music: Shizukana Yoru Ni (In the Quiet Night) ~ lacus' theme
I just came back from the hairdresser's and OMIGOD.
If Shani had straight hair XD XD XD
Seriously. I didn't get it cut too much, it's still pretty long, but I got it layered, and it's completely straight, and the shortest part is around up to my chin, and OMIGOD, now I not only sound like Shani but I look like him too XD
Oh, and Kaiba, in answer to your question, yes I'll hang with you tomorrow after school. ^^
Oct 30, 2003
Yesterday's (and today's) happenings.
Quote of the Day: "Can we go home now?"
~~The school pulls out all the stops just to keep us there; I mean even if it was flooded we'd still have class...~~
music: Cantaloupe Island ~ herbie hancock, new band song (as trombone 3, i play like a whopping 4 notes XD)
Since today wase nothing interesting, besides the test in history (which I do believe I'm guaranteed to pass) I'll blog about yesterday.
The morning went a quite unusual away. Apparently, some fuse blew or something, and half the school lost power. This included my half of the locker room, half the Place D'Acceuil, and most of the third floor - maybe the basement, I don't know. Everyone was hoping we'de be sent home, but, of course, they called some electricians or whatever and the power was back on by second period, I think.
Math, was of course, boring as usual. Theo almost got fooled by the evil pen again XD He kept insiting it was the good one, so I gave it to him, and then two second later he's like "Wait a minute... TT damn. Gimme the good pen." XD
Everyone hoped and prayed some excuse or another would come up so we wouldn't have to do our music test, but of course we ended up doing it. I got really scared at one point because all the trombones kept getting the scale do to play, and that's our hardest cuz you gotta go really high. I was, however, INCREDIBLY lucky and got fa, the easiest, instead.
In french, Terri ran off to sit next to Stef, so Sta sat in front of me next to Despina. Despina was kind of scared of him so I offered to switch with her XD Mistake. He's so weird XD. After a minute he pointed at the girl's bathroom across the hall from our room and went "Whassat?"
"Oh O.o Is there a boys bathroom somewhere?"
"Down the hall."
So he proceeds to get up and head towards the door, then turns around an goes "Um, can someone come with me? XD" So Jay gets up and proudly walks Sta to the bathroom XD XD XD
At lunch, Vero and I chatted with Mrs Kay for a while, and I complained that I didn't have her as an english teacher and begged her to move to the other campus next year so I could have her as a teacher. Hope something works out. For the rest of lunchtime, we watched Shamie and Jonathan dance in the Agora (it was so freaking CUTE XD we did the same thing today and afterwards I walked into english class immitating them XD)
Engrish yesterday was a bore, but today we had a sub, so while most of the class watched a movie, Jen and I chatted. Band yesterday wasn't very exciting either, except that we finally got Cantaloupe Island, and omigod it's so short and simple XD Trombone 1 plays quite a bit, and Susan nearly had a heart attack, but 3 and 4 don't play squat till like the fifteenth measure. XD Fairly high notes, but a really easy rhythm.
Quote of the Day: "Can we go home now?"
~~The school pulls out all the stops just to keep us there; I mean even if it was flooded we'd still have class...~~
music: Cantaloupe Island ~ herbie hancock, new band song (as trombone 3, i play like a whopping 4 notes XD)
Since today wase nothing interesting, besides the test in history (which I do believe I'm guaranteed to pass) I'll blog about yesterday.
The morning went a quite unusual away. Apparently, some fuse blew or something, and half the school lost power. This included my half of the locker room, half the Place D'Acceuil, and most of the third floor - maybe the basement, I don't know. Everyone was hoping we'de be sent home, but, of course, they called some electricians or whatever and the power was back on by second period, I think.
Math, was of course, boring as usual. Theo almost got fooled by the evil pen again XD He kept insiting it was the good one, so I gave it to him, and then two second later he's like "Wait a minute... TT damn. Gimme the good pen." XD
Everyone hoped and prayed some excuse or another would come up so we wouldn't have to do our music test, but of course we ended up doing it. I got really scared at one point because all the trombones kept getting the scale do to play, and that's our hardest cuz you gotta go really high. I was, however, INCREDIBLY lucky and got fa, the easiest, instead.
In french, Terri ran off to sit next to Stef, so Sta sat in front of me next to Despina. Despina was kind of scared of him so I offered to switch with her XD Mistake. He's so weird XD. After a minute he pointed at the girl's bathroom across the hall from our room and went "Whassat?"
"Oh O.o Is there a boys bathroom somewhere?"
"Down the hall."
So he proceeds to get up and head towards the door, then turns around an goes "Um, can someone come with me? XD" So Jay gets up and proudly walks Sta to the bathroom XD XD XD
At lunch, Vero and I chatted with Mrs Kay for a while, and I complained that I didn't have her as an english teacher and begged her to move to the other campus next year so I could have her as a teacher. Hope something works out. For the rest of lunchtime, we watched Shamie and Jonathan dance in the Agora (it was so freaking CUTE XD we did the same thing today and afterwards I walked into english class immitating them XD)
Engrish yesterday was a bore, but today we had a sub, so while most of the class watched a movie, Jen and I chatted. Band yesterday wasn't very exciting either, except that we finally got Cantaloupe Island, and omigod it's so short and simple XD Trombone 1 plays quite a bit, and Susan nearly had a heart attack, but 3 and 4 don't play squat till like the fifteenth measure. XD Fairly high notes, but a really easy rhythm.
Oct 28, 2003
Well now I have a guarantee I won't fail my history class....
Quote of the Day: "How much does one of the limestone bricks used in pyramid buildings weigh?"
~~I don't know, Mr de Blois, do you? T_T~~
music: Zaft no Shinkou ~ gs ost 2 (i don't have the english names of the ost 1 and 2 songs yet XD)
An actual decent day. Yay.
In moral, we listened to Jonathan B-A's presentation on the Grand Prix Tobacco Case, Melanie's presentation on the Prince of Denmark getting married (don't ask) and Jordan's presentaion on... well, drugs XD We didn't have time to start our activity yet because Mrs Quinn told us a story instead.
In physical exasperation, we played BADMINTON. OMIGOD YAY. I've been waiting for ages to play it again. I'm a bit rusty and I need to tone my skills, especially my serve, I play tennis serve and not underhand serve, but I'm still pretty good. We're making teams next week, and it'll be followed up by a tournament. Phys ed is actually worth going to, fer once.
In french, I finished up my rough copy of my "meeting" with Kira XD and now I have to do the good copy. It's 530 words, which meaned I depassed the maximum number of words by like 300, but oh well XD I'm one of Mrs O'Hurley's fav students (yay) so I can get away with it.
At lunch, things got a little messed up. Vero was s'posed to go to a dance meeting, but the (gay, scary, evil) dance teacher wasn't there, so we hung out. I had been planning to go to the library to finish up a sketch of Asuran and Kira, but we went down to the music room instead to listen to the guys play, and all of a sudden Mr Dufresne comes out of nowhere and kicks us out. T_T I mean honestly, we come down there all the time, it's fun listening to them, plus I'm a music student, I should be entitled. The 7ths come down all the time to listen, and THEY never get kicked out. I'm gonna give him shit in band tomorrow. Mind you, I have a playing test tomorrow too. T.T
After that, we decided to reroute to the library, where once again, they closed the doors two minutes early, and we couldn't get in That was the end of my nerves, so I kicked the door and swore very loudly. Now I'm hoping no teacher saw that. AFTER that, we just hung out upstaires in Mrs Ewing's room.
In history, we did a revision quiz, cause we have a test thursday on ancient egypt. It's process of elimination - Mr de Blois goes around the room asking questions, and if you get it wrong, you have to sit down. I ended up winning the first one, after answering just about everything, then doing a sudden death with Chirag, and got myself three bonus marks for the test. The second time around, no one won, cause nobody knew how much a block of limestone weighed, which, was in fact 2,5 tons. Oh well. I was 1,5 tons off. The third time, we did a revision from the last test we had, and I woulda won, but we didn't have enough time, so me, Alex, and Chirag(I think it was him, or Kietan) each got three bonus marks. So if I get perfect on the test I'll get 106% Whee XD
Arg, I now have math homework to do. Fun TT
Quote of the Day: "How much does one of the limestone bricks used in pyramid buildings weigh?"
~~I don't know, Mr de Blois, do you? T_T~~
music: Zaft no Shinkou ~ gs ost 2 (i don't have the english names of the ost 1 and 2 songs yet XD)
An actual decent day. Yay.
In moral, we listened to Jonathan B-A's presentation on the Grand Prix Tobacco Case, Melanie's presentation on the Prince of Denmark getting married (don't ask) and Jordan's presentaion on... well, drugs XD We didn't have time to start our activity yet because Mrs Quinn told us a story instead.
In physical exasperation, we played BADMINTON. OMIGOD YAY. I've been waiting for ages to play it again. I'm a bit rusty and I need to tone my skills, especially my serve, I play tennis serve and not underhand serve, but I'm still pretty good. We're making teams next week, and it'll be followed up by a tournament. Phys ed is actually worth going to, fer once.
In french, I finished up my rough copy of my "meeting" with Kira XD and now I have to do the good copy. It's 530 words, which meaned I depassed the maximum number of words by like 300, but oh well XD I'm one of Mrs O'Hurley's fav students (yay) so I can get away with it.
At lunch, things got a little messed up. Vero was s'posed to go to a dance meeting, but the (gay, scary, evil) dance teacher wasn't there, so we hung out. I had been planning to go to the library to finish up a sketch of Asuran and Kira, but we went down to the music room instead to listen to the guys play, and all of a sudden Mr Dufresne comes out of nowhere and kicks us out. T_T I mean honestly, we come down there all the time, it's fun listening to them, plus I'm a music student, I should be entitled. The 7ths come down all the time to listen, and THEY never get kicked out. I'm gonna give him shit in band tomorrow. Mind you, I have a playing test tomorrow too. T.T
After that, we decided to reroute to the library, where once again, they closed the doors two minutes early, and we couldn't get in That was the end of my nerves, so I kicked the door and swore very loudly. Now I'm hoping no teacher saw that. AFTER that, we just hung out upstaires in Mrs Ewing's room.
In history, we did a revision quiz, cause we have a test thursday on ancient egypt. It's process of elimination - Mr de Blois goes around the room asking questions, and if you get it wrong, you have to sit down. I ended up winning the first one, after answering just about everything, then doing a sudden death with Chirag, and got myself three bonus marks for the test. The second time around, no one won, cause nobody knew how much a block of limestone weighed, which, was in fact 2,5 tons. Oh well. I was 1,5 tons off. The third time, we did a revision from the last test we had, and I woulda won, but we didn't have enough time, so me, Alex, and Chirag(I think it was him, or Kietan) each got three bonus marks. So if I get perfect on the test I'll get 106% Whee XD
Arg, I now have math homework to do. Fun TT
Oct 27, 2003
The pen is back from hell.
Quote of the Day: "OMIGOD T_T *random swear word*"
~~Me in math class with my pen~~
music: Seven Nation Army ~ white stripes (norvan and steve play this as a duet on drums and bass, and omigod they sound so good)
I hate day 8.
I have all three core subjects, plus music. TT
Had a test first thing in music, but luckily it was pretty easy. Found out what happened to my disappearing trombone - some dude took it home, I guess he thought it was his. Well honestly, 63 has been my trombone since the end of last year. I had it all summer. I told Mr Toilette about it (yes i'm still calling him that) and he said he'll verify the numbers. Now I have to keep a very close watch on my trombone, because I don't want to come in one music class, especially not wednesday on our playing test, to find it's not there.
French was a snore, we're still working on this stupid composition. We're s'posed to be "meeting" someone, it's from the idea of the Recontre from Le Grand Meaulnes, the book we're reading, so since I've never really had an interesting encounter before, and since she said we can make it up off the top of our heads, I'm meeting Kira Yamato XD I mean, how's she s'posed to know he's an anime character?
English was, if possible, more boring. The play in Scope was based on JRR Tolkien, so that was a pleasant change. His whole interest in languages and stuff was sooo cool. I used to be able to write in Angerthas and Tengwar, and I still have the fonts. I should pick it up again, it was a really cool language, but I'm still confused by the whole use of vowels and consonants and "supplement" letters or whatever in Tengwar.
During lunch, Vero and I went down to the music room again. Steve and Norvan were there, and they played Seven Nation Army for us (i love this song so much now) and when Albert came with his trumpet, I decided to pull my trombone out. Quite a crowd appeared after that: Michael and Elijah, to other trumpeters, and Lucas on bass. They played some songs from last year, like Finders Keepers and Smoke on the Water, which I don't know, and James Bond, for I wish I supplied the first half for trombone(it's really easy, it's just do over and over again XD) We have our scale test wednesday, which I might pass if he chooses fa, and maybe si bemol concert, but definetly not do. We have to go soo high it's incredible, I thought I'd die. I'm really hoping he choses fa for me.
In math, we had a test, and for once I did decently with 8/10. Me and Theo sorta had...a..uh, crisis. See, I lent him my pen. Things sorta went like this:
Theo: T_T You're pen sucks, it's not working.
Me: O.o Gimme that *grabs pen and scribbles* Works fine for me.
Theo: *looks at pen suspiciously*
*two minutes later*
Theo: It's not working!
Me: XD Fine *gives him good pen and takes crappy pen*
Theo: =D
Me: *tries writing, but pen refuses to* >.o Stupid piece of crap...
Theo: XD
Me: *scribbles, pen works, tries to write a number down, pen stops working*
Me: OMIGOD *beeping* PEN, MAN T_T
Theo: XD Told ya *gves me spare pen*
Me: XD Thank you...
We were cracking up for the rest of the class XD
I have an uneventful day tomorrow, but a really important/crappy day wednesday. And I'm getting my hair layered and straightened thrusday \^o^/ yay!
Quote of the Day: "OMIGOD T_T *random swear word*"
~~Me in math class with my pen~~
music: Seven Nation Army ~ white stripes (norvan and steve play this as a duet on drums and bass, and omigod they sound so good)
I hate day 8.
I have all three core subjects, plus music. TT
Had a test first thing in music, but luckily it was pretty easy. Found out what happened to my disappearing trombone - some dude took it home, I guess he thought it was his. Well honestly, 63 has been my trombone since the end of last year. I had it all summer. I told Mr Toilette about it (yes i'm still calling him that) and he said he'll verify the numbers. Now I have to keep a very close watch on my trombone, because I don't want to come in one music class, especially not wednesday on our playing test, to find it's not there.
French was a snore, we're still working on this stupid composition. We're s'posed to be "meeting" someone, it's from the idea of the Recontre from Le Grand Meaulnes, the book we're reading, so since I've never really had an interesting encounter before, and since she said we can make it up off the top of our heads, I'm meeting Kira Yamato XD I mean, how's she s'posed to know he's an anime character?
English was, if possible, more boring. The play in Scope was based on JRR Tolkien, so that was a pleasant change. His whole interest in languages and stuff was sooo cool. I used to be able to write in Angerthas and Tengwar, and I still have the fonts. I should pick it up again, it was a really cool language, but I'm still confused by the whole use of vowels and consonants and "supplement" letters or whatever in Tengwar.
During lunch, Vero and I went down to the music room again. Steve and Norvan were there, and they played Seven Nation Army for us (i love this song so much now) and when Albert came with his trumpet, I decided to pull my trombone out. Quite a crowd appeared after that: Michael and Elijah, to other trumpeters, and Lucas on bass. They played some songs from last year, like Finders Keepers and Smoke on the Water, which I don't know, and James Bond, for I wish I supplied the first half for trombone(it's really easy, it's just do over and over again XD) We have our scale test wednesday, which I might pass if he chooses fa, and maybe si bemol concert, but definetly not do. We have to go soo high it's incredible, I thought I'd die. I'm really hoping he choses fa for me.
In math, we had a test, and for once I did decently with 8/10. Me and Theo sorta had...a..uh, crisis. See, I lent him my pen. Things sorta went like this:
Theo: T_T You're pen sucks, it's not working.
Me: O.o Gimme that *grabs pen and scribbles* Works fine for me.
Theo: *looks at pen suspiciously*
*two minutes later*
Theo: It's not working!
Me: XD Fine *gives him good pen and takes crappy pen*
Theo: =D
Me: *tries writing, but pen refuses to* >.o Stupid piece of crap...
Theo: XD
Me: *scribbles, pen works, tries to write a number down, pen stops working*
Me: OMIGOD *beeping* PEN, MAN T_T
Theo: XD Told ya *gves me spare pen*
Me: XD Thank you...
We were cracking up for the rest of the class XD
I have an uneventful day tomorrow, but a really important/crappy day wednesday. And I'm getting my hair layered and straightened thrusday \^o^/ yay!
Oct 25, 2003
I have this really bad habit if being lazy friday and then blogging saturday instead.
Quote of the Day: "cantaloupe Island? What?"
~~Apparently that's our new song in band...~~
music: Akatsuki no Kuruma ~ kagari's image song (i love this song *_*)
Im sooo lazy on fridays.
So I'm blogging today XD
Yesterday was uneventful. In info, we worked more on this package of sheets with icons and stuff, where you're supposed to fill in what it does and what its called, etc. The descriptions for the Appleworks program were sooo long and in french too, so I actually pulled up the excuse that I use Photoshop and I know all this XD So I got a free ticket out of copy doing a bunch of useless information.
In english we had a test, and I got 9/10, so that pissed me off. I still don't know if the teacher likes me or not O_o;; I want Mrs Ewing again ;_;
At lunch, we missed science to go over to the senior campus for this goodbye thing for our principal, Mrs Roumeliotis, and stood out in the cold soccer field for 75 minutes. I stuck mainly with Yin and Shaz, and we watched the senior band play (boy they're good, boy we suck).
Also, there's his new teacher at our school, and the first time me and Vero saw him we were just O__O Why? The dude is like a carbon, living, breathing copy of Azrael from GundamSeed XD It's just FREAKY. Same hair, same eyes, same taste in clothes, too. His class was right in back of mine, and he kept yelling my name and telling me to shut up and I kept freaking out, then noticed he was yelling at some other kid with my name XD Neither of us have him as a teacher, but I think he recognizes us as those two girls who constantly point and snicker at him.
At lunch, we went down to the music room where we found Doug, one of our band alto players, Norvan, band bass player, and Steve, band drums, practicing with an audience of seventh graders. I didn't bother going to pull out my trombone, though I thought of it, and just watched them. They did a pretty good job at Midnight Hour and an even better job at She Loves You. Apparently, we've got a new song in band called cantaloupe Island, but only Steve has it, for some reason or another. After they'd finished up, I played Nittle Grasper's Sacred Air on the piano, and went to check up on my instrument. It was not there. That's technically impossible, because I didn't bring it home the other week, it should be there. Hopefully someone misplaced it and I'll find it on monday, but I swear, if one of the guys took it home thinking it was theirs and are playing MY instrument, I'm going to burn them alive. They should know they're numbers, for the love of god. It now occurred to me I should've check the record book for who took what instrument out recently. But I know for sure when I checked, trombone 63 was not there.
Math was not as bad as I though it would be. Theo entertained myself and Alex again, he's pretty funny. We didn't get that much homework though, just two or three pages out of our workbook, which isn't much compared to what we usually get.
I'll be back later with some more stuff probably, staying home all day and have nothing better to do. Sayonara tomodachies.
Quote of the Day: "cantaloupe Island? What?"
~~Apparently that's our new song in band...~~
music: Akatsuki no Kuruma ~ kagari's image song (i love this song *_*)
Im sooo lazy on fridays.
So I'm blogging today XD
Yesterday was uneventful. In info, we worked more on this package of sheets with icons and stuff, where you're supposed to fill in what it does and what its called, etc. The descriptions for the Appleworks program were sooo long and in french too, so I actually pulled up the excuse that I use Photoshop and I know all this XD So I got a free ticket out of copy doing a bunch of useless information.
In english we had a test, and I got 9/10, so that pissed me off. I still don't know if the teacher likes me or not O_o;; I want Mrs Ewing again ;_;
At lunch, we missed science to go over to the senior campus for this goodbye thing for our principal, Mrs Roumeliotis, and stood out in the cold soccer field for 75 minutes. I stuck mainly with Yin and Shaz, and we watched the senior band play (boy they're good, boy we suck).
Also, there's his new teacher at our school, and the first time me and Vero saw him we were just O__O Why? The dude is like a carbon, living, breathing copy of Azrael from GundamSeed XD It's just FREAKY. Same hair, same eyes, same taste in clothes, too. His class was right in back of mine, and he kept yelling my name and telling me to shut up and I kept freaking out, then noticed he was yelling at some other kid with my name XD Neither of us have him as a teacher, but I think he recognizes us as those two girls who constantly point and snicker at him.
At lunch, we went down to the music room where we found Doug, one of our band alto players, Norvan, band bass player, and Steve, band drums, practicing with an audience of seventh graders. I didn't bother going to pull out my trombone, though I thought of it, and just watched them. They did a pretty good job at Midnight Hour and an even better job at She Loves You. Apparently, we've got a new song in band called cantaloupe Island, but only Steve has it, for some reason or another. After they'd finished up, I played Nittle Grasper's Sacred Air on the piano, and went to check up on my instrument. It was not there. That's technically impossible, because I didn't bring it home the other week, it should be there. Hopefully someone misplaced it and I'll find it on monday, but I swear, if one of the guys took it home thinking it was theirs and are playing MY instrument, I'm going to burn them alive. They should know they're numbers, for the love of god. It now occurred to me I should've check the record book for who took what instrument out recently. But I know for sure when I checked, trombone 63 was not there.
Math was not as bad as I though it would be. Theo entertained myself and Alex again, he's pretty funny. We didn't get that much homework though, just two or three pages out of our workbook, which isn't much compared to what we usually get.
I'll be back later with some more stuff probably, staying home all day and have nothing better to do. Sayonara tomodachies.
Oct 23, 2003
Quote of the Day: *sheer glee*
~~I miss science tomorrow. I'm infinetly happy~~
music: Shizukana Yori Ni (In The Quiet Night) ~ lacus's theme, gs ost 1
I'm blogging late because I'm laaazy.
But here are the highlights of the day:
First of all, tomorrow we miss third period for a big party-thing they're holding at the senior campus, cause Mrs Roumeliotis is leaving and we're getting that old guy there as her replacement. I miss science. *is very pleased*
We had a sub in french, and he was sort of a freak. Okay, REALLY a freak. I sat with Despina and we did like three freaking verb stencils, then gave up, and she whispered with Terri while I contented myself drawing Mariyu in my agenda. I've never drawn Mariyu (I'm not that great at her anyway XD) but she deserved a spot, right next to Nataruu.
English was rather boring, I spent the entire class reading. I miss last year's english T_T speaking of last years english, at lunch, Vero and I went to Mrs Ewing's room and sat on the couches at the back and fooled around and laughed at the seventh graders.
In history, I got really really scared XD I was taking a look at everyone else's project, and omigod they wrote NOTHING. It was incredible. I worked my ass off for a week and came up with like twelve FULL pages in font 10, and four pictures, and everyone else has like one paragraph per chapter. My only fear is that Mr de Blois'll think I copy/pasted, which I didn't - I simply wrote it in my own words in english, then translated, which was allowed.
In moral we listened to three presentations, which took up the whole class, and I'm grateful, cuz I didn't feel like doing anything other than sleeping.
I finally downloaded GSeed OSTs 1 and 2. Going to go listen to them now.
Quote of the Day: *sheer glee*
~~I miss science tomorrow. I'm infinetly happy~~
music: Shizukana Yori Ni (In The Quiet Night) ~ lacus's theme, gs ost 1
I'm blogging late because I'm laaazy.
But here are the highlights of the day:
First of all, tomorrow we miss third period for a big party-thing they're holding at the senior campus, cause Mrs Roumeliotis is leaving and we're getting that old guy there as her replacement. I miss science. *is very pleased*
We had a sub in french, and he was sort of a freak. Okay, REALLY a freak. I sat with Despina and we did like three freaking verb stencils, then gave up, and she whispered with Terri while I contented myself drawing Mariyu in my agenda. I've never drawn Mariyu (I'm not that great at her anyway XD) but she deserved a spot, right next to Nataruu.
English was rather boring, I spent the entire class reading. I miss last year's english T_T speaking of last years english, at lunch, Vero and I went to Mrs Ewing's room and sat on the couches at the back and fooled around and laughed at the seventh graders.
In history, I got really really scared XD I was taking a look at everyone else's project, and omigod they wrote NOTHING. It was incredible. I worked my ass off for a week and came up with like twelve FULL pages in font 10, and four pictures, and everyone else has like one paragraph per chapter. My only fear is that Mr de Blois'll think I copy/pasted, which I didn't - I simply wrote it in my own words in english, then translated, which was allowed.
In moral we listened to three presentations, which took up the whole class, and I'm grateful, cuz I didn't feel like doing anything other than sleeping.
I finally downloaded GSeed OSTs 1 and 2. Going to go listen to them now.
Oct 22, 2003
NuMbErLaNd and LeTtErLaNd
Quote of the Day: "I hate you."
~~Dia discovering I wasn't coming to music class and band XD ~~
music: Byakuya ~ shani - err, shuni miyamoto (i have a cold again, so i can sing this perfectly and sound exactly like him XD)
The reason I'm blogging at this time is cause I had an early dismissal. Whee. The reason I didn't blog yesterday was cause I was lazy and had a lotta homework. Nothing interesting happened yesterday anyway. Mr de Blois cleared some stuff up for me for history, so now I know my project was actually worth doing.
I'm missing music now, and band this afternoon, cause of an orthodontist appointment. I wouldn't have minded missing the whole day, day 5 is my worst day, and I've already lived it this week: day 3, which is a repeat of day 5, except the classes are in a different order.
In french we went down to the library for a while where we froze our assess of and chatted. Then went back upstairs, from the coldest area of the school to the hottest class, and worked on a composition. I didn't work, mind you, I had no ideas whatsoever, so I drew Nataruu in my agenda.
In science, we finally got our waves workbook, and it's not thrilling, per say, but at least it gives us something to do. It was freezing cold in that class as well so we went up to 311, anti-social studies room, and watched a telecast video and did notes on chapter 1.
Math wasn't as much of a bore as I thought it would be. Mr Jamgotchian brought some people from the front to the back, and switched things around a bit. Alex switched places with Kaiba-kun, so he was sitting in back of me, and both Terri and Pat were moved to the front. We got to get into groups - I was with Kaiba, and next to us were Mauro and Theo. Now, this was before lunch, so I was pretty hungry, and ironically, here's this ALGEBRA problem that has to do with SUGAR and PIES. T_T So Theo started going on and on about it, making me even hungrier, then Mauro came to my rescue and totally wasted my appetite when he started talking about chocolate crickets XD I'm kinda pleased cause I understand some of the stuff a bit more, and now we're working with Numberland and Letterland XD Some screws are really loose in this teacher's head...
Anyway, I'll save the homework for later, cause I'm eager to get on with my fanfic.
Sayonara tomodachies.
Quote of the Day: "I hate you."
~~Dia discovering I wasn't coming to music class and band XD ~~
music: Byakuya ~ shani - err, shuni miyamoto (i have a cold again, so i can sing this perfectly and sound exactly like him XD)
The reason I'm blogging at this time is cause I had an early dismissal. Whee. The reason I didn't blog yesterday was cause I was lazy and had a lotta homework. Nothing interesting happened yesterday anyway. Mr de Blois cleared some stuff up for me for history, so now I know my project was actually worth doing.
I'm missing music now, and band this afternoon, cause of an orthodontist appointment. I wouldn't have minded missing the whole day, day 5 is my worst day, and I've already lived it this week: day 3, which is a repeat of day 5, except the classes are in a different order.
In french we went down to the library for a while where we froze our assess of and chatted. Then went back upstairs, from the coldest area of the school to the hottest class, and worked on a composition. I didn't work, mind you, I had no ideas whatsoever, so I drew Nataruu in my agenda.
In science, we finally got our waves workbook, and it's not thrilling, per say, but at least it gives us something to do. It was freezing cold in that class as well so we went up to 311, anti-social studies room, and watched a telecast video and did notes on chapter 1.
Math wasn't as much of a bore as I thought it would be. Mr Jamgotchian brought some people from the front to the back, and switched things around a bit. Alex switched places with Kaiba-kun, so he was sitting in back of me, and both Terri and Pat were moved to the front. We got to get into groups - I was with Kaiba, and next to us were Mauro and Theo. Now, this was before lunch, so I was pretty hungry, and ironically, here's this ALGEBRA problem that has to do with SUGAR and PIES. T_T So Theo started going on and on about it, making me even hungrier, then Mauro came to my rescue and totally wasted my appetite when he started talking about chocolate crickets XD I'm kinda pleased cause I understand some of the stuff a bit more, and now we're working with Numberland and Letterland XD Some screws are really loose in this teacher's head...
Anyway, I'll save the homework for later, cause I'm eager to get on with my fanfic.
Sayonara tomodachies.
Oct 20, 2003
music: Untruthful Friendship ~ gs ost 3

What's Your Outlook on Life?
brought to you by Quizilla
That is very much me.
I also took a villain quiz and I was somewhere between Dilandau, Folken, and Hannible XD
music: Untruthful Friendship ~ gs ost 3
What's Your Outlook on Life?
brought to you by Quizilla
That is very much me.
I also took a villain quiz and I was somewhere between Dilandau, Folken, and Hannible XD
Quote of the Day: "He's OLD."
~~Aisha's first take on our new principal~~
music: I Feel Pretty ~ west side story (i watched anger management and fell off the couch laughing when they began singing this XD now this song cracks me up every time)
Not a bad day for day 3, though it didn't begin very well. We had a science test on density, but of all days to forget my calculator, I forgot it, so I just about died, but was luckily saved when Shazy finished early and lent me hers. The teacher is so annoying though T_T I mean the whole set-up of the questions and's just ridiculous. For ONE operations, things have to be one FOUR different lines. And this:
D= M/V 35000/4.0
Just as an example, that density problem, I cannot put the letters on the same line as the numbers, so I had to redo like four questions T___T I was thoroughly pissed off. But I think I did pretty well. Of course, she's gonna take off five points for tiny little things, like my m was not cubed or whatever, but oh well. T.T I have no time for simple people.
Math was... interesting. Alex wasn't there again, so Terri sat in back of me, but we were interrupted half an hour before end of class because of a fire drill. The first time it started ringing we all sat there going "O.o Huh?" Until it finally sunk in it was a firedrill. Our firedrill itself sounds like a really big cricket XD
So, we all proceeded outside in our light blouses and t-shirts in the freezing cold (those with lighter shirt on looked ready to rip the cardigans off the other kid's backs XD).
After that big event was music, which went by pretty smoothly. I got trombone 3 for Summertime instead of 2, and I'm thrilled XD Even though we still have to go pretty high towards the end. We heard the whole song done by professionals and omigod its HARD >.o
At lunch, I hung around with Vero, and french wasn't exciting either, although we were interrupted in the middle to be informed that our principal is going to work at the PSBGM and we're getting some new guy. Some OLD guy, as Aisha pointed out. XD It's true, he is kinda old. Reminds me of my grade four teacher Mr. Rattray O.o;;
I should be working on my history project right now but I'm not since Maguli-san gave me some rather startling news today.She told me Mr de Blois failed like half her class O_o;; He kept accusing people of plagiarism and she herself passed by like 2%, so now I'm kinda scared. I'm gonna talk to him tomorrow at recess to make sure everything I've been doing up until this point hasn't been a total waste of time or big mistake.
I feel like drawing, so that's what I'm gonna go do. Yay for moi ^^
Quote of the Day: "He's OLD."
~~Aisha's first take on our new principal~~
music: I Feel Pretty ~ west side story (i watched anger management and fell off the couch laughing when they began singing this XD now this song cracks me up every time)
Not a bad day for day 3, though it didn't begin very well. We had a science test on density, but of all days to forget my calculator, I forgot it, so I just about died, but was luckily saved when Shazy finished early and lent me hers. The teacher is so annoying though T_T I mean the whole set-up of the questions and's just ridiculous. For ONE operations, things have to be one FOUR different lines. And this:
D= M/V 35000/4.0
Just as an example, that density problem, I cannot put the letters on the same line as the numbers, so I had to redo like four questions T___T I was thoroughly pissed off. But I think I did pretty well. Of course, she's gonna take off five points for tiny little things, like my m was not cubed or whatever, but oh well. T.T I have no time for simple people.
Math was... interesting. Alex wasn't there again, so Terri sat in back of me, but we were interrupted half an hour before end of class because of a fire drill. The first time it started ringing we all sat there going "O.o Huh?" Until it finally sunk in it was a firedrill. Our firedrill itself sounds like a really big cricket XD
So, we all proceeded outside in our light blouses and t-shirts in the freezing cold (those with lighter shirt on looked ready to rip the cardigans off the other kid's backs XD).
After that big event was music, which went by pretty smoothly. I got trombone 3 for Summertime instead of 2, and I'm thrilled XD Even though we still have to go pretty high towards the end. We heard the whole song done by professionals and omigod its HARD >.o
At lunch, I hung around with Vero, and french wasn't exciting either, although we were interrupted in the middle to be informed that our principal is going to work at the PSBGM and we're getting some new guy. Some OLD guy, as Aisha pointed out. XD It's true, he is kinda old. Reminds me of my grade four teacher Mr. Rattray O.o;;
I should be working on my history project right now but I'm not since Maguli-san gave me some rather startling news today.She told me Mr de Blois failed like half her class O_o;; He kept accusing people of plagiarism and she herself passed by like 2%, so now I'm kinda scared. I'm gonna talk to him tomorrow at recess to make sure everything I've been doing up until this point hasn't been a total waste of time or big mistake.
I feel like drawing, so that's what I'm gonna go do. Yay for moi ^^
Oct 19, 2003
T_T History is beginning to tick me off.
Quote of the Day: "Okay, so Horus has the big crown there... and Osiris has the two stick thingies... okay. We're getting somewhere."
~~XD and this isn't big-red-dragon-duel-monsters Osiris, either~~
music: Shining ~ nittle grasper
My history project is driving me off the wall. *__*
I'm serious, I mean there's so much damn information - this is ancient egypt we're talking about, a civilization which existed for like 5000 years or so, and he gives us a WEEK to put it together IN FRENCH. Plus with all the other damn homework we get - I still have science due for tomorrow plus a test to study for, I have to finish the math which I'm totally lost on right now, I have a french resume for a book as well and something else for french which has escaped my mind, I have something to bring in for informatique as well, and if we had any english homework, I'm screwed.
*long sigh*
I hate this TT
Although I only have two chapters left, so I'm kind of relieved. There's the "government system" and the "social system" and I'm kinda not sure how he wants to distinguish these two. I've already covered most of each in the "daily life" section. My religion section is three pages long and I only covered the basics, which isn't even like a 5th of the egyptian religion in total.
And he gives us a WEEK.
Honestly. I mean when Mrs Kay gave us our little tiny, insignificant geo project on a random country last year, it didn't have to be half as big as this one, and only counted like 30 points in total, but she gave us a MONTH. I mean come on people, this project is massive and counts for a lot and he gives us a WEEK T_T
Now I'm bored and hungry and should work on my fanfic a little, but am too lazy.
O_o Oh wait
We got colour for our printer...
Which means I get to print random things and stick them in my agenda. Yay ^^
Quote of the Day: "Okay, so Horus has the big crown there... and Osiris has the two stick thingies... okay. We're getting somewhere."
~~XD and this isn't big-red-dragon-duel-monsters Osiris, either~~
music: Shining ~ nittle grasper
My history project is driving me off the wall. *__*
I'm serious, I mean there's so much damn information - this is ancient egypt we're talking about, a civilization which existed for like 5000 years or so, and he gives us a WEEK to put it together IN FRENCH. Plus with all the other damn homework we get - I still have science due for tomorrow plus a test to study for, I have to finish the math which I'm totally lost on right now, I have a french resume for a book as well and something else for french which has escaped my mind, I have something to bring in for informatique as well, and if we had any english homework, I'm screwed.
*long sigh*
I hate this TT
Although I only have two chapters left, so I'm kind of relieved. There's the "government system" and the "social system" and I'm kinda not sure how he wants to distinguish these two. I've already covered most of each in the "daily life" section. My religion section is three pages long and I only covered the basics, which isn't even like a 5th of the egyptian religion in total.
And he gives us a WEEK.
Honestly. I mean when Mrs Kay gave us our little tiny, insignificant geo project on a random country last year, it didn't have to be half as big as this one, and only counted like 30 points in total, but she gave us a MONTH. I mean come on people, this project is massive and counts for a lot and he gives us a WEEK T_T
Now I'm bored and hungry and should work on my fanfic a little, but am too lazy.
O_o Oh wait
We got colour for our printer...
Which means I get to print random things and stick them in my agenda. Yay ^^
Oct 16, 2003
Quote of the Day: "Shut up. Thank you."
~~XD I never knew Jonathan was such a great presenter~~
music: Sleepless Beauty ~ nittle grasper (i found like all of nittle grasper's song and i love them all *_* especially this one and "shining collection")
Sorry I didn't blog yesterday. Was laaazy.
WHEE FREEDOM >=D no school tomorrow ^^
Lessee if anything happened yesterday....
I giggle now everytime one of the idiot trio passes by (Sta, Jamie, Jonathan) it's just too funny XD. I've known Sta since like 2nd grade, he's a pretty nice kid, but I very rarely interact with Jonathan or Jamie, though of known them since last year and they're in a bunch of my classes. I was getting my stuff the other day from the lockers and someone rammed into me from behind and I turned around to tell them off and I noticed it was Jonathan of all people and we both did like a double take XD. It was like " O.O" and he was like "*points at random person*she did it...she pushed me..^^;;"
Speaking of Jonathan, he presented in anti-social studies today, and it was soooo cute XD He couldn't stop moving - I mean he'd pace around or shift his weight constantly or make grand gestures with his hands. He did it on the NHL, and it was hilarious the way he lectured the whole thing; he took his time, used his voice well, and pointed out the most random things XD It was a 14 minute presentaion (I think) and boy was it really good XD
Lucas did his on same-sex marriages (believe it or not) and he ended up throwing us into a debate, half the class for it and half against, which turned his presentation into a 45 minute discussion. It was quite interesting - I was on Jonathan and Sta's side, we'de been sorted into "for it" and we totally creamed the opposition.
In info, I got scolded various times for only using two fingers, and yet my record still remains at 135 words per minutes and 100% accuracy without looking. Am special.
At lunch, I had to finish putting my english journal together, and Vero didn't end up going to her dance committe thing, so we both hung up there for a while. In english, we had a test. I'm pretty sure I got excellent, or just about.
I'm soo tired TT I'm going to go die now. Bye.
Quote of the Day: "Shut up. Thank you."
~~XD I never knew Jonathan was such a great presenter~~
music: Sleepless Beauty ~ nittle grasper (i found like all of nittle grasper's song and i love them all *_* especially this one and "shining collection")
Sorry I didn't blog yesterday. Was laaazy.
WHEE FREEDOM >=D no school tomorrow ^^
Lessee if anything happened yesterday....
I giggle now everytime one of the idiot trio passes by (Sta, Jamie, Jonathan) it's just too funny XD. I've known Sta since like 2nd grade, he's a pretty nice kid, but I very rarely interact with Jonathan or Jamie, though of known them since last year and they're in a bunch of my classes. I was getting my stuff the other day from the lockers and someone rammed into me from behind and I turned around to tell them off and I noticed it was Jonathan of all people and we both did like a double take XD. It was like " O.O" and he was like "*points at random person*she did it...she pushed me..^^;;"
Speaking of Jonathan, he presented in anti-social studies today, and it was soooo cute XD He couldn't stop moving - I mean he'd pace around or shift his weight constantly or make grand gestures with his hands. He did it on the NHL, and it was hilarious the way he lectured the whole thing; he took his time, used his voice well, and pointed out the most random things XD It was a 14 minute presentaion (I think) and boy was it really good XD
Lucas did his on same-sex marriages (believe it or not) and he ended up throwing us into a debate, half the class for it and half against, which turned his presentation into a 45 minute discussion. It was quite interesting - I was on Jonathan and Sta's side, we'de been sorted into "for it" and we totally creamed the opposition.
In info, I got scolded various times for only using two fingers, and yet my record still remains at 135 words per minutes and 100% accuracy without looking. Am special.
At lunch, I had to finish putting my english journal together, and Vero didn't end up going to her dance committe thing, so we both hung up there for a while. In english, we had a test. I'm pretty sure I got excellent, or just about.
I'm soo tired TT I'm going to go die now. Bye.
Oct 14, 2003
The pen of doom returns.
Quote of the Day: "A... pen?"
~~Yes Jamie. A pen we shall electricute you with and then laugh at you.~~
music: Caged Bird ~ shani - err, shunichi miyamoto XD (WH00T! i finally found it! its such a nice song ^^)
Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow.
My ankle KILLS.
It wasn't even this bad this morning. I guess walking up and down those stupid flights of staires and being dragged around by Shaz pretty much did it... it aches like hell, and because the gauze is wrapped so tightly around it, it's cutting off me circulation, so it burns and itches like hell too. >_<
Moral was okay. We listened to Sta (Oruga) present, while Jonathan (Kuroto) stood up there with him, fiddling with his hair and shfting his weight back and forth on each foot, looking rather bored. It was quite cute. I drew two pics for Shaz in her agenda. I'm quite fond of drawing the kancho's unfiroms now, for some reason. They're fun. I also did a recent one of Shani in my agenda, as well as one of Nataruu from the ending credits, where she's all happy and floatee.
In gym, I did nothing XD Well not necessarily. Mrs Lagodich sent me limping across the school as her messenger, which was pretty annoying, then I laughed at the class as they ran for seven minutes, and pouted as they got to do Kendo and Judo with Mrs Okae and I didn't T.T
In french, Mrs O'Hurley sprung one of her surpise exams on us, which count for big marks but she only gives us like 20 minutes to study in class. I think I might have passed. Hopefully I passed. I think I did. Though the verb thing really confused me. We haven't done that since like 6th grade, and I haven't flipped through a Bechrelle since 6th grade, and obvioulsy we weren't allowed, so there was a lot of frustration and erasing before we got it right.
At lunch, Vero had a dance comittee meeting so I was up at the library finishing up on some of my math for tomorrow. I'd totally forgotten we were supposed to copy a whole damn page of the textbook, and Tanisha reminded me, so at least I got some of that done and over with.
In history, we once again did squat. The ancient egypt project is going to be such a drag - normally I would be thrilled at something like this, but since it's in french, I actually have to THINK about what I'm doing, so ugh TT I drew piccies in Ashy's angenda. She's all happy now.
We didn't get to zap Jamie with the pen of doom, unfortunatly, but tomorrow hopefully it'll happen. I asked him about it in french class, if Jonathan had mentioned anything to him about "a pen" and he said no and gave me weird look, and I giggled evilly, because we get to catch him at unawares. We were going to do it after school today but he got a detention and Vero was late coming down from dance, so it didn't work.
I have sooo much homework, as well as drama tonight. Ooh, did I mention, more than half the class is back ^^ Sarah, other Sarah, Linda, Craig, Alex and Michael (yay! ^^), Anthony, Andrea, and myself. We were all esctatic to see each other XD We got about 4 newbies, so we'll have to show them the ropes tonight. I just want the audition scripts and to get working on the play, impro is beginning to tick me off.
Quote of the Day: "A... pen?"
~~Yes Jamie. A pen we shall electricute you with and then laugh at you.~~
music: Caged Bird ~ shani - err, shunichi miyamoto XD (WH00T! i finally found it! its such a nice song ^^)
Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow.
My ankle KILLS.
It wasn't even this bad this morning. I guess walking up and down those stupid flights of staires and being dragged around by Shaz pretty much did it... it aches like hell, and because the gauze is wrapped so tightly around it, it's cutting off me circulation, so it burns and itches like hell too. >_<
Moral was okay. We listened to Sta (Oruga) present, while Jonathan (Kuroto) stood up there with him, fiddling with his hair and shfting his weight back and forth on each foot, looking rather bored. It was quite cute. I drew two pics for Shaz in her agenda. I'm quite fond of drawing the kancho's unfiroms now, for some reason. They're fun. I also did a recent one of Shani in my agenda, as well as one of Nataruu from the ending credits, where she's all happy and floatee.
In gym, I did nothing XD Well not necessarily. Mrs Lagodich sent me limping across the school as her messenger, which was pretty annoying, then I laughed at the class as they ran for seven minutes, and pouted as they got to do Kendo and Judo with Mrs Okae and I didn't T.T
In french, Mrs O'Hurley sprung one of her surpise exams on us, which count for big marks but she only gives us like 20 minutes to study in class. I think I might have passed. Hopefully I passed. I think I did. Though the verb thing really confused me. We haven't done that since like 6th grade, and I haven't flipped through a Bechrelle since 6th grade, and obvioulsy we weren't allowed, so there was a lot of frustration and erasing before we got it right.
At lunch, Vero had a dance comittee meeting so I was up at the library finishing up on some of my math for tomorrow. I'd totally forgotten we were supposed to copy a whole damn page of the textbook, and Tanisha reminded me, so at least I got some of that done and over with.
In history, we once again did squat. The ancient egypt project is going to be such a drag - normally I would be thrilled at something like this, but since it's in french, I actually have to THINK about what I'm doing, so ugh TT I drew piccies in Ashy's angenda. She's all happy now.
We didn't get to zap Jamie with the pen of doom, unfortunatly, but tomorrow hopefully it'll happen. I asked him about it in french class, if Jonathan had mentioned anything to him about "a pen" and he said no and gave me weird look, and I giggled evilly, because we get to catch him at unawares. We were going to do it after school today but he got a detention and Vero was late coming down from dance, so it didn't work.
I have sooo much homework, as well as drama tonight. Ooh, did I mention, more than half the class is back ^^ Sarah, other Sarah, Linda, Craig, Alex and Michael (yay! ^^), Anthony, Andrea, and myself. We were all esctatic to see each other XD We got about 4 newbies, so we'll have to show them the ropes tonight. I just want the audition scripts and to get working on the play, impro is beginning to tick me off.
Oct 13, 2003
It's too early for music or quotes T_T
And I have to make sure my mom doesn't wake up at the sound of my typing. T____T;;
Oh crap. Too late. XD
Went to Mt Tremblant yesterday and sprained the hell out of my ankle, so I gotta walk around like a cripple now. It's been wrapped in gauze and it doesn't hurt as much as yesterday, but it's still really annoying. The only upside is that it may give me an excuse not to do gym tomorrow, which would be most fortunate. I still have some math pages to do for wednesday, some information to look up for history and a blurg on religion in general for moral. But I still have the whole day so oh well XD
I'm such a procrastinator..
Oh, I'm gonna go see if Kaiba blogged, too...
It's too early for music or quotes T_T
And I have to make sure my mom doesn't wake up at the sound of my typing. T____T;;
Oh crap. Too late. XD
Went to Mt Tremblant yesterday and sprained the hell out of my ankle, so I gotta walk around like a cripple now. It's been wrapped in gauze and it doesn't hurt as much as yesterday, but it's still really annoying. The only upside is that it may give me an excuse not to do gym tomorrow, which would be most fortunate. I still have some math pages to do for wednesday, some information to look up for history and a blurg on religion in general for moral. But I still have the whole day so oh well XD
I'm such a procrastinator..
Oh, I'm gonna go see if Kaiba blogged, too...
Oct 11, 2003
Quote of the Day: I'm kinda too out of it for a quote right now XD
music: Anna ni Isshodatta No Ni ~ full version
*yawn and stretch* I used to wake up so early on saturdays. Now I'm just really lazy. My alarm clock actually rang at five this morning and I got all depressed because we had school and then it hit me it was saturday, so I pretty much kicked the thing off my desk and short circuited it and went back to sleep.
Yesterday, let's see what happened... music first. T_T Very tiring. We got this new song, In The Midnight Hour, which we had previously gotten in band on wednesday, but now the entire music class got it. I'm not sure if it's easy or hard for them, but it's damn easy for us, we have like 5 bars of nothing but rests, and our notes are very basic. It's a really good song too. We didn't really do anything with it though, we played Summertime for the most part.
In french, we had a sub, some weird lady who could hardly even speak the langauge, and Alex ditched me to go work with Sarina. I didn't mind, I went back and forth with Debbie, Terri, Fotini and Pat. I finished early and sketched for a while.
In english, I did just about nil once again, but I have alot of homework now, unfortunatly. English is like my free periode, our teacher doesn't really give a damn if we work or not XD Mind you, I have to get the dates for my journal so I can take them from here.
Now, a sidenote: A friend of ours, Douglas, brought a very interesting pen to school that day. Twist the cap, press down on it and you get a pretty bad electric shock XD Lucky for me when I did it the thing was partially busted, so I just got a pinprick. Vero had informed me though, that they'd taken it next door to Mrs Kay's english class during second periode, and gave it to Jonathan (LHA's Kuroto counterpart). From what I hear, boy did he freak XD Yelped, dropped the pen, wide-eyed and everything XD It ended up in the hands of Mr D, Cynthia's history teacher, and he still hasn't given it back to us. I'm incredbily eager to try it out on Jamie.
Anyway, we were waiting outside Jamgotchian's class with Dia, who was waiting for Maggie, and we ended up spotting Jonathan at the front seat, and he kept looking over at us XD And we kept giggling hysterically. I think he's still resentful for being electricuted.
During lunch, I locked myself in the library with Vero to study for the math test. The test itself didn't end up being as horrible as I thought'd be, and I think I might've just passed with a 70-something, if I'm lucky.
I think I'm awake enough to write abit (there's a fanfic I'm itching to work on) but there's still all the damn homework to consider.. TT;;
Quote of the Day: I'm kinda too out of it for a quote right now XD
music: Anna ni Isshodatta No Ni ~ full version
*yawn and stretch* I used to wake up so early on saturdays. Now I'm just really lazy. My alarm clock actually rang at five this morning and I got all depressed because we had school and then it hit me it was saturday, so I pretty much kicked the thing off my desk and short circuited it and went back to sleep.
Yesterday, let's see what happened... music first. T_T Very tiring. We got this new song, In The Midnight Hour, which we had previously gotten in band on wednesday, but now the entire music class got it. I'm not sure if it's easy or hard for them, but it's damn easy for us, we have like 5 bars of nothing but rests, and our notes are very basic. It's a really good song too. We didn't really do anything with it though, we played Summertime for the most part.
In french, we had a sub, some weird lady who could hardly even speak the langauge, and Alex ditched me to go work with Sarina. I didn't mind, I went back and forth with Debbie, Terri, Fotini and Pat. I finished early and sketched for a while.
In english, I did just about nil once again, but I have alot of homework now, unfortunatly. English is like my free periode, our teacher doesn't really give a damn if we work or not XD Mind you, I have to get the dates for my journal so I can take them from here.
Now, a sidenote: A friend of ours, Douglas, brought a very interesting pen to school that day. Twist the cap, press down on it and you get a pretty bad electric shock XD Lucky for me when I did it the thing was partially busted, so I just got a pinprick. Vero had informed me though, that they'd taken it next door to Mrs Kay's english class during second periode, and gave it to Jonathan (LHA's Kuroto counterpart). From what I hear, boy did he freak XD Yelped, dropped the pen, wide-eyed and everything XD It ended up in the hands of Mr D, Cynthia's history teacher, and he still hasn't given it back to us. I'm incredbily eager to try it out on Jamie.
Anyway, we were waiting outside Jamgotchian's class with Dia, who was waiting for Maggie, and we ended up spotting Jonathan at the front seat, and he kept looking over at us XD And we kept giggling hysterically. I think he's still resentful for being electricuted.
During lunch, I locked myself in the library with Vero to study for the math test. The test itself didn't end up being as horrible as I thought'd be, and I think I might've just passed with a 70-something, if I'm lucky.
I think I'm awake enough to write abit (there's a fanfic I'm itching to work on) but there's still all the damn homework to consider.. TT;;
Oct 9, 2003
Quote of the Day: "And tell him if he comes near me again I swear I'll put him on sticks."
~~I keep my promises. I keep my threats, too.~~
music: Blinded ~ david usher
Okay, from the beginning, shall we?
In info we had two tests. Two freaking tests. Oh right, and I blogged in info class during free time, so if ya wanna hear me rant for a paragraph, refer to the previous post below this one XD Yay for my new rocord of 130/100.
In english I'm proud to say I worked just about nil. We had a bunch of stuff to do, but I just could not put my mind to it, so I went back and forth chatting with Jen, Vero and Marlene. Marlene and I were pretty freaked out that there was going to be a math test today, everyone was saying so, and unlike Mme Flores last year, Jamgotchian is not an organized man, he NEVER tells us when we have a test. Today was a first, and he told us it's tomorrow, which isn't much help either, but anyway T.T
Science was boring as hell. We did an experiment with M&Ms, and there's a test next week, but not like the other class and their Waves book. We're on another turf completely, we haven't even GOTTEN our Waves book yet. Our test is on density. Blah. >=P
At lunch, Vero had a dance comittee thing in the Agora, but before we went, we decided to play a little trick on Kaiba's buddy Chris. See, a while ago, we'de run off with both the jokers from his deck of cards, and we were keeping them secretly, the only others in on it were Kaiba himself and Jaspreet, who'd helped us get the second joker.
Anyway, at lunch by the fishtank, we handed the cards over to Jaspreet, and he flashed them at Chris, then gave them back to us, and we tore down the hall back downstaires. We figured the only safe place was the girl's washroom, but we were wrong - Chrus found us and marched right in there. I went to block his way, and the asshole grabs me from the neck and tries to shove me out of the way. I've never been submitted to being beaten up in my life, and I'm pretty capable myself, but for this GUY, who isn't even that strong anyway, to grab me like that, it just pissed the hell out of me. I don't want to sound like a prep or anything, I'm just saying I'm generally incredibly ticked. If he comes near myself or Vero like that again I'll kick his ass till there's nothing left to kick.
Math wasn't that bad, but I felt like crap for the first half of it until Theo cheered me up by making an idiot of himself for Alex and me. He's quite funny. I'm not too excited about tomorrow's test, though. Plus we have a hell of a lot of homework, as well as the english I have to finish, and I wanna at least gt an opportunity to draw a bit later on.
Quote of the Day: "And tell him if he comes near me again I swear I'll put him on sticks."
~~I keep my promises. I keep my threats, too.~~
music: Blinded ~ david usher
Okay, from the beginning, shall we?
In info we had two tests. Two freaking tests. Oh right, and I blogged in info class during free time, so if ya wanna hear me rant for a paragraph, refer to the previous post below this one XD Yay for my new rocord of 130/100.
In english I'm proud to say I worked just about nil. We had a bunch of stuff to do, but I just could not put my mind to it, so I went back and forth chatting with Jen, Vero and Marlene. Marlene and I were pretty freaked out that there was going to be a math test today, everyone was saying so, and unlike Mme Flores last year, Jamgotchian is not an organized man, he NEVER tells us when we have a test. Today was a first, and he told us it's tomorrow, which isn't much help either, but anyway T.T
Science was boring as hell. We did an experiment with M&Ms, and there's a test next week, but not like the other class and their Waves book. We're on another turf completely, we haven't even GOTTEN our Waves book yet. Our test is on density. Blah. >=P
At lunch, Vero had a dance comittee thing in the Agora, but before we went, we decided to play a little trick on Kaiba's buddy Chris. See, a while ago, we'de run off with both the jokers from his deck of cards, and we were keeping them secretly, the only others in on it were Kaiba himself and Jaspreet, who'd helped us get the second joker.
Anyway, at lunch by the fishtank, we handed the cards over to Jaspreet, and he flashed them at Chris, then gave them back to us, and we tore down the hall back downstaires. We figured the only safe place was the girl's washroom, but we were wrong - Chrus found us and marched right in there. I went to block his way, and the asshole grabs me from the neck and tries to shove me out of the way. I've never been submitted to being beaten up in my life, and I'm pretty capable myself, but for this GUY, who isn't even that strong anyway, to grab me like that, it just pissed the hell out of me. I don't want to sound like a prep or anything, I'm just saying I'm generally incredibly ticked. If he comes near myself or Vero like that again I'll kick his ass till there's nothing left to kick.
Math wasn't that bad, but I felt like crap for the first half of it until Theo cheered me up by making an idiot of himself for Alex and me. He's quite funny. I'm not too excited about tomorrow's test, though. Plus we have a hell of a lot of homework, as well as the english I have to finish, and I wanna at least gt an opportunity to draw a bit later on.
Am in comp class right now. Passed test I totally forgot I had in the first place with a 95. I still suck. We have to type with this stupid paper on top of our hands, which puts me at a great disandvatage, considering I type looking at the keyboard. I think I passed the other test we had too.
Got scolded cause I only type with two fingers XD And got compared to Vero, which kinda ticked me off cause I'm very competitive in this class. I don't mind that she's better than me, though. My record is now 130 words per minute with 100% accuracy, even wih the paper thingy. Dunno how I pulled THAT off.
Got scolded cause I only type with two fingers XD And got compared to Vero, which kinda ticked me off cause I'm very competitive in this class. I don't mind that she's better than me, though. My record is now 130 words per minute with 100% accuracy, even wih the paper thingy. Dunno how I pulled THAT off.
Oct 7, 2003
*whacks Perry over the head with mercury thermometer*
Quote of the Day: "I'm greatly tempted to shove this up your nose, buddy..."
~~Perry was sniffing the mercury end of the thermometer in science class T_T;;~~
music: Shutsugeki Meirei (Sortie Command) ~ gs ost 3 (we should play this in band, we could prob manage it)
Day 5.
Actually, it wasn't as bad as I suspected, but...
It was still ew.
I think I passed my test in french. I HOPE I passed my french test. I'll die if I didn't, because on the LAST test we had, I got the highest mark in the class with an 88%. And it was pretty damn hard. But I think I passed. I spent some of my time doing that, and then the rest doing a Lacus pic for Reina in her agenda.
In science, we did and experiment with mesuring the temperature of hot water with none other than a real mercury thermometer. I really thin one. With really fragile glass. Yeah. Mercury is toxic. A touch can kill you. So here's me holding it, my idiot group around me, and boy did I need alot of self restrainment not to whack someone over the head with it. At one point, while I was holding it, Perry leaned down and began sniffing the little mercury container part at the end, and I told him if he didn't buzz off I'd shove it up his nose, and he respoinded with a "bitch," and a perverted snicker. T.T;; I hate my group.
I hate my teacher too. We were taking notes and my group would not shut their faces, so Sta told us to shut up in a loud voice, and everyone agreed, and then all of a sudden my biatch of a teacher turns around and goes "Stamati. Detention." Everyone was just dumbstruck. We all hate her now. Actually, we all hated her in the first place, but whatever.
Oh, and Jamie Rodriguez (a.k.a LHA'S counterpart of Shani) actually talked to me. Marlene showed him some of the pics I drew in her agenda, and he was just blown away. He's nicer than I expected.
In math we did squat. We got a test (as usual) but nothing big and important. Luckily. I was so not paying attention today.
At lunch, Vero went to another dance commitee meeting (she finds them as annyoing as I do) so I hung with Dia and Amruta, and we walked around outside for a while. The weather was half decent; I was in my cartigan only and I felt fine. Vero thinks I have a thing for Jamie, though, because I thought he looked good in his sweater T.T;; So what? I like guys who can dress well. I don't have a THING for him. Not my type.
Music was okay. I swear one day Mr Toilette is gonna throw his stick at someone. Hopefully it'll be Kyle and it'll knock his lights out. Here's hoping. We didn't even TOUCH Summertime, it was She Loves You the whole way through, and boy was I happy. We're getting better at it, but the band is still totally flawless.
Have drama tonight. Maybe I can blog when I get back, and we'll see whose come back to our group and who's left for good. I think maybe Marla's gonna be back, I wasn't so sure about her, but I think so. Yay ^^
Quote of the Day: "I'm greatly tempted to shove this up your nose, buddy..."
~~Perry was sniffing the mercury end of the thermometer in science class T_T;;~~
music: Shutsugeki Meirei (Sortie Command) ~ gs ost 3 (we should play this in band, we could prob manage it)
Day 5.
Actually, it wasn't as bad as I suspected, but...
It was still ew.
I think I passed my test in french. I HOPE I passed my french test. I'll die if I didn't, because on the LAST test we had, I got the highest mark in the class with an 88%. And it was pretty damn hard. But I think I passed. I spent some of my time doing that, and then the rest doing a Lacus pic for Reina in her agenda.
In science, we did and experiment with mesuring the temperature of hot water with none other than a real mercury thermometer. I really thin one. With really fragile glass. Yeah. Mercury is toxic. A touch can kill you. So here's me holding it, my idiot group around me, and boy did I need alot of self restrainment not to whack someone over the head with it. At one point, while I was holding it, Perry leaned down and began sniffing the little mercury container part at the end, and I told him if he didn't buzz off I'd shove it up his nose, and he respoinded with a "bitch," and a perverted snicker. T.T;; I hate my group.
I hate my teacher too. We were taking notes and my group would not shut their faces, so Sta told us to shut up in a loud voice, and everyone agreed, and then all of a sudden my biatch of a teacher turns around and goes "Stamati. Detention." Everyone was just dumbstruck. We all hate her now. Actually, we all hated her in the first place, but whatever.
Oh, and Jamie Rodriguez (a.k.a LHA'S counterpart of Shani) actually talked to me. Marlene showed him some of the pics I drew in her agenda, and he was just blown away. He's nicer than I expected.
In math we did squat. We got a test (as usual) but nothing big and important. Luckily. I was so not paying attention today.
At lunch, Vero went to another dance commitee meeting (she finds them as annyoing as I do) so I hung with Dia and Amruta, and we walked around outside for a while. The weather was half decent; I was in my cartigan only and I felt fine. Vero thinks I have a thing for Jamie, though, because I thought he looked good in his sweater T.T;; So what? I like guys who can dress well. I don't have a THING for him. Not my type.
Music was okay. I swear one day Mr Toilette is gonna throw his stick at someone. Hopefully it'll be Kyle and it'll knock his lights out. Here's hoping. We didn't even TOUCH Summertime, it was She Loves You the whole way through, and boy was I happy. We're getting better at it, but the band is still totally flawless.
Have drama tonight. Maybe I can blog when I get back, and we'll see whose come back to our group and who's left for good. I think maybe Marla's gonna be back, I wasn't so sure about her, but I think so. Yay ^^
Oct 6, 2003
Quote of the Day: "You, you, YOU!!"
~~Justice destroy's Forbidden's scythe and Shani is not a happy druggie camper~~
music: Istuka no Kisetsu (Season of Sometime) ~ gs ost 3
I did my moral presentation.
Yay for moi.
But let's start from the beginning, shall we?
English was uneventful. We read and got our Scope magazine (thrills and chills) but got lucky in the last twenty minutes: Kaiba, Jaspreet, a few others and I got to go down to the library and take a book. I didn't really need one, and neither did Kaiba, but we didn't feel like sitting through the last twenty minutes... so XD. Although taking a book out of the library is not a very good idea for me since I'm irresponsible and forgetful. I have no clue what has become of my frenchbook and if I don't find I'm up the creek without a paddle.
The math room was COLD. Seriously. For a room on the third floor, the place was FREEZING. But then again, it doesn't have a warm atmosphere like French or English or History. But I have a strange mind, I associate classes with color:
English: Yellow (that was Mrs Ewing's class, but this year too)
French: Green. My binder was green last year and Mrs O'Hurley's class just says green XD
Math: Blue/gray, cause of the atmosphere and, well, my binder.
Science: Burgundy, cause of Mrs Lemieux's class last year, but this year too I guess.
History: Still can't decide. Geo was orange last year, and I'm in the same room, so same thing I guess.
Music: TT no clue. Music is music.
Gym: Once again, it doesn't really have a color...
Moral Ed: Pinkish, reddish, magenta-ish... don't ask. Catholic was baby blue last year ^^;;
Hmm.. I think that's all the classes I have... oh and info, which is sorta multicolor because of all the computers XD
Aaaaanyway, Math was a bore. In moral, I finally presented, with a grand total of 4 mins and 33 seconds. Which isn't bad. Everyone found it mildly interesting but they said I talked to fast XD And another interesting thing was that I sounded italian. Like way more italian than usual. Like I couldn't pronounce "th" properly, and various other things. Dunno why. I usually have to speak it to sound it, and I do take on a marchegiana accent when I switch from english to italian rapidly, but we weren't speaking italian in class.. well actually I was speaking it along with Lucas and we were demonstarating, so maybe that's why...
At lunch, Kaiba eluded me once again by playing cards upstairs in the fish tank with his buddies. Vero and I took a walk instead and then came back to watch them the last few minutes play "Bitch". Quite ironic when the VP came in and asked them what they were playing XD. I bet you anything she had a hunch.
Physical Exasperation was more tiring than usual. It was last period, and I can't run last period, AND our sub said no talking, AND the stereo was broken, so no music to jump to, so I had to content myself with singing "Meteor" in my head, which tired me out further. I made it, though, and have kept my record of never stopping.
Starting drama tomorrow at Peggy Productions again, 7:00-9:30. Linda is coming back to this class, as well as my fellow Angel Sarah, and Andreea too maybe. Oh, and Anthony too *cheers silently* Hopefully Craig as well, but I'm not sure... Michael and Alex might move to a different class though, and that sucks big time. I miss Alex, he was so nice ;_;
Quote of the Day: "You, you, YOU!!"
~~Justice destroy's Forbidden's scythe and Shani is not a happy druggie camper~~
music: Istuka no Kisetsu (Season of Sometime) ~ gs ost 3
I did my moral presentation.
Yay for moi.
But let's start from the beginning, shall we?
English was uneventful. We read and got our Scope magazine (thrills and chills) but got lucky in the last twenty minutes: Kaiba, Jaspreet, a few others and I got to go down to the library and take a book. I didn't really need one, and neither did Kaiba, but we didn't feel like sitting through the last twenty minutes... so XD. Although taking a book out of the library is not a very good idea for me since I'm irresponsible and forgetful. I have no clue what has become of my frenchbook and if I don't find I'm up the creek without a paddle.
The math room was COLD. Seriously. For a room on the third floor, the place was FREEZING. But then again, it doesn't have a warm atmosphere like French or English or History. But I have a strange mind, I associate classes with color:
English: Yellow (that was Mrs Ewing's class, but this year too)
French: Green. My binder was green last year and Mrs O'Hurley's class just says green XD
Math: Blue/gray, cause of the atmosphere and, well, my binder.
Science: Burgundy, cause of Mrs Lemieux's class last year, but this year too I guess.
History: Still can't decide. Geo was orange last year, and I'm in the same room, so same thing I guess.
Music: TT no clue. Music is music.
Gym: Once again, it doesn't really have a color...
Moral Ed: Pinkish, reddish, magenta-ish... don't ask. Catholic was baby blue last year ^^;;
Hmm.. I think that's all the classes I have... oh and info, which is sorta multicolor because of all the computers XD
Aaaaanyway, Math was a bore. In moral, I finally presented, with a grand total of 4 mins and 33 seconds. Which isn't bad. Everyone found it mildly interesting but they said I talked to fast XD And another interesting thing was that I sounded italian. Like way more italian than usual. Like I couldn't pronounce "th" properly, and various other things. Dunno why. I usually have to speak it to sound it, and I do take on a marchegiana accent when I switch from english to italian rapidly, but we weren't speaking italian in class.. well actually I was speaking it along with Lucas and we were demonstarating, so maybe that's why...
At lunch, Kaiba eluded me once again by playing cards upstairs in the fish tank with his buddies. Vero and I took a walk instead and then came back to watch them the last few minutes play "Bitch". Quite ironic when the VP came in and asked them what they were playing XD. I bet you anything she had a hunch.
Physical Exasperation was more tiring than usual. It was last period, and I can't run last period, AND our sub said no talking, AND the stereo was broken, so no music to jump to, so I had to content myself with singing "Meteor" in my head, which tired me out further. I made it, though, and have kept my record of never stopping.
Starting drama tomorrow at Peggy Productions again, 7:00-9:30. Linda is coming back to this class, as well as my fellow Angel Sarah, and Andreea too maybe. Oh, and Anthony too *cheers silently* Hopefully Craig as well, but I'm not sure... Michael and Alex might move to a different class though, and that sucks big time. I miss Alex, he was so nice ;_;
Oct 4, 2003
Quote of the Day: "Why'd he have to die here? In a place like this?! Eh?!"
~~;_; poor Nikkoru...~~
music: Nikkoru's Theme ~ gs (This song ALWAYS makes me cry)
Ionno why I'm blogging. Just felt like it.
Nico (not Niko Amarfi, Nico from school XD) and Wess have FINALLY gotten together. I've been trying to set these two up since last year, and it was impossible, Nico's stubborness and shyness and Wess's total devotion for Jay made it very hard for me. But FINALLY, success. Now that Jay is going out with that coonceited bitch Zara, it's sort of put Wess to rest, and she can focus on Nico now more. It took them long enough to get together T_T. She called me today and told me they'd had their first officla date: they went to a movie and met Alex and Emmanuel there, and Alex had told them to hold hands, but they were too shy XD I scolded Wess, but I really don't blame her, you never know what the other person thinks of it...
I finally finished my moral project, now I have to go work on our 50 questions from the movie, my engrish, and my math T.T It will never end...
Quote of the Day: "Why'd he have to die here? In a place like this?! Eh?!"
~~;_; poor Nikkoru...~~
music: Nikkoru's Theme ~ gs (This song ALWAYS makes me cry)
Ionno why I'm blogging. Just felt like it.
Nico (not Niko Amarfi, Nico from school XD) and Wess have FINALLY gotten together. I've been trying to set these two up since last year, and it was impossible, Nico's stubborness and shyness and Wess's total devotion for Jay made it very hard for me. But FINALLY, success. Now that Jay is going out with that coonceited bitch Zara, it's sort of put Wess to rest, and she can focus on Nico now more. It took them long enough to get together T_T. She called me today and told me they'd had their first officla date: they went to a movie and met Alex and Emmanuel there, and Alex had told them to hold hands, but they were too shy XD I scolded Wess, but I really don't blame her, you never know what the other person thinks of it...
I finally finished my moral project, now I have to go work on our 50 questions from the movie, my engrish, and my math T.T It will never end...
Oct 2, 2003
music: Ceasefire ~ gs ost 3
Yes, I will blog about what happened today, but I can't really type for some reason right now. My fingers hurt XD
Anyway, just wanted to mentioned I've opened an account at 20six, the weblog hosts, and I'll be putting up alot of my pictures there, so I don't have to put the all up at Ms Pip's Anime to serve as a link. I'll mention when I put them up, and then just send all you greedy eyecandy-ers over there to check them out. It'll mostly be my own personal stuff, like banners and Photoshop work. And you can leave comment there too, if you'd like to criticize me on how much I suck at drawing XD
music: Ceasefire ~ gs ost 3
Yes, I will blog about what happened today, but I can't really type for some reason right now. My fingers hurt XD
Anyway, just wanted to mentioned I've opened an account at 20six, the weblog hosts, and I'll be putting up alot of my pictures there, so I don't have to put the all up at Ms Pip's Anime to serve as a link. I'll mention when I put them up, and then just send all you greedy eyecandy-ers over there to check them out. It'll mostly be my own personal stuff, like banners and Photoshop work. And you can leave comment there too, if you'd like to criticize me on how much I suck at drawing XD
Oct 1, 2003
I died
Quote of the Day: "DAMN! @#$%!"
~~Me when I got my history test back~~
music: Aku no san Heiki (3 Evil Weapons) ~ gs 3rd ost
Remeber when I said I'd die if I didn't get 100% on my history test?
I hope you enjoy my funeral cuz I got 98%
All because of some stupid question that wasn't on the question/answer sheet and that we did on like the first week of school, while I was at camp TT
So that sucks big time.
Oh, speaking of camp, I got some pictures I'll end up putting up when Dia gives them back to me.
Besides that, moral was incredibly boring and we have like fifty question to answer from the movie, but they're not too hard. I still need to come up with a ten minutes presentaion, but I'm not too worried since the longest one so far has been like 5 minutes.
In info we did nothing too exciting. My record is now 125 words per minute with 100% accuracy. Yay for moi.
English was okay. Kaiba is organizing a tournament, apparently for some of his duelist friends at the school, and he wants me to join. I haven't used my real deck for ages, and I'm still used to how things work on my GBA, plus above all that, I suck. Anyway, he tried to guilt me into it like he did yesterday when he tried to guilt me into writing his english assignment for him. That one I refused, but he made me feel bad for this one, and I hate it when people do that, it just ennerves me to no end and I felt like crap for a long while afterwards. He still hasnt blogged all week and he owes me bigtime.
Quote of the Day: "DAMN! @#$%!"
~~Me when I got my history test back~~
music: Aku no san Heiki (3 Evil Weapons) ~ gs 3rd ost
Remeber when I said I'd die if I didn't get 100% on my history test?
I hope you enjoy my funeral cuz I got 98%
All because of some stupid question that wasn't on the question/answer sheet and that we did on like the first week of school, while I was at camp TT
So that sucks big time.
Oh, speaking of camp, I got some pictures I'll end up putting up when Dia gives them back to me.
Besides that, moral was incredibly boring and we have like fifty question to answer from the movie, but they're not too hard. I still need to come up with a ten minutes presentaion, but I'm not too worried since the longest one so far has been like 5 minutes.
In info we did nothing too exciting. My record is now 125 words per minute with 100% accuracy. Yay for moi.
English was okay. Kaiba is organizing a tournament, apparently for some of his duelist friends at the school, and he wants me to join. I haven't used my real deck for ages, and I'm still used to how things work on my GBA, plus above all that, I suck. Anyway, he tried to guilt me into it like he did yesterday when he tried to guilt me into writing his english assignment for him. That one I refused, but he made me feel bad for this one, and I hate it when people do that, it just ennerves me to no end and I felt like crap for a long while afterwards. He still hasnt blogged all week and he owes me bigtime.
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