'm the epitome of a creampuff. Bleach white, always will be. Must be the Irish side... ^.^
Besides, I'm a competitive swimmer, above all else. Been swimming since before I could stand up. I love the water. It's funny because nobody on my mom's side, the italians, know how to swim, or like swimming. I, like my father and grandfather, love swimming. I'm proud to say I'm probably the best of most of my friends, 'cept Emmanuel, who's an excellent competitive swimmer, AND diver. I can't dive for crackers, never have, never will.
Vero's having a pool party, as you may have dediced from all this swim talk. The weathers still kind bad, though.
Another thing I must note is the Commitee of Morons at the City of St Laurent. Well, I guess we're not exactly indepedant anymore, after the city merged, but still. These idiots decided our street needs repaving (which it doesn't, mind you, it's bleeding fine as it is). And now they're going to make it a mess like they did Saint-Aubin.
This means the following:
-no place to park
-no place to walk(or bike)
-no sidewalk
-oh yeah, no street, either.
I woke up to the sounds of a giant drill this morning, which has driven me off my rocker, but it's better now, since they've taken a break.
oh okay, they...no, dammit, they started again.
It's making the whole house shake, and I can't consentrate. They drilling holes in the sidewalk, and apparently, when they're done that, they'll level the entire thing, turn it upside down, then do the same with the street. They better be done by the time I get back to school. I don't wanna walk through that rubbbish every morning.
*sigh*. Well, at least we're going away, so I won't have to tolerate it for a few days. Once again, hiatus from tomorrow, July 5th, to Tuesday, July 8th.
Ah well. Sayonara, tomodachies!
Jul 3, 2003
Hikondena, Mariku!
music: What a surprise... tv is on.. *sigh*
SOME VERY BAD NEWS! It has come to my attention (yes, I, Ryou Bakura, webmistress,) that Nazgul 5 of Minas Morgul, this very site, shall be on hiatus from July 5th to July 8th, 2003.
It seems we've confirmed we're going to Boston on Saturday, so unless the place we're staying does happen to have a comp, there'll be no updates till Tuesday. I will, however, keep a travel log to report all our excursions (or I could just run off with Spin-chan's laptop... mwahaha...)
Our REAL vacation, in Punta Cana or Varadero, or wherever it's going to take place, will happen sometime late July early August, and will be for a week, which means no update for a whole week *sob*. The longest I've ever gone was like, a day. But once again, will be keeping a travel log. Yay for moi.
Just though ya'll should all know. If you care... yep...
YB: *grins evilly* Have a nice time...
Me: *stares hard at him* Yeah, I bet you'll take real good care of his place while I'm gone.
YB: *nods, while hiding various sharp things and explosives behind back*
Me: Right, well, not a chance, buddy. You'll be stayin with Malik, Yami Malik, and the rest of the gang at their flat at Cavendish Square. You can blow up the bloody British Cabinet at 10 Downing Street, for all I care. Hell, take a leaf outta Sean Dillon's book. He was the one behind the mortar attack back in '91, after all.
IRA hitman meets sociopathic, scizophrenic murderer/thief with twisted sense of humor. They'll get along fine.
music: What a surprise... tv is on.. *sigh*
SOME VERY BAD NEWS! It has come to my attention (yes, I, Ryou Bakura, webmistress,) that Nazgul 5 of Minas Morgul, this very site, shall be on hiatus from July 5th to July 8th, 2003.
It seems we've confirmed we're going to Boston on Saturday, so unless the place we're staying does happen to have a comp, there'll be no updates till Tuesday. I will, however, keep a travel log to report all our excursions (or I could just run off with Spin-chan's laptop... mwahaha...)
Our REAL vacation, in Punta Cana or Varadero, or wherever it's going to take place, will happen sometime late July early August, and will be for a week, which means no update for a whole week *sob*. The longest I've ever gone was like, a day. But once again, will be keeping a travel log. Yay for moi.
Just though ya'll should all know. If you care... yep...
YB: *grins evilly* Have a nice time...
Me: *stares hard at him* Yeah, I bet you'll take real good care of his place while I'm gone.
YB: *nods, while hiding various sharp things and explosives behind back*
Me: Right, well, not a chance, buddy. You'll be stayin with Malik, Yami Malik, and the rest of the gang at their flat at Cavendish Square. You can blow up the bloody British Cabinet at 10 Downing Street, for all I care. Hell, take a leaf outta Sean Dillon's book. He was the one behind the mortar attack back in '91, after all.
IRA hitman meets sociopathic, scizophrenic murderer/thief with twisted sense of humor. They'll get along fine.

You are a muse.
What legend are you?. Take the Legendary Being Quiz by Paradox
Looks at everyone who knows me
Everyone: *nods*
Yup. That's me.

-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
This applies, I suppose. I'm happy to hang out with any of my guy friends, it doesn't matter, they all know me, I'm weird, so what? We all get along. When it comes to some of my really good friends, to Kaiba, we're more than friends, I guess, but friends first and always, and we get along flawlessly, hanging out, whatev, doesn't matter. To Luca, who's also one of my best friends, I'm like an annoying sister ^.^ but someone to talk to. To everyone else, I'm weird, entertaining, and likable *grin*. AND NO I'VE NEVER CHEATED ON ANYONE (i swear).
You are a muse.
What legend are you?. Take the Legendary Being Quiz by Paradox
Looks at everyone who knows me
Everyone: *nods*
Yup. That's me.
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
This applies, I suppose. I'm happy to hang out with any of my guy friends, it doesn't matter, they all know me, I'm weird, so what? We all get along. When it comes to some of my really good friends, to Kaiba, we're more than friends, I guess, but friends first and always, and we get along flawlessly, hanging out, whatev, doesn't matter. To Luca, who's also one of my best friends, I'm like an annoying sister ^.^ but someone to talk to. To everyone else, I'm weird, entertaining, and likable *grin*. AND NO I'VE NEVER CHEATED ON ANYONE (i swear).
Jul 2, 2003
I have just found the fabled Yami Mariku tongue clip at Kokoro no Naka, lovingly titled "MalikBlowsShitUp".
We see the inside of Noa's.. place, and then suddenly a door explodes, and we see YMalik come striding out, laughing his head off. It then cuts to the tongue thing *shudders(it's worse in the clip than the screenshot, because...because ... he MOVES IT!!*screams*)
He then proceeds to cackle some more and blow some other shit up. The only disappointment I have with this clip is than there's no sound. Blearg.
I have just found the fabled Yami Mariku tongue clip at Kokoro no Naka, lovingly titled "MalikBlowsShitUp".
We see the inside of Noa's.. place, and then suddenly a door explodes, and we see YMalik come striding out, laughing his head off. It then cuts to the tongue thing *shudders(it's worse in the clip than the screenshot, because...because ... he MOVES IT!!*screams*)
He then proceeds to cackle some more and blow some other shit up. The only disappointment I have with this clip is than there's no sound. Blearg.
Here are some misc cappies from Kokoro no Naka
His fruitness and his greatest minion, as seen in last time's post.
Dreamy Peggy.
Loopy and the Duel Disk. One of my favorite pics. He's really a nutter, huh?
Happy/very-good-looking Kaiba.
Gay Pride Kuriboh
Googly-eyes Kuriboh
Oh, you can so tell that's not really him...
Yami no Bakura grrs.
Ah, well, that's all. ^.^
Oh, and a message for Kaiba-kun: BLOG! please? ^____^
Here are some misc cappies from Kokoro no Naka
His fruitness and his greatest minion, as seen in last time's post.
Dreamy Peggy.
Loopy and the Duel Disk. One of my favorite pics. He's really a nutter, huh?
Happy/very-good-looking Kaiba.
Gay Pride Kuriboh
Googly-eyes Kuriboh
Oh, you can so tell that's not really him...
Yami no Bakura grrs.
Ah, well, that's all. ^.^
Oh, and a message for Kaiba-kun: BLOG! please? ^____^
it's killin' time!
Did a test a Kokoro no Naka, on Which Character's Issues are You?
As predicted:

Which Yuugiou Character's Issue are you?
A Kokoro No Naka quiz by Judy
But by God, Yami Malik's is HILARIOUS. Here it is:
You are insane... someone insults you: die. Someone gets in your way: die. Someone steps on the ant you were about to step on: it's killin' time!
Go away. You scare me.
Here's Mariku's result for Which Yugioh Antagonist are You? It says he needs a teddy bear. *huggles Malik*. Kaiba's is hilarious: Being beaten by a short person with ludicrous hair must've been a great blow to your ego.
His fruitness
More screencappies in a minute. I'm just going to collect them.
Did a test a Kokoro no Naka, on Which Character's Issues are You?
As predicted:
Which Yuugiou Character's Issue are you?
A Kokoro No Naka quiz by Judy
But by God, Yami Malik's is HILARIOUS. Here it is:
You are insane... someone insults you: die. Someone gets in your way: die. Someone steps on the ant you were about to step on: it's killin' time!
Go away. You scare me.
Here's Mariku's result for Which Yugioh Antagonist are You? It says he needs a teddy bear. *huggles Malik*. Kaiba's is hilarious: Being beaten by a short person with ludicrous hair must've been a great blow to your ego.
His fruitness
More screencappies in a minute. I'm just going to collect them.
HAS ANY ONE NOTICED ALL OF KOKORO NO NAKA'S WEBPAGES HAVE BEEN EATEN? The screenshots I had from Kokoro no Naka are all gone since they've moved. It's terrible, preciousss, a terrble fate. Though they've been replaced with the most hilarious excuse..
Click here to see what happened to all my screenshots.
The reasone behind this is cause I believe Fran, the webmistress, got herself a domain. Go Fran.
Click here to see what happened to all my screenshots.
The reasone behind this is cause I believe Fran, the webmistress, got herself a domain. Go Fran.
I gotta bad cursin' addiction
F U!
'scuse mah 'diction...
Quote of the Day: "Ya'll ain't stoppin' me; ya'll just watchin' me like a pornography."
~~That's nice, Missy, dear.~~
music: Big Spender ~ Missy Elliot
And I'm hotta dan hot
I take no calls
If ya think dis is hot
den go whack off.
You can find this incredibly amusing and catchy song on Tweet's CD "Southern Hummingbird".
Today was okay. I wanted to stay home to continue writing the episodes, but we went out. On the episode front, I'm working on me vs ancient!Bakura. To do this I'm going to use the original Yami B's Occult deck, and take a lot of the scenario from the Yami B vs Yami Y duel (cuz I'm not creative right now)... HAHA.... ahem ...
I have part 1 subtitled and part 3 subtitled (in engrish, but I still understand it ^__^;;) but part 2, which is the one I know by heart, is in raw jap. I understand most of it (it's actually pretty easy to figure out, I have a thing with languages) but some of it I'm missing, so I've downloaded the dub, and I'll just put the two together to figure out the original storyline an take it from there.
In other news... went out today with cousins to lunch. That was fun. Then went to the mall to buy Vero's present (got her a Cancer charm for her charm bracelet, since her zodiac is Cancer). I talked my mom into going down to Palais des Cartes to get a pack of Legacy of Darkness (FINALLY) and I got my hands on one. Here's what I got:
Spirit Ryu
Spiritual Energy Settle Machine
Super Robolady
Troop Dragon
Blast with Chain
Nutrient Z
Warrior Dai Grepher
The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave
Spirit's Invitation
Not bad. Too bad Legacy of Darkness and Labrynth of Nightmare, as well as half of Pharaoh's Servant and Magic ruler, don't work in EDS. *pout*. I hope Pharaonic Guardian comes out here. It's such a cool set (I get THAT from watching too many jap commercials) XD
What I'm very pleased about, though, is the fact that we might go on holiday. I was supposed to go on holdiay with my father and one of my brothers, to NB to visit family, but after a fight, I decided not to go. Now there's a possibility we might go somewhere ourselves, my mom and I. I would LOVE to go back to Cuba, or on a cruise in the carribean. Another possibility, if there's enough money, would be Ireland. That sounds absoultely bloody BRILLIANT to me, seeing as how I've never been, and I'd love to go.
Unfortunatly, Italy didn't come up, though I'm proBably going with my Nonni next year. At least in Italy we don't have to pay for a hotel or anything, seeing as how pretty much our entire family lives there. (Only italians in my family in Canada are my Nonni, me, my mom, my Zia and Zio).
It'd be grand if we didn't have to pay for a hotel in Ireland. It's very likely I have relatives there (or at least people from the same line of ancestry). My brothers and I are ninth-generation... (well I won't mention my last name..) but yeah, ninth-generation on the Irish side, our ancestors comming from Derry. My grandfather, who was Irish, is dead, and my grandmother is a MacFarland of Scottish ancestry. There's some english mixed in there as well somewhere. *glares and english half*. Bloody Brits.
Me thinks in a previous life I was a Prod in the Provisional IRA ^.^;;
Oi... I have not the heart to continue on the episodes... perhaps later...
F U!
'scuse mah 'diction...
Quote of the Day: "Ya'll ain't stoppin' me; ya'll just watchin' me like a pornography."
~~That's nice, Missy, dear.~~
music: Big Spender ~ Missy Elliot
And I'm hotta dan hot
I take no calls
If ya think dis is hot
den go whack off.
You can find this incredibly amusing and catchy song on Tweet's CD "Southern Hummingbird".
Today was okay. I wanted to stay home to continue writing the episodes, but we went out. On the episode front, I'm working on me vs ancient!Bakura. To do this I'm going to use the original Yami B's Occult deck, and take a lot of the scenario from the Yami B vs Yami Y duel (cuz I'm not creative right now)... HAHA.... ahem ...
I have part 1 subtitled and part 3 subtitled (in engrish, but I still understand it ^__^;;) but part 2, which is the one I know by heart, is in raw jap. I understand most of it (it's actually pretty easy to figure out, I have a thing with languages) but some of it I'm missing, so I've downloaded the dub, and I'll just put the two together to figure out the original storyline an take it from there.
In other news... went out today with cousins to lunch. That was fun. Then went to the mall to buy Vero's present (got her a Cancer charm for her charm bracelet, since her zodiac is Cancer). I talked my mom into going down to Palais des Cartes to get a pack of Legacy of Darkness (FINALLY) and I got my hands on one. Here's what I got:
Spirit Ryu
Spiritual Energy Settle Machine
Super Robolady
Troop Dragon
Blast with Chain
Nutrient Z
Warrior Dai Grepher
The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave
Spirit's Invitation
Not bad. Too bad Legacy of Darkness and Labrynth of Nightmare, as well as half of Pharaoh's Servant and Magic ruler, don't work in EDS. *pout*. I hope Pharaonic Guardian comes out here. It's such a cool set (I get THAT from watching too many jap commercials) XD
What I'm very pleased about, though, is the fact that we might go on holiday. I was supposed to go on holdiay with my father and one of my brothers, to NB to visit family, but after a fight, I decided not to go. Now there's a possibility we might go somewhere ourselves, my mom and I. I would LOVE to go back to Cuba, or on a cruise in the carribean. Another possibility, if there's enough money, would be Ireland. That sounds absoultely bloody BRILLIANT to me, seeing as how I've never been, and I'd love to go.
Unfortunatly, Italy didn't come up, though I'm proBably going with my Nonni next year. At least in Italy we don't have to pay for a hotel or anything, seeing as how pretty much our entire family lives there. (Only italians in my family in Canada are my Nonni, me, my mom, my Zia and Zio).
It'd be grand if we didn't have to pay for a hotel in Ireland. It's very likely I have relatives there (or at least people from the same line of ancestry). My brothers and I are ninth-generation... (well I won't mention my last name..) but yeah, ninth-generation on the Irish side, our ancestors comming from Derry. My grandfather, who was Irish, is dead, and my grandmother is a MacFarland of Scottish ancestry. There's some english mixed in there as well somewhere. *glares and english half*. Bloody Brits.
Me thinks in a previous life I was a Prod in the Provisional IRA ^.^;;
Oi... I have not the heart to continue on the episodes... perhaps later...
Jul 1, 2003
*is trying hard to think up a title, but has no idea what to blog about anyway.*
Quote of the Day: "We don't ...*gasp* ... NEED you...*gasp*... anymore!!!
~~Smeagol hyperventilates and passes out. Million mourn~~
music: God put a Smile Upon your Face ~ coldplay (it's very catchy, actually. im a coldplay fan)
Where do we go?
Nobody knows,
I gotta say
I'm on my way down
God give me style
'n give me grace
God put a smile upon my face
Where do we
to draw the line
I gotta say
I wasted all your time
honey honey
Where do we go
to fall from grace
God put a smile upon your face, yeah
Very catchy song. I think it's my fav on their cd Rush of Blood to the Head. I don't know all of Parachutes, but from that one I really like Trouble (which is actually the theme for the show "Without a Trace").
I spent last night at my Nonni's place, re-reading one of my Jack Higgins books (Edge of Danger) which I'm almost finished now. I fly through those books like nobody's business. When I'm done, I'm re-reading Midnight Runner, till I can get my hands on Artemis Fowl.
We might go down to the Canda parade later (or somewhere downtown) but for now, if I can find the stimulation to work on the episodes (I'll finish the one I was working on yesterday with my duel, and then move on to what happens during the semis.)
Quote of the Day: "We don't ...*gasp* ... NEED you...*gasp*... anymore!!!
~~Smeagol hyperventilates and passes out. Million mourn~~
music: God put a Smile Upon your Face ~ coldplay (it's very catchy, actually. im a coldplay fan)
Where do we go?
Nobody knows,
I gotta say
I'm on my way down
God give me style
'n give me grace
God put a smile upon my face
Where do we
to draw the line
I gotta say
I wasted all your time
honey honey
Where do we go
to fall from grace
God put a smile upon your face, yeah
Very catchy song. I think it's my fav on their cd Rush of Blood to the Head. I don't know all of Parachutes, but from that one I really like Trouble (which is actually the theme for the show "Without a Trace").
I spent last night at my Nonni's place, re-reading one of my Jack Higgins books (Edge of Danger) which I'm almost finished now. I fly through those books like nobody's business. When I'm done, I'm re-reading Midnight Runner, till I can get my hands on Artemis Fowl.
We might go down to the Canda parade later (or somewhere downtown) but for now, if I can find the stimulation to work on the episodes (I'll finish the one I was working on yesterday with my duel, and then move on to what happens during the semis.)
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